Read beyond that.Norway can't have a Brexit at least since we're not in the EU.
There was the WTC bombing, yes.Wasn't there an attack in the 90s at the towers as well? Thought there might be.
So get this. Manafort is not being paid by the Trump campaign - no salary appears on the FEC reports. He is "volunteering". He is absolutely, positively, definitely not being paid cash by any other party from the Asian region to work for Trump.
What's everyone watching? I read the commnets here like people are watching a stream.
Why is Donald so low energy?
Just leaving this here...
The ME has always been in violent turmoil
Just leaving this here...
Glenn Beck endorsed BLM? What fucking plane of existence am I on?
I assume he means the 8 years post Patriot Act?
There was a small bombing. Nothing anywhere near the level of what we've seen since 2001 though.
There was a truck bomb at them in 1993. Killed 6, injured 1,000+.
Glenn Beck endorsed BLM? What fucking plane of existence am I on?
Welp, we got low T Teleprompter Trump today.
How do we keep the oil without occupying Iraq???????
This is like a crackpot right wing "historian" giving a speech in a retirement home right before pudding time
When Trump says keep the oil, he means steal it, right?
Yeah, he had a good appearance on NPR this weekend. I heard it while I was driving in my car. I thought it was really good.Glenn Beck endorsed BLM? What fucking plane of existence am I on?
yeah, i mean, this is actually a prepared speech by a real speech writer i assume. I figured this kind of crazy was confined to the House, but this isn't the ramblings of normal mad man trump, someone actually took time to write this down for him and then thought it was a good idea
Man, why is it that in the last two elections, diagnoses I have end up being used to make fun of the Republican candidate?
Last cycle was "lol Romney is autistic." This cycle is becoming "lol low T Trump"(though I guess I should be thankful I don't have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which Trump might actually have).
I can't wait until next election cycle for "Crohn's Cruz" and "Fibromyalgia Kasich."
he doesn't even look away during pauses, his eyes are LOCKED on the screen