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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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Another thing that tickles me:
Team Clinton is still sitting on allllll of that oppo research.

It is late October. An unopened box marked "Trump Opposition Research" lies gathering dust in the corner. An intern glances at it wistfully. "We never needed it," she mumbles, a lone tear falling down her cheek. "We never even needed it..."
Another thing that tickles me:
Team Clinton is still sitting on allllll of that oppo research.

Also, GOTV is widely considered to be a marginal advantage, but I don't think there's a data point for one campaign NOT having a GOTV apparatus. That will be one of the most interesting things to watch leading up to election day .
Another thing that tickles me:
Team Clinton is still sitting on allllll of that oppo research.

November 9, 2016
A stamped crate is slowly wheeled into a government warehouse...

I imagine they have enough to keep Trump on the defensive for the entirety of the next 100 days

Trump himself keeps him on the defensive. He's turned the media cycle into a positive feedback loop of negative attention.

Trump's media strategy was utterly dependent on the rest of his GOP competition saying almost equally terrible things so the worst of his comments got drowned by the other noise. Now he's the only voice in the room for his party. The cooling effect that the primary media coverage had isn't around to keep him from overheating anymore.
If you are the Trump campaign, you have to reign everything in. Shut it down for 48-72 hours and stop the bleeding


cmon guys, it's pretty obvious there isn't a campaign actually going on. Manfort is just masquerading this shit, this is literally just Trump going from place to place saying dumb shit and getting on headlines.
The problem is Clinton isn't going to bother wasting money on states she doesn't need in order to win. From the long-game perspective there's a benefit in trying to help down-ticket races and laying the groundwork for future democratic campaigns, but that's a lot to ask for. On the other hand it's not like Donald Trump is spending money doing ad campaigns the real swing states so why not go on the offensive?


"Obama-Clinton have single-handedly destabilized the Middle East, handed Iraq, Libya and Syria to ISIS, and allowed our personnel to be slaughtered at Benghazi. Then they put Iran on the path to nuclear weapons. Then they allowed dozens of veterans to die waiting for medical care that never came.
Hillary Clinton put the whole country at risk with her illegal email server, deleted evidence of her crime, and lied repeatedly about her conduct which endangered us all. They released criminal aliens into our country who killed one innocent American after another -- like Sarah Root and Kate Steinle -- and have repeatedly admitted migrants later implicated in terrorism. They have produced the worst recovery since the Great Depression. They have shipped millions of our best jobs overseas to appease their global special interests. They have betrayed our security and our workers, and Hillary Clinton has proven herself unfit to serve in any government office.
She is reckless with her emails, reckless with regime change, and reckless with American lives. Our nation has been humiliated abroad and compromised by radical Islam brought onto our shores. We need change now."
-Donald J. Trump

Iran has shut down their major heavy water reactors and given all enriched uranium to Russia. So how has that put them on the path of getting a nuke?

edit- Also the Obama time machine was used to go into Iraq destabilizing the middle east and creating ISIS as the former Iraqi Republican Guard was most of the major founders of ISIS.


Trump himself keeps him on the defensive. He's turned the media cycle into a positive feedback loop of negative attention.

Trump's media strategy was utterly dependent on the rest of his GOP competition saying almost equally terrible things so the worst of his comments got drowned by the other noise. Now he's the only voice in the room for his party. The cooling effect that the primary media coverage had isn't around to keep him from overheating anymore.

That's a fair point.


The problem is Clinton isn't going to bother wasting money on states she doesn't need in order to win. From the long-game perspective there's a benefit in trying to help down-ticket races and laying the groundwork for future democratic campaigns, but that's a lot to ask for. On the other hand it's not like Donald Trump is spending money doing ad campaigns the real swing states so why not go on the offensive?

Clinton doesn't really need to run commercials right now, she should be moving that money to the DSCC
The problem is Clinton isn't going to bother wasting money on states she doesn't need in order to win. From the long-game perspective she should be spending money in them to try to help down-ticket races and lay the groundwork for future democratic campaigns, but that's a lot to ask for. On the other hand it's not like Donald Trump is spending any money doing ad campaigns of his own in swing states so why not?

I'm 80-90% certain there's at least one Pro-Hil SuperPAC with the expressed mission of assisting Dems in competitive down-ticket races.


Iran has shut down there major heavy water reactors and given all enriched uranium to Russia. So how has that put them on the path of getting a nuke?

edit- Also the Obama time machine was used to go into Iraq destabilizing the middle east and creating ISIS as the former Iraqi Republican Guard was most of the major founders of ISIS.

They fund terror. The end
Did everyone read the openly bigoted, openly xenophobic letter to Khizr Khan on Fox News frontpage? I'm not gonna let anyone give em clicks, but here it is. Read it through and be apalled.

Dear Mr. Khan,

I, like millions of Americans saw your speech at the DNC on Thursday night.

I wish to offer my sympathy for the death of your son, Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq.

As a former US Army officer, and a veteran of the Gulf War, I can certainly understand the pain and anguish that you and your wife endure every day.

Your son died saving the lives of his fellow soldiers. As Jesus told his disciples, according to the Gospel of John, Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Captain Khan is a hero. I am sure the soldiers he served with regard him as one. I know you and your wife do. Rest assured that millions of veterans regard your son as a hero as well.

To paraphrase from the Book of Ecclesiasticus, your son’s name liveth for evermore.

Your son made the ultimate sacrifice for his country, a country that was new to you and your family and one which you openly embraced and certainly love.

When you and your family arrived to America from Pakistan, you assimilated into our country. You adopted American ways, learned our history and apparently you even acquired a pocket Constitution along the way. Good for you sir.

But, there are many Muslims in America who not only have no desire to assimilate, but wish to live under Sharia Law.

That is unacceptable to Americans. There is only one law of the land. That is the U.S. Constitution.

As you well know, Mr. Khan, we live in violent times, dangerous times. Muslim madmen from ISIS and other radical Jihadi groups are on a murder and terror spree across the globe.

Your religion of peace, Islam, is anything but that in 2016. That is a fact that is confirmed every time a Muslim shoots, bombs, beheads and tortures innocent men, women and children. This does not mean that every Muslim is a terrorist, but most terrorists, sir, are indeed Muslims.

A Muslim terrorist attack has become the sign of the times.

Regardless of what the feckless, naïve, leftist ideologue Barack Obama and his dimwitted colleagues John Kerry, Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel state, the United States and the West are at war with Radical Islam. It is the job of the president of the United States to protect his nation from all enemies; foreign and domestic. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama romanticizes Islam and refuses to accept reality, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people across the world.

Groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda have one goal, the complete destruction of the Judeo-Christian culture, our religions and our way of life.

Many Americans have families that have been here for decades, even centuries. Many families like mine have relatives who fought in the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Desert Storm. Some families have relatives who fought in the American Revolution.

We don’t plan on letting our country be devoured by Muslim maniacs. We are Americans sir, and not unarmed, socialist European zombies. We will do what is necessary to protect the United States. While many Democrats and liberals see the world through rose colored glasses, conservatives understand that there is good and evil in this world. Evil must be destroyed before it destroys us.

Strong measures, wartime measures, must be taken to protect this country from those that wish to annihilate us and our way of life.

Mr. Trump’s plan to temporarily halt immigration from Muslim countries that are known to either support terrorism or harbor terrorist groups is not only pragmatic, but indeed it is constitutional. It is the constitutional duty of the president of the United States to protect this nation.

There is simply no way to vet hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees from war zones like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Europe is being destroyed because reckless leaders like Angela Merkel have opened the continent’s doors to a flood of over one million undocumented Muslims arriving with nothing more than a bad attitude and a haversack of Jihad.

Do you think Americans are stupid? While the left lives in a dream world, the right does not. Mr. Trump understands the threat to his nation and the threat, sir, is not from Swedish Lutherans named Anna and Lars. The threat, sir, is from radical Islam.

How in God’s name are U.S. immigration authorities supposed to know the true intentions of a 22-year-old Syrian man? It is impossible. You know it is impossible.

How in God’s name are U.S. immigration authorities supposed to know the true intentions of hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees and thousands of other sundry Muslims who wish to arrive on our shores?

It is impossible. You know it is impossible.

Whether you, your wife, the Muslim world and millions of Democrats are offended by Mr. Trump’s realistic view of the world is irrelevant.

Whether you, your wife and son would have been prohibited from emigrating from Pakistan to America under Mr. Trump’s wartime plan is irrelevant. The security of this great land supersedes your desires and the desires of others who wish to come here now. The United States of America has no obligation to open its doors in order to placate foreigners and liberals in our government.

To adopt any other course but Mr. Trump’s would be a cause for further endangering the lives of Americans every day. That, sir, is unacceptable.

You attacked Mr. Trump in front of a worldwide audience, yet you can’t understand the fact that he defends himself against attacks from you, Hillary Clinton and the left. What else is one to do sir?

We must live in a world of reality, not a world of denial, delusion and fantasy the Democrats inhabit every waking day of their lives.

Radical Islam is the enemy of everyone on this planet who believes in freedom and justice. Until it is destroyed, this nation must protect itself from enemies both foreign and domestic.


Ray Starmann

Ray Starmann is the founder of US Defense Watch. He is a former U.S. Army Intelligence officer and veteran of the Gulf War, where he served with the 4th Squadron, 7th Cavalry, 3rd Armored Division “Spearhead!” Mr. Starmann was a contributing writer for several years at SFTT.org, founded by the late Colonel David Hackworth.
"Muslim maniacs"...this is real life.


The problem is Clinton isn't going to bother wasting money on states she doesn't need in order to win. From the long-game perspective there's a benefit in trying to help down-ticket races and laying the groundwork for future democratic campaigns, but that's a lot to ask for. On the other hand it's not like Donald Trump is spending money doing ad campaigns the real swing states so why not go on the offensive?

Well, she did give ~30% of her fundraising from July to the party.


Did everyone read the openly bigoted, openly xenophobic letter to Khizr Khan on Fox News frontpage? I'm not gonna let anyone give em clicks, but here it is. Read it through and be apalled.

"Muslim maniacs"...this is real life.

Stop reading at "Shaira law", is there is bigger bogey man that never materialized?


They fund terror. The end

Yes, but ISIS is the one creating havoc in region and Iran and Russia stand against them. Iran and Saudi Arabia have funded radicals for decades so it's not like the problems they cause are new or surprising.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I wonder if maybe this is the point at which the Trump campaign should consider going with a negative campaign.


So...to review, Trump has insulted:

- POWs
- Gold Star families
- The disabled
- Women who have been sexually harassed/abused at work
- Infants

Who's next?
Trump sees a puppy at a rally in Charlotte and snarls:

"Folks, get that puppy out of here. Get it out of here. [Mocking imitation of puppies]. Puppies don't know anything about making America great again. They just sit there and drool. Can you believed that folks? Look, I own a great business, the best, and puppies just don't know the first thing about the art of the deal. Puppies are good for one thing only: making overcoats. Puppy fur is just the best, the best for an overcoat. That's why I have my kids hunt them for me. It's incredible"

Two days later, after heavy criticism for his anti puppy stance:

"This puppy, who has never met me personally by the way, showed up at my rally. It had no right to do that. No right. Can't I defend myself when a puppy starts drooling like that. Seems like the media is spinning like crazy for crooked Hillary. Get smart!"

Mike Pence, attempting to spin:

"Mr Trump loves puppies. Ultimately this is about our borders, our government. Do you really want puppies taking over? Emails"
Ugh, Obama 2008 map -Indiana is not enough :/ I want a complete repudiation of Trumpsim....

Price the party is paying moving to the left rather than playing to the center.

But the Dems should definitely try and spend money in Missouri, Mississippi, Georgia and Arizona. Keep an eye out for Utah depending on how well Gary Johnson is doing. It's still unlikely to win any of those but it's close enough to be worth shooting for and make Trump play as much defense as he can.

For her birthday, this girl wanted to meet Hillary and get a Star Wars lego set.


And Daddy Kaine is like "Now, you can have one piece of cake...but when mommy goes to bed....you can have another one, okay?"


On a scale of 1-5 dumpster fires, where is trump's campaign now?

Also, is it possible that Manafort just says fuck this and resigns? Can you imagine that?


Did everyone read the openly bigoted, openly xenophobic letter to Khizr Khan on Fox News frontpage? I'm not gonna let anyone give em clicks, but here it is. Read it through and be apalled.

We must live in a world of reality, not a world of denial, delusion and fantasy the Democrats inhabit every waking day of their lives.

Terrorism is a problem, crime is a problem, but the party that fear mongers people into believing that violent crime is rampant and rising and terrorism is an imminent threat is the party of delusions and fantasy.


On a scale of 1-5 dumpster fires, where is trump's campaign now?

Also, is it possible that Manafort just says fuck this and resigns? Can you imagine that?

Trump is a dumpster forge at this point. And Manafort won't resign until Trump sees the Queen of Diamonds before he takes Putin's phone call.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't understand why the default wingnut position is being anti-vaccine.



For her birthday, this girl wanted to meet Hillary and get a Star Wars lego set.


And Daddy Kaine is like "Now, you can have one piece of cake...but when mommy goes to bed....you can have another one, okay?"

Have you seen the price of legos? It was probably cheaper to get Hillary and Kaine

I don't understand why the default wingnut position is being anti-vaccine.

I don't get how it is a thing after damn near a hundred years of vaccines
Also, GOTV is widely considered to be a marginal advantage, but I don't think there's a data point for one campaign NOT having a GOTV apparatus. That will be one of the most interesting things to watch leading up to election day .

I think a year like this, where the Candidates for both parties only generate excitement from a segment of the party, GOTV is everything.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Have you seen the price of legos? It was probably cheaper to get Hillary and Kaine

I don't get how it is a thing after damn near a hundred years of vaccines

For real. I'd totally be down to meet Hillary, but if I had to choose between the two I'd take the legos.
On a scale of 1-5 dumpster fires, where is trump's campaign now?
It's really hard to gauge. Trump says something daily that would have killed Romney's campaign instantly.

Just today with his comment about his daughter and the sexual harassment thing. Compare that to this devastating gaffe Romney had.


I've honestly watched this about ten times or so over the past few days. And each time my fucking mind is blown that this was something that damaged him so much. Like, I keep thinking every time there's gotta be more to it.

It really is impossible to tell how badly he is doing because almost no matter what it doesn't reflect in his polls any magnitude towards where it should.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Have you seen the price of legos? It was probably cheaper to get Hillary and Kaine

I don't get how it is a thing after damn near a hundred years of vaccines
Yeah, but every single candidate for President other than Clinton has at some point raised questions about whether Vaccines actually kill you:

Donald J. Trump
Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

Gov. Gary Johnson
No to mandatory vaccines

And Stein's position is pretty well-known. Why is there this weird appeal to pseudo-science? Like, why is that position so popular among wingnuts?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Trump's repeated hammering on the emails just reinforces the notion that Hillary needs a better freaking answer by the end of September.
Johnson being against mandatory vaccines isn't probably anti-science. It's anti-government interference in your life. I mean, it's still stupid as hell, but it's not as ridiculous as loads of shots and then BOOM you got the autism.

In an unusual break with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Gov. Chris Christie said that Khizr and Ghazala Khan have the “right” to say whatever they want, and that criticism of them is “inappropriate.”

“I didn’t see Mr. Khan’s speech at the DNC but I’ll just say this: I’m a father and I just cannot imagine the pain of losing a child under any circumstances,” Christie said at an afternoon press conference in the Statehouse. “And for Mr. and Mrs. Khan, the pain of losing their son while defending our country is unfathomable, and I think it gives them the right to say whatever they want, whether they’re right or wrong.”

"Get your own McDonalds now!"
It's a solid 4. I mean, for anyone else, it's a 98. But, I have faith he can go worse.

Yeah, you have to leave room for what's still possible.

I feel like this is all snowballing really quickly. I'm sure some of this is my own filter of friends and social media, but it looks like the lead has opened and isn't going to close, as Republicans lose faith or decide party loyalty isn't worth going down with the ship.

The Hillium is flowing today.
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