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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Just watching the new Charlie Gibson interview w/ Obama, Barack's gonna have a full head of grey hair by the end of his first year in office. I'm calling it. Wonder how that'll affect peoples perception of him...

I'm already getting less interested in this election (not uninterested, just less). It really seems like things are on cruise control for BO taking this thing. Still do what I can to make that happen of course, but myself and people should start looking at perhaps volunteering downticket if they really support Obama and his agenda.


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Tamanon said:
It's an online poll, there's been a Freep/Kos war on it.

And McCain can't bring up Ayers in the debate, he'd run the risk of looking incredibly petty and out of touch.
So instead he'll continue to talk about it at individual rallies and through his surrogates :lol

I love how it's too dirty to say in front of all of America, but it's cool to say it in front of red meat conservatives.

I didn't realize that the Straight Talk Express was fluent in Double Talk.

Yes I did, but I felt like acting like I didn't for shits and gigs.


Nameless said:
GAF, is it fucked up that I find Rachel Maddow really hot?
It's the make up and her intelligence. Don't be fooled.


mamacint said:
Just watching the new Charlie Gibson interview w/ Obama, Barack's gonna have a full head of grey hair by the end of his first year in office. I'm calling it. Wonder how that'll affect peoples perception of him...

I'm already getting less interested in this election (not uninterested, just less). It really seems like things are on cruise control for BO taking this thing. Still do what I can to make that happen of course, but myself and people should start looking at perhaps volunteering downticket if they really support Obama and his agenda.

Who is the only black person that Southern people trust? Morgan Freeman.

Maybe looking older will help close the gap.

The sad part Im only half joking =(
mckmas8808 said:
I do you know McCain is in Iowa? He was in Wisconsin earlier today.
Republican presidential hopeful Senator John McCain could be back in Iowa this weekend. Chairman of the Scott County Republican Party, Bryan Sievers, says McCain could make a stop in Davenport on Saturday.

Sievers says the trip isn't confirmed, however all indications are that he'll be there. If McMain returns to Iowa this weekend, it would be his third visit since winning the nomination.

it's the current plan...
mamacint said:
Just watching the new Charlie Gibson interview w/ Obama, Barack's gonna have a full head of grey hair by the end of his first year in office. I'm calling it. Wonder how that'll affect peoples perception of him...

I'm already getting less interested in this election (not uninterested, just less). It really seems like things are on cruise control for BO taking this thing. Still do what I can to make that happen of course, but myself and people should start looking at perhaps volunteering downticket if they really support Obama and his agenda.



RumpledForeskin said:
When you're spending other people's money, you go all out.
Did you read the article? Not only is it standard practice, but it seems foolish NOT to have a transition plan ready.


CharlieDigital said:
McCain is going to lose whatever remaining sci/edu votes he has if he keeps on this track.

It's already been debunked and if he wants to make an issue out of it, he's going to come out looking like an ass.

I hope Obama pulls a Carville and take this:

picture with him in his pocket to the next debate. If McCain brings this particular earmark up again, pull out the picture, show it to the camera, and ask McCain why he's against children learning about "the beautiful universe God created".
NewLib said:
Who is the only black person that Southern people trust? Morgan Freeman.

Maybe looking older will help close the gap.

The sad part Im only half joking =(
I swear to fuck I was thinking Morgan Freeman too, but didn't want to seem trite. Sadly it's probably true though.
mamacint said:
Just watching the new Charlie Gibson interview w/ Obama, Barack's gonna have a full head of grey hair by the end of his first year in office. I'm calling it. Wonder how that'll affect peoples perception of him...
It'll just make him appear more seasoned and erudite and Morgan Freeman-esque. No problem there.


Jealous Bastard
my mum is going to see obama in portsmouth, ohio tonight. the way she talks about it you'd think she was going to see the beatles.
I like Obama's "Say it to my face" response to the Ayers shit. He confronted it without validating it with a mealy mouthed denial. Conforms well to the "Bitchslap" theory of politics where the substance of the attack doesn't matter, but being aggressive and thereby making your opponent look weak does.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
11 point lead in the gallup, 2 days in a row....

he's got this. Mccain is running on E right now.



RapeApe said:
It's the make up and her intelligence. Don't be fooled.

:lol Yeah, thats what I am thinking. Ever since seeing her pic of when she was selected as an Oxford Rhodes Scholar, I haven't really been drawn to her in the same way. :lol
CharlieDigital said:
8 years? Holy shit he looks waaaay younger in that vid.
Man, John McCain of 2000 was pretty cool for a republican. I remember hoping that he would be the nominee and getting pissed that it was some papa's boy who was all about JESUS.



ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
SpeedingUptoStop said:
11 point lead in the gallup, 2 days in a row....

he's got this. Mccain is running on E right now.

Ecstasy could only help him at this point. He'd appear hip with the times and more lively.

Oddly enough, the amount of awkward gaffes would be the same.


By the way, the Daily News (or the Post, who can tell) turned on McCain today. Headline was "LOW BLOW: Desperate McCain tries to tie Obama to 70's N.Y.C. Bombing".



The Lamonster said:
Man, John McCain of 2000 was pretty cool for a republican. I remember hoping that he would be the nominee and getting pissed that it was some papa's boy who was all about JESUS.

He was cool in 2000. I always loved John McCain, and I honestly thought he would stick to his true independent image in the primaries when it came to the GE. I guess I have a little too much faith in humanity still.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
RubxQub said:
Ecstasy could only help him at this point. He'd appear hip with the times and more lively.

Oddly enough, the amount of awkward gaffes would be the same.
It would atleast help him get laid every now and then.


Suprising news today! The NRA will endorse....
John McCain

Perhaps, only surprising because I assumed they already had.:lol


not a medical professional
pxleyes said:
He was cool in 2000. I always loved John McCain, and I honestly thought he would stick to his true independent image in the primaries when it came to the GE. I guess I have a little too much faith in humanity still.

I remember before the primaries, when McCain was on the daily show -- he was so friendly and easy-going.. he'd play along with the jokes and shoot the shit with Stewart... now it's like a completely different person, it's fucking insane how much he's 180'd.
RubxQub said:
I'm gonna tell myself that was from a day when she was sick with the flu and yacking every 30 minutes before rolling out of bed to take this photo.
DrEvil said:
I remember before the primaries, when McCain was on the daily show -- he was so friendly and easy-going.. he'd play along with the jokes and shoot the shit with Stewart... now it's like a completely different person, it's fucking insane how much he's 180'd.
Maybe he changed his mind about wanting to win?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
CharlieDigital said:
McCain is going to lose whatever remaining sci/edu votes he has if he keeps on this track.

It's already been debunked and if he wants to make an issue out of it, he's going to come out looking like an ass.

McCain doesn't care at this point. I'm not sure what he is thinking on a day to day basis.
DrEvil said:
I remember before the primaries, when McCain was on the daily show -- he was so friendly and easy-going.. he'd play along with the jokes and shoot the shit with Stewart... now it's like a completely different person, it's fucking insane how much he's 180'd.

Hell, I think I remember Stewart saying that McCain was one of his favorite politicians and guests to have on his show–Letterman was similar–and now neither of them can fathom ever having those feelings again for him.

McCain is a dirty fucking hack.
RubxQub said:
Ecstasy could only help him at this point. He'd appear hip with the times and more lively.

Oddly enough, the amount of awkward gaffes would be the same.

Rolling with McCain would be the creepiest thing ever. If his manhandling of Levi with those robot arms is any indication of his handsy tendencies while sober, I can only imagine him in the throes of MDMA lovedupness.


Tamanon said:
Suprising news today! The NRA will endorse....
John McCain

Perhaps, only surprising because I assumed they already had.:lol

Allow me to guess: they think that Obama is coming to take-away their FNH's and Berettas and Remingtons.. right?

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