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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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GAF is failing to serve my political junkie needs. I guess with Ayers crap petering out so fast, there's no new news.

What is the New Party?


kkaabboomm said:
because then they'd have to change the narrative from 'if obama wins any toss up state, he wins, mccain is sad' to 'if the election were held today, obama would win' and thats a story line news groups dont like. they dont want to predict a winner before election night, even with caveats. so they'll keep obama just under the margin, and talk about his leads in all the toss ups, but it will be very, very hard for them to move a state into his column that pushes him over 270 on their 'map' before the election is held.

and think, if some voters see obama wins, it might depress turnout on both sides, etc, etc, etc.
Just catching up this morning, but I think this is correct. Chuck Todd's map has it so Obama just needs one more state to win, but he had some odd ones in the toss-up column. It looks to me like they don't want to call this over.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
gcubed said:
losing is losing

No the true problem is you don't continue to do something that making you lose worst. You change the plan to do something that can make you win.

Thinking about basketball for a second. If you are losing at half time because you are 1-10 in 3 point shooting, you do decide to shoot 25 3-pointers in the second half.

You change the plan, not doing more of the non-working plan.


Master of the Google Search
BenjaminBirdie said:
I just read he's going back to Iowa too. Lawls.
At this point McCain is still going after the "traditional" swing states in hopes that all of Obama's gains in red states is just a fluk. Honestly, I can't blame him. What other hope does he have?


vitaflo said:
To give McCain credit, he did say it was for a planetarium. Anyone who's been to one knew the kind he was talking about (to which I said, "yup sounds about right"). I think he just figured nobody's been to a planetarium.

His base doesn't know what a planet is, much less a planetarium.


First tragedy, then farce.
I understand McCain not going to NC.

basically, if McCain has to defend NC, he has already lost. He needs to flip a kerry state and he knows it. His best bet right now is to go to Wisc and MN and try and flip one of them. I dont think it will happen, but if he wants any chance at all at winning this thing, he has to. The alternative is running the table with FL, NV, CO, VA, NC, OH, IN which looks increasingly unlikey every single day.

McCain has to work to flip a Kerry state, work in the swing states, and hope the traditionally republican states come home.

Most likely he wont flip a Kerry state, will lose a good chunk of the swing states and will wind up losing at least one of the traditionaly red states. This of course means an Obama win.

However, if he can say flip MN, carry Florida and Ohio and NC and IN come home all on their own he has more wiggle room in regards to CO and VA. Basically, McCain has so many fires to put out right now he has to ignore NC and IN (for the most part) and hope they come home.


Black Canada Mafia
Some Americans are so silly. I understand there are people out there who do not agree with a lot of Obama's political views - but what's wrong with some of these people? They act like if Obama is elected president, we're going to have a Y2K event or some shit.


First tragedy, then farce.
grandjedi6 said:
At this point McCain is still going after the "traditional" swing states in hopes that all of Obama's gains in red states is just a fluk. Honestly, I can't blame him. What other hope does he have?

I should have read your post, this is basically what I'm saying.

McCain cannot afford for the electoral map to really have changed as much as it apears to, so his best bet is to keep his head down and hope that it hasnt. If the electoral map has changed this much, this is over already so it doenst matter.
Kinitari said:
Some Americans are so silly. I understand there are people out there who do not agree with a lot of Obama's political views - but what's wrong with some of these people? They act like if Obama is elected president, we're going to have a Y2K event or some shit.

Nah man, Ludacris is going to paint the White House black, haven't you heard?



Pretty strong correlation. The S&P is killing McCain. :p


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GhaleonEB said:

Pretty strong correlation. The S&P is [I]killing[/I] McCain. :p[/QUOTE]
Twas just about to post that, pretty interesting :lol


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Kinitari said:
Some Americans are so silly. I understand there are people out there who do not agree with a lot of Obama's political views - but what's wrong with some of these people? They act like if Obama is elected president, we're going to have a Y2K event or some shit.

Seriously, how any one can consider a god damned presidential candidate, who was selected by the people over his peers, a "buffoon" or "terrorist" is...just not worth talking too. These 2 guys are the top of their class. To say Obama is just an empty suit or mccain is just a grumpy old man is....give me a break.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
grandjedi6 said:
At this point McCain is still going after the "traditional" swing states in hopes that all of Obama's gains in red states is just a fluk. Honestly, I can't blame him. What other hope does he have?

Going back to red states to protect the hive?
Kinitari said:
Some Americans are so silly. I understand there are people out there who do not agree with a lot of Obama's political views - but what's wrong with some of these people? They act like if Obama is elected president, we're going to have a Y2K event or some shit.

It's almost guaranteed.


RubxQub said:
Twas just about to post that, pretty interesting :lol
This is the only time I've ever wanted my portfolio to keep dropping. Push retirement out a bit, get Obama as President. It's a fair trade-off.

Only 26 days left! Time is going by quick now. Final debate is next week.
GhaleonEB said:
This is the only time I've ever wanted my portfolio to keep dropping. Push retirement out a bit, get Obama as President. It's a fair trade-off.

Only 26 days left! Time is going by quick now. Final debate is next week.

At my old stomping grounds too.

Strong Island, baby.


Son of Godzilla said:
WHERES MY VIEWING-AGE? Elizabeth Hasselbeck has been incredible stupid and *incredibly* hot today. I've never wanted to muzzle someone more.

There wasn't much meat from her today...just the same ol' "Someone's past connections matter damn it!!!!(*muttering* except when they can be used against my candidate of choice)"...she had no viable response when Joy mentioned Todd Palin's AIP stuff. At any rate, I liked the series of clips they showed of Whoppi on the bailout issue and that now McCain is proposing it...and as if it were his plan to boot.
so, we all know why mccain is in wisconsin (he likes to go to states he'll lose by 5-10 points)

WHY IS HE GOING TO IOWA THIS WEEKEND? does he like to go to states he'll lose by 10+ points with under 4 weeks until the election? why isn't he camping out in Va/Pa/Oh/Fl/Co/NC/Nv....oh

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) made an overnight change in the homeowner bailout he proposed at Tuesday’s presidential debate, making it more generous to financial institutions and more costly for taxpayers.

McCain's staff says it was always meant that way.

When McCain sprang his surprise idea at the start of the debate in Nashville, his campaign posted details online of his American Homeownership Resurgence Plan, which would direct the government to buy up bad home mortgages, allowing strapped people to keep their property.

The document posted and e-mailed by the McCain campaign on Tuesday night says at the end of its first full paragraph: “Lenders in these cases must recognize the loss that they’ve already suffered.”


Why cant Obama have a 20 point lead with this man
Kinitari said:
I thought he was mixed? :O
To some of the more racist fucks out there "one drop of black blood means you black". Whether or not they realize almost all of humanity can be genetically traced back to a single African woman is a question for another time.
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