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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
What about Rand? Isn't he a guaranteed no?
What about Rand? Isn't he a guaranteed no?

He's a yes on moving forward if he can get a vote on a clean repeal amendment, but still a hard no for anything that isn't a clean repeal when it comes to actually voting for a bill.

In other words, even moving forward today means they still have a giant uphill battle to actually passing something

He said he would vote yes on MTP if McConnell promised there would be a floor vote on repeal only. So that seems like a pretty easy yes to get right now. Always possible that Rand will then vote no when it comes time for BCRA or whatever is being put up as the final bill, but I think it's just as possible that after the floor vote for repeal-only fails, he'll just fall in with whatever everyone else is supporting because he made the try.

If Rand was going to fall in line, he would have done so a month ago.


What about Rand? Isn't he a guaranteed no?

He said he would vote yes on MTP if McConnell promised there would be a floor vote on repeal only. So that seems like a pretty easy yes to get right now. Always possible that Rand will then vote no when it comes time for BCRA or whatever is being put up as the final bill, but I think it's just as possible that after the floor vote for repeal-only fails, he'll just fall in with whatever everyone else is supporting because he made the try.
He said he would vote yes on MTP if McConnell promised there would be a floor vote on repeal only. So that seems like a pretty easy yes to get right now. Always possible that Rand will then vote no when it comes time for BCRA or whatever is being put up as the final bill, but I think it's just as possible that after the floor vote for repeal-only fails, he'll just fall in with whatever everyone else is supporting because he made the try.
That seems likely to me. I have never felt good about counting on Rand Paul. Why wouldn't he ultimately be okay with cutting hundreds of thousands of Kentuckians off health insurance -- he's named after Ayn Rand!
Any chance the Senate bucks the Parliamentarian and passes their BCRA(p)?

I'm not too worried about full repeal. Seems like that'll end a lot of careers if they pull that off somehow.
I keep thinking that maybe McCain will vote No because he's dying and has nothing to lose and he hates Trump and maybe had an epiphany while he was able to use health insurance to go to the doctor he is denying millions from accessing.

Then I think: this is not a fucking fairy tale and I throw up on myself.
If Rand was going to fall in line, he would have done so a month ago.

Welllll he didn't have a vote on clean repeal a month ago. I'm not entirely sure what Rand will do after a repeal vote. I think it's a not-great sign if they move to proceed and a clean repeal bill is up before the BCRA or whatever frankenstein version they come up with.
Any chance the Senate bucks the Parliamentarian and passes their BCRA(p)?

I'm not too worried about full repeal. Seems like that'll end a lot of careers if they pull that off somehow.

They have to ignore the Parliamentarian to pass any of their options, so yes, they'll ignore her if they can manage to find the votes.

I keep thinking that maybe McCain will vote No because he's dying and has nothing to lose and he hates Trump and maybe had an epiphany while he was able to use health insurance to go to the doctor he is denying millions from accessing.

Then I think: this is not a fucking fairy tale and I throw up on myself.

McCain could have effectively voted no by simply staying home. He's a guaranteed yes vote.

Welllll he didn't have a vote on clean repeal a month ago. I'm not entirely sure what Rand will do after a repeal vote. I think it's a not-great sign if they move to proceed and a clean repeal bill is up before the BCRA or whatever frankenstein version they come up with.

Rand wants to avoid being primaried and wants something he can point to that he voted for, but also avoid devastating his entire home state. He knows a clean repeal would never pass, but would give him the yes vote he wants to cast.

Rand Paul has been the most reliable no vote in this entire process. He was against the bill days before Collins came out against it. I know he's not exactly trustworthy but... there isn't really evidence that he'd suddenly change his mind after being a thorn in McConnell's side for the last month with how stubborn he's been


If anything, the reason McCain would be voting on this isn't because he hates Trump, it's because he never got over losing to Obama.


That didn't take long.

New Senate Campaign Ad For Mo Brooks Features Baseball Practice Shooting
The ad opens with sounds of gunshots being fired and shouts of, "Stay down!" The accompanying text says, "June 14: A Bernie Sanders supporter fires on Republican Congressmen."

The video goes on to show a journalist asking Brooks just after the shooting whether his views have been changed "on the gun situation in America."

"The Second Amendment right to bear arms is to help ensure that we always have a republic," Brooks says. "So no, I'm not changing my position on any of the rights that we enjoy as Americans."
Video embedded in article.

It's an interesting take. Don't agree with it 100%. Do agree with it at some level. Liberals won the cultural wars, no need to take it too far. More importantly, no need to make people feel that simple things they like to do is bad for you/earth/children/atmosphere.

Josh Barro has a weird obsession with hamburgers.



So to recap RE: Jeff Sessions, Trump is pressuring him to resign rather than firing him because his lawyers likely told him that firing him outright would be obstructing justice?

Am I getting that right?
I'm seriously hyperventilating and can't concentrate at work.

Today isn't make or break. They only maybe have enough votes for the MTP, let alone passing it. And a failure to make an MTP today doesn't mean they won't keep trying to get an MTP next week anyway. This is McConnell's white whale.


I'm seriously hyperventilating and can't concentrate at work.

Life goes on. Turn off the internet, you observing and freaking out isn't going to change the result. Also yeah as said above this is just the "are we going to talk about this" vote. Not the final thing yet.
I'm seriously hyperventilating and can't concentrate at work.

It has helped me personally to tune it all out until it's already happened. It's the fear and anticipation that kills me. I have an easier time processing it when it's already happened. Something about history, even only by 24 hours, is easier to digest.

I know how you're feeling because it's me most of the time and I'm sorry for how we both feel.


Junior Member
Plz explain this a little further

The vote is for whether they move forward with debate. And then after the debate members will have a chance to offer ammendment. The bill that's left at the end will be the final bill. That probably won't be for a couple days.

We know they gave up on her yesterday.

They wouldn't need McCain back if she was willing to vote yes

She was in a meeting last night and says she is undecided.

And they didn't say they definitely don't need Pence to break a tie, but that they may not.

I don't think it is completely impossible that only Collins votes no. And I'm not sure if even Turtle knows for sure what the votes will be.
So to recap RE: Jeff Sessions, Trump is pressuring him to resign rather than firing him because his lawyers likely told him that firing him outright would be obstructing justice?

Am I getting that right?

Not quite. Trump has every right to fire Sessions or anyone in the cabinet, but he knows that firings attract bad press, especially this early in his tenure. He thus wants Sessions to resign.

The obstruction of justice comes if he fires Mueller. Firing Sessions would be the first step but wouldn't reach obstruction.


So to recap RE: Jeff Sessions, Trump is pressuring him to resign rather than firing him because his lawyers likely told him that firing him outright would be obstructing justice?

Am I getting that right?

Firing him outright would give us a Saturday Night Massacre-like scenario, and someone with some intelligence advising him has likely let him know that would be a bad idea. Insulting him until he quits makes more sense, and fits Trump's cowardly personality better.
Firing him outright would give us a Saturday Night Massacre version 2.0 scenario, and someone with some intelligence advising him has likely let him know that would be a bad idea. Insulting him until he quits makes more sense, and fits Trump's cowardly personality better.

Right, which is why I'm hoping that Sessions really is the stubborn, angry little racist shithead that we all think he is. Those people don't resign.


Not quite. Trump has every right to fire Sessions or anyone in the cabinet, but he knows that firings attract bad press, especially this early in his tenure. He thus wants Sessions to resign.

The irony here is that all this public behaviour makes little practical difference. This method looks even worse for him than outright firing.
I know this article doesn't necessarily fall into this thread's purview, and there's already a thread in OT, but the AVClub's article on South Park's role in the creation of the alt-right and their refusal to come to terms with that role is really fascinating, especially for a long time South Park fan:


Really relevant quote:

Then—after hooking its red-pilled fans with an extended critique of the emptiness of neoliberalism, epitomized by a sneering, ”safe space"-mocking character that was literally named Reality—it tried confronting the audience who had most embraced their ramped-up anti-PC crusades. Last season kicked off with Cartman admitting to Kyle, ”We're two privileged, straight white boys who have their laughs about things we never had to deal with," a confession rendered only slightly tongue-in-cheek by the fact of who was saying it. And it culminated in Gerald, who'd spent the year gleefully harassing people online, squaring off with the Danish prime minister, a stand-in for every troll the show's ever nurtured:

"I want to stand here and tell you that you and I are different, but it's not true. All we've been doing is making excuses for being horrible people. I don't know if you tried to teach me a lesson, but you have. I have to stand here and look at you. And all I see is a big fat reflection of myself."

Ultimately, of course, Gerald comes to a familiar conclusion: ”Fuck you, what I do is fucking funny, bitch!" he cries, before kicking the prime minister in the balls.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Man, if Trump thinks insulting his own AG on twitter is the way to avoid bad press he's even dumber than he has been scientifically proven to be.

Those tweets are something else.
I don't think firing Sessions would be akin to the Saturday Night Massacre; IMO if he jumps through the required hoops to fire Mueller, that would be more comparable. However Trump has made it very clear the only reason he wants to fire Sessions is because of the recusal. So once again it's an issue of obstruction of justice and gross stupidity.

Even Rudy 911 is on record saying he would have recused himself in the same situation. No one disagrees with Sessions' decision legally.
Sessions will cling to this position with everything he has. The deadline to file for the primary in the Alabama special election for his Senate seat has passed. He has nothing else.

Reminder that Trump has said publicly he'll fire Price if MTP fails today

Forcing him to fight with Handel for his seat next year. Fingers crossed.
They have to ignore the Parliamentarian to pass any of their options, so yes, they'll ignore her if they can manage to find the votes.

Alternatively, they could create an option that does pass Parliamentarian mustard. If they were going to do whatever they wanted, it seems like they could craft something better (in their minds) than the Frankenstein ACA patch they've already presented.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
I know this article doesn't necessarily fall into this thread's purview, and there's already a thread in OT, but the AVClub's article on South Park's role in the creation of the alt-right and their refusal to come to terms with that role is really fascinating, especially for a long time South Park fan:


Really relevant quote:

This is good. The fact that they won't go after Trump is so cowardly.
Alternatively, they could create an option that does pass Parliamentarian mustard. If they were going to do whatever they wanted, it seems like they could craft something better (in their minds) than the Frankenstein ACA patch they've already presented.

This is impossible to craft. Any law that funds abortions isn't passing the Senate, let alone the House. And in order to pass the parliamentary, they have to fund abortions.

It's either ignore the parliamentary, or don't pass a bill.


This is impossible to craft. Any law that funds abortions isn't passing the Senate, let alone the House. And in order to pass the parliamentary, they have to fund abortions.

It's either ignore the parliamentary, or don't pass a bill.

Also like a lot of the major portions of the legislation don't pass the parliamentarian including but not limited to the 6 month lockout which makes the markets actual markets and not wishful thinking. They would have to rethink the whole thing and them taking this vote today says to me they don't want to do that.
This is good. The fact that they won't go after Trump is so cowardly.

They tried last season, but to truly do so, they needed to fully grasp the damage their own show intentionally or inadvertently caused to the national conversation. As a result, their take on Trump was mostly dull and shallow, focusing a great deal of the blame for the creation of Trump on PC culture. It rang hollow, and everyone knew it.

Trump is Cartman. Cartman is Trump. And to ignore how the show treats its most awful character as its most beloved is to ignore part of what made our political climate as toxic as it is today.


Also like a lot of the major portions of the legislation don't pass the parliamentarian including but not limited to the 6 month lockout which makes the markets actual markets and not wishful thinking. They would have to rethink the whole thing and them taking this vote today says to me they don't want to do that.

In reality they don't want to think about this at all, which makes it all the more galling and frightening. It really is toying with a huge portion of the American economy and people's lives just to be able to say that they kept their promise to destroy Obamacare.

This is what happens when an entire political party devotes itself for years to obstruction and destruction rather than creation - they cease to have workable ideas, and only exist to negate things.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Will be traveling to the Great State of Ohio tonight. Big crowd expected. See you there!
8:29 AM · Jul 25, 2017

Wittle baby needs a ego boost.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Will be traveling to the Great State of Ohio tonight. Big crowd expected. See you there!
8:29 AM · Jul 25, 2017

Wittle baby needs a ego boost.

If MTP fails and Russian sanctions pass overwhelmingly this should be a riot.


Neo Member
The Senate Judiciary Committee has issued a subpoena for Paul Manafort to compel him to testify publicly before the Committee.
I guess I just don't understand what Sessions would have to gain from resigning. If he wanted to do it to stop the Russia investigation, he could have just not recused himself. If he wanted to do it to protect Trump, I'd have to believe that he was loyal to Trump enough to throw himself on that sword...which I have a hard time believing is the case.

If Trump wants him gone, he's going to have to fire him.
Ugh, just got an email from some liberal group in all caps "THE SENATE IS VOTING TO REPEAL HEALTHCARE TONIGHT!"

Seriously guys? No need to lie to bring panic to people, misleading them on what's happening today. Try explaining to them the actual process. It's still a big deal without lying about it :/

Also thanks ACLU, I wasn't getting this junk until I donated to you!
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