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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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CharlieDigital said:
Man, this thread is going slow today :(

Friday-ton can't come soon enough.

Yeah. So what happened to the big McCain announcement that was hinted at last night? Did that get postponed?


I'm tired of hearing these non-issues. I want to hear about what matters...like their views on Wii vs PS3 vs 360. Is 2009 going to be the "year of the ps3"?? :lol
kkaabboomm said:
so, we all know why mccain is in wisconsin (he likes to go to states he'll lose by 5-10 points)

WHY IS HE GOING TO IOWA THIS WEEKEND? does he like to go to states he'll lose by 10+ points with under 4 weeks until the election? why isn't he camping out in Va/Pa/Oh/Fl/Co/NC/Nv....oh

The Republicans want him to lose on purpose, thinking that perhaps no one can solve this economic crisis in 4 years time. In 4 years, they think they'll be able to point back and say "See, those Democrats lied!" and gain overwhelming support from independents.


grandjedi6 said:
He loses then
Exactly. He needs to focus on the state's that would be most likely to give Obama 270 and then focus on the weakest of those states.

It might seem stupid because that will cause him to campaign in some states that seem like lost causes while ignoring other states that could go either way, but what if he does focus on South Carolina? He kept it red but he still lost the election. Big fucking deal. That strategy would just be him trying to not lose as badly as he might, not something aimed towards actually winning.


Master of the Google Search
CharlieDigital said:
The Republicans want him to lose on purpose, thinking that perhaps no one can solve this economic crisis in 4 years time. In 4 years, they think they'll be able to point back and say "See, those Democrats lied!" and gain overwhelming support from independents.
um, I don't think anyone has legitimately tried that insane strategy.
greepoman said:
I'm tired of hearing these non-issues. I want to hear about what matters...like their views on Wii vs PS3 vs 360. Is 2009 going to be the "year of the ps3"?? :lol

Sony still has 2 months to woo those undecided Ps2 gamers. They can turn this around.


CharlieDigital said:
Man, this thread is going slow today :(

Friday-ton can't come soon enough.
McCain seems to be struggling to find a new strategy.

  • He's been doing the Ayres attacks, but those aren't working. Now his campaign is sending out mixed messages about it, seems to be sputtering.
  • He tried the big announcement of a major proposal at the debate - something I saw some people predicting he would do - but it's a terrible idea that undermines his base.
  • Meanwhile Obama is throwing both of them back in his face, and ramping up is offense in red states. Next week McCain will have a new, different strategy heading into the final debate. I can't wait! His attempts to win the news cycles are like a Cracker Jack prize - you never know what you'll get, but you can be certain it's going to be worthless crap.
  • Also: fivethirtyeight gives a 25% chance of a 60-seat majority for Democrats in the Senate this week. Last week or the week before it was 8%.

And then there's this nugget of joy:


Obama has a fully staffed transition team up and running, while McCain does not. Kind of speaks to their relative confidence and resources. Obama's ethics requirements are interesting as well - specifically restricting lobbyists from working on his transition team. Another sign Obama is going to do what he says he will do.
Just to add to the whole Projector-gate:


Well, shock of shocks — it turns out McCain’s characterization of this was all wrong. In fact, I would call it a lie. He knows it wasn’t for an overhead projector, a piece of classroom equipment that costs a couple of hundred dollars. That money was for Adler’s Zeiss Mark VI star projector: a venerable piece of precision fabricated equipment that projects the stars, constellations, and other objects inside the planetarium dome. Adler’s Zeiss is 40 years old, and desperately needs replacing. These machines are pricey, and replacing them difficult.

Adler needed money to do this. They asked local politicians, and eventually were able to get a request in a budget submitted by Obama. However, Obama never even voted on that budget, and Adler never got that money — thus making, again, McCain a liar.

For McCain to use this as a political zinger is insulting, and for him to call it foolishness is beyond the pale. The honorable thing for him to do now is to admit he was wrong, admit he mischaracterized both the planetarium and Obama’s stance, and then issue a public apology to planetarians and science-lovers across the country.

The next debate is in one week. I bet a lot more pro-science folks will be watching, too. Closely.​

Oh John, you silly man.

grandjedi6 said:
um, I don't think anyone has legitimately tried that insane strategy.

That's just my conspiracy fantasy...but then again, there could be Rovian elements in his campaign that are trying to do exactly this by sabotaging McCain.......
CharlieDigital said:
The Republicans want him to lose on purpose, thinking that perhaps no one can solve this economic crisis in 4 years time. In 4 years, they think they'll be able to point back and say "See, those Democrats lied!" and gain overwhelming support from independents.

Honestly, whoever took up the mantle for the GOP in the '08 election was going to be a sacrificial lamb for Bush. McCain did much better than I thought a Pub would, considering.


CharlieDigital said:
The Republicans want him to lose on purpose, thinking that perhaps no one can solve this economic crisis in 4 years time. In 4 years, they think they'll be able to point back and say "See, those Democrats lied!" and gain overwhelming support from independents.
That may indeed be what happens, given the overwhelming pile of shit our next President is inheriting. But regardless of that, nobody wants to lose the Presidency. There's all sorts of stuff Obama can do that the Republicans won't like.
DeaconKnowledge said:
Honestly, whoever took up the mantle for the GOP in the '08 election was going to be a sacrificial lamb for Bush. McCain did much better than I thought a Pub would, considering.

During the primaries, this was the Democrats race to lose (thanks to the consensus on the Bush Administration). I think McCain was the only candidate that had a shot at bringing in independent voters giving the R's a chance to win. I'd be interested to see what this race would look like if other people were the candidates for each party. I imagine the race would be going in a similar direction.


CharlieDigital said:
The Republicans want him to lose on purpose, thinking that perhaps no one can solve this economic crisis in 4 years time. In 4 years, they think they'll be able to point back and say "See, those Democrats lied!" and gain overwhelming support from independents.

I have this nightmare where Obama wins, intitutes sound fiscal policy, that is keeps taxes steady/raises them on the rich and cuts spending way back to make a dent in these defecits...and the American public hates him for it, and he loses in 4 years.
aceface said:
I have this nightmare where Obama wins, intitutes sound fiscal policy, that is keeps taxes steady/raises them on the rich and cuts spending way back to make a dent in these defecits...and the American public hates him for it, and he loses in 4 years.

People always find a reason to hate their elected leaders. Obama won't be immune even if he does a fantastic job. Can't please everyone.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Even when he said it, you could tell it fell flat on the audience. Bagging on your opponent for trying to get educational equipment for kids?
And in the broad scheme of things, earmarks are near rock-bottom on what people care about. And it plays even worse when you start listing ones people are sympathetic to. Debate time is precious, and he spent some of his on that, and is focusing his campaign on Ayres. McCain seems to be making himself less and less relevant by the day.


Okay, it's been a busy day at work for me. I just caught up with this thread.

First off, Ihate making news out of John McCain making news. It's like giving him credit for something he hasn't even done yet. "John McCain's going to do something! HE'S GONNA! WATCH!". You know what? F that, media should stop enabling his lies.

Every time I load up Drudgereport, I get petrified at what the headline is going to be. Now I read about voters getting the shaft in swing states. Why is there so much evil in this election? It's like Obama has to topple the evil empire to win this thing. Why can't it be November 4th already? WHY?
I find it pretty amazing that this is the breadth and depth of negative history that they could find on Obama.

Is he fucking saint-like or something?
artredis1980 said:
he is doing it because whenever Zogby said Obama will win this and that state in the democratic primaries, Hillary used to win it. look at Texas and Ohio.
Not really, he was the only one who got got Indiana and North Carolina right. Almost everyone had Indiana as a HUGE win for Hillary and North Carolina as a narrow win for Barack.


typhonsentra said:
Not really, he was the only one who got got Indiana and North Carolina right. Almost everyone had Indiana as a HUGE win for Hillary and North Carolina as a narrow win for Barack.

Zogby is the worst poller ever. EVER. I remember when he went on the Daily Show in '04, making me feel so good about Kerry's chances. Even had Kerry winning it the day of the election. Zogby = useless.
Fatalah said:
Zogby is the worst poller ever. EVER. I remember when he went on the Daily Show in '04, making me feel so good about Kerry's chances. Even had Kerry winning it the day of the election. Zogby = useless.
I remember him predicting on TDS that Kerry would win, but he actually changed his prediction on the eve of the election and got it right apparently.
GhaleonEB said:

Obama has a fully staffed transition team up and running, while McCain does not. Kind of speaks to their relative confidence and resources. Obama's ethics requirements are interesting as well - specifically restricting lobbyists from working on his transition team. Another sign Obama is going to do what he says he will do.

When you're spending other people's money, you go all out.
typhonsentra said:
I remember him predicting on TDS that Kerry would win, but he actually changed his prediction on the eve of the election and got it right apparently.

He predicted Kerry as his polling towards the end had Kerry in the lead although on the final day his polling had Bush in the lead. Pretty much he should stop giving so much analysis as he does and simply let his polling stand on its own merit good or bad.


Stoney Mason said:
He predicted Kerry as his polling towards the end had Kerry in the lead although on the final day his polling had Bush in the lead. Pretty much he should stop giving so much analysis as he does and simply let his polling stand on its own merit good or bad.

I remember his exit polls had Kerry looking good too.
typhonsentra said:
I remember him predicting on TDS that Kerry would win, but he actually changed his prediction on the eve of the election and got it right apparently.

He predicted Kerry as his polling towards the end had Kerry in the lead although on the final day his polling had Bush in the lead. Pretty much he should stop giving so much analysis as he does and simply let his polling stand on its own merit good or bad.

In 2004, while his actual polling was right on the money, his Election Day prediction failed to materialize. Before polls had even closed in the 2004 presidential election, Zogby predicted a comfortable win for John Kerry (311 electoral votes, versus 213 for Bush, with 14 too close to call), saying that "Bush had this election lost a long time ago," adding that voters wanted a change and would vote for "any candidate who was not Bush." While admitting that he was mistaken, Zogby did not admit any possible flaws in his polling methods, insisting that his predictions were all within the margin of error. While on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, he said he felt that Kerry would win due to the undecided voters. Despite his personal prediction, Zogby's final poll showed Bush with a one point lead over Kerry.[2] Zogby later released a "mea culpa" in which he stated "I will do better next time: I will just poll, not predict."[3]
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