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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Why not let employers buy Medicare as an option along with existing plans? Or insurance backed plans could still exist with Medicare administered by the govt filling in the gaps? Even if this isn't immediately feasible, it's how I'd sell it and work out the details later.

This is what I don't get. Wouldn't a single payer/Medicare for all system consider this as part of the plan? Employers pay hundreds per month for premiums above what an employee sees and pays. Why couldn't that money go towards a single payer type system? Why would it automatically only eat into existing taxes?


This is what I don't get. Wouldn't a single payer/Medicare for all system consider this as part of the plan? Employers pay hundreds per month for premiums above what an employee sees and pays. Why couldn't that money go towards a single payer type system? Why would it automatically only eat into existing taxes?

Yeah I don't see why single payer means employer backed plans from insurance companies go away. Another track to take is saying stuff like if you ever lose your job you never have to worry about losing healthcare or your doctor. If anything Trump has taught us, it's simple messages stick.
At least Facebook entirely dropping the ball during 2016 means Zuck will never in a million years be considered a candidate worth paying any attention to. "You took money from Russia and we got Trump!" is a pretty easy attack line, and it wouldn't at all surprise me if we learn that at some point execs there knew about the paid fake news but let it go on anyway (because money).
At least Facebook entirely dropping the ball during 2016 means Zuck will never in a million years be considered a candidate worth paying any attention to. "You took money from Russia and we got Trump!" is a pretty easy attack line, and it wouldn't at all surprise me if we learn that at some point execs there knew about the paid fake news but let it go on anyway (because money).
Zuckerberg running for president is seriously the most ill-conceived idea ever.

Like sure you might have said that about Trump four years ago but he appealed to the id of the Republican base. Zuckerberg has nothing to offer.


I don't think any amount of explanation is ever going to sell a majority of the public on single-payer. What'll probably have to happen is what happened with the ACA: sell it the best you can, make it into law, take some intense political and electoral blowback for it, then years later when its opponents try to destroy it, the millions of beneficiaries will stand up to defend it because hey, this shit is actually working for me really well.
This is why the investigation is important beyond any collusion or direct ties to the Trump campaign. And why it’s so important that the right doesn’t impede or delegitimize the investigation to potentially protect some of their own.

Russia wants chaos, and will turn on the American right at a moment’s notice.

You could say they already are.

But to bring it back to this news, I am as much if not more relieved about these FB/Twitter/Sputnik/RT attention lately as I have the legislative and collusion investigation breakthroughs. There's new technology and new operation strategies in play now, and legislation and CI hasn't yet caught up and that's going to hurt us if the pace does not keep accelerating like this.

Plus it puts the crosshairs on alot of sneaky, evil sons-of-bitches where it belongs.
I don't think any amount of explanation is ever going to sell a majority of the public on single-payer. What'll probably have to happen is what happened with the ACA: sell it the best you can, make it into law, take some intense political and electoral blowback for it, then years later when its opponents try to destroy it, the millions of beneficiaries will stand up to defend it because hey, this shit is actually working for me really well[/spoiler].

Yup. Still worth it.
I don't think any amount of explanation is ever going to sell a majority of the public on single-payer. What'll probably have to happen is what happened with the ACA: sell it the best you can, make it into law, take some intense political and electoral blowback for it, then years later when its opponents try to destroy it, the millions of beneficiaries will stand up to defend it because hey, this shit is actually working for me really well[/spoiler].

Yeah, I think people expecting single-payer to be this slam dunk, easy political win are naive. Anything that depends on some Republican voters and right-leaning independents giving it their approval is going to have a very fragile coalition. It's the same phenomenon that inflated Clinton's approval ratings in 2013 when the possibility of her running was more abstract (this I think is also happening with Sanders and Biden, who even in a great year probably wouldn't do much better than Obama's 7-point spread in 2008).
Oh me oh my.

Can this be one of those things where one thing leads to another and we find out Ted Cruz sent dick pics to an underage girl or something? Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

I'm still of the mind that he probably had an affair with Sarah Isgur Flores and paid her off via laundered PAC money.

She's now the Director of Public Affairs at the Department of Justice.
My favorite part of the Anthony Wiener story is that he would have gotten away with all of it had he not forgotten to log into his alternate Twitter before posting the infamous dick pic, a thing that is now a normal feature in the Twitter app. Did ruin my moral superiority of Republicans usually being the home-wrecking weirdos, though!

Ted Cruz is a 10000% Family Values™ guy, so yeah it would not at all shock me if he was actually some sexual deviant. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


If there's one time I've ever wanted Trump to chime in on Twitter. Pre-president Trump would definitely have made fun of this.


Confirmation that Hillary's book is as much about her personally as it is about the campaign: the amount that she talks about the immediate aftermath of the election result in personal terms. Her love for Bill, Chelsea and the grand-children. Her dogs. Her home. Sample sentence from the past three pages:

I put on yoga pants and a fleece almost immdiately. Our two sweet dogs followed me from room to room, and at one point, I took them outside and just breathed the cold, rainy air.

Only 4% through (I had housework and shopping to do earlier), but I like it already.
baked alaska is your typical r/t_d poster only with a twitter following: dumb as fuck and when a sliver of their personal life comes under inspection you can tell it's as dysfunctional as their ability to form rational thoughts without meme speak.


At least Facebook entirely dropping the ball during 2016 means Zuck will never in a million years be considered a candidate worth paying any attention to. "You took money from Russia and we got Trump!" is a pretty easy attack line, and it wouldn't at all surprise me if we learn that at some point execs there knew about the paid fake news but let it go on anyway (because money).

Facebook literally fired their news feed curation team during the campaign. Their only job was to keep fake news out of the sidebar. It led to a drastic and immediate decline in the quality of the news Facebook automatically recommends to you.
Confirmation that Hillary's book is as much about her personally as it is about the campaign: the amount that she talks about the immediate aftermath of the election result in personal terms. Her love for Bill, Chelsea and the grand-children. Her dogs. Her home. Sample sentence from the past three pages:

Only 4% through (I had housework and shopping to do earlier), but I like it already.

But Pixieking, Hillary is a robot with no personality. /s
I'm still of the mind that he probably had an affair with Sarah Isgur Flores and paid her off via laundered PAC money.

She's now the Director of Public Affairs at the Department of Justice.

Weren't there a couple rumors about Ted Cruz having an affair? I remember a different woman who was really high up in his campaign that just kind of vanished over night--and then there were rumors he was having an affair and I never heard about her again.

EDIT: Apparently they were baseless rumors started by the Trump campaign and published in the Enquirer. Makes sense.


The same Graham/Cassidy bill that Hatch just said won't even get a floor vote due to lack of support?

Yes. I think it's important to never take anything for granted until the deadline actually passes.

(Sorry I got to this late. Just noticed it now.)


But Pixieking, Hillary is a robot with no personality. /s

She really does come across as human, though. The tech they used for her must be amazing. :'(

What's really sad is the number of troll reviews of her book on Amazon. 30+ reviews last I checked this morning, either whining that she won't go away, complaining that it was entirely her fault the Dems lost, or wibbling about how Bernie was better. I'd say it's highly likely that Russia's got accounts spamming negative reviews of her book to undercut its value.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think Russia cares very much about the margin on Clinton's book sales.


I don't think Russia cares very much about the margin on Clinton's book sales.

Not the margins, what's inside.

This is the best science fiction book I have read in years. I love the alternative universe part! The space aliens pretending to be Russian Hackers is especially creative. Skip the love scenes with Bill...that's a little out there.

What happened is she can not take responsibility for many of her own actions and blames her failure on sexism.

Ironically, it's things like this that cause people on the fence go to the other side just to spite her.

She is the antichrist
You ran a lousy campaign and didn't even have any ideas to offer. Who cares that you didn't get what you wanted! This just proves you were not fit to be president.

Proof that she cannot accept the fact that she lost and that it was her own fault.

A sad, delusional, badly written hallucination. What an ugly waste.

I was able to find a copy that someone uploaded. Couldn't bare to seriously read it all, but I read parts of it and skimmed through the rest.
It was strange, absolutely bizarre at times, ultimately very sad.
It's difficult to understand exactly who is the intended audience for this book. I think even her most bitter supporters will find this book a little kooky. After reading what I could, I came away feeling like the country really dodged a bullet. I really thought she would win given that she was supported by almost every powerful establishment entity and funded with such outrageous amounts of money. The cover of the book should have her looking into a mirror. Then the book could have been a one page pamphlet.
The real victim here was the poor ghostwriter that had to hear all of these "stories" and turn them into a book

43 reviews, 70% 1 star.

If you were Russia, and wanted to continue to sow seeds of dissension in the Dem supporter rack-and-file, as well as to question the veracity of if you hacked the US elections, there's worse things to do than spam the losing candidate's "give no shits" memoir. Especially when it pretty-much costs no money to do - this isn't like Steam, which requires you to have the game in your library to post a review.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Hopefully you're already talking about how much their ideas will cost (more than yours), thereby inoculating yourself from that line of criticism.

I agree with this concept.

Look, I'll admit I'm not the guy who would be out front selling this concept. I'd be the nerd behind the scenes making sure the details were in order before it was pushed. I get why most in here want to sell it and deal with the consequences later--I just think the consequences would be more severe in this case.

I just think the political blowback here would be way, way worse than ACA because you'd have every working person getting a sizeable portion taken from their paycheck. Most people in this country live paycheck to paycheck, and this would appear to take much more of that (again, if there was no mandate to pass on employer health care reimbursement). It's unfeasible to think the public would sit idly while this destroyed their finances, and democrats would take a direct hit for years. It's a PR nightmare.


Those just look like run of the mill Trumpers writing the reviews.

They usually write reviews for stuff anyway, this one is just near and dear to their hearts

Mmmmm... Most likely. But I will say that I think, given the recent news about Facebook ads and organising protests, when it comes to anonymous accounts spouting random shit on the internet, we need to question our assumptions. Even if at the end we just go "Yup, Trumpers being Trumpers!"


I agree with this concept.

Look, I'll admit I'm not the guy who would be out front selling this concept. I'd be the nerd behind the scenes making sure the details were in order before it was pushed. I get why most in here want to sell it and deal with the consequences later--I just think the consequences would be more severe in this case.

I just think the political blowback here would be way, way worse than ACA because you'd have every working person getting a sizeable portion taken from their paycheck. Most people in this country live paycheck to paycheck, and this would appear to take much more of that (again, if there was no mandate to pass on employer health care reimbursement). It's unfeasible to think the public would sit idly while this destroyed their finances, and democrats would take a direct hit for years. It's a PR nightmare.

Yup. You can both think Single Payer is Good (and Significantly Better Than The Status Quo) and also think that it will require enormous amounts of political capital and will to pass - political capital that I am skeptical of currently exists within the party.

That's not to say it can't be created over the next three years, of course. And a Presidential candidate often helps clarify these things.


Yup. You can both think Single Payer is Good (and Significantly Better Than The Status Quo) and also think that it will require enormous amounts of political capital and will to pass - political capital that I am skeptical of currently exists within the party.

That's not to say it can't be created over the next three years, of course. And a Presidential candidate often helps clarify these things.
I would have very much preferred that this was for a public option than full on single payer.


you vote on Mayor and Precinct/Ward leaders.

Please pay attention to your local elections time and date, Local Elections impact you more directly than Federal/National elections; Usually.


One thing I keep forgetting that explains why some Republicans panicked and went to a foreign adversary for aide in winning the elections, the 2020 Census is upcoming.

the Census will have major impacts on the political landscape, and I can see why a flailing party would want to control it by any means.




you vote on Mayor and Precinct/Ward leaders.

Please pay attention to your local elections time and date, Local Elections impact you more directly than Federal/National elections; Usually.


One thing I keep forgetting that explains why some Republicans panicked and went to a foreign adversary for aide in winning the elections, the 2020 Census is upcoming.

the Census will have major impacts on the political landscape, and I can see why a flailing party would want to control it by any means.

This upcoming census is fucked. Completely and utterly fucked. No way Democrats control anything at the state level again until 2031.

/chicken little... Maybe.
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