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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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Better pray for 2020 then.

Yeah, this is an extreme concern of mine right now. The first openly dictatorial GOP candidate ran as the Manchurian candidate while being the dumbest person alive and will still probably only lose by 5 to 7 points despite good economic luck for the Democrats. The next white nationalist candidate that the GOP runs will most likely be 10x the candidate Trump is and know how to destroy the Republic.

But I now feel more confident about the union not failing in 2016 at least!


Better pray for 2020 then.

By 2020 Hillary would've made the SC a 5-4 liberal court and most likely also replaced all the older Dem appointed Justices as well.

It won't be so bad if we lose 2020, because we will have the SC cockblocking the republicans for decades.
By 2020 Hillary would've made the SC a 5-4 liberal court and most likely also replaced all the older Dem appointed Justices as well.

It won't be so bad if we lose 2020, because we will have the SC cockblocking the republicans for decades.

It would be horrible because it'd be a GOP President with a GOP dominated Congress. They could actually get rid of the ACA for starters.

And Hillary isn't appointing that many Justices in one term.
By 2020 Hillary would've made the SC a 5-4 liberal court and most likely also replaced all the older Dem appointed Justices as well.

It won't be so bad if we lose 2020, because we will have the SC cockblocking the republicans for decades.

I'm pretty sure a Trump like candidate would try to arrest the SC and seize dictatorial power if they were elected in 2020.



took me way too long

Better pray for 2020 then.
First we need to pray that the GOP won't pick up 10 Senate seats in 2018.
Hush! I'm trying to enjoy my hopium! Republicans are indeed setting the bar so damn low for themselves that anyone who can go 5 minutes without insulting someone will look like a god-tier candidate in 2020. The odds of the country holding its shit together in proper order for another 4 straight years isn't great, alas. FDR-Truman was the last 4-term party rule, right? And that entire run was extremely unusual circumstances.

This is why SCOTUS needs to be locked up. It would save us from horrible social policy in a Republican administration, at least.


I honestly don't think this can happen in our system.

I don't think Trump would arrest SC justices, but I definitely think that he'd just ignore what the court decides. We'd end up in a constitutional crisis with Trump just saying "Let SCOTUS back up their decision."


I don't think Trump would arrest SC justices, but I definitely think that he'd just ignore what the court decides. We'd end up in a constitutional crisis with Trump just saying "Let SCOTUS back up their decision."

I have faith in the system, even if that sounds odd these days.

It would be horrible because it'd be a GOP President with a GOP dominated Congress. They could actually get rid of the ACA for starters.

And Hillary isn't appointing that many Justices in one term.

By then the ACA will benefit far too many people, including a huge chunk of Republican voters, to repeal it.

Hell, the only reason they've tried to repeal it so many times is because they know it won't lead to an actual repeal.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well, between Bernie or Busters and Trump Fucks, they managed to put Clinton Cash on the main page of default reddit.

That place is such a massive cesspool anymore.


Seems like Timmy is very well received, online?
I'm like hello?? Did no one watch the rally on Saturday? Sorry the kaine train is full


I just spent too much on the Hillary shop.

Shot glasses and a few t-shirts added up to a lot.

At least the shipping prices have improved a lot!


That hug was everything. Especially after witnessing the animosity of the 08 race way back then. It's inspiring because it was just so completely genuine and heartfelt on both ends. It's a feel-good ending straight outta something like Parks and Rec.
That hug was everything. Especially after witnessing the animosity of the 08 race way back then. It's inspiring because it was just so completely genuine and heartfelt on both ends. It's a feel-good ending straight outta something like Parks and Rec.

And he mouthed "I'm so proud of you".

These two!


I just spent too much on the Hillary shop.

Shot glasses and a few t-shirts added up to a lot.

At least the shipping prices have improved a lot!

I went into the shop again, I had forgotten once again that the shop is considered a political donation and I can't buy.



I don't think 2020 will feature a candidate like Trump. If it does, I don't think it will feature one at the head of a party that is at all competitive.
So i watched the speech by Obama again, partially because it's simply amazing but also because I think Obama cracked the election code, tonight.

Yes, Obama had to defend himself a little. And yes he had to prop up Hillary. And yes he had to attack Trump directly. And all of this was done extremely well. But there's one part of the speech that I think will ultimately become what the election is about.

Let me quote the part I want to talk about:

America is already great. America is already strong. And I promise you, our strength, our greatness, does not depend on Donald Trump.

In fact, it doesn’t depend on any one person. And that, in the end, may be the biggest difference in this election – the meaning of our democracy.

Ronald Reagan called America “a shining city on a hill.” Donald Trump calls it “a divided crime scene” that only he can fix. It doesn’t matter to him that illegal immigration and the crime rate are as low as they’ve been in decades, because he’s not offering any real solutions to those issues. He’s just offering slogans, and he’s offering fear. He’s betting that if he scares enough people, he might score just enough votes to win this election.

That is another bet that Donald Trump will lose. Because he’s selling the American people short. We are not a fragile or frightful people. Our power doesn’t come from some self-declared savior promising that he alone can restore order. We don’t look to be ruled. Our power comes from those immortal declarations first put to paper right here in Philadelphia all those years ago; We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that together, We, the People, can form a more perfect union.

That’s who we are. That’s our birthright – the capacity to shape our own destiny. That’s what drove patriots to choose revolution over tyranny and our GIs to liberate a continent. It’s what gave women the courage to reach for the ballot, and marchers to cross a bridge in Selma, and workers to organize and fight for better wages.

America has never been about what one person says he’ll do for us. It’s always been about what can be achieved by us, together, through the hard, slow, sometimes frustrating, but ultimately enduring work of self-government.

And it hit me. This was Obama's JFK moment. Think about how much this reads like "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

Obama is making a complete refutation of "Trumpism," or the notion that we need to look up to one person to save our nation. He's saying even if you want to believe the other side is right, that we're no longer great...that America has always been resolute because it figures it out together, side by side, through hard work and perseverance. We do not look to a single savior to do it for us.

And this is how the Democrats need to frame this election going forward. For weeks, the Dems have been trying to figure how to attack Trump. His offensive remarks? His incoherent and nonsensical positions? His lack of policy? And yes, on some level they have to attack all of it and then some. But there needs to be a unifying message and Obama figured it out.

And yes, I'm aware of the "stronger together" and all that...and it's the right message, but Obama framed it the way that can be really meaningful.

Our power doesn’t come from some self-declared savior promising that he alone can restore order. We don’t look to be ruled. Our power comes from...We the People

Yes. This is it. Americanism, at its core, is about change from within. For all the good we talk about FDR's New Deal or LBJ's Great Society, none of that happens with them without the grassroots, the people, the hard work it took to get there. Lincoln is nothing without the abolitionists.

So even if you think America isn't great, anymore. Even if you think we need to be saved...we DO NOT ask someone else to save us. If we need saving we do it ourselves. We get in the mud and do the hard work that needs to be done. And that is what makes Americanism great, what makes us great.

So if you want to drive up turn-out in this election, you talk about his incompetence, You talk about his hate. His disgust. And it will work.

But to the actual swing voters or persuadable voters. The suburban husbands and wives who are unsure, you ask them point blank. Are you willing to be ruled over or are you going to help take the reigns and rule together?

Just my 2 cents.


Also I kind of want to start an American Greatness OT now since apparently we have an America Sucks OT now.

That got locked fairly quickly.

Though I did find it amusing that the OP shit on the Marshall plan for excluding communists from the ballot box (btw, is that true?) then in another thread demanded that Fox News be banned for hate speech.
I don't think 2020 will feature a candidate like Trump. If it does, I don't think it will feature one at the head of a party that is at all competitive.

Let's say you're a GOP voter that hates liberalism (the concept) in general and doesn't care that much about democracy (and there's lots of these):

Trump was the worst possible NeoNazi candidate due to his stupidity and emotional instability and misogyny and the Democrats had good luck in 2016. And Trump loses by only 7 points.

I mean, you have to be feeling fairly confident about nominating another Trump-like candidate and possibly winning.
Andrew Jackson:

It has happened to the system before. The system survived, but I honestly don't find it all that unlikely that it can happen again with a person like Trump.

To play devil's advocate, that was back when SCOTUS didn't have near the power that it does now.

It was also (and I know that you know this) in reference to fucking over the Cherokee people, which no one gave a shit about then, but of which like persecution would be a big fucking deal in America today, even considering how racist we are.


Let's say you're a GOP voter that hates liberalism (the concept) in general and doesn't care that much about democracy (and there's lots of these):

Trump was the worst possible NeoNazi candidate due to his stupidity and emotional instability and misogyny and the Democrats had good luck in 2016. And Trump loses by only 7 points.

I mean, you have to be feeling fairly confident about nominating another Trump-like candidate and possibly winning.

What happens if he loses by like double digits? Would the GOP even bother to nominate another trump like candidate? I think Hilary may be able to get a lot more electoral votes than usual with a seven point win depending on what states she wins which may scare the GOP.


Aw shucks I missed that thread.

That got locked fairly quickly.

Though I did find it amusing that the OP shit on the Marshall plan for excluding communists from the ballot box (btw, is that true?) then in another thread demanded that Fox News be banned for hate speech.

I've never heard of it. I mean, yeah, part of the Marshall Plan's goal was to prevent the Soviets from gaining more influence over Western Europe, but I don't recall there being any such precondition for accepting the aid It looks like the Soviets believed it to be the case though. Plus there was Operation Gladio.


To play devil's advocate, that was back when SCOTUS didn't have near the power that it does now.

It was also (and I know that you know this) in reference to fucking over the Cherokee people, which no one gave a shit about then, but of which like persecution would be a big fucking deal in America today, even considering how racist we are.

It has power due to custom, precedent and tradition. I don't really trust Trump to not break it. Though I would trust Republicans to impeach him if he did.

And there were Northern Whigs actually did give a shit about it - mostly the conscience Whigs. Whigs were generally opposed to territorial expansion and kicking out Native Americans.
I feel like Obama might have single-handedly won the election tonight.
I don't personally think that things are particularly dire for Democrats at this point, so it's not like this is some watershed moment that will massively change everything. That said, it kicked the broader Obama coalition who weren't previously paying much attention into gear, and some momentum should come back where the campaign had gotten extremely stale in May-June. A memorable moment, yes, and some insurance for people who were starting to panic for various reasons. A reminder of what the situation is.
It has power due to custom, precedent and tradition. I don't really trust Trump to not break it. Though I would trust Republicans to impeach him if he did.
Can't see him busting it up, but I can imagine Trump being the kind of guy to create his own court with blackjack and hookers do something pathetically shady like the old threat of making the court bigger unless it reflected the "moral majority" or some constitutionally questionable shit. There was already talk of sweeping motions to out Obama's appointments at all levels. Though fully in the realm of "wait, you can't fucking do that," I don't know if it's ever actually been tested. The Constitution is loaded with omissions we've created de facto standards for that neither party really wants to touch in case it set a bad precedent that could later harm them, or everyone knows would be outright dangerous to mess with.

Regardless of if he were ever impeached over screwing with an entire branch of government, it would be quite the crisis.


That hug was everything. Especially after witnessing the animosity of the 08 race way back then. It's inspiring because it was just so completely genuine and heartfelt on both ends. It's a feel-good ending straight outta something like Parks and Rec.

yep. the way she came out and pointed at him actually felt real and meant a lot considering the long history they've had at this point. and hell, you will find posts from me from almost a decade ago absolutely detesting her campaign. i'm not a 'fan', but i am excited to vote for her and i do want her to be president.
yep. the way she came out and pointed at him actually felt real and meant a lot considering the long history they've had at this point. and hell, you will find posts from me from almost a decade ago absolutely detesting her campaign. i'm not a 'fan', but i am excited to vote for her and i do want her to be president.

When you put it that way it's kinda amazing. Some of us here have been on GAF for almost a decade now.

Gah, I've been here since 2007. Amazing times.
yep. the way she came out and pointed at him actually felt real and meant a lot considering the long history they've had at this point. and hell, you will find posts from me from almost a decade ago absolutely detesting her campaign. i'm not a 'fan', but i am excited to vote for her and i do want her to be president.

That and the reaction shots of Bill to Obama's speech, considering the stories of how the two get along.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
When you put it that way it's kinda amazing. Some of us here have been on GAF for almost a decade now.

Gah, I've been here since 2007. Amazing times.

06-06-2004, plus a few years on the old forum.
Time just keeps on going and not slowing down.
Anihawk has been here forever too (it's easy to tell based on the userid)

Oh, and that hug looked legit. That could not have been fake, somehow they managed to move past everything in that primary.
The RNC on the other hand was frankly just gross.
Speak for yourself! Trump trying to kiss Pence was a moment worthy of pillow talk. Great fanfic material! And look at the incredible parental skills of Trump, showing off the body of his daughter while in front of an audience of millions of potential breeding partners.
Reading comments posted on GOP social media pages is so cathartic. Paul Ryan's FB and Twitter was a mess today. All those "This isn't the party I stood for..." comments. Oh man.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Joe Biden is absolutely hilarious. I mean I'm sure COME ON WE'RE AMERICA was not in the prepared remarks. That whole speech was like YEAH FUCK YEAH repeated over and over again.
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