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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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StoOgE said:
I can think of a word for that horseshit Cindy McCain pulled, but it would get me banned, and its not trollop.


Your husband voted against funding the troops too, he voted against giving them body armor.

Here you go:


Don't say I never did anything for ya. Hope that's what you were looking for.
mckmas8808 said:
THINK MAN! Palin is pissing off just as many independants, as Mittens would have pissed off the base.

Either way it's he was in a fucked position. I'd rather have the economic dude beside me than the clown Palin. Seriously she is a joke. Literally!

You can't win without the base. The most dangerous thing threatening McCain's campaign was that card-carrying repubs were gonna sit this one out. Palin changed that. Romney and Lieberman wouldn't have.


DeaconKnowledge said:
You can't win without the base. The most dangerous thing threatening McCain's campaign was that card-carrying repubs were gonna sit this one out. Palin changed that. Romney and Lieberman wouldn't have.
That's why you pick Crist.


saelz8 said:
:( This is so sad...

How are these things not the top headline on every news site? The candidates not putting a stop to it should carry with it serious repercussions. Let me guess, McCain was smiling through all of it?

And props to Michelle for taking the high road on the "that one" comment. Class act. Such a stark contrast to the mudslinging garbage elsewhere.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Of all the nonsense Obama was forced to denounce during this election year, why the fuck isn't the McCain campaign being pressed to speak out against what his rally attendees are shouting?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
DeaconKnowledge said:
You can't win without the base. The most dangerous thing threatening McCain's campaign was that card-carrying repubs were gonna sit this one out. Palin changed that. Romney and Lieberman wouldn't have.

What about the Huckster?
Evlar said:
Mittens would have been the kiss of death. The same people swooning over Palin- the heart of right-wing evangelicalism in this country- would have abandoned ship if a candidate they already dislike had picked a Mormon.

Yes, that's really what it boils down to. Palin is popular among the base because she's a born-again Christian. There is no other reason.
Then why not Huckabee?

Personally, I'd have thought that someone like Condoleeza Rice would have been a far better pick.
Tamanon said:
It is rather odd that Crist wasn't picked. There's gotta be much more fire to the gay rumors.

Wouldn't fire up the base, which was McCain's problem at the time he picked Palin. It would have locked down Florida, but at that point I don't think the McCain campaign thought that state was in play.

Edit: Keep in mind that putting somoene on the ticket who even *might* be gay might have resulted in the RNC convention killing Crist's VP nomination with a floor vote. It was the same reasoning that kept Lieberman and Ridge off the ticket.


mckmas8808 said:
What about the Huckster?

Huckabee was smart, he saw the way things were going and avoided the Veep slot like the plague. He basically just started prepping for 2012 and got a FOX job so he could be in the media spotlight in the meantime.


DeaconKnowledge said:
I think Huckabee would have fucked McCain with undecided voters.

Palin makes Huckabee seem downright normal.

Tamanon said:
Huckabee was smart, he saw the way things were going and avoided the Veep slot like the plague. He basically just started prepping for 2012 and got a FOX job so he could be in the media spotlight in the meantime.

This is true. Huckabee probably made it clear he wouldn't take it.
mckmas8808 said:
What about the Huckster?

You have the inverse problem with Huckabee - Independent appeal.

Plus, with Huckabee, or any of these candidates, you lose the apparent (if overstated) pissed off Hillvoters.

Plus, (and i'm sure this was a consideration of McCain's) Palin is quite the looker, which plays well to young stupid males. It also makes it easier to mask her....deficiencies in knowledge of policy.

If there's anything the public at large hate, it's an ugly person who's stupid to boot.


DeaconKnowledge said:
Gotta be honest; if Obama was white people would be calling this election right now. It's a shame that i'm forced to agree with your pessimism.

That said, an 11 point lead in the polls is pretty decisive.
I'm not being pessimistic; I just don't want people jumping the gun and becoming satisfied and complacent *today*, only to feel like they should have kept the pressure and momentum going until the end.
ronito said:

Would have been a way better pick than Palin, though he lacks the social conservative credibility as much as Lieberman or Ridge did, thanks to the fact that as Speaker he banged way more than just the gavel.


PPP teasing Virginia numbers going up tomorrow.
I've been getting a lot of e-mails on this: the Virginia poll will be released tomorrow.

We haven't finished it yet, but at first glance Survey USA and Suffolk look pretty reasonable there.
What does SUSA have for VA right now?


Shouldn't these guys saying "kill him" and "off with his head" be under arrest? Or do you have to actually BE President before Secret Service acts?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Dan said:
Of all the nonsense Obama was forced to denounce during this election year, why the fuck isn't the McCain campaign being pressed to speak out against what his rally attendees are shouting?

Hey Dan LOOK! I'm not sure what race you are but seriously it doesn't matter to what I'm about to say.

It's because he is white. Can you imagine what Obama would have to say if people in his crowd said McCain should be killed because they thought he was a racist?

I mean this shit is straight hate.


ghibli99 said:
:( This is so sad...

How are these things not the top headline on every news site? The candidates not putting a stop to it should carry with it serious repercussions. Let me guess, McCain was smiling through all of it?

Actually, Fox News of all places mentioned the shouting at rallies. They mentioned things like "terrorist" and "traitor", but they left out the death threats and racial bigotry.
CharlieDigital said:
Ditto. Lack of Hopium tonight. Can't function.

Going to be pretty booorring until the Troopergate bomb drops.

We need a sizzler of a poll from a state out of nowhere. I'd like to see something from WV or MT.
Tobor said:
Palin makes Huckabee seem downright normal.

Well yeah, but she has(had) the advantage of being unknown. My guess is that McCain thought he could sneak her craziness into the White House before anyone found out...like Bush.
Fragamemnon said:
Going to be pretty booorring until the Troopergate bomb drops.

We need a sizzler of a poll from a state out of nowhere. I'd like to see something from WV or MT.

Dude, I have no idea how I'm going to survive after the 15th. I might actually get some work done :lol


Junior Member
AniHawk said:
Shouldn't these guys saying "kill him" and "off with his head" be under arrest? Or do you have to actually BE President before Secret Service acts?

The Secret Service is investigating the "Kill him" thing and Im guessing this one will be aswell.
DeaconKnowledge said:
Well yeah, but she has(had) the advantage of being unknown. My guess is that McCain thought he could sneak her craziness into the White House before anyone found out...like Bush.

I honestly think that part of the strategy was that she was unknown and from Alaska thus having less dirt on her past to be used against her. Everyone that was in the primaries carried some baggage with them from the primary process and they didn't want to deal with that.
Zefah said:
I totally agree with this. It seems like people in America just get progressively dumber with each generation. This whole anti-intellectualism movement needs to stop. Learning and studying isn't encouraged and kids who actually try to achieve things nowadays are bashed by their peers. When I was in high school about 8 years ago, there was definitely a large faction of "dumb is cool" kids, but it seems to have gotten progressively worse especially post-9-11. I really wonder what the causes are. Is it the neocon agenda / war mentality that has pervaded this country for the last 7 years? Is it mainstream hip-hop that has seemingly taken control of half of the teenagers in the country?

It is really mind-boggling to me how so many people in the United States embrace ignorance and stupidity. I didn't like the movie much, but sometimes I really think the country is on its way down the path of Idiocracy. It disgusts me that anyone out there would actually want someone like Palin in an office of power. I wonder if there are any other countries out there where intelligent people are shunned and ignorant, god-loving, "folksy" people are seen as the right people to run a country.

Give it time. You'll grow to love it.
As a random note, I got my absentee ballot.

I'm going to take a picture of it after I fill it out before I mail it.

I can feel the history being made.


Incognito said:
For the 2012 Republican primary. Gonna be a lolpooloza.
Going to be a bloody contest between those who think the party still wasn't far enough right (those poor deluded souls who think the real American majority is just to the right of Rick Santorum) and those who think the party's pact with the religious right is a stone dragging them down.


Olbermann probably has a whole month's worth of hypocritical facts about McCain because his show is pointing out 20 of these things per hour


DeaconKnowledge said:
Yup. Can't a Canadian have an Interest in American politics? I mean, it's not like we're having an election up here right?

I was just wondering what you think of the differences in campaigns, in campaign strategies, etc, in the USA and Canada?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I don't know why people think that Palin is going to be running for anything on a national stage in 2012. Her negatives are basically being cemented. Most people can't believe the John McCain of 2008 versus that of 2000 and sooner. She's only been on the scene 6 or so weeks and people largely can't stand her. Governor of Alaska is the highest post she'll ever attain if McCain doesn't win.
CharlieDigital said:
I honestly think that part of the strategy was that she was unknown and from Alaska thus having less dirt on her past to be used against her. Everyone that was in the primaries carried some baggage with them from the primary process and they didn't want to deal with that.


Just looking at the way Palin's being handled (trotted out for stumps, only served to the media when the bitching came to a head, etc) McCain wanted to use her as an unknown "celebrity" type pick to take the newness away from Obama as well as dull his change message, while adding credence to McCain's eventual "Change" rhetoric".

People knew too much about Huckabee, Romney, Crist, Dole, or anybody virtually ahead of Palin on the ticket. This also seems to be the reason McCain played the "sexist" card so many times and suspended his campaign ahead of the debates; to stall Palin from actually talking at length for as long as possible.

Unfortunately for him, the media bitched and moaned so much the "Palin won't talk to the media" issue became so prominent that he had to serve her to them, destroying the flimsy house of cards before its time.

At least that's the way I see it.
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