Joe Shlabotnik
Judging by all of the hearings this year, Franken is one of like five congresspeople with serviceable public speaking skills
Judging by all of the hearings this year, Franken is one of like five congresspeople with serviceable public speaking skills
"All I did was post how the fake news Washington Post was forced to admit they have nothing on Trump and all of a sudden people started calling me alt-right."
I mean if these random twitter theories were being presented as speculation by the tweeter, that would be one thing. They're not, though.
That doesn't read as speculation, it reads as fact. Hence people asking if she's a reliable source.
Read further down the lady's Twitter thread. She speculates that they've found a monetary paper trail and cites a request for FinCEN documents that, as she correctly recalls, "was big news for a day."
Judging by all of the hearings this year, Franken is one of like five congresspeople with serviceable public speaking skills
Pretty much how I feel.
Everyone else outside of a handful sound too much like a lawyer constantly speaking in technicalities that normally people don't get or phrased in a way even if they do, is so boring that they don't care.
Until this article mentioned it I almost forgot that McConnell and Rand Paul are senators from the same state.The latest from here in 'tucky. Lol or cry as you see fit.
What is this for?This is great
I'm hoping we can win an 06-sized majority, around 230 seats.Marist has Dems+10 in congressional ballot
GOP: 38
Dems: 48
Warren's speech on BLM was thrilling but she often comes off as a lecturer (this is what she used to do) like during the DNC speech.Franken
Mix and match for Pres and VP.
I'm hoping we can win an 06-sized majority, around 230 seats.
Obviously I'd be happy if we hit 218.
I don't get it.This is great
I'm not even on the Brown train as much as I used to be (someone younger is probably better and Brown is so good in the senate for us) but do people really not like his speaking? I love his gravelly voice.
Problem is there's no rule of thumb here. We could win the House back with a 5 or 6-point lead if we overperformed in swing seats. Based on the recent specials though I wouldn't be surprised if we puffed up our generic vote lead by overperforming in safe D/R seats while falling short in swing seats.If I recall correctly, 2006 had a D+7 lean. Nate Cohn recently estimated we'd need anywhere from a 7-to-12-point advantage to reclaim the House. This poll makes me cautiously optimistic.
This is some weird Trump fan fiction. Trump "directing the DOJ" lmao. Have you been following this administration at all?
If evenly applied, sure. Looking at the subsidies offered to oil industry and military would be a great start.
The Washington Post is withholding some details of the intelligence at the request of the U.S. government.
Expanding Medicaid did cause an increase in opioid addiction but that's just because expanding Medicaid caused an increase in access to medicine.
Medicine was very bad with regards to opiods, we should have used marijuana instead.
But the core of the argument is "medicine is bad" which is one of the most radical ideas of all time if Republicans actually believed it.
Is this the big oppo bombshell?
Obamas secret struggle to punish Russia for Putins election assault
During the Roosevelt Room gathering, Trump made an odd request: asking to bring in the owner of the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers, Dan Gilbert, to pose with the group. Not only did the Cubs defeat the Cleveland Indians to win the 2016 World Series, but Gilbert's Cavs just lost the NBA Finals to the Golden State Warriors
Mix and match for Pres and VP.
Mix and match for Pres and VP.
It's probably his way of saying fuck the Dubs because they declined to go to the WH
He's not that great a speaker. From what I've seen anyway.No Sherrod Brown here, I will not approve.
No, I didn't mean the article itself, but the part they're withholding - could that be the bombshell that's yet to drop?This is "old" no? This has been discussed at length, they did a segment on this on pod save america earlier this week
It's probably his way of saying fuck the Dubs because they declined to go to the WH
So what is the deal with this chart trump just posted? I know it is being misinterpreted, but how?
So what is the deal with this chart trump just posted? I know it is being misinterpreted, but how?
the increase compared to what it would under the current law is slashed dramatically. medicaid will still grow in absolute $ (but that results in less healthcare per person once you factor in things like population growth and medical inflation)
One reason so many political pundits have been following special election results is that they serve as a leading indicator of the political environment heading into 2018. However, the obvious downside is that they represent only five data points. While some election analysts may extrapolate from the five topline results that Democrats are over-performing more in white working class districts like South Carolina 5 while struggling in affluent suburban districts like Georgia 6, they ignore potentially confounding variables like candidate quality, perceived competitiveness, and state political environments. Drawing conclusions about the battle for the House from state legislative races is also problematic because these elections are much less related to Trump and Congress.
By expanding our analysis to include counties and precincts, we can analyze hundreds of data points rather than a handful. This gives us a much more robust data set to test our original question: how are partisan coalitions developing during the Trump era?
As we can see in this chart, the most accurate predictor is 25% Obama + 75% Clinton. On average over the four elections, 94.4% of the variation in Democrat vote percentage by precinct can be explained by a 75/25 weighted average of the past two presidential results. Very close behind in basically a statistical tie is the 100% Clinton predictor.
What these results tell us is that House elections are largely driven by voter preferences from the 2016 presidential election. For example, in Georgia 6, the majority of Romney/Clinton voters likely pulled the lever for Ossoff. However, a significant minority returned to their pre-Trump partisan leanings and voted for Handel. While Democrats may hope to win all 23 of the Clinton districts represented by Republicans, some of them (like TX-07) may be just out of reach because of the vestigial strength of the Republican Party in these places.
County and precinct results from this year tell us that we can best estimate a districts political partisanship by calculating a 75/25 weighted average of its past two presidential results. In 2012, Romney beat Obama by 23.3 points in Georgia 6. Since Obama won nationwide by 3.9 points, Georgia 6 had a partisan lean of R+27.2 that election. In 2016, Trump beat Clinton by 1.5 points in Georgia 6. Since Clinton won nationwide by 2.1 points, Georgia 6 had a partisan lean of R+3.6 last November. Using our 75/25 weighted average, Georgia 6 currently has a partisan lean of R+9.5.
Georgia 6s partisan lean of R+9.5 suggests that in a neutral environment nationwide, a Republican would win Georgia 6 by 9.5 points. Since Handel won by 3.73 points, this suggests that the nationwide political environment is roughly D+6. This makes sense intuitively, since Democrats currently lead in generic ballot polls by about 7 points. Given that Democrats need about a 5-8 point lead on the generic ballot to win the House, that battle is probably a toss-up right now.
Using our 75/25 weighted average of the past two presidential results, we can determine the partisan lean of each of the 435 Congressional districts. This gives us a rough preview of which Republican seats are most winnable for Democrats, who need to gain 24 seats to win back control of the House. One caveat to keep in mind is that incumbency effects will affect race competitiveness, and we do not know for sure which representatives are retiring before the midterm elections.
Although a lot of attention has been given to the 23 GOP-held districts that Clinton won, several of them dont make this list. For example, Republican Dana Rohrabacher represents a district that voted Clinton by 1.7 points in 2016, but is helped by Romneys substantial 11.7 point victory in 2012. His future challenger may run into the same problem Ossoff faced just enough #NeverTrump Republicans returning to their conservative roots to deny the Democrats a victory. On the contrary, several of the 24 most winnable seats for Democrats are districts that voted for Trump. This suggests that Democrats should give a second look at some of the white working class districts that swung heavily to Trump a small amount of mean reversion here may be just what they need to win back the House.
So what is the deal with this chart trump just posted? I know it is being misinterpreted, but how?
BREAKING! @FoxNews #Poll finds record 52% view #Obamacare positively DETAILS:
This suggests that Democrats should give a second look at some of the white working class districts that swung heavily to Trump a small amount of mean reversion here may be just what they need to win back the House.
I mean, you think?
Hahaha. Poetry
Gaming side is a hot mess with the gamergater brigade. That should be my entertainment for tonight unless 6'o Oppo drops.
Gaming side is a hot mess with the gamergater brigade. That should be my entertainment for tonight unless 6'o Oppo drops.
Fucking losing my mind
"They should drop the Russia investogation; CNN Producer admitted they have no proof" is something i have heard twice this week.
You wouldn't know that if you asked a few posters here!
I like how CNN is apparently the top expert on the Trump-Russia case when almost all of their stories about it are repeated from NYT, WaPo, etc. :/