Just to add to the whole Projector-gate:
Well, shock of shocks it turns out McCains characterization of this was all wrong. In fact, I would call it a lie. He knows it wasnt for an overhead projector, a piece of classroom equipment that costs a couple of hundred dollars. That money was for Adlers Zeiss Mark VI star projector: a venerable piece of precision fabricated equipment that projects the stars, constellations, and other objects inside the planetarium dome. Adlers Zeiss is 40 years old, and desperately needs replacing. These machines are pricey, and replacing them difficult.
Adler needed money to do this. They asked local politicians, and eventually were able to get a request in a budget submitted by Obama. However, Obama never even voted on that budget, and Adler never got that money thus making, again, McCain a liar.
For McCain to use this as a political zinger is insulting, and for him to call it foolishness is beyond the pale. The honorable thing for him to do now is to admit he was wrong, admit he mischaracterized both the planetarium and Obamas stance, and then issue a public apology to planetarians and science-lovers across the country.
The next debate is in one week. I bet a lot more pro-science folks will be watching, too. Closely.
Oh John, you silly man..