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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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New Gallups!!!!

6% of voters say they are less likely to vote for Barack Obama because of his race, 9% say they are more likely to vote for him
CharlieDigital said:
Just to add to the whole Projector-gate:


Well, shock of shocks — it turns out McCain’s characterization of this was all wrong. In fact, I would call it a lie. He knows it wasn’t for an overhead projector, a piece of classroom equipment that costs a couple of hundred dollars. That money was for Adler’s Zeiss Mark VI star projector: a venerable piece of precision fabricated equipment that projects the stars, constellations, and other objects inside the planetarium dome. Adler’s Zeiss is 40 years old, and desperately needs replacing. These machines are pricey, and replacing them difficult.

Adler needed money to do this. They asked local politicians, and eventually were able to get a request in a budget submitted by Obama. However, Obama never even voted on that budget, and Adler never got that money — thus making, again, McCain a liar.

For McCain to use this as a political zinger is insulting, and for him to call it foolishness is beyond the pale. The honorable thing for him to do now is to admit he was wrong, admit he mischaracterized both the planetarium and Obama’s stance, and then issue a public apology to planetarians and science-lovers across the country.

The next debate is in one week. I bet a lot more pro-science folks will be watching, too. Closely.​

Oh John, you silly man..

dem planetarium thingys dont show God! They iz atheist evil!


speculawyer said:
dem planetarium thingys dont show God! They iz atheist evil!

planetariums dont exist, the sky is a painting God made, the sun is Gods flashlight and there are no other planets besides ours

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
My ~4-year-old son made his first trip to the Adler a couple of months ago. Loved it.

It's amazing this planetarium thing is getting such coverage, in a good way. It's like being against spending for schools.


Looks like Gallup is holding stead at +11.

Edit: Beat multiple times. :lol

Another day, another blow chance for McCain to start closing the gap.
artredis1980 said:
New Gallups!!!!

6% of voters say they are less likely to vote for Barack Obama because of his race, 9% say they are more likely to vote for him

"Race" based polls are notoriously inaccurate. The people who say they are less likely to vote for Obama because of race will always be unnaturally low.
Ignatz Mouse said:
My ~4-year-old son made his first trip to the Adler a couple of months ago. Loved it.

It's amazing this planetarium thing is getting such coverage, in a good way. It's like being against spending for schools.

That's right up their alley; don't provoke them. Public schools? SOCIALISM!


Fatalah said:
Zogby is the worst poller ever. EVER. I remember when he went on the Daily Show in '04, making me feel so good about Kerry's chances. Even had Kerry winning it the day of the election. Zogby = useless.
Zogby was 04's 538.com. Just think about that for a second. PEACE.
I freaking hate Tucker Bounds, but I hate how the media doesn't call anyone out on their bullshit. Just now he was on with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC saying that Obama was lying when he said he didn't vote for higher taxes 94 times; Mika's response? a soft: "Well, of course, they counter with facts and lots of factchecks"

edited to correct name of anchor


artredis1980 said:
New Gallups!!!!

6% of voters say they are less likely to vote for Barack Obama because of his race, 9% say they are more likely to vote for him

Wut? So the conservative blowhards are correct, his race is an advantage to him? I find that hard to believe.

I would think that those who are already planning on voting for him are saying his race is a factor simply in order to make them feel more progressive. I find it hard to believe these kinds of numbers because it is impossible to poll for that kind of bias in a vacuum. When Obama is already the more popular & exciting candidate, it seems only natural for people to post-hoc add their progressive self-image when thinking about this poll question.

I hope this post makes sense, for some reason I am drinking this afternoon, and I am a little out of it. @_@


Nazgul_Hunter said:
I freaking hate Tucker Bounds, but I hate how the media doesn't call anyone out on their bullshit. Just now he was on with Mika on MSNBC saying that Obama was lying when he said he didn't vote for higher taxes 94 times; Mika's response? a soft: "Well, of course, they counter with facts and lots of factchecks"
Andrea Mitchell but yeah. They need to start calling these people out on their bullshit.


mckmas8808 said:
Wow!!! Will McCain be a man and say it to Obama's face?

It's bait. If McCain dares to do that, he will have a "Shame on you, John McCain" soundbyte that we'll never forget :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Tyrone Slothrop said:
re: mccain in iowa... i read he thinks seriously he has a chance there, is pursuing it. one hail mary after another.

*hopium overdose

I do you know McCain is in Iowa? He was in Wisconsin earlier today.


I dunno, it seems to me that nobody cares about these silly Senate budget provisions that the McCain camp keeps claiming is a tax raise, considering nobody's taxes went up in that time and no news was made about the votes. It seems to be an ineffective attack that McCain's been making for 3 or 4 weeks now to no avail.


Cloudy said:
It's bait. If McCain dares to do that, he will have a "Shame on you, John McCain" soundbyte that we'll never forget :lol

This. Then again he's such a MAVERICK he might do it anyway.
pxleyes said:
:lol McCain is still going after the planetarium.

McCain is going to lose whatever remaining sci/edu votes he has if he keeps on this track.

It's already been debunked and if he wants to make an issue out of it, he's going to come out looking like an ass.
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