Aaron Strife
Good luck with that. Nader couldn't do it.5% of vote = 10 million in public funding.
I would love nothing more than for Trump to finish under 40%.Guis,
In the Pollster aggregate, Trump is now at 39.1%.
Well, under 30 would be nice too I guess.
Nah fam.I could see the Greens gaining a lot from this election cycle. If they play their cards right, we might get a couple Greens in the House in 2018 or 2020.
The Greens have a major credibility problem. Even when they field candidates for office they're just whatever local whackos are up for the job. No one with any sense of what it takes to win a Congressional seat is going to want to throw their lot in with a party that has no funding and no network.
This is something of a catch-22 because the strategy of minor parties is generally "hope we win 5% in the presidential election and use the funding to build that network" but they're going about it in completely the wrong way. Candidates like Stein only exist as protest votes, there is nothing about her background or experience that makes her qualified for the office of POTUS. What they need to do is start running in winnable city council, state legislative etc seats (which would probably mean starting in heavily blue D districts where there's really no consequence for voting Green), moving up to Congress as these Green legislators gain experience and connections, and THEN picking one of them to run for president to get that sweet federal funding.
Their approach to party-building is essentially skipping to Step 10. It's ludicrously naive.