New NBC/Marist poll of Ohio shows Harambe +4 (3.5% MoE, 568 LVs, Aug 1 - 5).
That's basically within moe though, looks ok
New NBC/Marist poll of Ohio shows Harambe +4 (3.5% MoE, 568 LVs, Aug 1 - 5).
New NBC/Marist poll of Ohio shows Harambe +4 (3.5% MoE, 568 LVs, Aug 1 - 5).
Clinton's the only one running national ads during the Olympics.
Think Johnson can crack 3%?
I don't know if anybody here is following the Ailes story but the rabbit hole of shame keeps getting deeper.
At this point he's:
* Offered huge numbers of women preferential treatment for sex
* Taken sexual videos of women to use to blackmail them into long-term coercive sexual relationships
* Specifically directed Fox journalists to promote the invasion of Iraq
* Spent Fox News money on sexual harassment settlements to cover up his behavior
* Hired political consultants to run PR campaigns against his personal enemies using Fox's budget
* Hired private detectives and oppo researchers to target and smear his enemies, again using Fox money
Basically all of the crazy things left-wing people thought about Fox were more or less true.
The worst part of having such a corrupt right wing in America is that, if Hillary gets elected, Trump and Manafort get busted for working with Putin and Roger Ailes goes to jail for being basically Kingpin with a news network, it will look just like a long-term political crony coming to power and using accusations of espionage and treason to shut down all her potential enemies. EXCEPT THEY REALLY WERE EVIL
Depends on how hard the Mormons abandon Trump. I'm trying to see how many Mormon voters there are in the US, but I can't find it
I actually am not surprised by any except the bolded. He might actually end up in jail for that
CNN poll, 2012
Stein 3% ( actual result: 0.36% )
I'm pretty sure the bold is blackmail...
I bought some apple wood smoked cheese to support the good people of Wisconsin. My god is it delicious. Curse you Scott Walker!
Y'all talked about this?
Kasich is straight up confirming the VP offer rumors, lol
Trump is a mess
Why is Nevada a risk though? Obama won it comfortably both times and it has a high Hispanic pop.
Confused why it seems in danger this year while CO is a lock.
Why is Nevada a risk though? Obama won it comfortably both times and it has a high Hispanic pop.
Confused why it seems in danger this year while CO is a lock.
Why is Nevada a risk though? Obama won it comfortably both times and it has a high Hispanic pop.
Confused why it seems in danger this year while CO is a lock.
So The Upshot has increased Hillary's chance of being president to 83% and their pathways to winning the presidency is pretty great at this point.
I don't mean normal views, I mean run someone that doesn't look and or sound insane. When Vermin Supreme is more average than you care to admit there's a problem. The third-parties that do win local elections do so because they manage to run people who can not only string more than one sentence together without mentioning chem-trails but also because they focus on local issues. You win local elections by focusing on the issues that affect the residents that live in the district you're running in, not by going on about the NSA when there's a drought.
Pay attention motherfuckers! I probably already posted the answer.
Right, but if we're talking small-scale local elections, like to your local municipal government, there's not really any room for ideology to come into the solutions. The amount of money you get is usually pre-determined, large parts of your spending are usually pre-determined, and the role is largely administrative. Local elections are also often extremely noncompetitive because the districts are very small and therefore very likely to be homogenous. If you're the sort of committed ideologue who felt they had to exit the two-party system, you're not going to sign up to the sort of position that then gives you absolutely no ability or likelihood to exercise your ideology.
Honestly, I don't think the Libertarians are any better at this than the Greens, despite the claims in this thread. Most libertarians are, to normal people, weird as fuck. The Libertarians are lucky in that they have a mainstream candidate who was de facto forced out of his own party but wanted to continue in politics - sort of the equivalent of Bernie Sanders actually have dropped out of the Democrats to join the Greens as a protest against how the Democratic Party treated him/after being thrown out of the Democrats in an alternate timeline. Then you end up with someone who has to have faced at least some of the political drudgery before ending up in the party that almost by definition drives people who could do it well away. Without Johnson, the Libertarians would sink (even further) into mediocrity.
I agree totally about the libertarians, without Johnson they'd get stuck with someone like Vermin Supreme. He's the only reason that party is getting the look it is this cycle.
I wouldn't discount local issues at the federal level either though. Ideology has it's place, but you still need to tailor your message to the community you're running in. A House candidate in Queens is going to run on a different platform than one in Staten Island, even if they're in the same party. People want someone who, to paraphrase Bill Clinton, feels their pain. It's about letting the voters know you care about what's going on with them, that's how you win elections.
all these states she's winning
she will lose
Though really her emails answers are so bad!
Carrier pigeons to be re-adopted as our federal information transfer system
If I was in Florida
How he gonna sneaker net, when a bird ain't got no sneakers?!pigeon gonna get that paper
u might have no teeth
Anyone want to bet that Trump will announce his own news network sometime in 2017, with Roger Alies and Sean Hannity on board?
Hopefully that'll keep his crazies on board in the party for whichever nut he endorses in the 2020 primary.Anyone want to bet that Trump will announce his own news network sometime in 2017, with Roger Alies and Sean Hannity on board?
Current polls show the race for President is much tighter than it really is. Ann Coulter warned us years ago in her best seller Slander that Democrats and the liberal media always use polls to manipulate and discourage conservatives from voting. Thanks to social media there is more and more evidence that the polls are way off and if things stay as they are, Trump will win in a landslide!
Its evident Hillary has a hard time filling a Union Hall while Trump regularly turns people away from his stadium and arena venues.
Now this Analysis from social media provides additional support that Trump is likely to win in a landslide.
So how bad is it?
Evidence from The Truth Division shows that if you look at social media, Trump is killing Hillary!
Hillary is proving that she is a terrible candidate. No one likes her and no one trusts her. Based on turnouts at campaign events and on social media, if the election were today Trump would likely win in a Landslide!
Trump: 10,174,358 Likes
Clinton: 5,385,959 Likes
Trump nearly doubles the amount of Likes than Clinton Now some people follow Trump who dont like him, so lets look at some posts. Heres the stats for his latest Facebook live stream:
Trump Live Stream Post 21 hours ago: 135,000 likes, 18,167 shares, 1.5 million views
Clinton Live Stream Post 25 hours ago: 11,000 likes, 0 shares, 321,000 views
Since Clinton has zero shares, heres the next best original post I could find from Clinton, albeit its not a live stream post:
Clinton post 30 hours ago: 22,000 Likes, 7241 Shares, 773,000 views
Any way you slice it, Trump is crushing Clinton on Facebook interaction. One quick note regarding Facebook youll find that on almost half of Clinton FB posts, the top comments are from Trump supporters, whereas the the top comments on Trumps page are hardcore supporters only.
Trump: 10.6 million followers
Hillary: 8.1 million followers
Trump has 30% more Twitter followers and they translate into real votes. A recent study confirmed that 70% of his followers are real supporters, and 90% of those real followers have a voting history.
Hillarys twitter army is likely made up of dead voters and illegals.
Youtube Live Stream
Trump: Averages 30,000 live viewers per stream
Clinton: Averages 500 live viewers per stream
Trump has 5900% more live viewers than Clinton.
Trump: 2.2 million followers
Clinton: 1.8 million followers
Trump has 22% more Instagram followers which is impressive considering its a liberal cesspool consisting of college hipsters who cant seem to take enough selfies.
Trump: 197,696 subscribers
Hillary: 24,429 subscribers
Hillary for Prison: 55,228 subscribers
Hillary for Prisons Reddit feed has more than double subscribers of Hillarys reddit page, equating to Trump having 700% more Reddit subscribers.
Dont listen to the lying media the only legitimate attack they have left is Trumps poll numbers. Social media proves the GOP nominee has strong foundation and a firm backing.
SHARE on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think of this proof showing Trump dominating social media!
Anyone want to bet that Trump will announce his own news network sometime in 2017, with Roger Alies and Sean Hannity on board?
A) Harambe memes stopped being funny like 0.5 seconds after they started
B) Who the fuck is Vermin Supreme? That legitimately sounds like the name of a Marvel supervillian.
C) Is there anyway we can get some legislation to make our election season not like 16+ months? It's fucking stupid the way they are. I dunno if my body can take (God willing) 12+ more of these election cycles.
Anyone want to bet that Trump will announce his own news network sometime in 2017, with Roger Alies and Sean Hannity on board?
Anyone want to bet that Trump will announce his own news network sometime in 2017, with Roger Alies and Sean Hannity on board?
If Murdoch's kids really do want to move FOX more toward the center like the rumors suggest then there would certainly be room for Trump to get such a thing off the ground.
If Social media counted all that much, Bernie would be God Emperor for life.
Mary Watson
PG Farnsworth
We have just completed our own poll since we cannot get factual information from the mainstream media!! We called 1000 homes in each of the 50 states and asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick.
Economy was the number one factor that Americans are concerned about and terrorism was number two.
Presidential pick was Trump by a large percentage.
Trump 33478 votes 67%
Clinton 9788 Votes 19%
Undecided or other 6739 votes 13%
My friends and I are all Graduate students from all walks of life we meet to discuss stuff. 13 people who like and have served in the Military. It took us most of two weeks to be sure our calls were to all people and not just one party or an other we called Americans.. our poll is by taking registered voter lists and we accumulated 33% repub, 33% dems and 34% ind.. our poll consisted of 1000 calls per state. all 50 states. 50,000 people are in this poll not the 100 like other polls.
On the comments section of that second link, because I'm a masochist:
So these people are idiots who have no idea how polling samples work, good to know.
Hannity has a 4+ year contract with Fox.
They don't.
People been saying that. That this whole mess was just a lead in to the Trump channel. Question is who would back it?
So these people are idiots who have no idea how polling samples work, good to know.
Dicks out for HarambeA) Harambe memes stopped being funny like 0.5 seconds after they started
You know, after the world not blowing up, I think the #2 reason I want to see Trump lose if for the epic meltdowns.
It's tough to live in an America where the people wanted the black guy to be president twice, and liked him enough to vote in the she-devil afterwards. Insane fantasy world must seem like a much better option.I cannot believe they're going right back to the "unskewed polling" stuff again. I mean, come on.