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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Bernie will register as a democrat in 2018. He only remained an I because he was elected as one in 2012

But I really can't even believe we are still talking about this as if his hesistance to wear a members only jacket means anything

People act as if he's been Lieberman and used his power in the senate to purposefully fuck over the parties agenda just to be an asshole. He's been a consistent and reliable vote for the Democrats his whole career.


Bernie will register as a democrat in 2018. He only remained an I because he was elected as one in 2012

But I really can't even believe we are still talking about this as if his hesistance to wear a members only jacket means anything

People act as if he's been Lieberman and used his power in the senate to purposefully fucking over the parties agenda just to be an asshole. He's been a consistent and reliable vote for the Democrats his whole career.

Oh, yeah, I get that... I was going to drop a line in about how he votes with the Dems, but it seemed unnecessary. And I get that he was voted-in as an Indie, so there's some weight to him remaining one, but it doesn't seem like there'd be anything problematic about his changing to Dem? I guess it's just an ethical issue he personally has with changing party like that?


Oh, yeah, I get that... I was going to drop a line in about how he votes with the Dems, but it seemed unnecessary. And I get that he was voted-in as an Indie, so there's some weight to him remaining one, but it doesn't seem like there'd be anything problematic about his changing to Dem? I guess it's just an ethical issue he personally has with changing party like that?

There's nothing problematic about it whatsoever. I can't imagine a single Bernie voter in Vermont would give two shits if he changed his party registration tomorrow. But, it means something to him and has no appreciable difference on literally anything that happens in the Senate, so whatever.
The whole "Bernie isn't a registered Democrat" is just a proxy argument for people who want to low key bash on him for expanding the party's platform and pushing it to the left at what they see as their expense.
I truly don't give a shit if Bernie is a Democrat or not.

I also think remaining and Indie is the reason why he gets some credit from those who are disillusioned with both parties, which, I understand though disagree with.

I also do think he'd have an easier time in 2020 with more institutional support/better name rec/a more fractured field. I don't think he's ever winning a 1 v 1 race.
Definitely stop donating altogether. In terms of marginal utility, it'll make much more of a difference in your hands toward your own life than in Tossoff's or Planned Parenthood's. I encourage you to harbor a deep resentment in whoever it was that brainwashed you into thinking your comfort was less valuable than the Democrats' political aspirations in stretch areas they weren't going to get. Leave that to George Clooney and Meryl Streep. And in the meantime, have the courage to live your own life. You have anxiety now because Trump is deporting people who were already being deported during the Bush administration but somehow you managed to live your life just fine while people were suicide bombing in Iraq and children were being kidnapped in Nigeria. The difference is you inject a huge dose of terror into your veins every time you turn on the news, which makes you watch more news, so now you're stuck in a vicious feedback loop designed to profit over your hysteria.

I'm going to jail soon because of alcohol problems, so you're not missing out on too much.

In some ways you are speaking my language. It is outrageous to expect the poor to support institutions that should be supported by their government and to fuel politicians that waste their money on goose-chase elections. Failure has jaded me and I resent having to spend what few dollars I have on causes like these.

It also resonates with me that the world is not newly in decline. Earth has always been in turmoil. Lives have always been in danger. The virtues I hold have only ever existed in some degree of compromise and, in retrospect, this is nothing.

People have fought harder, lost more, taken greater risks, and made bigger sacrifices than I will ever make. And throughout history, people have plodded on and remained determined to survive despite the many millions of forces against them. The struggle of Americans today is the same story of Americans ten years ago, you are right, and it didn't bother me then.

But it does bother me now. Because I am here now. I am present. I feel an immense amount of responsibility to do something. To try. I need to know that when my were hands on the rope, I helped pull. Because no blip of history ever amounted to anything thanks to people who did nothing. Not to degrade the French peasants who died in rags before the revolution or the parents who walked their children to the coal mines - these people are victims. I need to do SOMETHING to help the victims of today. As I become more and more aware of injustice and strife, my desire to participate in the relief however I can is the defining aspect of my will to live.

So my susceptibility to donation exploitation is partly my own doing. I am always looking for ways to assert my virtue, even if it's just a cover for my own impotence. Sometimes I do it for the cause, but sometimes I do it for me. There's a lot of places I regret putting my money, but I still do it because it helps me feel present in the whirlwind of modern America.

This is a romantic and feverish view of the world. Making $5 donations to an environmentalist group isn't going to determine the fate of my planet. That extra $10 to some guy in Texas won't get him a job in the government. And that's my money - that I toil for - and it is wasted on dreams. In my futile attempts to participate in the tide of progress, I bleed my own resources to fuel a fire that barely acknowledges me.

This is pathetic.

If I see my money is being wasted, I will adjust where it goes. I won't stop, though. Because as I get a little older and make a little more money and learn a little more about my country, charity becomes increasingly more important to me. And as I work my 50-hour work week and wonder what it is I'm working for, it isn't just me. It's not just my livelihood. I want to see others protected and help them succeed. I want my success to bolster the success of others.

Figuring out the right places to donate has been a slow process. I've learned the hard way that sending my pittance to Jason Kander cost me, if nothing else, an opportunity to help someone in legitimate need. But assuming I don't explode from anxiety, I will live a long life. It will help me to know I always put my money where my heart was, even if it was sometimes foolish.

I don't make a lot of money. Neither does my fiance. But we still save. We have no debt except our car payment. We can afford our rent and have gotten used to our low-income style of living. So I don't feel bad when I buy a homeless man a coffee or give to Rachel Carson Council or my local Planned Parenthood. At least it beats consumerism.

I appreciate your challenging post and I'm sorry you're going to jail.
The whole "Bernie isn't a registered Democrat" is just a proxy argument for people who want to low key bash on him for expanding the party's platform and pushing it to the left at what they see as their expense.
yup, you caught me. Correct the Record is a zero sum game, if more people join the party, I get smaller shill checks.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I learned you don't have a Hillary Avatar, according to yourseld, but then you just said it is one! Make up your mind.

Edit. It is one regardless of your mind. Why you clownin like Trump...god only knows.

You seriously still going on about that?

Attacking someone for what avatar they have is seriously sad, you need to take some time for some self reflection.

Your posting behavior over the past couple of days has been embarrassing.


Not to drag this on, but I think it's fairly obvious what is being implied when people say "Bernie's not a Democrat." It's implying that he won't put the party first, even in moments when it would benefit everyone. That he won't think of time and/or place.

Like, for example: putting pressure on the party to adopt more progressive policies during an election year. Time and place.

Playing the arbiter of progressivism in special elections when your party is down seats against a tyrant? Not exactly time or place.

The merits of that argument can be argued. But, well, it's pretty obvious what's being said.
I learned you don't have a Hillary Avatar, according to yourseld, but then you just said it is one! Make up your mind.

Edit. It is one regardless of your mind. Why you clownin like Trump...god only knows.

They never said it wasn't.

They just pointed out that it's also a Suikoden avatar.

The point there being that just as Clinton is no longer technically relevant as a candidate, Suikoden is no longer relevant as a game series. In short they're both "dated" but why should anyone give a fuck because in the end Suikoguy likes Clinton and Suikoden so they kept both in their avatar.

I reiterate please never criticize literally anyone on the basis of maturity ever again.
Not to drag this on, but I think it's fairly obvious what is being implied when people say "Bernie's not a Democrat." It's implying that he won't put the party first, even in moments when it would benefit everyone. That he won't think of time and/or place.

Like, for example: putting pressure on the party to adopt more progressive policies during an election year. Time and place.

Playing the arbiter of progressivism in special elections when your party is down seats against a tyrant? Not exactly time or place.

The merits of that argument can be argued. But, well, it's pretty obvious what's being said.

Not willing to share his email list is another. Which btw I recall being defended on the basis of he's not part of the Democratic party and that it is his email list so why should he share it (with some adding "share it with the party that tried to steal the election from him)

Folks can't have it both ways.
Earlier today we were making peace with the furries, but now we are making people answer for their avatars?

We will ever achieve Full Communism if we keep this up. We mustn't scrutinize the face of our friends, for we all have Lenin in our hearts, do we not?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It's looking increasingly likely that I won't be able to post much, if at all, if Irma continues on it's current trajectory. After going through the eye of Charley, I don't fuck around with Hurricanes :(

Putting shutters up tomorrow, and finishing preparations. Will be getting out if storm surge looks to be a problem.

So, if i'm not around, that's probably why.

The weirdest part other than the whole house shaking, is nighttime. It was dead quiet, with no lights anywhere for over a week. So many stars.

Driving down the main road, with no store, street or stoplights was surreal.
Not willing to share his email list is another. Which btw I recall being defended on the basis of he's not part of the Democratic party and that it is his email list so why should he share it (with some adding "share it with the party that tried to steal the election from him)

Folks can't have it both ways.
Yeah, That he needs to share because that's not a valid excuse. It would be helpful going into 2018.
It's looking increasingly likely that I won't be able to post much, if at all, if Irma continues on it's current trajectory. After going through the eye of Charley, I don't fuck around with Hurricanes :(

Putting shutters up tomorrow, and finishing preparations. Will be getting out if storm surge looks to be a problem.

So, if i'm not around, that's probably why.

Stay safe friendo
Yeah he is. He just pretends not to be.

He's literally an official outreach chair. Of course he's a Democratic leader.

A lot of his supporters don't care for that title, they want a more elaborate one...

Senator Bernie Sanders, Primaryborn, Tamer of Birds, Breaker of Inequality Chains, Rightful Heir of the Democratic Chair.

GoT Spoilers:
And they won't be happy until he fucks his niece/nephew either.
Guys, establishment Dems need to compromise with Bernie. By giving him 100% of what he wants and making him the nominee next time, even if they have to do so by throwing all of the superdelegates his way.

Stay safe, Suikoguy.


Kills Photobucket
How did i go so long without Ron Perlman's twitter on my feed....

Special election tonight in New Hampshire House ended up with a 53-vote margin for the Republican (4% differential), the Democrat Josh Adjutant just announced he'll be seeking a recount. Good luck to him if he can pull that off.

This district went 55-40 for Trump but 50-48 for Obama, so while on the wrong side of a coin toss, a lot closer to 2012 than 2016 as we've seen in similar races (e.g. Iowa special election reverting to the mean after Clinton's heavy loss).

Like I've said before, the best case scenario for 2018 is at least matching (if not exceeding) Obama's 2012 performance where he did better, likewise for Clinton's 2016 performance where she did better. Make the Trump bump in rural America temporary while making Clinton's gains in suburban America permanent.
Special election tonight in New Hampshire House ended up with a 53-vote margin for the Republican (4% differential), the Democrat Josh Adjutant just announced he'll be seeking a recount. Good luck to him if he can pull that off.

This district went 55-40 for Trump but 50-48 for Obama, so while on the wrong side of a coin toss, a lot closer to 2012 than 2016 as we've seen in similar races (e.g. Iowa special election reverting to the mean after Clinton's heavy loss).

Like I've said before, the best case scenario for 2018 is at least matching (if not exceeding) Obama's 2012 performance where he did better, likewise for Clinton's 2016 performance where she did better. Make the Trump bump in rural America temporary while making Clinton's gains in suburban America permanent.

Are we really going to analyze election results from a New Hampshire House special.

It's less than 1500 votes.
Are we really going to analyze election results from a New Hampshire House special.

It's less than 1500 votes.

NH districts are more volatile but it's a trend we've seen elsewhere too. Districts where Clinton improved over Obama are staying roughly in line with her performance while districts that moved hard towards Trump are snapping back.

I will analyze the race for county dog catcher if I have to.

Edit: Thinking about past special elections led me to look up the Oklahoma Senate. Democrats actually had a majority as recently as 2009. Dios mio!
It's so long (barely a month) after Charlottesvile that it no longer seems ridiculous/petty to discuss Obama touching a money or something like that.


we calling the people who should be paying more taxes business savvy now?

bernie-aint-a-democraters just love to skirt around what they really mean

It's so awesome when shitposters come into the thread just to start fights and pick random semi-trolls as representatives of the thread because they don't understand anything that's happening

Spoiled Milk, I hope you don't go to jail!
Special election tonight in New Hampshire House ended up with a 53-vote margin for the Republican (4% differential), the Democrat Josh Adjutant just announced he'll be seeking a recount. Good luck to him if he can pull that off.

This district went 55-40 for Trump but 50-48 for Obama, so while on the wrong side of a coin toss, a lot closer to 2012 than 2016 as we've seen in similar races (e.g. Iowa special election reverting to the mean after Clinton's heavy loss).

Like I've said before, the best case scenario for 2018 is at least matching (if not exceeding) Obama's 2012 performance where he did better, likewise for Clinton's 2016 performance where she did better. Make the Trump bump in rural America temporary while making Clinton's gains in suburban America permanent.

There are like 10 people who live in every single NH House district though so it makes these things really weird too.


A) If you are going to lead the Democrat party, I feel you should be a Democrat in both name and policy. Obviously the latter is most important (and basically describes Bernie) but the optics just feel so bad. I feels it sends a bad message which reverberates down the line. We need voters brought in rather than hanging around the sides.

B) Why does such a small state like NH have such a gigantic State House? It feels like half the population of the State is its House.

Then you would see he ducked Mutant's Hillary's avatar statement.

Mutant: There are still people who have Hillary campaign avatars. O_O

0_0 apparently means shocked.

In response:

Suikoguy: I still have a Suikoden avatar, so what?

Who is talking about Suikoden? The accusation of shock was Hillary not Suikoden. It's a dressed up Hillary Avatar, not the other way around. If Suikoguy wasn't trying to duck under Suikoden, he'd say I have a Suikoden/Hillary avatar(which he later did in this thread) or just say, "So What?" He doesn't acknowledge the fact, that he does indeed have a Hillary avatar in some shape or form, but rather Suikoden, ONLY.

Next in line...

ErasureAcer: Dude can't even admit he has a Hillary avatar.

Everyone can see it's a Hillary avatar. These are the games Hillary fans play.

Somehow, from that statement of mine, Suikoguy jumped the shark in this thread.

Suikoguy: TIL that keeping my Hillary/Suikoden avatar is wrong and playing a game.

Other than the fact I never said that whatsoever...yeah, you're spot on dude. Have whatever damn avatar you want. You're playing a game saying your obvious Hillary avatar is a Suikoden avatar, only(as seen in the other thread).

You're playing a game with your ever changing definitions of your avatar and initially refusing to admit you have a "Hillary" avatar. You're not playing a game for keeping your avatar, but you seem to think otherwise as quoted above.

This is all quite preposterous. I'm sorry Suikoguy had to bring shit from another thread to this one...and get it wrong in the process...but hey...water under the bridge. I won't write a book about ponies denouncing you, Suikoguy.
There are like 10 people who live in every single NH House district though so it makes these things really weird too.
Did you know the original Dem candidate for this district turned out to be a free stater? Tonight's nominee jumped in as a write-in candidate after that came out.

Also the state GOP tried to make it a thing that he got fired from a grocery store when he was a teenager or something?
It's so awesome when shitposters come into the thread just to start fights and pick random semi-trolls as representatives of the thread because they don't understand anything that's happening

Spoiled Milk, I hope you don't go to jail!

Start fights? you're delusional man.

I guess I'm an outsider not cool enough for your old boy's club? It must be something about my un or avatar. Do I need to change one of them to participate in the discussion?

Not to drag this on, but I think it's fairly obvious what is being implied when people say "Bernie's not a Democrat." It's implying that he won't put the party first, even in moments when it would benefit everyone. That he won't think of time and/or place.

Like, for example: putting pressure on the party to adopt more progressive policies during an election year. Time and place.

Playing the arbiter of progressivism in special elections when your party is down seats against a tyrant? Not exactly time or place.

The merits of that argument can be argued. But, well, it's pretty obvious what's being said.

I've seen the argument used before to gloss over criticism of his ideology and platform. Also, I don't think "party first" decision making is particularly rational behavior to be expected by any politician during a campaign. Politicians form parties much more so than the other way around.
Bernie is not a leader of the Democratic party. He's not even a member.


I'm sorry that this fact gets under your skin, but even people like me who aren't Democrats can see that Sanders' prominence has increased rapidly from what it used to be and the Democratic party has elevated radical people like him to lead because they view him as an asset to their comeback.

I'm sorry that this fact gets under your skin, but even people like me who aren't Democrats can see that Sanders' prominence has increased rapidly from what it used to be and the Democratic party has elevated radical people like him to lead because they view him as an asset to their comeback.

Bernie should embrace the Dems and become one or go away and run independent. Sorry not sorry.


Bernie should embrace the Dems and become one or go away and run independent. Sorry not sorry.


People need to let go of their Sanders hate. He's the Democratic front runner. You're going to need to be in good shape when you're explaining to the Harris-heads why Jane Sanders getting indicted doesn't mean that Bernie was crooked and suggesting it does is just an anti-Semitic smear against the first non-Christian presidential candidate.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member

People need to let go of their Sanders hate. He's the Democratic front runner. You're going to need to be in good shape when you're explaining to the Harris-heads why Jane Sanders getting indicted doesn't mean that Bernie was crooked and suggesting it does is just an anti-Semitic smear against the first non-Christian presidential candidate.

I laughed.


Are you guys trapped in a version of hell where the 2016 election never ended? The rest of us are in the version of hell where it did...


Are you guys trapped in a version of hell where the 2016 election never ended? The rest of us are in the version of hell where it did...
Im stuck in the version of hell where people are climbing over each other to name a leader in a sea of representatives. I'm pretty tired of it, I'm not hedging my bets on some democratic messiah like Obama waltzing out of the shadows. I just want people elected in congress to actually pass shit, non self serving governors, and a president who doesn't end programs just because, among a ton of other things. If said person doesn't inspire me like Obama so be it.


At some point, people need to let the 2016 primary go.

And it's not the group arguing the competing ideologies vying for dominance in the Democratic party, and the voters coalescing around them.

It's the people who see that battle happening and keep tying it to the primary, and not the battle happening in the party today.

This almost has nothing to do with the 2016 primary anymore. The party is in the midst of an identity crises. Like..right now.


Are you guys trapped in a version of hell where the 2016 election never ended? The rest of us are in the version of hell where it did...

I'm trapped in a hell where people keep making the party about old fucks from a generation we should no longer revere. I thought we moved to a new generation with Obama but noooo, we had to go back to the old fucks last election and now we want to do the same next election. Stop putting power in the hands of old fucks. Its not entirely that they are bad people either ,although all the old fucks in the republican party make it seem that way. Its the fact that these guys are so fucking old why would you expect them to really understand or care about your issues. They are from a bygone era.


I'm trapped in a hell where people keep making the party about old fucks from a generation we should no longer revere. I thought we moved to a new generation with Obama but noooo, we had to go back to the old fucks last election and now we want to do the same next election. Stop putting power in the hands of old fucks. Its not entirely that they are bad people either ,although all the old fucks in the republican party make it seem that way. Its the fact that these guys are so fucking old why would you expect them to really understand or care about your issues. They are from a bygone era.

This is kind of a problem that solves itself, no? These things come and go in cycles. While we might get a Bernie or a Biden elder statesman type in the next primary, I think the party voices that are getting the most attention today are already decidedly younger.

I also think that, while I do see Bernie as a bit of a Ronald Reagan-type, he's still way too old to run in 2020, especially when you need to draw a stark contrast to Trump's incredibly obvious mental decline. Stick a fork in Biden, his political career is definitely over. Go out on top.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Is Trump experiencing mental decline? Hasn't he always been like this? I don't age can excuse how awful he is.
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