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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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My parents are both liberals, but my grandmother voted for Trump.

Really showed me how quickly someone could caught up in the conservatives alternate universe. Before 2016 she always voted Democrat, supported gay marriage, supported abortion. Then suddenly she says she never liked Obama anyway, even though she voted for him twice, and is regurgitating every right-wing conspiracy theory at me.
luckily, i'm in a mixed-race family and my dad's consistent enough of a libertarian that he doesn't give two shits about any form of nationalism so the closest blood relation to me that could be saying any problematic shit would be, like, a third cousin or something

also to be clear, literally my entire extended family on both sides except for two people voted either Clinton or Johnson. mainly the Ohio, California and younger folks in the South who voted Clinton

one of my uncles (from Louisiana, one of the Johnson voters) kinda gets mad whenever the concept of privilege is brought up (because he doesn't fully understand it), but he otherwise doesn't dogwhistle or have a hate-on for any particular group


He just shot off another NFL tweet. Must have seen the Kushner news.

Abby D. Phillip @abbydphillip
Asked if he wants his supporters to boycott the NFL, Trump says "No, no, no – I don't – they can do whatever they want."
6:31 PM · Sep 24, 2017

Then maybe you shouldn't retweet graphics saying just that?
I literally never want to hear that we're snowflakes ever again.

I liked last man standing. But I'm absolutely sure that tim allen's character wouldn't put up with trump's bullshit and his misogny since the entire show is about the dude loving his family of women.

I've always viewed the show through the lens of making fun of and criticizing right wing politics and behavior, not promoting it. It should be the left wing who is upset. But I guess right wing was too stupid to understand they were being made fun of and/or shown the error of their ways through comedy?


Unconfirmed Member
My mom was a lifelong republican since she shook Nixon's hand at a rally, but Trump probably made her a lifelong democrat. My lifelong democrat brother came really close to voting Trump given the way he talked about the candidates, but says he voted Hillary in the end.

Outside of a couple cousins and step brothers, the rest of my family is a wasteland of Fox News cultists.
So the third largest parties in a bunch of Western democracies are now nationalist populist parties? Except in the US where it controls all three branches.


I liked last man standing. But I'm absolutely sure that tim allen's character wouldn't put up with trump's bullshit and his misogny since the entire show is about the dude loving his family of women.

I've always viewed the show through the lens of making fun of and criticizing right wing politics and behavior, not promoting it. It should be the left wing who is upset. But I guess right wing was too stupid to understand they were being made fun of and/or shown the error of their ways through comedy?

Allen himself is a conservative. I don't watch the show, but i guess it could have a message of tolerance but from a conservative perspective.
Allen himself is a conservative. I don't watch the show, but i guess it could have a message of tolerance but from a conservative perspective.

Is Tim Allen any fun on his own or is it only when he is on a sit com with writers?

The writers for that show must lean liberal if allen is the kind of person who supports trump.


BTW when does trump stop saying MAGA? Isn't it kind of time to have made it great?

Isn't his slogan for 2020 "Keep America Great"? I assume he has to change it up at some point. I guess it'll be when he gets in actual campaign mode.

sith ewok

I am jealous of all of you saying that you have liberal family members. I am the only member of my biological family that didn't vote for Trump. This whole presidency has been the last straw for me with the family. Haven't spoken to my parents in nearly four months now since we got in an argument about Trump and they said they were hoping he would get us to the point where we could start putting homosexuals to death if they don't denounce their lifestyle. They've always been conservative but this election pushed them full on into psycho mode. My daughter doesn't need that crap in her life. Luckily, my wife's parents are not insane.
I am jealous of all of you saying that you have liberal family members. I am the only member of my biological family that didn't vote for Trump. This whole presidency has been the last straw for me with the family. Haven't spoken to my parents in nearly four months now since we got in an argument about Trump and they said they were hoping he would get us to the point where we could start putting homosexuals to death if they don't denounce their lifestyle. They've always been conservative but this election pushed them full on into psycho mode. My daughter doesn't need that crap in her life. Luckily, my wife's parents are not insane.

In somewhat of a similar situation to you. I cut off contact with my parents two months ago because they vehemently hate black people. It's insane. They also hate being labeled racists and proclaim that they're "centrists" even though they love every Republican (including Jeff Sessions), while stating that Obama framed Trump for Russia (???).

They use "being in the middle" as some kind of cover, so they don't have to take the blame for whatever Republicans are doing, while agreeing with everything Trump does but not "agreeing with his demeanor". Baby Boomers are a fucking curse on our country, I swear.

Nelo Ice

I have a white cousin in law who I'm like 99.9% sure voted Trump. He screamed right wing lunacy all throughout last year and tried to jokingly rile me up saying go Trump when I saw him for July 4th last year. And he has many Trumper friends from the Midwest. He just recently posted smh in response to reactions to Charlottesville. He's a big Twin Peaks fan and god damn do I wish he was just a doppleganger. I'm convinced he's a low key white supremacist. He's all for it but doesn't want to be associated with them. Every single time he posts something political, he ends deleteing the post every single time. And its pretty much always after the backlash where I call him out or someone else tells him off. Like he deleted all of his 2016 posts and deactivated his account for months.


As part of controversial travel ban expires, White House announces expanded order restricting visitors from eight countries
The travel order continues restrictions on foreign nationals seeking visas from Iran, Somalia, Libya, Yemen and Syria, all Muslim-majority countries. But it also extends the restrictions to three new nations: Chad, North Korea and Venezuela.

Sudan, which had been part of the original travel ban, is not part of the new order announced Sunday.


What's the point of banning Venezuelans?


Facebook can be magical. Any newspaper or tv station that posts anything negative about Trump or positive about the NFL protest is automatically liberal garbage.

Obama tried to give Zuckerberg a wake-up call over fake news on Facebook

Nine days after Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg dismissed as “crazy” the idea that fake news on his company’s social network played a key role in the U.S. election, President Barack Obama pulled the youthful tech billionaire aside and delivered what he hoped would be a wake-up call.

For months leading up to the vote, Obama and his top aides quietly agonized over how to respond to Russia’s brazen intervention on behalf of the Donald Trump campaign without making matters worse. Weeks after Trump’s surprise victory, some of Obama’s aides looked back with regret and wished they had done more.

Now huddled in a private room on the sidelines of a meeting of world leaders in Lima, Peru, two months before Trump’s inauguration, Obama made a personal appeal to Zuckerberg to take the threat of fake news and political disinformation seriously. Unless Facebook and the government did more to address the threat, Obama warned, it would only get worse in the next presidential race.

It turned out that Facebook, without realizing it, had stumbled into the Russian operation as it was getting underway in June 2016.

At the time, cybersecurity experts at the company were tracking a Russian hacker group known as APT28, or Fancy Bear, which U.S. intelligence officials considered an arm of the Russian military intelligence service, the GRU, according to people familiar with Facebook’s activities.

Members of the Russian hacker group were best known for stealing military plans and data from political targets, so the security experts assumed that they were planning some sort of espionage operation — not a sweeping disinformation campaign designed to shape the outcome of the U.S. presidential race.

Facebook executives shared with the FBI their suspicions that a Russian espionage operation was in the works, a person familiar with the matter said. An FBI spokesperson had no immediate comment.

Soon thereafter, Facebook’s cyber experts found evidence that members of APT28 were setting up a series of shadowy accounts — including a persona known as Guccifer 2.0 and a Facebook page called DCLeaks — to promote stolen emails and other documents during the presidential race. Facebook officials once again contacted the FBI to share what they had seen.

More at the link.
I have a white cousin in law who I'm like 99.9% sure voted Trump. He screamed right wing lunacy all throughout last year and tried to jokingly rile me up saying go Trump when I saw him for July 4th last year. And he has many Trumper friends from the Midwest. He just recently posted smh in response to reactions to Charlottesville. He's a big Twin Peaks fan and god damn do I wish he was just a doppleganger. I'm convinced he's a low key white supremacist. He's all for it but doesn't want to be associated with them. Every single time he posts something political, he ends deleteing the post every single time. And its pretty much always after the backlash where I call him out or someone else tells him off. Like he deleted all of his 2016 posts and deactivated his account for months.

Is your cousin a friend of mine from middle school?

JK, but not really is he for real?

Nelo Ice

Is your cousin a friend of mine from middle school?

JK, but not really is he for real?
Yep he's real unfortunately. He kept posting shit like Trump wasn't trying to incite crowds in Chicago. It was those violent rioters who of course happened to be people of color. Then I prove him wrong and like hours later post deleted. This cycle happened over and over last year until he gave up and deactivated his account. He comes back like I wanna say beginning of this year saying mo more political posts and I noticed his last post before that was in like 2015. So yeah he deleted a whole years worth of fuckery. Then I didn't see exactly what caused him to delete his post about Charlottesville but he just posted something along the lines of smh at the reactions to Charlottesville and his white conservative friends nodding in agreement.
Suck will clearly use the platform to his advantage. I don't care what people say about his lack of charisma, he'll use Facebook to smear all his democratic opponents in the primary.

Fuck Zuck and fuck Facebook
I come from an ancestrally Republican family and grew up identifying as Republican, but at this point my parents vote mostly for Democrats. Reagan drove my dad out of the party (though I didn't learn this until many years later) and W drove my mom out of the party. My brothers and I are all liberal and everyone in my immediate family is horrified by Trump. My dad's siblings are basically evenly split between Democrats and Republicans, but I don't think any of them voted for Trump (I know one uncle refused to vote this time around). My mom's siblings are all either Republicans or Libertarians but again I don't think any of them voted Trump (they've been pretty vocal in their criticism of him).

My wife's family, on the other hand, has a number of enthusiastic Trump supporters. There's a reason she doesn't feel like she fits in with them culturally.
This article is pretty clearly sourced from Facebook, and it should be read to understand the degree to which Facebook is seeking to evade responsibility for, not just the Russian attacks that took place in the past, but the Russian attacks through Facebook that will likely take place in the future.

Oh, certainly. "Facebook warned the FBI, and they did nothing!"


What happened?
Roundtable with 7 Trump voters and 7 Hillary voters hosted by Oprah. And, in no surprise to anyone, no one has changed their point of view since the election. The Trump voters like his bluster and that he "speaks like they do." The Hillary voters are justifiably scared out of their minds.
This article is pretty clearly sourced from Facebook, and it should be read to understand the degree to which Facebook is seeking to evade responsibility for, not just the Russian attacks that took place in the past, but the Russian attacks through Facebook that will likely take place in the future.

Facebook is probably internally panicking about this because due to Facebook's global presence and obvious issues these ads present worldwide; Facebook could be on the cusp of having multiple different countries putting different regulations on the company, which may drastically hurt their ad business.

And honestly they deserve it...


Roundtable with 7 Trump voters and 7 Hillary voters hosted by Oprah. And, in no surprise to anyone, no one has changed their point of view since the election. The Trump voters like his bluster and that he "speaks like they do." The Hillary voters are justifiably scared out of their minds.

Where's the blazing saddles gif?


Roundtable with 7 Trump voters and 7 Hillary voters hosted by Oprah. And, in no surprise to anyone, no one has changed their point of view since the election. The Trump voters like his bluster and that he "speaks like they do." The Hillary voters are justifiably scared out of their minds.

Well yeah, if you're going to get people who are still proud to say they voted for Trump.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
New health care bill has hit GOP offices.


"Internal GOP analysis uses savings from bill to make it look like Alaska, West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky gain funding under Graham-Cassidy."

Outright lies.

Topher Spiro says he has it and it actually shows less federal funding in all these states, and the "savings" are from the elimination of Medicaid expansion.


Well yeah, if you're going to get people who are still proud to say they voted for Trump.

This has always been my impression of Trump voters who will talk to CNN or whoever. If they're willing to go on national TV with their beliefs, they're part of the firmly entrenched. The ones to try to depress turnout on are more those who dislike or are embarrassed by Trump.
Should I find it interesting that they felt the need to single out Ohio and West Virginia? Did they even have 48 votes for the last version of this bill?
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