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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Setec Astronomer
DrEvil said:
I remember before the primaries, when McCain was on the daily show -- he was so friendly and easy-going.. he'd play along with the jokes and shoot the shit with Stewart... now it's like a completely different person, it's fucking insane how much he's 180'd.
Taking after Dr. Faust will do that to you.
Incognito said:
ARG has Obama up 8%, 50-42...

Obama polling better in WV than OH? THIS IS MADNESS!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Stoney Mason said:
Interesting although ARG is a bit funky at times...

To be fair I also don't believe that Obama is up 11 like Gallup is saying at the moment.

So what do you think? I believe it's closer to 7 points.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
I dozed off on the couch while the McCain rally came on and started dreaming that I was there. I did manage to fart on his stage though...lol. It was a horrifying experince.


SSGMUN10000 said:
I dozed off on the couch while the McCain really came on and started dreaming that I was there. I did manage to fart on his stage though...lol. It was a horrifying experince.

Oddly enough, that would probably one of the least crude things the microphones would pick up.

Reilo: A Bill Ayers web-ad. No joke.


mckmas8808 said:
So what do you think? I believe it's closer to 7 points.

The pessimist in me is saying that this race will close and end on 3 or 4 points.

Pretty good for a worst-case scenario; in today's political climate, it's practically impossible to lose the Electoral College when you're 3 points up.
HylianTom said:
The pessimist in me is saying that this race will close and end on 3 or 4 points.

Pretty good for a worst-case scenario; in today's political climate, it's practically impossible to lose the Electoral College when you're 3 points up.

That's also roughly my being realistic/pessimistic call. I think if Obama wins going away I think it will be 3 or 4 percent. Not on the largish end of these poll results currently out there. Of course I hope I'm wrong and he wins in a very large popular vote blowout but I wont shake my "This is America" outlook until post election.


mckmas8808 said:
What does it say?

It's McCain from apparently 2000 doing an interview and saying how much he doesn't believe in negative campaigning and that the only reason people do negative attacks all the time is because they don't have any ideas for the future.
ChoklitReign said:
Why couldn't they endorse Bob Barr?
Because they're a bunch of ho-bags?

Obama Camp Working On Transition, McCain Putting It Off
The Huffington Post reports that the Obama campaign has a fully-functioning transition effort in place should he win the election, and has obtained a copy of an ethics code that places limits on the ability of former lobbyists to serve on his team, and forbids current lobbyists entirely. By contrast, the McCain campaign has barely begun a transition t all, in contrast to virtually all other non-incumbent presidential nominees in the past who have prepared for the possibility of winning.
Didn't know what to make of this either "Writing on the wall" or "Irresponsible asshole is irresponsible asshole"


Setec Astronomer
I know the AM Talk Radio crowd is tearing their eyes out Oedipus-style over ACORN, but what's the reality-based overview of the matter? I'm aware of one woman getting caught registering people for money, but is that really all they have to go on?


Hitokage said:
I know the AM Talk Radio crowd is tearing their eyes out Oedipus-style over ACORN, but what's the reality-based overview of the matter?

Nobody's really talking about it, even FOX just kinda glossed over it. It's basically just a small voter-registration issue.


Stoney Mason said:
Of course I hope I'm wrong and he wins in a very large popular vote blowout but I wont shake my "This is America" outlook until post election.

Yup. It's kinda sad that it took a financial meltdown to get him into this commanding position. After 8 years of bullshit, Americans seem to have learned very little.

I'll celebrate a victory (and no doubt rub it into Republican family members' faces), but in the back of my mind there will always be the ever-present belief that as soon as things in this country return to decent condition, voters will once again resume their short-bus voting habits.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Obama also told McCain that if he wants to bring up Ayers, then say it to his face. He literally said that.
McCain can't and won't do that.

For all of the talk of his temper, and general anger... the guy seems like a huge coward.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Tamanon said:
Nobody's really talking about it, even FOX just kinda glossed over it. It's basically just a small voter-registration issue.
Well now it is.

Next week it'll be McCain's last stand:lol
Hitokage said:
I know the AM Talk Radio crowd is tearing their eyes out Oedipus-style over ACORN, but what's the reality-based overview of the matter? I'm aware of one woman getting caught registering people for money, but is that really all they have to go on?

There have been a few cases of ACORN voter fraud in the past, but nothing large scale, and certainly nothing like the voter-removal, or the foreclosure thing in MI, for a couple of examples.

Also, Obama tried a case for them once, so they think they can pin him to it.
DemDereNads said:
Someone has to do the Main Stream Media's (aka Obama-mania Media) job.

It's funny how Mccain guys hate the media now after loving the continual blow job coverage they gave him from 2000 and on.


Ignatz Mouse said:
There have been a few cases of ACORN voter fraud in the past, but nothing large scale, and certainly nothing like the voter-removal, or the foreclosure thing in MI, for a couple of examples.

Also, Obama tried a case for them once, so they think they can pin him to it.

Keep in mind it's people getting paid to register X number of voters, so some of them are idiots and put fake names/dead people down.

There's no evidence that people are actually going to try and vote under some of these bogus registrations. Also I believe ACORN actually caught a lot of these and notified the states in question about them.


ChoklitReign said:
Obama polling better in WV than OH? THIS IS MADNESS!

Only 5 points in Montana, too? If that's accurate (and I doubt it is) and Obama keeps his momentum up, MT could be back on the table, at least with Ron Paul on the ballot splitting McCain's vote.


735 people were polled

53% had the same opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it
34% had a better opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it
12% had a worse opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it

54% had the same opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it
12% had a better opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it
33% had a worse opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it

56% thought Obama won the debate
23% thought McCain won the debate

+4/-4 Correction.

Cloudy said:
Youtube blocked. What is that?
McCain disdaining attack ads as something to resort to when you have no real ideas. He also said it in a relaxed, "mavericky" manner that had made reporters want to sex him up.


Cloudy said:
Youtube blocked. What is that?

McCain in 2000 talking about how he doesn't care for negative ads and if someone is relying on them then that means they have nothing to speak on regarding the real issues.

In other words, past McCain was sending a warning to future McCain not to become an asshole and future McCain didn't pay attention.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Stocks down -165 points right now. This is crazy for real. Maybe we'll get a late push into the positive later in the day.


artredis1980 said:


735 people were polled

53% had the same opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it
34% had a better opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it
12% had a worse opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it

54% had the same opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it
12% had a better opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it
33% had a worse opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it

56% thought Obama won the debate
23% thought McCain won the debate

+4/-4 Correction.


:O at those opinion numbers.
artredis1980 said:


735 people were polled

53% had the same opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it
34% had a better opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it
12% had a worse opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it

54% had the same opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it
12% had a better opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it
33% had a worse opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it

56% thought Obama won the debate
23% thought McCain won the debate

+4/-4 Correction.


Meh. The Republicans decided that debate was boring and doesn't count...


artredis1980 said:


735 people were polled

53% had the same opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it
34% had a better opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it
12% had a worse opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it

54% had the same opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it
12% had a better opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it
33% had a worse opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it

56% thought Obama won the debate
23% thought McCain won the debate

+4/-4 Correction.

That follows the Kos poll showing Obama and Biden's favorability rising, while McCain's and Palin's is falling. When people don't like you already, negative attacks aren't going to work; no credibility.

DrEvil said:
I remember before the primaries, when McCain was on the daily show -- he was so friendly and easy-going.. he'd play along with the jokes and shoot the shit with Stewart... now it's like a completely different person, it's fucking insane how much he's 180'd.
I think Stewart has pretty much thrown their camaraderie, uh, under the bus. I read the expression on his face with every comment on McCain as, "Can you believe I used to like this guy?" I don't see how McCain will (or would even want to) go back and be a guest on The Daily Show after this (or Letterman, either).


Mkliner said:
I think it's more guilt than fear.

He'll only feel guilt if he loses. Seems like he doesn't feel guilty about doing anything as long as it helps him win.

PS--- Guys, don't forget a special SNL is on tonight!
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