"I have Bulletball"But then what do you have left?
"I have Bulletball"But then what do you have left?
Live from the BEST bigly SAD. echochamber of the ass-mouthed animated comb over
Hillary Clinton and President Obama bear the direct responsibility of destabilizing the Middle East, having let ISIS take firm hold in Iraq, Libya and Syria, not to mention their allowing Americans to be slaughtered at Benghazi.
Clintons home email server that she lied to the American people about was a profound national security risk, and it should come as no surprise that her campaign would push out another Obama-Clinton pawn (who is not independent) to try to change the subject in a week when Clintons role in putting Iran on the path to nuclear weapons and this Administration being called out for sending $400 million in cash to the worlds largest state sponsor of terrorism is on every front page in the country.
Hillary Clinton has bad judgment and is unfit to serve as President.
Donald J. Trump
GA going blue would the highlight of this election. If they can successfully turn that state purple, that makes things a lot fucking tougher for the GOP.
Sorry, just had to quote this amazing unique sentence which has never been spoken or even thought of before and never will be again in all human history.
What's happening?Front page of every paper, LOLOLOLOL trump is a fucking idiot
so the only thing thats left is hillary blowing the debates. can she hold her own vs. trump's sound bites?
Front page of every paper, LOLOLOLOL trump is a fucking idiot
What's happening?
so the only thing thats left is hillary blowing the debates. can she hold her own vs. trump's sound bites?
Regarding the tweet; is it possible that Trump is not admitting a mistake, but instead saying the video he saw is not the one that was on TV, which was the Switzerland one? That is, he is claiming he saw another video?
A week ago it was almost tied. The fact that so much has changed in just a week gives me a sliver of hope that that can happen again but the other way. It would take an unforeseen event but it could happen...we still have 3 months. So much can change, right?? Debates too...
This sliver is all i have left. Extremely frustrated.
I agree, but I also think that Trump is going to muddy the waters by being unhinged, and talking over Hillary Clinton when she is trying to answer the questions. The entire thing is going to be a giant mess.If Trump is scared of debating Clinton, he is right to be.
Clinton has two easy paths to victory.
Path 1: Get him to use a gendered insult.
Path 2: Get him to contradict himself in the debate.
Both of these should be fairly simple.
Demonstrating that she knows more about policy than Trump is going to be child's play too. Yes, Trump held his own with insults and madness in the GOP debates, but those tactics aren't going to work against Clinton, and won't sway any undecided or get anyone to move away from supporting Clinton, and clearly that's what the Don needs to do.
Imho the best case scenario for Trump in the debates is: Don't alienate people already supporting him.
I don't see him gaining a shred of new support from them.
Here's what Clinton needs to worry about: getting a straight answer on the e-mail situation. Point out Comey was wrong to say three of the e-mails were marked classified, and seemed to admit as much.
so the only thing thats left is hillary blowing the debates. can she hold her own vs. trump's sound bites?
I could see it going either way... let me give you a scenario- Hillary sinks to his level and gets heated and legit angry, frustrated, and slips up. Trump catches her in a dagger soundbite.I have to say this.
Trump will not do good in the debates. Look how he acted against the khans. Look how he acted when he was given a purple heart. Look how he retracted to being called a short fibgered person.
He's like a child trying to keep score.
A week ago it was almost tied. The fact that so much has changed in just a week gives me a sliver of hope that that can happen again but the other way. It would take an unforeseen event but it could happen...we still have 3 months. So much can change, right?? Debates too...
This sliver is all i have left. Extremely frustrated.
Hillary doesn't get heated and angry.I could see it going either way... let me give you a scenario- Hillary sinks to his level and gets heated and legit angry, frustrated, and slips up. Trump catches her in a dagger soundbite.
I could see it going either way... let me give you a scenario- Hillary sinks to his level and gets heated and legit angry, frustrated, and slips up. Trump catches her in a dagger soundbite.
Regarding the tweet; is it possible that Trump is not admitting a mistake, but instead saying the video he saw is not the one that was on TV, which was the Switzerland one? That is, he is claiming he saw another video?
I could see it going either way... let me give you a scenario- Hillary sinks to his level and gets heated and legit angry, frustrated, and slips up. Trump catches her in a dagger soundbite.
I could see it going either way... let me give you a scenario- Hillary sinks to his level and gets heated and legit angry, frustrated, and slips up. Trump catches her in a dagger soundbite.
GA going blue would the highlight of this election. If they can successfully turn that state purple, that makes things a lot fucking tougher for the GOP.
Hannity repeatedly saying "Hillary is a third-term Obama" is one of the greatest endorsements ever.
The majority of GOP insiders, 70 percent, said they want Trump to drop out of the race and be replaced by another Republican candidate with many citing Trumps drag on Republicans in down-ballot races.
Shit. Hillary going in on that Trump/Putin bromance. I love it.
In your opinion what would be something that could turn the election into Trump's favor? Like what event or series of events?
A week ago it was almost tied. The fact that so much has changed in just a week gives me a sliver of hope that that can happen again but the other way. It would take an unforeseen event but it could happen...we still have 3 months. So much can change, right?? Debates too...
This sliver is all i have left. Extremely frustrated.
Actually, thanks to Trump opening his big mouth during Orlando, I believe more people trust Hillary in the case of a terror attack than Trump.3) As morbid and insensitive as this sounds (and pls don't wack me for it, I'm just answering the question, not wishing one to happen!)- another major terrorist attack... And if it was on American soil, look out. This would change the tide as awful as that sounds...
Hillary doesn't get heated and angry.
Hillary has never debated someone like Donald Trump. Look what happened in the Republican debates. Most of the candidates are cool and collected people but Trump changes the whole atmosphere of the debate.When has Hillary ever demonstrated doing that? Under every circumstance brought to her, she's remained cool and collected..
Hillary has never debated someone like Donald Trump. Look what happened in the Republican debates. Most of the candidates are cool and collected people but Trump changes the whole atmosphere of the debate.
I could see it going either way... let me give you a scenario- Hillary sinks to his level and gets heated and legit angry, frustrated, and slips up. Trump catches her in a dagger soundbite.
Shit. Hillary going in on that Trump/Putin bromance. I love it.
Of course things can change. Nothing is set in stone 90 days out. Bush came back from a bigger deficit against Dukakis in 88 (To be safe, HRC better clear of driving any tanks from now till November) And to give Trump some credit, he's proven to be incredibly resilient and just one of his many gaffes would've ended lesser pols, but he's pretty damn durable.
Anyway, I liked this picture from 538, really puts things in perspective. The GOP is slowly but surely dying. And their well of dependable states (at least those with any meaningful EVs) is quickly vanishing. Wait maybe ten years or so when TX is really in play and it becomes even better.
Hillary has never debated someone like Donald Trump. Look what happened in the Republican debates. Most of the candidates are cool and collected people but Trump changes the whole atmosphere of the debate.
Hillary has never debated someone like Donald Trump. Look what happened in the Republican debates. Most of the candidates are cool and collected people but Trump changes the whole atmosphere of the debate.
Hillary has never debated someone like Donald Trump. Look what happened in the Republican debates. Most of the candidates are cool and collected people but Trump changes the whole atmosphere of the debate.