The counter argument here is ______________________ ?
That that isn't her goddamn job? That's on the DNC/DCCC/DSCC. If we're going to blame her and put things that have nothing to do with her entirely on her shoulders, it just demonstrates that the people making those calls have so little understanding of government and her actual job that I don't know why anyone would take such hot-takes seriously.
Unless the answer is to make that the minority leader/Speaker of the House's role and responsibilities, but it currently is not.
And beyond that, what's the solution? Because whoever replacers her Republicans will do the same goddamn thing to because they're entire line of attack against her is that she was Speaker of the House in the past, and could be again. That's something they could literally do to ANYONE. Not at first, but with time.
So the solution to that is... what exactly? Never keep anyone as Speaker/Minority Leader for more than 2 years? That ain't a good way to build up experience and actually let people become competent at the job! That and it certainly doesn't help the DNC or whatever institutions you think the Minority Leader/Speaker of the House should be working with to elect more D's to actually become a well-oiled machine if our leaders are constantly coming and going, coming and going, coming and going.
And if you don't replace them just like that, then Republicans will have the ability to do with anyone what they did with Pelosi, since their entire line of attack is that she was a Democratic Minority Leader of the House/Speaker of the House, and that's a no good, very bad, terrible thing.
So what's the solution to that exactly? Because I damn well haven't heard one. Either we make Minority Leader/Speaker of the House a revolving door position, or Republicans will do to whomever your replacement ends up being the same they did to Pelosi?
What's the solution to that Catch-22 situation? Until someone can actually answer that, you can all shut the fuck up about Nancy Pelosi and how terrible she is for Democrats based on fucking Republican attack ads that we don't even have a goddamn clue about whether they had any effect on who these people voted for and whether or not they would have voted the same way regardless, and the hit take from that being a solution that would have us wind up in the same position (new Minority Leader/Speaker of the House being demonized just like Pelosi) or worse (the Speaker becoming an ineffective revolving door position for Democrats trying to avoid Pelosi style attacks and shooting themselves in the feet in the process by the works bring gummed up and no one being able to gain experience in the position, which Republicans would also no doubt turn into attack ads about how terrible Democrats are since they can't even keep a leader on board for more than 2 years or whatever and how can you trust such an unstable party like that regardless).
Until I can hear an answer to THAT any hot takes about Pelosi can find their way to the nearest dumpster because unless you can resolve that Catch-22, they're useless and involve tossing an effective fundraiser (among her actual jobs) to the curb just to find ourselves in the same or a worse situation regardless.