God bless that man for standing up to it. I wish more of the media had that kind of balls.
Acosta has been pretty good at doing that. Calling Sean out about turning on the cameras.
God bless that man for standing up to it. I wish more of the media had that kind of balls.
Jerry Moran‏Verified account @JerryMoran
The Senate healthcare bill missed the mark for Kansans and therefore did not have my support.
Sorry, I was in a rush
What is the okeefe video? I'm not giving that guy any views?
A hevily edited video of a cnn offical
I believe
OUT OF NOWHERE (After the delay announcement)
This feels like the House bill all over again. They'll come back with a new bill.
OUT OF NOWHERE (After the delay announcement)
This feels like the House bill all over again. They'll come back with a new bill.
OUT OF NOWHERE (After the delay announcement)
This feels like the House bill all over again. They'll come back with a new bill.
God bless that man for standing up to it. I wish more of the media had that kind of balls.
OUT OF NOWHERE (After the delay announcement)
This feels like the House bill all over again. They'll come back with a new bill.
Moran is just pilling on. He'll never hold the bill up.
He is a CNN producer and O'Keefe is known for doctoring videos, not fabricating them. The audio is clear because technology is gud.I can't find the video that's not on conservative news outlets so you'll have to watch it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdP8TiKY8dE
it's so fucking fake, how the hell can O'Keefe keep a phone camera pointed under the guy's head without him noticing
and that audio is clear as fuck, it's like they're not even trying to seem legitimate
that guy's not a CNN official, O'Keefe is known for fabricating videos and stories before
It will be interesting to see what the new bill is.
Try 100.If it doesn't pass well probably have 52 senators claiming credit as the reason why it didn't
I don't think the O'Keefe video is "fake". It's definitely John Bonifield, which CNN has acknowledged on Twitter (saying they stand by him or something along those lines).
I just don't see how it's any sort of mind blowing revelation. Of course CNN is focused on Russia all the time...because ratings. Why wouldn't they? It's working, and they're a business.
People don't tune in to CNN for hard hitting journalism.
America First Policies, the Trump super PAC that started attacking Heller over the weekend, is now expanding its attack ads to include Cruz, Lee, Paul, and Johnson.
This is the same group that McConnell aides and other Senate R staffers said were only complicating matters and potentially even hardening opposition to the bill.
OUT OF NOWHERE (After the delay announcement)
This feels like the House bill all over again. They'll come back with a new bill.
Moran is just pilling on. He'll never hold the bill up.
TrumpAmerica First Policies, the Trump super PAC that started attacking Heller over the weekend, is now expanding its attack ads to include Cruz, Lee, Paul, and Johnson.
This is the same group that McConnell aides and other Senate R staffers said were only complicating matters and potentially even hardening opposition to the bill.
I'm still blown away that someone from Breitbart stood up to Sanders and said "We're not supposed to report on Russia??"
OUT OF NOWHERE (After the delay announcement)
This feels like the House bill all over again. They'll come back with a new bill.
America First Policies, the Trump super PAC that started attacking Heller over the weekend, is now expanding its attack ads to include Cruz, Lee, Paul, and Johnson.
This is the same group that McConnell aides and other Senate R staffers said were only complicating matters and potentially even hardening opposition to the bill.
America First Policies, the Trump super PAC that started attacking Heller over the weekend, is now expanding its attack ads to include Cruz, Lee, Paul, and Johnson.
This is the same group that McConnell aides and other Senate R staffers said were only complicating matters and potentially even hardening opposition to the bill.
America First Policies, the Trump super PAC that started attacking Heller over the weekend, is now expanding its attack ads to include Cruz, Lee, Paul, and Johnson.
This is the same group that McConnell aides and other Senate R staffers said were only complicating matters and potentially even hardening opposition to the bill.
Going after Cruz is idiotic for Trump.
He was lucky the party reigned him in the way he did. Cruz unleashed is the last thing Trump would want.
OUT OF NOWHERE (After the delay announcement)
This feels like the House bill all over again. They'll come back with a new bill.
Trump is giving Nero a run for his money at this point.America First Policies, the Trump super PAC that started attacking Heller over the weekend, is now expanding its attack ads to include Cruz, Lee, Paul, and Johnson.
This is the same group that McConnell aides and other Senate R staffers said were only complicating matters and potentially even hardening opposition to the bill.
The factors that caused the House to pass the bill aren't there for the Senate
- The margin is a lot smaller. 3 nos is enough to kill it, and they look to already have 2 solid nos that won't change without redoing the entire bill (which they aren't doing)
- Actual moderates that are actually worried about their jobs aren't playing along, unlike the house, where they could skirt by because of the numbers
- There's no "well, this other group will make a better bill, just play along for now" since this is the final bill
- The list of demands from the far right would require huge changes to the bill that would just make the CBO report even worse. Or literally tank the economy near instantly. And they'd only serve to push the moderates even more firmly into no.
Press conference going on right now on the ACA. Really striking stuff. I think almost all of the Senate Dems are there.
And there is this:
Please proceed, GOP.
These GOP senators jumping on the opposition band wagon AFTER the vote was delayed can go take a flying fuck.
- There's no "well, this other group will make a better bill, just play along for now" since this is the final bill
Oh wow. And those are taken from their states? That means a majority of republicans make up those polls too.
It isn't like they would all be replaced by Ds, just that they would rather primary them out for a different R :\
It isn't like they would all be replaced by Ds, just that they would rather primary them out for a different R :\
Now would be a good time for it with the bill delayed that's for sure.