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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
That time period in US history is really important. I would definitely recommend taking it.

During that period we saw the establishment of Jim Crow, the rise of jingoist nationalism, and the desire for overseas imperialist conquest.

It was also one of the most violent and turbulent political time periods in our history with massive labor strikes, violent responses to those labor strikes, anarchist terrorist plots, assassinations, bombings, massive corruption, populism, women's rights movements, temperance movements, etc.

After that, we begin to see the rise of progressiveness in response to the corrupt corportist/laizzee fair government that we had before. This is an extremely important period because we get to see how America dealt with the huge dislocations of industrialization that gave enormous wealth to business leaders, put millions in squalid working conditions in a factory and not on a farm, and how this new wealth influenced and shaped our politics.

Progressiveness was not without its problems because they largely favored everything scientific and what was scientific at the time was also scientific racism, social darwninism, and eugenics. The connections to these ideas and Hitler/WWII are pretty obvious. I think this is important because we shouldn't pretend that these ideas were not accepted anywhere else besides Germany. Hell, even pogroms against Jews were rather common in Europe, especially Eastern Europe and Russia before Hitler took power.

My other choices would be Women's history and Germany

Good point well made. Perhaps I should clarify why I went for Greek/German/Jewish...

Both Womens' and US history, within the specified time periods, are really well-documented. they are certainly not unworthwhile but you can go a long way in learning from/about them in maybe 3-5 books worth (my usual procedure for doing this is to raid the local library, take out a shelf-worth of books on any subject, skim-read the lot, pick the best and follow up its bibliography - if it doesn't have a bibliography then you picked wrong).

Greek, German (even within that time frame) and Jewish (ditto) history are each so broad and so lengthy and so intricate and nuanced that you actually benefit from having a taught course, so as to pick up nuances and insights and angles from a decent teacher.

Upshot is, if you want to actually learn something you otherwise couldn't, go for Greek, German, Jewish. If you just want the credits do US and Womens' and throw a die for the other.

Well, that's the way I see it anyhow.

The history of Teddy could be instructive since we're essentially seeing what happened back then happen again, in relation to the Republican party.

Well yeah, but you don't need a semester to do that.


User Actions

We'll release rest of our TX poll this PM but here's a preview. 50% support building a wall with Mexico, 7% support building one w/ Oklahoma

PPP never disappoints.
There's no friggin way these numbers are right on Pence:

No way he's at +19 approve/disapprove as governor. Daniels was only at 51% approval in 2008. This sample is off.
This is what jumped out at me too. I mean, we're talking about a guy who was in SERIOUS danger of losing his reelection as a GOP governor in a red state (even with Donnelly, Bayh, and Obama 08, IN is a red state).

The ONLY way I believe Pence gets 54% as an approval rating is people forgetting about the things he did as governor and seeing how "well" he is doing as Trump's running mate. He looks good by comparison, hence it makes Indiana look good, and that gives people warm fuzzies.

There's just no fucking way.

I totally believe Trump wins in Indiana. I don't see any way Hillary pulls out a win, unless Trump says Andrew Luck is a loser or calls people here Indianans who love to shuck their own corn, if you know what I mean....many people are saying that.
"Beat the shit out of him" isn't really an insult, and calling someone a pussy (derived from referring to cats according to OED, i.e. a scardy-cat) is still pretty mild.

Pretty sure "pussy" is a gendered insult using slang for genitalia, such as calling someone a "dick" isn't making fun of their detective abilities, but is also a gendered insult using slang for genitalia.
The faster we can switch the House over to a Parliamentary system the better.

Where you basically vote for a party, then the state is represented proportionally.

That doesn't strike me as a very good idea.

Representatives need to actually represent districts. States are too diverse for your plan to work. For instance, nobody would ever feel the need to represent the interests of Upstate New York. All of the politicians would only be motivated to keep NYC happy.
Were any of you watching CNN just now? These pundits they get to defend Donald Trump are just the rudest people.
CNN said according to their sources Trump will be unleashed during debates.

Mike M

Nick N
There is no universe where "pussy" is G-rated.

Tom and Jerry really worked blue.

Pretty sure "pussy" is a gendered insult using slang for genitalia, such as calling someone a "dick" isn't making fun of their detective abilities, but is also a gendered insult using slang for genitalia.

Even so, it's generally not Trump's style outside the instance of him referring to someone else calling Cruz a pussy on Twitter or something and Trump saying "I would never use language like that." Trump calling Hillary a bitch on TV would be precipitated by a meltdown the likes of which we haven't even seen before; he won't say it so he can claim to not be a misogynist the same way a racist won't say the N word.

Though I wouldn't put it past him to frame it the same way he did with Cruz and quote a tweet followed by protestation that he would never say such things.


Good point well made. Perhaps I should clarify why I went for Greek/German/Jewish...

Both Womens' and US history, within the specified time periods, are really well-documented. they are certainly not unworthwhile but you can go a long way in learning from/about them in maybe 3-5 books worth (my usual procedure for doing this is to raid the local library, take out a shelf-worth of books on any subject, skim-read the lot, pick the best and follow up it's bibliography - if it doesn't have a bibliography then you picked wrong).

Greek, German (even within that time frame) and Jewish (ditto) history are each so broad and so lengthy and so intricate and nuanced that you actually benefit from having a taught course, so as to pick up nuances and insights and angles from a decent teacher.

Upshot is, if you want to actually learn something you otherwise couldn't, go for Greek, German, Jewish. If you just want the credits do US and Womens' and throw a die for the other.

Well, that's the way I see it anyhow.

I actually am the opposite.

I always found broad survey classes less interesting because there is simply too much stuff to cover that it necessitates breadth over depth. With focused history courses, you can really go in-depth into specific topics and really get to know it well, have good discussions and think deeply about issues.

So yea, I think focused history courses are more interesting and more beneficial because you have a professor their to help and guide you through the really nuanced and intricate insights that comes with dedicated a course to a very specific time-frame or topic and help you make and understand the connections that run through that time period and theme.

Do connections and themes run through Greek and Jewish history? Most definitely, but the breadth of the course necessitate that those themes be a few major ones.


Joe Madison just got so sick of Pastor Mark Burns - "Hey Reverend, I'm just glad you weren't around to free the slaves, ok, goodbye."


That doesn't strike me as a very good idea.

Representatives need to actually represent districts. States are too diverse for your plan to work. For instance, nobody would ever feel the need to represent the interests of Upstate New York. All of the politicians would only be motivated to keep NYC happy.

I thought I'd the same criticism as soon as I posted it. I just felt that we've mucked up this system so much we need to burn it down.

I suppose we could gerrymander districts based on algorithm. Set them up proportionally, so the entire population of the state is being adequately represented.


CNN's Brooke Baldwin seems to have had it up to here with all her guest talking over her and each other. Kinda cringe worthy to be honest and that pastor was rude as hell the whole interview. I wouldn't have his ass on anymore lol.
Sykes is currently having his moment of clarity:


Doubt it sticks, but it's a start, I suppose.

This doesn't challenge its racism. He's mad they won't listen to him, they've found other outlets.

I don't see him apologizing for these racist dogwhistles.

He's still a horrible person who has these horrible thoughts
I told y'all Trump doesn't really want to be president. He's just a narcissist that wants a following people to hear him verbally fellate himself. He wants to be a cult leader. He wants his followers hanging on his every word.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Thanks for the responses, peeps. Somewhat surprised at so many suggesting to go with Women's history (though I was veering in that direction already, heh).

The Colonial history one is a bit disappointing since it stops at the French and Indian wars. The class that goes beyond that (from the Revolution onwards) unfortunately overlaps with another that I absolutely have to take, so that's out of the picture. This is also the same time slot with the German history class, so I suppose I could switch that out...

edit: oh wait, I didn't list Colonial U.S. history as one of the choices. Whoops!

The taco bowl incident, trivial though it was, is one example. On Cinco de Mayo, Trump happened to be eating a taco bowl for lunch at his desk in Trump Tower. Manafort was in the office with other aides when a member of the family suggested they tweet a picture of Trump enjoying his “Mexican” lunch.

Manafort politely suggested that this might be seen as condescending and cautioned against it. The tweet went out. Trump himself was delighted by the resulting controversy. “The people who were offended were people we wanted to offend,” he later said.

I don't even know what to do with this.
Sykes is currently having his moment of clarity:


Doubt it sticks, but it's a start, I suppose.

He had me there until he started talking about the "liberal media" and their "bias." Conservatives do that shit to themselves with all the crazy shit they be spouting. A lot of the news media on television is profit based.


Unconfirmed Member
I expect the GOP to self reflect, do a postmortem etc this election. I expect them to learn nothing from this reflection, just like last time.


I expect the GOP to self reflect, do a postmortem etc this election. I expect them to learn nothing from this reflection, just like last time.

I actually think they did learn - the overlords tried to pivot to become less horrible to Latinos, and their racist base revolted and backed Trump.

Ted Cruz has become unpopular even in Texas. Only 39% of voters approve of him, 48% disapprove: https://t.co/G3QbbZAhrx


Here's the best poll for Donald Trump in a long time. GOPers in TX say they prefer him as nominee to Cruz 52/38: https://t.co/G3QbbZAhrx

Only 50% of GOP primary voters in general want Cruz to be Senate nominee again, 43% say someone else: https://t.co/G3QbbZAhrx

72% of voters in Texas support increasing minimum wage to at least $10 an hour- 94% of Ds, 74% of Is, 53% of Rs: https://t.co/G3QbbZAhrx

Texans even support assault weapons ban 48/43. Dems much more unified in support (70%) than GOP in opposition (55%): https://t.co/G3QbbZAhrx

63% of voters in Texas support Senate hearings on Merrick Garland's nomination, only 18% opposed: https://t.co/G3QbbZAhrx

I thought I'd the same criticism as soon as I posted it. I just felt that we've mucked up this system so much we need to burn it down.

I suppose we could gerrymander districts based on algorithm. Set them up proportionally, so the entire population of the state is being adequately represented.

Yup, what we really need is to have districts drawn by a completely non-partisan entity.

This doesn't challenge its racism. He's mad they won't listen to him, they've found other outlets.

I don't see him apologizing for these racist dogwhistles.

He's still a horrible person who has these horrible thoughts

He had me there until he started talking about the "liberal media" and their "bias." Conservatives do that shit to themselves with all the crazy shit they be spouting. A lot of the news media on television is profit based.

I ain't here to absolve him. Hell, most of the time people boomerang back from these moments of clarity. They would rather double down on their past actions than admit that they fucked up.

Just pointing out that there is an opportunity for him to grow here. I mean, Glenn Beck just said empathetic and supportive things about BLM. Anything can happen!
This isn't super related to American politics but the Ukrainian rhythmic gymnast just performed to the song 1944 by Jamala which won Eurovision this year. The song is about the deportation of Crimean Tartars by Stalin. Putin was pissed over Eurovision, hope this pisses him off too.


I actually think they did learn - the overlords tried to pivot to become less horrible to Latinos, and their racist base revolted and backed Trump.

Yeah, and going forward the base will keep Republicans from learning any lessons and moving anywhere but further right. They'll turn to echo chamber media to salve their wounds and more white women and college educated whites will leave the party. The 2020 nominee will likely be some joker like Cruz.


Whiz kid Harry Enten ♪

It almost feels like the election is over already. Almost.

The funny thing about the Fusion article is that you see Manafort clearly isn't stupid. But he, like the rest of the Republicans, overestimated how easily he could control Trump. In the same way they all overestimated how long they could control the white nationalist component voting bloc of their coalition.


Yeah, and going forward the base will keep Republicans from learning any lessons and moving anywhere but further right. They'll turn to echo chamber media to salve their wounds and more white women and college educated whites will leave the party. The 2020 nominee will likely be some joker like Cruz.

I think the important take away for me personally, is these people are unwilling you adjust their view points to coincide both with the majority of Americans and with supportable facts/data.

I used to be naive to think that Republicans would readjust to be a center right foil to the Democrats. It's becoming increasingly obvious that they are more willing to burn the entire thing down rather than reevaluate their outlook.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
90% of Claire malone's analysis in their latest instant messagitcle is wondering about wiki leaks.
I think the important take away for me personally, is these people are unwilling you adjust their view points to coincide both with the majority of Americans and with supportable facts/data.

I used to be naive to think that Republicans would readjust to be a center right foil to the Democrats. It's becoming increasingly obvious that they are more willing to burn the entire thing down rather than reevaluate their outlook.

The Democrats have staked out a lot of the center economically, and the whole country has gone more left socially. There's not a lot of ground to claim.


Unconfirmed Member
Keep polling in Colorado at least for the Senate. Though last I checked Bennet was up something like 15 points over the Republican challenger

Apparently the RNC already gave up on helping Glenn, so it seems unlikely for him to win.


Professional Schmuck
-- Donald still within 6 nationally is just not good enough, I mean...

-- Iowa numbers are kinda concerning

-- Arizona numbers, anyone? Not happy until those come in.

-- Brietbart guy running a campaign is kinda scary. Imagine the damage he could do with that platform!

-- Losing Indiana could be a real blow to taking the House, which isn't even really a possibility

-- Obamacare is probably going to collapse any minute now, too. And who can fix it without a majority?

-- Seeing all these Hillary health rumors are legit concerning, real or not. What if that scares people?
Shane GoldmacherVerified account
This is the chief strategist of the Republican Party and defender of Trump, via @bterris


Strong argument from Spicer. I can't decide if this is better or worse than quoting MLP on national TV.

-- Donald still within 6 nationally is just not good enough, I mean...

-- Iowa numbers are kinda concerning

-- Arizona numbers, anyone? Not happy until those come in.

-- Brietbart guy running a campaign is kinda scary. Imagine the damage he could do with that platform!

-- Losing Indiana could be a real blow to taking the House, which isn't even really a possibility

-- Obamacare is probably going to collapse any minute now, too. And who can fix it without a majority?

-- Seeing all these Hillary health rumors are legit concerning, real or not. What if that scares people?



-- Donald still within 6 nationally is just not good enough, I mean...

-- Iowa numbers are kinda concerning

-- Arizona numbers, anyone? Not happy until those come in.

-- Brietbart guy running a campaign is kinda scary. Imagine the damage he could do with that platform!

-- Losing Indiana could be a real blow to taking the House, which isn't even really a possibility

-- Obamacare is probably going to collapse any minute now, too. And who can fix it without a majority?

-- Seeing all these Hillary health rumors are legit concerning, real or not. What if that scares people?

Fool me once, can't get fooled again.
90% of Claire malone's analysis in their latest instant messagitcle is wondering about wiki leaks.

That's because Clare Malone is hot garbage. Avirgan is terrible, Malone is terrible, Silver should just run numbers instead of trying to analyze the political landscape, and even Wasserman is stuck on PA.

For good analysis on 538, there's Harry Enten, there's Julie Azari (maybe that's her last name?), and then one other woman whose name also fails me, but most of 538 has been shit at analysis. The podcast is near unlistenable because of Avirgan and Malone making shitty jokes and adding nothing insightful of value to the podcast. NPR's politics podcast is blowing them out of the water from an analytical standpoint.
-- Donald still within 6 nationally is just not good enough, I mean...

-- Iowa numbers are kinda concerning

-- Arizona numbers, anyone? Not happy until those come in.

-- Brietbart guy running a campaign is kinda scary. Imagine the damage he could do with that platform!

-- Losing Indiana could be a real blow to taking the House, which isn't even really a possibility

-- Obamacare is probably going to collapse any minute now, too. And who can fix it without a majority?

-- Seeing all these Hillary health rumors are legit concerning, real or not. What if that scares people?
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