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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
As Trump Rises, ‘Reformocons’ See Chance to Update G.O.P.’s Economic Views

Interesting. Politically, it would be a very good idea for the republicans to do this. It should be obvious to anyone that populist ideas are popular with working class white voters, and taking these ideas on will weaken the next demagogic populist candidate who tries to take advantage of the Republican coalition's cleavages.

If this does change, all I can say is thank fucking Christ. There might be some actual common ground where democrats and republicans can actually get shit done instead of Republicans just saying no to everything and demanding tax cuts for the wealthy and cuts to everything else.

I actually think this might have an okay chance of happening since absorbing the ideas of a fringe candidate or 'outside' force to weaken that and strengthen the party is classic two-party politics.

This is the best direction for republicans to take, but will take decades to fully integrate into the politics of the party.


The damage done in this last week isn't something correcting a mistake via a tweet can fix. Those were scars on his character, or rather, revealing to more and more people what kind of a man he really is - A man not fit to be president.

He might recover a little. BUT, the damage is done. Even if he backtracks and apologizes for everything he said, thats just further proof that this is damage control. He had his chance, apologies need to happen immediately. The fact that he has reinforced his lack of apology multiple times over the last week... he's toast.

But the media should let up on certain things for a bit, unless he does something else that's terrible. To give the impression that things are okay. Trump and the GOP elite need to stick to this for at least a month more, when its absolutely certain there is no turning back.

Why the hell is Jill Stein advertising so much? CNN too not just MSNBC

Must have seen an opportunity. Trying to get disgruntled moderate Republicans, Independents and any leftover Bernie or Bust folk.


None of that implies they won't double down on racism. Look at the Nazi party, it was a "worker's party" too, but those kinds of parties use cheap rethoric, nationalism, fear and scapegoats to get in power.

So you'll have a party in Trump's image, but without an idiot in charge.


They certainly will not want to double down on racism because doing that ensures that they will not be a national party. It is simply impossible to win the presidency with only the Republican white vote. They have to appeal to Hispanics to have any hope of winning.

The GOP knows this.

Hell, their 2012 report was all about appealing to more Hispanic voters by passing immigration reform and other things - obviously they completely failed to carry that out.

I find your Nazi example to be completely stupid. Completely different situations.


Olympic opening ceremonies are tonight. The campaigns enter a new mode. Today won't be enough to erase this week's Trumpy narrative.. he kinda blew that on Wednesday, and with polls reinforcing the "tire fire" narrative every day.


That tweet is hilarious. It's like someone decided he needed to admit that he was wrong then thought, "but we need to make it sound like it was written by Donald. I know, put an exclamation point at the end!"


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
255k jobs

UE unchaged at 4.9%

Now I can go to sleep


What, do you follow the BLS on twitter too or something?? :mad:


Reading now: How political idealism leads us astray


It's off to a good start.

This is interesting but I don't really buy it.

The first big claim here is that trying to achieve a distant ideal will likely require making things worse first, and that this doesn't work - this leads to gulags. But only two strategies are considered here, and they're both fundamentally political. There are technical strategies for achieving distant ideals that these criticisms aren't going to apply to, and there are other political strategies as well. The article talks about trying to prevent or roll back incremental progress towards a local optimum and about mass purges. The concern here is not about making a system work (I guess maybe you could understand purges this way); the point of these strategies is to make it politically possible to try to get to your ideal system. But, like, what about the political strategy of just going out and trying to persuade people that your ideal is better than what we're headed towards, without killing anybody and without standing in the way of local progress on the grounds that it makes it politically harder to get people to go for a different system?

The "distant mountains" thing is not primarily a political problem. It's not necessarily impossible to get enough people to freely choose to try for a distant peak. It's a technical problem: how do you jump over the valley and climb the other mountain fast enough that you don't spend much time worse off than you are now? Mostly this is doable. Like, there's a sense in which Obamacare is an incremental reform (if you zoom out pretty far), but really it was a pretty big change to the way that we provide health care as a society. A truly incremental path to Obamacare would have perhaps done it piece-wise, with us spending time with guaranteed issue but not an individual mandate for example. And that would have quite possibly been worse than what we had before. But this was a studied problem, we were able to benefit by looking at other countries with fully-functioning systems, etc., and so we were able to go all at once to a significant overhaul of our health care system that seems to be working very well and now is making incremental progress towards a different, better optimum.

The second point about how it's hard to be sure that the distant mountain we think we see is actually higher than the one we're one is a good one. This is a reason to be scientific about this - try to work out what your ideal policies would actually do in practice, with small-scale experimentation where possible, and try to work out the most incremental path possible to get there. Don't be a revolutionary unless you've got no other choice.

Mostly this all strikes me as an argument for not being stupid and arrogant about institutional change rather than as an argument for giving up on keeping an ideal in mind when you think about where society should go from here. Like, yeah, you shouldn't try to tear down the state because you're sure that a stateless society will eventually be much better than what we've got now. But, all respect to Benji, this is mostly just because we have lots of reasons to think that (A) actually a stateless society would be awful and (B) tearing down the state tomorrow would leave us immediately way worse off than even a relatively good stateless society would be (and absent a state we wouldn't have that many ways to produce even incremental progress). It's not because it's a mistake in principle to be looking for distant optima and ways to get to them. The problem with Bernie-or-Trump accelerationists is mostly that their theory of politics is crazy, not that they're wrong to want to ultimately get to a pretty different place than we are now.

Edit: To be clear, it's also not even the case that it's necessarily wrong to want to go through a period where things are worse off in order to get to a place where things are better off and are on a better path. You just need to have good reasons to think that you'll get to that better path and that it will be worth it. Easy example: the Civil War, or just about any justifiable war for that matter. "I have a dream" is shorthand for having this distant vision of a better but radically different society that's going to take generations to get to.


Ship is sinking and he's trying extremely hard to justify a Donald Trump presidency to himself with the promise of conservative Supreme Court justice.

I really don't get why Republicans assume that he is going to nominate judges that they want. Trump does what he wants and can't be controlled and will turn on people at the drop of a hat if he thinks they are being mean to him or are no longer useful. He certainly doesnt have conservative principles. Trump's judicial appointments are completely unpredictable because he is unpredictable. Holding out hope for that is just delusional.
Whoa, 255K jobs

4.9% UE, wage earnings up

May +13,000 revisions
June +5,000

Wonderful news obviously but its hard for my brain to square the slow growth GDP numbers with these really good job numbers. I figured we'd have to be growing at 4%+ to justify numbers like that.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Are people seriously going to diablos about a tweet where he admits he's wrong so as to diffuse criticism that he was leaking classified info???? Can't you just be happy
I really don't get why Republicans assume that he is going to nominate judges that they want. Trump does what he wants and can't be controlled and will turn on people at the drop of a hat if he thinks they are being mean to him or are no longer useful. He certainly doesnt have conservative principles. Trump's judicial appointments are completely unpredictable because he is unpredictable. Holding out hope for that is just delusional.

Yep, he's making the same mistake Ryan made. Trump doesn't really care about his voters and fulfilling any kinds of promises to them. It would definitely be a "thanks losers, there's the door" kind of moment.


Woo, great jobs report. Clinton also got a big endorsement from a former CIA director in the Times this morning who called Trump an unwitting pawn of Putin. Trump had to put out one of his crazy press releases to try and respond.


Junior Member

One EV for every abdominal muscle

Nice boobs.
So I'm watching Trump talk about refugees coming from some of the most dangerous places in the world...

He understands that is the whole point, right? Like, they wouldn't be refugees if they came from a safe country?


Wonderful news obviously but its hard for my brain to square the slow growth GDP numbers with these really good job numbers. I figured we'd have to be growing at 4%+ to justify numbers like that.

I think there's a good number of baby boomers retiring before 65. When they retire that opens up new positions.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Nice. The cherry on top of all the great poll numbers heading into the Olympic freeze.

my exact thoughts this morning - this is a great way to wrap up this hellish week for the GOP.

now let's all root for the same team, regardless of politics.
cia director oped.......pretty much saying that trump is a russian secret agent while saying if we have gone with clinton's strategy for syria ISIS may not be around.


Wow, brutal takedown. Glad to finally see these people not mincing words. I found this part the most interesting:

In fact, many Muslim Americans play critical roles in protecting our country, including the man, whom I cannot identify, who ran the C.I.A.’s Counterterrorism Center for nearly a decade and who I believe is most responsible for keeping America safe since the Sept. 11 attacks.


Nice numbers. Time is running short for any sort of economic downturn narrative to derail things. An October report can be spun as an aberration from the overall trend, so we really just need October or September's report to be decent. At that point, it'd take an overnight meltdown for the economy to be a negative factor.
cia director oped.......pretty much saying that trump is a russian secret agent while saying if we have gone with clinton's strategy for syria ISIS may not be around.


Thanks for sharing this. I put this on my social media. That'll upset some people no doubt, but it's great to see someone praising Clinton rather than just saying she's the lesser of two evils. He's saying Trump will be terrible, Clinton will be great, because *reasons*.

And it's hard to argue with his experience too.


Live from the BEST bigly SAD. echochamber of the ass-mouthed animated comb over


“Hillary Clinton and President Obama bear the direct responsibility of destabilizing the Middle East, having let ISIS take firm hold in Iraq, Libya and Syria, not to mention their allowing Americans to be slaughtered at Benghazi.
Clinton’s home email server that she lied to the American people about was a profound national security risk, and it should come as no surprise that her campaign would push out another Obama-Clinton pawn (who is not independent) to try to change the subject in a week when Clinton’s role in putting Iran on the path to nuclear weapons and this Administration being called out for sending $400 million in cash to the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism is on every front page in the country.
Hillary Clinton has bad judgment and is unfit to serve as President.”
– Donald J. Trump


GA going blue would the highlight of this election. If they can successfully turn that state purple, that makes things a lot fucking tougher for the GOP.
Live from the BEST bigly SAD. echochamber of the ass-mouthed animated comb over


“Hillary Clinton and President Obama bear the direct responsibility of destabilizing the Middle East, having let ISIS take firm hold in Iraq, Libya and Syria, not to mention their allowing Americans to be slaughtered at Benghazi.
Clinton’s home email server that she lied to the American people about was a profound national security risk, and it should come as no surprise that her campaign would push out another Obama-Clinton pawn (who is not independent) to try to change the subject in a week when Clinton’s role in putting Iran on the path to nuclear weapons and this Administration being called out for sending $400 million in cash to the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism is on every front page in the country.
Hillary Clinton has bad judgment and is unfit to serve as President.”
– Donald J. Trump
Keep telling people Clinton is like Obama. PLEASE DONALD. Don't stop!
Live from the BEST bigly SAD. echochamber of the ass-mouthed animated comb over


“Hillary Clinton and President Obama bear the direct responsibility of destabilizing the Middle East, having let ISIS take firm hold in Iraq, Libya and Syria, not to mention their allowing Americans to be slaughtered at Benghazi.
Clinton’s home email server that she lied to the American people about was a profound national security risk, and it should come as no surprise that her campaign would push out another Obama-Clinton pawn (who is not independent) to try to change the subject in a week when Clinton’s role in putting Iran on the path to nuclear weapons and this Administration being called out for sending $400 million in cash to the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism is on every front page in the country.
Hillary Clinton has bad judgment and is unfit to serve as President.”
– Donald J. Trump

Whenever Donald does these things during this week, the Iran non-story, this load of garbage, and the other petty dumb attempts to deflect, I can't help thinking of the scene near the end of V for Vendetta where the regime is desperate to sway opinion and just starts blasting the news with deflections left and right and the people just shrug it off as a sad act of desperation.


GA going blue would the highlight of this election. If they can successfully turn that state purple, that makes things a lot fucking tougher for the GOP.

If the Dems can turn GA and NC blue, they can lose PA, CO, NV, IA, OH, and FL and still win. The blue wall + NC, VA, and GA puts them at 275 EVs.
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