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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, said in a brief statement that "Mr. Trump and the campaign do not agree" that Clinton should be executed for treason. Hicks did not respond to a question asking if Trump would cut ties with Baldasaro.

I love how Trump has to pacify the "no, Hillary shouldn't be executed, are you fucking insane" and "Hang that cunt!" factions of his supporters because it shows that those factions exist and-actually, this is pretty scary.



I wish people would stop referring to melania as "beautiful."

A woman's worth should not be tied to her looks unless of course that is literally part of her job (I mean, like an exotic dancer or something).

What does her looking good have to do with anything at all? It's pretty fucking sexist.

To be fair, this is not exclusive the the GoP. People still do this a lot with first ladies, or potential first ladies.

"Michelle is looking so beautiful tonight" etc at the WHCD, it's how they tend to flatter the first lady. Amy Schumer had a good skit making fun of this where she's a politician and her "beautiful husband" is supporting her lol


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If I was the GOP I'd be shitting a brick over that NBC poll of Latino voters.

Which words on the list below describe the Republican Party? [Randomize list]
.....................Yes No
Young............ 13 87
Old ................77 23
Happy........... 20 80
Angry .............73 27
Anti-Immigrant 76 24
Respects Latinos 22 78
Optimistic ........31 69
Negative attitude 76 24

Which is why I think the GOP takes an even tougher stance on immigration if they get total control. The only way they can stop this is to literally stop them from coming in to the country. They see the writing on the wall.


Wow. Didn't think I'd get so many replies.

However, Adam is the only one who got what I meant. Obviously, since Trump is the candidate, I'm not talking about 2016. I'm talking about 2020. Completely different situation.

Think about it: Hillary wins (which I'm sure we all hope she does). Gets to make 2 or 3 Supreme Court Justice decisions, which freaks out all republicans (and maybe some moderates, depending on who she chooses). ACA premiums keep rising like they have been (even though they were going to anyway without ACA, the messaging from the GOP will be that it's the ACA's fault). All it would take is some sort of economic setback to possibly swing the pendulum back toward the republicans. We're going to get 4 solid years of republicans blaming Hillary for everything. I don't like Cruz. I think he's a bad guy. But I think he's competent, and I think in the right situation he could pull off a victory.

It's not that crazy.

It will probably take more than one election for the republicans to have a shot at the whitehouse again. 2016 will haunt them in 2020 to. It won't go away.
To be fair, this is not exclusive the the GoP. People still do this a lot with first ladies, or potential first ladies.

"Michelle is looking so beautiful tonight" etc at the WHCD, it's how they tend to flatter the first lady. Amy Schumer had a good skit making fun of this where she's a politician and her "beautiful husband" is supporting her lol
I want so bad for Bill to go through all the typical crap First Ladies get saddled with just for the hell of it.
Considering she's a trophy wife, aren't her looks basically the only thing that matters?

To Trump, maybe.

Even if she is nothing but a Trophy wife, what right does anyone have to go out there and describe her simply by her looks for giving a speech?

We can't sit here and complain about people calling Hillary a bitch but go along with describing Melania simply by her looks.

To be fair, this is not exclusive the the GoP. People still do this a lot with first ladies, or potential first ladies.

"Michelle is looking so beautiful tonight" etc at the WHCD, it's how they tend to flatter the first lady. Amy Schumer had a good skit making fun of this where she's a politician and her "beautiful husband" is supporting her lol

YES! I meant my statement towards all people, all parties.

Stop describing political wives or even politicians by their appearances. I mean, I'm not saying you can't say "I find so and so pretty/beautiful" in the way Adam sees someone like Martin O Malley and goes gaga but if you're describing someone's speech and all you can say is they looked good, that's pretty fucked up.


To clarify, I was saying the voters would be saying "it's not sexy, but it's what we've got," not Obama.

I think Obama is going to make an amazing case for Hillary enough for them to go from "ugh, not Hillary" to what I said earlier.

and while I agree on Hillary, perceptions are hard to change. I think Obama is the one that can do it.

Honestly, I want to see Obama destroy Trump during his speech, a White House Correspondents' Dinner redux. I realize she would benefit from being built up, but damn I want him to drop some bombs.


Monica Alba

Clinton camp statement via Jennifer Palmieri in response to Trump adviser's "firing squad" comments yesterday


EDIT: Also, the Trump campaign responds:

Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, said in a brief statement that "Mr. Trump and the campaign do not agree" that Clinton should be executed for treason. Hicks did not respond to a question asking whether Trump would cut ties with Baldasaro.
This lady on CNN still talking about the whole 93-7 thing. Pretty much every republican strategist has been like this was a stupid fuckup. I think the strategists are particularly shocked that he let Manafort hang this morning and would never want to work for someone like that. I think as we get closer to the election we will actually start to see the campaign hemorrhage what little talent they have.
Honestly, I want to see Obama destroy Trump during his speech, a White House Correspondents' Dinner redux. I realize she would benefit from being built up, but damn I want him to drop some bombs.

I don't think he's going to do that. And shouldn't.

He need to attack Trump but attack him in a way that shows a contrast of styles between the GOP and Dems.

Like I said, make a case that Hilary is America and Trump is not. Obama needs to inspire.

Warren can attack Trump directly.


idk if this was posted, Trump crazy guy calling for Hillary to be shot is being investigated by the Secret Service


I want so bad for Bill to go through all the typical crap First Ladies get saddled with just for the hell of it.

Somebody HAS to do it at the WHCD. Like get all weird about it lol

YES! I meant my statement towards all people, all parties.

Stop describing political wives or even politicians by their appearances. I mean, I'm not saying you can't say "I find so and so pretty/beautiful" in the way Adam sees someone like Martin O Malley and goes gaga but if you're describing someone's speech and all you can say is they looked good, that's pretty fucked up.

Gotcha, yea it's different to gush over someone's appearance on a message board than it is to endlessly drone about it on the news. It's like c'mon people... women aren't objects
Wow. Didn't think I'd get so many replies.

However, Adam is the only one who got what I meant. Obviously, since Trump is the candidate, I'm not talking about 2016. I'm talking about 2020. Completely different situation.

Think about it: Hillary wins (which I'm sure we all hope she does). Gets to make 2 or 3 Supreme Court Justice decisions, which freaks out all republicans (and maybe some moderates, depending on who she chooses). ACA premiums keep rising like they have been (even though they were going to anyway without ACA, the messaging from the GOP will be that it's the ACA's fault). All it would take is some sort of economic setback to possibly swing the pendulum back toward the republicans. We're going to get 4 solid years of republicans blaming Hillary for everything. I don't like Cruz. I think he's a bad guy. But I think he's competent, and I think in the right situation he could pull off a victory.

It's not that crazy.

I think we sort of press restart once Hillary wins. Hillary can run on her record once she's in office and won't necessarily need to have to deal with a lot of the specters of her past. Or, they'll matter less because she'll have an actual record to run on.

But yes, I also am a bit concerned about 2020. But first, 2016.
Several side news:

Politics1.com ‏@Politics1com 2h2 hours ago
WISCONSIN: Triaging. Koch affiliated PAC cancels $2 million TV buy for US Sen Ron Johnson (R) a day after NRSC delayed $1.3m TV buy for him.

Politics1.com ‏@Politics1com 1h1 hour ago
The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce endorsed Hillary Clinton today ... in Cleveland.

"I am so proud of our Governor, John Kasich" for not backing Trump - State House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger (R-OH)

LOL, no words:


The RNC’s convention program says Melania Trump “obtain[ed] a degree in design and architecture at University in Slovenia.” But, as POLITICO’s Julia Ioffe notes, that’s not quite true.

“She dropped out after a year,” reports Ioffe, who delved into the potential first lady’s background earlier this year. Melania's college tenure ended when she moved to Milan, Italy to pursue her successful modeling career.

The Trump campaign, however, has repeatedly referred to Melania’s “degree.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/rnc-2016-melania-trump-biography-225781#ixzz4EzG863Nc
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

Can't even not lie about her education...
I have yet to hear Pence's speech but so far RNC has been 4 clownshoes out of 10.

They need a miracle to get people talking about other than the bad stuff. I mean it's the VP's big day (day 3!!) where he introduces himself to the Planet Earth, and how he is capable of being ready on day 0 should anything happen to Trump, and every journalist is busy trying to chase down Meredith McIver LOL LOL
Several side news:
I'm very excited about the prospect of Feingold returning to the Senate, and it looks like the GOP is just giving up the seat which is great. Feingold, Warren (if she's not VP), Sanders, Franken, Brown among several others working on liberal legislation together... Man. I think progressives will have a remarkably effective operation going on there.

In fact, let's look at the Senate battleground.

Democrats just need to make sure they hold down Nevada, which is very likely if Trump is getting blown out at the top of the ticket. Masto's a great candidate in her own right and she's got the Reid machine working for her. Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana are all gimmes, so that puts them at 49 already, one seat away from a tie/majority.

New Hampshire, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Arizona and Missouri (in that order probably) all have incumbents mired in the low 40s and very strong challengers. In a wave, it can be expected that these would all fall over at the same time like dominoes (although I would put a line between those first four and the rest - it'll take a great year to dislodge Burr, McCain and Blunt, although I think we're looking at one).

Going into 2017 with 56 Senate seats? Oh man. Not to mention that in waves, races tend to develop where they shouldn't be developing. Not saying it'll happen, but one can envision a scenario where suddenly Chuck Grassley looks very vulnerable (he's already polling much worse than usual, even if that still gives him a somewhat comfortable lead). Remember that in 06/08, Democrats were very skeptical about their chances, but many races broke late including some that were never on anyone's radar.
Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks told NH1 News that Baldasaro “doesn’t speak for the campaign.”

“We’re incredibly grateful for his support, but we don’t agree with his comments.”

I love how Hope Hicks had to qualify beforehand that they still like this guy a lot even though they may disagree on murdering Hillary Clinton. Like "Hillary Clinton should be executed" is just a minor disagreement between friends.



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
CNN: Mike Pence's speech will emphasize Clinton as "Secretary of Status Quo"
CNN: Mike Pence's speech will emphasize Clinton as "Secretary of Status Quo"

Jesus Christ, Mike, you've been a neocon involved with conservative politics for fucking decades.

Pence going "I'm not a career politician!" is going to work as well as Scott Walker's "I'm not a career politician."
Which is why I think the GOP takes an even tougher stance on immigration if they get total control. The only way they can stop this is to literally stop them from coming in to the country. They see the writing on the wall.

Its a decade too late for that. There are too many hispanics in too many swing states having too many babies that are legal citizens. The GOP needs to find a middle ground on immigration or they're done in Florida and Colorado. Soon that will spread to North Carolina, Arizona, and Georgia, and eventually it'll cost them Texas.
Ooh, Hassan leading.

Would be great if Democrats could stake out a permanent lead in PA and NH. I think FL and OH will be perennial tossups unless one of the major candidates in those races really blows it.

Some pundits were saying Bayh jumping into IN was equivalent to Rubio jumping back into FL. Personally I'd take Likely D IN and Tossup FL over Safe R IN and Tossup FL any day, although that assumes Bayh's numbers will hold up which I'm on the fence about. Still, I'd rather have a shot at both than a slightly better shot in one.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
That Huffpost article on Trump's supporters basically not caring that he has lied his entire life is just infuriating. What ever happened to holding people accountable?
Mike Grynbaum
19.8 million people watched last night’s RNC — less than the 24 million who watched Fox’s GOP primary debate back in August.


Mike Grynbaum ‏@grynbaum Jul 19
Fox News wins RNC Night One: 6.4 million viewers in 10pm hour. Looking like ~22 million TV viewers overall, similar to 2012.


That Huffpost article on Trump's supporters basically not caring that he has lied his entire life is just infuriating. What ever happened to holding people accountable?

Some people's hatred for Hillary is so strong that they willingly blind themselves to any criticism about the person she's running against. This isn't just a partisan thing, either... I know quite a few people that have voted Democrat as far back as they can remember but they're voting for Trump in November. These aren't ex-Bernie supporters or generic woman-haters, either.


I found this article/calculator super interesting:


But our friends at Cook Political Report, including FiveThirtyEight contributor David Wasserman, have analyzed public statements (or noted the lack thereof) from all 301 Republicans in the House and Senate and classified each congressperson’s degree of support for Trump into one of seven categories, from “True Believer” to “Trump Snubber.” Here’s the breakdown:

I filtered by 'True Believers' (people who endorsed Trump early on), and found a surprise: Tom Reed, who is representing a district only R+3 in New York. Is he one of the ones we're going to pick off? It seems like that district is ripe for serious ad spending.
This is something that's actually surprised me.

I thought Trump and his people would put on a show. They haven't. Not even close. I don't know what the hell happened.
I just hope he says something really wacky and off putting tomorrow that gets similar coverage as Melania's plagiarism. Something that everyone will be talking about, even if they weren't paying much attention.
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