minor effort
Must ..vent!!! So someone posted this cral on facebookhttp://rightwingnews.com/top-news/boom-dallas-cowboys-defy-obama-taking-massive-stand-police/
I went off on a tangent basicly stating how sick I am of the Obama acusations and asking wtf. The dallas cowboys having a commemoration for the dallas police has to do with Obama and defying him. It is truly disgusting.. /rant
Maybe I've lost every bit of chill this election season. but I just simply unfriend everyone posting wacked-out political "memes" on Facebook and I'm much happier for it. I don't respond, I just unfriend.
That doesn't mean I don't keep people around I might disagree with politically. Just no malarkey.
If the opposition is just posting a bunch of misleading memes or unattributed quotes, I'll opt for the echo chamber.