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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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I dont care what the 2nd amendment says and neither should democrats. The republicans wiped their ass with the constituion when they refused to let garland on the supreme court, and admitted that thet wouldnt let hillary have a pick either.

When the democrats take back power i want them to bend and break every rule that they can to do what needs to be done.
Anyone who seriously believes that the people writing the constitution had any inkling that people would be walking around with weapons capable of killing hundreds of people in a couple of minutes, and were totally cool with that, is absolutely fucking delusional.
I've had one person pull a "but they were fine with slavery" on me before regarding this, but even that's entirely off base. Societal norms in many areas deemed slavery perfectly acceptable (horribly) at the time. Mass murder of civilians has never been tolerated in human society, nor has any method of promoting mass murder outside of military conflicts-- And even then it's not like those times should be elevated as proper human conduct or accepted as a part of normal daily life, which is what we do now.


was tasked with monitoring wall street, gave a speech in 3/2007 touting derivatives for providing more liquidity and stability than ever before.
after that blew up he started obsessing about rising interest rates (in 2008). after Bear Stearns, he was still panicking about inflation. even a day after fucking lehman fell he still was harping on about inflation risks.

so obviously he's going to be nominated and confirmed...

Genuinely terrified of how badly he'll fuck things up.
I swear to God...I SWEAR TO GOD....if I fucking hear from Independents who are still clueless on who to vote for in 2020, I am going to throttle them one by one.
Tucked away in this NYT article about the Alabama Senate race is the mention that Doug Jones has raised over $820,000 in the last week since Moore won the GOP primary.


Thought that might interest some of y’all as the wisdom of DSCC and other outside Dem groups spending here has been thoroughly debated. As it turns out, it might not even be necessary.

Also, JMC has Moore up 48-40. Jones is actually doing well enough with white voters in this poll (snagging 30%), but African-Americans are punching below their weight in the likely voter pool. Ring ring, it’s President Obama...

I swear to God...I SWEAR TO GOD....if I fucking hear from Independents who are still clueless on who to vote for in 2020, I am going to throttle them one by one.

They "just can't bring themselves to vote for anyone" while not actually being able to articulate why that is, other than using buzzwords and hot take tweet images.


I dont care what the 2nd amendment says and neither should democrats. The republicans wiped their ass with the constituion when they refused to let garland on the supreme court, and admitted that thet wouldnt let hillary have a pick either.

When the democrats take back power i want them to bend and break every rule that they can to do what needs to be done.

Except Republicans will cry foul and actually try to punish Democrats for rule breaking.


I don't even have to read it to know that a discussion thread about "the Founders' expectations of machine guns" is going to be fucking stupid.


Jones seems like a great guy in a race where we probably need someone Dems could barely tolerate to win. (Yes ofc it's worth trying anyway)
Yeah, no, that's a terrible idea :p
Like I’ve said before, I think doing a very last-minute robocall to AA households would be very beneficial to us while blunting most of the damage Obama’s presence would have on the election with white voters.

Say he calls Monday night, that information isn’t going to reach very many white fence-sitters by Tuesday afternoon.

Jones’ 30% is only “good enough” if AA voters show up in droves. The worse turnout is with that cohort, the better Jones has to do with white voters. Weighing those two things against each other, I’d rather have a last-minute push with the AA community than try and count on wishy-washy white people.
Also, JMC has Moore up 48-40. Jones is actually doing well enough with white voters in this poll (snagging 30%), but African-Americans are punching below their weight in the likely voter pool. Ring ring, it’s President Obama...

I feel like Moore is a fuck up and going to say something ridiculous about rape or guns and get himself in hot water. Just give him a few days. That would be our only shot at AL. Having Obama/Biden/Bernie stump is not going to help.
Hundreds of White House emails sent to third Kushner family account

White House officials have begun examining emails associated with a third and previously unreported email account on Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s private domain, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Hundreds of emails have been sent since January from White House addresses to accounts on the Kushner family domain, these people said. Many of those emails went not to Kushner’s or Ivanka Trump’s personal addresses but to an account they both had access to and shared with their personal household staff for family scheduling.

The emails — which include nonpublic travel documents, internal schedules and some official White House materials —were in many cases sent from Ivanka Trump, her assistant Bridges Lamar and others who work with the couple in the White House. The emails to the third account were largely sent from White House accounts but occasionally came from other private accounts, one of these people said.

The existence of additional accounts on the family domain beyond the two personal accounts used by Kushner and Ivanka Trump and reported earlier raises new questions about the extent of personal email use by the couple during their time as White House aides. Their use of private email accounts for White House business also raises concerns about the security of potentially sensitive government documents, which have been forwarded to private accounts.

The family has declined to say what privacy measures have been placed on the domain, but a person familiar with the setup said some security measures were taken when it was installed.

Many of the emails came from Ivanka Trump’s assistant and included work-related “data,” according to a person familiar with the exchanges. Such messages were sent “daily,” this person added.

“They’ve pretty much been using it since they got here,” this person said.

I feel like Moore is a fuck up and going to say something ridiculous about rape or guns and get himself in hot water. Just give him a few days. That would be our only shot at AL. Having Obama/Biden/Bernie stump is not going to help.
lol Biden’s stumping there tonight though.

I mean seriously who does Biden piss off? He’s as Generic Democrat as it gets

I agree though that it won’t be so much Jones winning as Moore losing, but I’ll take it either way and a bad candidate in Alabama still shouldn’t lose things for the GOP in a normal election.

I’m just going to add that Obama did day-of robocalls for John Bel Edwards in 2015 and that didn’t seem to hurt his chances at all.
Yeah, no, that's a terrible idea :p

The South is still pretty segregated so you could probably do some late targeted calls and get around the issue.

I dont care what the 2nd amendment says and neither should democrats. The republicans wiped their ass with the constituion when they refused to let garland on the supreme court, and admitted that thet wouldnt let hillary have a pick either.

When the democrats take back power i want them to bend and break every rule that they can to do what needs to be done.

The roadmap for a lot of things like this is abortion. The GOP does every single thing they can and still comply with Roe v. Wade. Just start doing that stuff. Throw out a bunch of rules and regulations that really limit how easily guns can be bought and sold.

Pair that with automatic seizure and destruction of all firearms owned by people who commit felonies, and we're gravy.

Also, general thought on the gun issue: it's a bit silly that the debate is framed in a way that if Dem policy doesn't eliminate literally every gun death, then it's a failure. Gun deaths will always happen, sure. But the reason it's an issue is the scale, not the occurrence. If gun violence went down to levels comparable to other nations (appropriately scaled to our population) then that's a win.


I feel like Moore is a fuck up and going to say something ridiculous about rape or guns and get himself in hot water. Just give him a few days. That would be our only shot at AL. Having Obama/Biden/Bernie stump is not going to help.

Not this time around. The guy has called for homosexuality to be made illegal and couldn’t answer when he was asked whether gay people should be put out death. Last week he referred to native Americans and Asian ancestry people as reds and yellows. He claimed parts of the USA were under sharia law, but couldn’t name any of them. He thinks 9/11 happened because Americans rejected god. He thinks Obama was born in Kenya. He doesn’t think Muslims should be allowed to serve in Congress.

The guy shouldn’t be allowed to stand, and any decent party would have rejected him out of hand. The notion that in a Trump world comments will make some lose an election seems false now.
Not this time around. The guy has called for homosexuality to be made illegal and couldn’t answer when he was asked whether gay people should be put out death. Last week he referred to native Americans and Asian ancestry people as reds and yellows. He claimed parts of the USA were under sharia law, but couldn’t name any of them. He thinks 9/11 happened because Americans rejected god. He thinks Obama was born in Kenya. He doesn’t think Muslims should be allowed to serve in Congress.

The guy shouldn’t be allowed to stand, and any decent party would have rejected him out of hand. The notion that in a Trump world comments will make some lose an election seems false now.
It’s Alabama. I don’t think this would have been a problem even ten years ago. In fact it probably would have been less of one.


[Trump]He was a very sick and demented man[/Trump]

And there you have it. When there is white skin and an apparent lack of motive it has to be that something was mentally wrong with him.
Nothing we can do about it... unlike how we'll try to keep brown immigrants out.
[Trump]He was a very sick and demented man[/Trump]

And there you have it. When there is white skin and an apparent lack of motive it has to be that something was mentally wrong with him.
Nothing we can do about it... unlike how we'll try to keep brown immigrants out.

Still hasn't called him evil or a terrorist, huh? No "Son of a Bitch" like Kapernick.

I'm beginning to think this man might be racist.


Unconfirmed Member
Its like you are riding in the passenger seat of a big rig with a mad man at the wheel, and he says “I’m going to veer off the road and into that crowd of people,” you say “it’s in everyone’s best interest if you don’t sir”

At some point are you obligated to try and grab the wheel?
Or is just “speaking up” enough?


Tucked away in this NYT article about the Alabama Senate race is the mention that Doug Jones has raised over $820,000 in the last week since Moore won the GOP primary.


Thought that might interest some of y’all as the wisdom of DSCC and other outside Dem groups spending here has been thoroughly debated. As it turns out, it might not even be necessary.

Also, JMC has Moore up 48-40. Jones is actually doing well enough with white voters in this poll (snagging 30%), but African-Americans are punching below their weight in the likely voter pool. Ring ring, it’s President Obama...


The problem being if you bring Obama in then you lose a few points of that white support.

Unless you bring Obama in for a night-before robocall so that the narrative of a nationalized race doesn't sink in with white voters but black voters are still reminded to GOTV.
Somebody needs to tell Biden that this race is a waste of time and he needs to focus his efforts on the winnable races
as determined by consultants with a horrible track record.
The problem being if you bring Obama in then you lose a few points of that white support.

Unless you bring Obama in for a night-before robocall so that the narrative of a nationalized race doesn't sink in with white voters but black voters are still reminded to GOTV.

Like I’ve said before, I think doing a very last-minute robocall to AA households would be very beneficial to us while blunting most of the damage Obama’s presence would have on the election with white voters.

Say he calls Monday night, that information isn’t going to reach very many white fence-sitters by Tuesday afternoon.

On the subject of long shot Congressional races, Randy Bryce (better known as IronStache, Democratic challenger to Paul Ryan) pulled in over a million dollars this quarter. KY-6’s Amy McGrath (who put out an amazing introductory ad) pulled in $768k.

WI-1: http://urbanmilwaukee.com/pressrele...-campaign-to-repeal-and-replace-speaker-ryan/
KY-6: http://politi.co/2xYh6qz

While both are uphill climbs, there are trends to look to (and cherrypick) that suggest the Democrats have a shot in either district - Obama winning WI-1 in 2008, or Rand Paul losing KY-6 in 2016 in what was otherwise a comfortable victory.


A United Nations resolution banning the death penalty for homosexuality was opposed by a total of 13 countries in the U.N. Human Rights Council. While several were in Africa and the Middle East, the U.S. surprisingly voted against the measure, as well.


The resolution doesn’t call for the end to capital punishment altogether, but asks member nations not to use it in a “discriminatory manner”—including against against minors and pregnant women, or for blasphemy and consensual same-sex relations.

The other countries who voted against the resolution were Bangladesh, Botswana, Burundi, China, Japan, Qatar, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia (which currently has the death penalty for sodomy).

Fuck Haley.



Trump is like 6 sentences in and already my blood is boiling.

My god he keeps making this shit about himself. God dammit.

This entire speech is Trump trying to pat himself on the back. That’s all he fucking cares about.


Somebody needs to tell Biden that this race is a waste of time and he needs to focus his efforts on the winnable races
as determined by consultants with a horrible track record.

If we keep it at 8 points in Alabama, it bodes really well for 2018. Man imagine if this country actually had elections free of suppression. Democrats probably have super majorities and the nation as a whole would move leftward. After gerrymandering, suppression has to be one of the biggest threats to a fair democracy here.


I know this will just be another day for Trump and will just slide off of him, but flying to Puerto Rico and having a Presser where he does nothing but Pat himself and his team on the back and talk about how awesome they are is fucking incredible. I don’t think he talked at all about what needs to be done for Puerto Rico or what he’s going to do now that he’s there.

That and invited the Mayor of San Juan then ghosted her while bringing up miscellaneous individuals to speak. What a cunt.


The fact that a generic Democrat polls 5 points better than Doug Jones seems bad

The south: where successfully prosecuting terrorists is a net negative for your political career.
How so? What makes them come to that conclusion?
The deciding vote will probably be cast by Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, and lawyers for challengers of the plan had to be happy with what they heard from him at the hour-long oral argument.

He gave a hard time to those defending Wisconsin's 2011 redistricting plan, which has been criticized as one of the most extreme versions of partisan gerrymandering in the country. He asked no questions of the challengers' lawyers

He pressed the state's lawyers about whether it would be unconstitutional for the state to simply declare that it was going to favor one party over another. They reluctantly answered that it would, but denied this challenge fit that framework.
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