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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Live from the BEST bigly SAD. echochamber of the ass-mouthed animated comb over


“Hillary Clinton and President Obama bear the direct responsibility of destabilizing the Middle East, having let ISIS take firm hold in Iraq, Libya and Syria, not to mention their allowing Americans to be slaughtered at Benghazi.
Clinton’s home email server that she lied to the American people about was a profound national security risk, and it should come as no surprise that her campaign would push out another Obama-Clinton pawn (who is not independent) to try to change the subject in a week when Clinton’s role in putting Iran on the path to nuclear weapons and this Administration being called out for sending $400 million in cash to the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism is on every front page in the country.
Hillary Clinton has bad judgment and is unfit to serve as President.”
– Donald J. Trump

"Direct responsibility" of destabilizing the Middle-East? Right, cause invading Iraq on a pack of lies had absolutely nothing to do with that. Also, it's so heartwarming to know that the only American lives Trump and his fuck-faced minions care about died in Benghazi. The way they have been cynically and politically exploiting these deaths, over and over again, while completely ignoring much, much larger death counts, is despicable.

In my view, spouting this many lies as someone running for office, to so many people, should be fucking criminal. This kind of "black is white" narrative does so much damage to the country, in terms of spitting on any sense of truth and factual history of events.


Kills Photobucket
GA going blue would the highlight of this election. If they can successfully turn that state purple, that makes things a lot fucking tougher for the GOP.

I want 400 EV votes so badly...


Regarding the tweet; is it possible that Trump is not admitting a mistake, but instead saying the video he saw is not the one that was on TV, which was the Switzerland one? That is, he is claiming he saw another video?


So how likely is it that Trump leaks info from a classified briefing before the debates? It's got to be fairly likely.


Professional Schmuck
Striking that Hannity can say such obviously GOP-damaging things and nobody accuses him of being an obvious Democratic plant.
so the only thing thats left is hillary blowing the debates. can she hold her own vs. trump's sound bites?

If Trump is scared of debating Clinton, he is right to be.

Clinton has two easy paths to victory.

Path 1: Get him to use a gendered insult.
Path 2: Get him to contradict himself in the debate.

Both of these should be fairly simple.

Demonstrating that she knows more about policy than Trump is going to be child's play too. Yes, Trump held his own with insults and madness in the GOP debates, but those tactics aren't going to work against Clinton, and won't sway any undecided or get anyone to move away from supporting Clinton, and clearly that's what the Don needs to do.

Imho the best case scenario for Trump in the debates is: Don't alienate people already supporting him.

I don't see him gaining a shred of new support from them.

Here's what Clinton needs to worry about: getting a straight answer on the e-mail situation. Point out Comey was wrong to say three of the e-mails were marked classified, and seemed to admit as much.
A week ago it was almost tied. The fact that so much has changed in just a week gives me a sliver of hope that that can happen again but the other way. It would take an unforeseen event but it could happen...we still have 3 months. So much can change, right?? Debates too...

This sliver is all i have left. Extremely frustrated.


Regarding the tweet; is it possible that Trump is not admitting a mistake, but instead saying the video he saw is not the one that was on TV, which was the Switzerland one? That is, he is claiming he saw another video?

Actually, that's how I read it.

Rebel Leader

A week ago it was almost tied. The fact that so much has changed in just a week gives me a sliver of hope that that can happen again but the other way. It would take an unforeseen event but it could happen...we still have 3 months. So much can change, right?? Debates too...

This sliver is all i have left. Extremely frustrated.

I have to say this.

Trump will not do good in the debates. Look how he acted against the khans. Look how he acted when he was given a purple heart. Look how he retracted to being called a short fibgered person.

He's like a child trying to keep score.
If Trump is scared of debating Clinton, he is right to be.

Clinton has two easy paths to victory.

Path 1: Get him to use a gendered insult.
Path 2: Get him to contradict himself in the debate.

Both of these should be fairly simple.

Demonstrating that she knows more about policy than Trump is going to be child's play too. Yes, Trump held his own with insults and madness in the GOP debates, but those tactics aren't going to work against Clinton, and won't sway any undecided or get anyone to move away from supporting Clinton, and clearly that's what the Don needs to do.

Imho the best case scenario for Trump in the debates is: Don't alienate people already supporting him.

I don't see him gaining a shred of new support from them.

Here's what Clinton needs to worry about: getting a straight answer on the e-mail situation. Point out Comey was wrong to say three of the e-mails were marked classified, and seemed to admit as much.
I agree, but I also think that Trump is going to muddy the waters by being unhinged, and talking over Hillary Clinton when she is trying to answer the questions. The entire thing is going to be a giant mess.


Scanning various social media sources, it is also comical how a growing segment of the Trumpersticker "Keep honking - I'm RELOADING" demographic seems to have reached new psychological phase of "coaching from the couch", red-faced yelling at His Delicate Orangeness to "STOP FALLING FOR HER BAIT" like excasperated little league parent charicatures.

Do you see it too ?
Of all the shit to backtrack on...he picked THAT? Like, why would you clarify on that particular statement. Just...you know...never mention it again. If your goal is to prove you can listen and learn, that's a stupid ass thing to pretend to listen on.
I have to say this.

Trump will not do good in the debates. Look how he acted against the khans. Look how he acted when he was given a purple heart. Look how he retracted to being called a short fibgered person.

He's like a child trying to keep score.
I could see it going either way... let me give you a scenario- Hillary sinks to his level and gets heated and legit angry, frustrated, and slips up. Trump catches her in a dagger soundbite.
A week ago it was almost tied. The fact that so much has changed in just a week gives me a sliver of hope that that can happen again but the other way. It would take an unforeseen event but it could happen...we still have 3 months. So much can change, right?? Debates too...

This sliver is all i have left. Extremely frustrated.

In your opinion what would be something that could turn the election into Trump's favor? Like what event or series of events?


Of course things can change. Nothing is set in stone 90 days out. Bush came back from a bigger deficit against Dukakis in 88 (To be safe, HRC better clear of driving any tanks from now till November) And to give Trump some credit, he's proven to be incredibly resilient and just one of his many gaffes would've ended lesser pols, but he's pretty damn durable.

Anyway, I liked this picture from 538, really puts things in perspective. The GOP is slowly but surely dying. And their well of dependable states (at least those with any meaningful EVs) is quickly vanishing. Wait maybe ten years or so when TX is really in play and it becomes even better.

I could see it going either way... let me give you a scenario- Hillary sinks to his level and gets heated and legit angry, frustrated, and slips up. Trump catches her in a dagger soundbite.

When has Hillary ever demonstrated doing that? Under every circumstance brought to her, she's remained cool and collected.

Just yesterday, the Secret Service rushed on stage and grabbed her due to a possible threat, and she just paused her speech, and sat and waited until the situation was cleared. Then she continued right along.

She was grilled for 11 hours by inept morons with a blatant agenda and she never slipped up, not once.

Versus Trump who panicked and ducked for cover when the same situation was present to him.
Regarding the tweet; is it possible that Trump is not admitting a mistake, but instead saying the video he saw is not the one that was on TV, which was the Switzerland one? That is, he is claiming he saw another video?

So he's saying it's something he saw at a classified briefing? Because that is even worse for him.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I could see it going either way... let me give you a scenario- Hillary sinks to his level and gets heated and legit angry, frustrated, and slips up. Trump catches her in a dagger soundbite.

Clinton is a top tier debater, I can't see her making such an obvious mistake.

She's an exceptionally collected person.


Junior Member
GA going blue would the highlight of this election. If they can successfully turn that state purple, that makes things a lot fucking tougher for the GOP.

Georgia going blue would indicate a landslide scenario. I don't see any swing state going red if GA goes blue. The GOP has got to be shitting bricks right now.

Hannity repeatedly saying "Hillary is a third-term Obama" is one of the greatest endorsements ever.

He's a fucking idiot. Stewart's takedown of him was long overdue.


Trump won't do or say anything about Hillary going to Georgia since Putin probably told him to ignore anything happening in Georgia.
In your opinion what would be something that could turn the election into Trump's favor? Like what event or series of events?

1) New damning wikileak, not cupcake leaks but a damning one

2) Winning the first debate... (first debate imo is the most important). Catching Hillary in a soundbite ownage that plays all over the media the following day

3) As morbid and insensitive as this sounds (and pls don't wack me for it, I'm just answering the question, not wishing one to happen!)- another major terrorist attack... And if it was on American soil, look out. This would change the tide as awful as that sounds...


A week ago it was almost tied. The fact that so much has changed in just a week gives me a sliver of hope that that can happen again but the other way. It would take an unforeseen event but it could happen...we still have 3 months. So much can change, right?? Debates too...

This sliver is all i have left. Extremely frustrated.

Gee, I'm so sorry your hopes of bringing white nationalism back to America may not work out.
((Harry Enten))) ‏@ForecasterEnten 13h13 hours ago

If these polls are to believed, there are ~30k black people who are Trump supporters in USA. There are ~50k people at tonight's Yankee game.
3) As morbid and insensitive as this sounds (and pls don't wack me for it, I'm just answering the question, not wishing one to happen!)- another major terrorist attack... And if it was on American soil, look out. This would change the tide as awful as that sounds...
Actually, thanks to Trump opening his big mouth during Orlando, I believe more people trust Hillary in the case of a terror attack than Trump.

A terrorist attack doesn't magically make minorities go away.
So, I was down on it for a while, but the last three or four episodes I've seen of the The Daily Show were really good. Maybe he's finally finding his footing.
Hillary has never debated someone like Donald Trump. Look what happened in the Republican debates. Most of the candidates are cool and collected people but Trump changes the whole atmosphere of the debate.

Hillary has never debate a bumbling, orange buffoon. This is true.

Luckily, she spent 12 hours being grilled by a bunch of impotent man-children, so I'm putting my money on her. Considering Trump was too scared to debate Rubio, Kasich and Ben Carson...I'm feeling fine about my chances.


Professional Schmuck
Of course things can change. Nothing is set in stone 90 days out. Bush came back from a bigger deficit against Dukakis in 88 (To be safe, HRC better clear of driving any tanks from now till November) And to give Trump some credit, he's proven to be incredibly resilient and just one of his many gaffes would've ended lesser pols, but he's pretty damn durable.

Anyway, I liked this picture from 538, really puts things in perspective. The GOP is slowly but surely dying. And their well of dependable states (at least those with any meaningful EVs) is quickly vanishing. Wait maybe ten years or so when TX is really in play and it becomes even better.


that is a beautiful map.

I imagine sometime in the future -- 2028? -- GOP has reformed itself / Libertarians have taken over / some weird coalition between the rightmost Dems (Hawks and remaining blue union types) and the sane portion of the right join forces to form something of a new party. No idea what their map looks like, but I imagine it's similar to Trump's ideal path to win through the rustbelt and northern midwest.

But holy crap look at this map. BYE BYE, Texas!
Hillary has never debated someone like Donald Trump. Look what happened in the Republican debates. Most of the candidates are cool and collected people but Trump changes the whole atmosphere of the debate.

Umm... she got interrogated for 11 hours on live TV by a panel of hostile Republicans constantly attempting to twist her words and get her to slip up and they couldn't do it.

Debating a moron who probably won't even show up is nothing she can't handle.
Hillary has never debated someone like Donald Trump. Look what happened in the Republican debates. Most of the candidates are cool and collected people but Trump changes the whole atmosphere of the debate.

nah. If anything I would more likely expect one of these debates to have a pivotal Lazio moment.

Hillary has no reason to be flustered. Trump's back is on the wall and looking awful desperate and uncollected right now, off the rails. He can't even handle softball questions in his own echo chambers. Trump is more likely to hang himself while Hillary gives him the rope.


Hillary has never debated someone like Donald Trump. Look what happened in the Republican debates. Most of the candidates are cool and collected people but Trump changes the whole atmosphere of the debate.

thats because you had a shitshow with 20 people who were all trying to one up each other. There is NOTHING you can take from the primary debates and apply to the general, and its a fools errand to try. The moderators won't deal with that shit, the viewers won't, and she's actually in the gigantic lead so she has no reason to worry about what he says
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