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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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A question for all those fans who have been following Obama's campaign for a long time:

Can you recall any faux pas made by the campaign or actions that taken that you didn't like?

Has he really run a flawless clean campaign?
BobTheFork said:
Remember kids, if your team loses, the game isn't fair.

You are completely naive if you do not see the clear bias. Right from the beginning, all the major networks went on Obama's foreign tour. They never bring up anything but praise for Obama, and trash McCain/Palin any chance they get.

You guys seem to love polls, go find the ones where people actually agree there is a clear Obama bias.

Question - Does anyone here actually have a career yet? Or are you all students?

If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?


Charred Greyface said:
A question for all those fans who have been following Obama's campaign for a long time:

Can you recall any faux pas made by the campaign or actions that taken that you didn't like?

They promised ice cream for all. FOR ALL. Not some! ALL!


DemDereNads said:
You are completely naive if you do not see the clear bias. Right from the beginning, all the major networks went on Obama's foreign tour. They never bring up anything but praise for Obama, and trash McCain/Palin any chance they get.

You guys seem to love polls, go find the ones where people actually agree there is a clear Obama bias.

Question - Does anyone here actually have a career yet? Or are you all students?

If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?

You sir, are misguided.


The economists also prefer Mr Obama’s tax plans. Republicans and respondents who do not identify with either political party see Mr McCain’s tax policies as more efficient but less equitable. But the former prefer Mr McCain’s plans—43% of Republicans say they are good or very good—and the latter Mr Obama’s. Of non-affiliated respondents, 31% say Mr Obama’s are good or very good.


Anyone else see on CNN that guy from North Carolina who's refusing to allow people with Obama bumperstickers park in his parking lot?

Every day I see video footage of these idiots, and every day I smile when I think of them weeping on Election Night. But then I think.. we'll be seeing stuff like this for at least four years. :D


Master of the Google Search
DemDereNads said:
You are completely naive if you do not see the clear bias. Right from the beginning, all the major networks went on Obama's foreign tour. They never bring up anything but praise for Obama, and trash McCain/Palin any chance they get.

You guys seem to love polls, go find the ones where people actually agree there is a clear Obama bias.

Question - Does anyone here actually have a career yet? Or are you all students?

If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?
Reality isn't a bias


Fatalah said:
Have you guys seen this video yet? If McCain wants to go into character assassination mode, this video tears McCain apart. McCain's short temper is SCARY. I don't want him to be President at all. I want Obama to get this McCain to show up at the next debate, I want McCain to f'n snap.

Video is at the bottom.


whoa whoa whoa

it says McCain backhanded a woman. he get charged for assault?


Hitokage said:
I know the AM Talk Radio crowd is tearing their eyes out Oedipus-style over ACORN, but what's the reality-based overview of the matter? I'm aware of one woman getting caught registering people for money, but is that really all they have to go on?

You'll notice that whenever conservatives talk about it they leave out a very important point...practically all the fradulent voter registrations are easily identified and thrown out. Remember almost all registrations require proof of residence and then ID when you vote.

It's near impossible to do registration fraud in the hundreds let alone the thousands.

Now tampering with existing registrations is much easier and would actually have an effect, which is happening according to some headlines. If you had access to these files it seems like it would be easy to go in and delete a bunch of people based on their party affiliation and then on election day they would come to find they couldn't vote because they weren't registered.

I really hope Obama wins in a landslide or it's going to be 2000 all over, except it will be several states instead of just florida.
Charred Greyface said:
A question for all those fans who have been following Obama's campaign for a long time:

Can you recall any faux pas made by the campaign or actions that taken that you didn't like?

Has he really run a flawless clean campaign?

FISA cave. And assuming that because they had won Iowa, New Hampshire would simply follow suit. They basically glided into NH after Iowa, did a few high profile stump speeches and expected a win. It was nice to see that attitude change.


testicles on a cold fall morning
DemDereNads said:
If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?
Sorry, your hypothetical is shoved aside by the very real economic crisis unfolding before us thanks to an ideological hard-on for deregulation.


DemDereNads said:
Good job posting some random graph where it admits they have a democratic bias right in the graph...

Explain it yourself if you think I'm misguided, rather than posting some random chart.

Do you... do you read the Economist?


DemDereNads said:
Question - Does anyone here actually have a career yet? Or are you all students?

If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?

Radiology. I do pretty well for myself. I know that my taxes will most likely go up, and I honestly don't mind too much, especially if we get years of more fun dissents from Justice Scalia.


And isn't this what we heard before Clinton took office? And when the Democratic budget was passed in the early 90's? Do you have any new material?


Master of the Google Search
Mike DuHaime, McCain's political director, said internal campaign polling does not make the electoral map look as bad as some public polls suggest. For example: Asked why, if he has given up on Michigan, McCain has not given up on Iowa, a state that looks strong for Obama in public polls, DuHaime said because the campaign's polling has Obama's lead in the low single digits.

Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager, told reporters after the debate that he still likes his candidate's situation. Better, he said, to be defending red states than having to convert blue states to win. McCain has a lot of them to defend -- Colorado, Florida, Iowa, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia.



DemDereNads said:
Good job posting some random graph where it admits they have a democratic bias right in the graph...

Explain it yourself if you think I'm misguided, rather than posting some random chart.

uh, The Economist is not biased for democrats...


testicles on a cold fall morning
DemDereNads said:
Good job posting some random graph where it admits they have a democratic bias right in the graph...

Explain it yourself if you think I'm misguided, rather than posting some random chart.
Eighty per cent of respondents and no fewer than 71% of those who do not cleave to either main party say Mr Obama has a better grasp of economics. Even among Republicans Mr Obama has the edge: 46% versus 23% say Mr Obama has the better grasp of the subject.
Reading comprehension for the loss, I guess.

Clevinger said:
uh, The Economist is not biased for democrats...
Obviously it's part of the media elite! It must lean liberal, even if he hasn't read it!


Good job posting some random graph where it admits they have a democratic bias right in the graph...

Explain it yourself if you think I'm misguided, rather than posting some random chart.

Just because they favor one person over another does not signify baisness. It could be that Obama has a good plan or that McCains plan sucks.


Charred Greyface said:
A question for all those fans who have been following Obama's campaign for a long time:

Can you recall any faux pas made by the campaign or actions that taken that you didn't like?

Has he really run a flawless clean campaign?
Obama has made some poorly worded slips (sweetie-gate, bitter-gate, etc.). I disagree with his FISA position, and wish he were even more progressive on gay marriage.

But from an organizational perspective? I can't think of anything. Everything is playing out the way Obama wanted: he spread the field of red states, his massive ground game registered millions of new voters, leaving public financing is enabling a huge spending advantage and he's surrounded himself with the best campaign managers and strategists out there.

Every time I've questioned a strategic move of Obama's, I've been proven wrong.
DemDereNads said:
You are completely naive if you do not see the clear bias. Right from the beginning, all the major networks went on Obama's foreign tour. They never bring up anything but praise for Obama, and trash McCain/Palin any chance they get.

You guys seem to love polls, go find the ones where people actually agree there is a clear Obama bias.

Question - Does anyone here actually have a career yet? Or are you all students?

If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?
None of those comment at the bottom have anything to do with your claims of a media bias.

Exactly when did it start? when McCain was ahead in the polls? When they were riding a good wave after the RNC? How about when McCain laid out parts of his plan that even his own party hates? Just maybe the last eight years have possibly soured people to the idea of another republican president right now. Accusing the media of bias just hides the real issue, you honestly refuse to believe thats Americans MIGHT NOT WANT McCain to be President. So instead, since it can't be him because you like him, it must be something else that's preventing his clear path to victory. You need to grow up and admit there actually are valid reason for people to vote for another candidate and stop whining that you think someone if tying his shoelaces together.
I have a career as a software engineer.

When I started with my current company, we were a small shop with only 5 employees.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks to expansion was -- guess what -- health insurance.

I'm married to a school teacher, so her job is pretty much secure and she has great health insurance coverage. For me, it wasn't an issue to not have health care coverage. I had a friend whom I worked with at a previous company who I tried to recruit. The biggest stumbling block? He's got two infants, one of them has had chronic ear infections...he couldn't give up his position and join us without healthcare.

Also, you're a fucking idiot if you assume that we're all some idealist college kids. Many of us are professionals who've had successful careers and we see the real issues facing the country today from actually, you know, having responsibilities.
DemDereNads said:
You are completely naive if you do not see the clear bias. Right from the beginning, all the major networks went on Obama's foreign tour. They never bring up anything but praise for Obama, and trash McCain/Palin any chance they get.

You guys seem to love polls, go find the ones where people actually agree there is a clear Obama bias.

Question - Does anyone here actually have a career yet? Or are you all students?

If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?
I'm not trying to be condescending here, but what you are exhibiting is a clear case of being a sore loser. Don't worry, you're not alone. The same thing was happening here by Obama supporters anytime McCain was in the lead, and during the primaries when it looked like Clinton might have had a shot at being the Comeback Kid. There were cries here of "Why won't the media call out this crap!?" And "if the media won't do it, why won't Obama go on the offensive and call out this crap!? It's not fair! Our guy is supposed to be in the lead!"
Brigitte Bardot: Sarah Palin "is a disgrace for women"

French film legend-turned-activist Brigitte Bardot took a swipe at Sarah Palin on Tuesday, saying the US vice presidential candidate was a disgrace to women.

"I hope you lose these elections because that would be a victory for the world," Bardot wrote in an open letter to Republican John McCain's running mate in the November vote.

"By denying the responsibility of man in global warming, by advocating gun rights and making statements that are disconcertingly stupid, you are a disgrace to women and you alone represent a terrible threat, a true environmental catastrophe," wrote Bardot.

The screen icon from the 1960s, who now heads an animal rights foundation, went on to assail Palin for supporting Arctic oil exploration that could jeopardize delicate animal habitats and for dismissing measures to protect polar bears.

"This shows your total lack of responsibility, your inability to protect or simply respect animal life," Bardot wrote.

In a final salvo against Palin, the 74-year-old ex-star picked up on Palin's depiction of herself as a pitbull wearing lipstick and said she "implored" her not to compare herself to dogs.

"I know them well and I can assure you that no pitbull, no dog, nor any other animal for that matter is as dangerous as you are," Bardot wrote.
I love you Brigitte Bardot.

DemDereNads said:
You are completely naive if you do not see the clear bias. Right from the beginning, all the major networks went on Obama's foreign tour. They never bring up anything but praise for Obama, and trash McCain/Palin any chance they get.

You guys seem to love polls, go find the ones where people actually agree there is a clear Obama bias.

Question - Does anyone here actually have a career yet? Or are you all students?

If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?

If you want to discuss content media coverage analysis then that's fine. At least do some heavy lifting like APF does and bring in content and data to discuss rather than just stating your opinion and saying it is obvious.

As far as higher taxes and wages I'm assuming you think the last 8 years have just been Xanadu on that front and America is prospering like never before right?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
artredis1980 said:


735 people were polled

53% had the same opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it
34% had a better opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it
12% had a worse opinion of Obama after the debate compared to before it

54% had the same opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it
12% had a better opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it
33% had a worse opinion of McCain after the debate compared to before it

56% thought Obama won the debate
23% thought McCain won the debate

+4/-4 Correction.


:lol :lol at the bolded. And a 33% win for the USA Today debate poll? MY GOODNESS!
scorcho said:
Sorry, your hypothetical is shoved aside by the very real economic crisis unfolding before us thanks to an ideological hard-on for deregulation.

Yes, republicans are typically for less regulation, however in the case of the mortgage meltdown, it was republicans saying the system was broken years ago, while democrats, including the put down any attempt to fix it. Including your buddy Barrack who was the #2 beneficiary from Fannie and Freddy.

In any event, you can't blame one side for the current mortgage meltdown, as predator lenders and idiotic home buyers also played a massive role.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
That follows the Kos poll showing Obama and Biden's favorability rising, while McCain's and Palin's is falling. When people don't like you already, negative attacks aren't going to work; no credibility.


Is any of this information that we've been talking about straight from the true numbers going to be repeated today on ANY of the evening cable shows?
Lots of stuff already discussed about, but did you catch this?
Even the opening prayer was politically charged. "O God, we are in a battle that is raging for the soul of this nation," the preacher said. "You, O God, have raised up Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin for such a time as this." The preacher went on: "Help them, O God, to strengthen our economy, to keep our taxes and spending low . . . and grant them the privilege of being elected the next president and vice president."


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DemDereNads said:
Yes, republicans are typically for less regulation, however in the case of the mortgage meltdown, it was republicans saying the system was broken years ago, while democrats, including the put down any attempt to fix it. Including your buddy Barrack who was the #2 beneficiary from Fannie and Freddy.

In any event, you can't blame one side for the current mortgage meltdown, as predator lenders and idiotic home buyers also played a massive role.
I can rip these talking points straight out of McCain's statements during the last debate.

Do you have a personal opinion on the matter or are you just going to tow the same things we hear McCain's surrogates say everyday?

...or I mean: One of McCain's top advisers lobbied for Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac!


DemDereNads said:
Question - Does anyone here actually have a career yet? Or are you all students?

If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?

So wait, because the individual incomes of company executives will be raised they will lower my wages? How does that make sense?
DemDereNads said:
If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?

I have no worries for my career.

In fact, when you look historically at taxes and job creation/loss, there is no correlation.

Also, I don't want the government to start taxing my medical benefits, ala McCain's plan.
DemDereNads said:
Yes, republicans are typically for less regulation, however in the case of the mortgage meltdown, it was republicans saying the system was broken years ago, while democrats, including the put down any attempt to fix it. Including your buddy Barrack who was the #2 beneficiary from Fannie and Freddy.

In any event, you can't blame one side for the current mortgage meltdown, as predator lenders and idiotic home buyers also played a massive role.

Obama received the donations from individual employees. You should stop with the right wing talking points.
DemDereNads said:
If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?
You really don't seem to know how corporate taxes work. If your employer isn't making a profit, they are not paying taxes.

The government doesn't just walk into a business and say "Hey, pay us some damn taxes . . . don't have the money? Then fire a few people!"

Talk about being completely naive, sheesh!
DemDereNads said:
Yes, republicans are typically for less regulation, however in the case of the mortgage meltdown, it was republicans saying the system was broken years ago, while democrats, including the put down any attempt to fix it. Including your buddy Barrack who was the #2 beneficiary from Fannie and Freddy.
I don't buy this. I'm not saying that Democrats were sweet little angels throughtout this mess, but I think this line of attack is nothing more than a post-hoc rationale to spin this against the Democrats. Why? Because nobody was arguing this until the Republicans started getting their asses handed to them in the polls once the economic crisis hit its full stride. Prior to that, all I heard was that, despite troubling news, the fundamentals of the economy were still strong.

In any event, you can't blame one side for the current mortgage meltdown, as predator lenders and idiotic home buyers also played a massive role.
Weak. What you describe is exactly the reason why regulation is needed. It's not the fault of so-called "idiotic home buyers," because lending guidelines were originally designed to make sure that these 'idiots' got weeded out and didn't get loans to begin with.
DemDereNads said:
Read the chart that was posted. Nearly 50% identify themselves with democrats.

Traditionally economists have always been one of the more right-leaning groups of the intelligensia, the fact that there are so many self-identified Democrats there is due to disastrious Republican economic stewardship and horror at the party's insistence of politics and ideology over reason. People with education and who work in/believe in science don't currently ID themselves as Republicans for a damn good reason.
Ignatz Mouse said:
I have no worries for my career.

In fact, when you look historically at taxes and job creation/loss, there is no correlation.

Also, I don't want the government to start taxing my medical benefits, ala McCain's plan.

Somehow, despite the facts, it's just so intuitive in Republican minds that higher taxes = no jobs.

speculawyer said:
You don't seem to know how taxes work. If you employer isn't making a profit, they are not paying taxes.

The government doesn't just walk into a business and say "Hey, pay us some damn taxes . . . don't have the money? Then fire a few people!"

Talk about being completely naive, sheesh!

This has been a theme among many conservatives in this thread and the EconiGAF thread. They seem to have no idea how businesses work, how they're funded, and how they're taxed. I think we've been able to educate at least a few of them (PrivateWHudson? TomServo?), but there is still a long ways to go.
speculawyer said:
You don't seem to know how taxes work. If you employer isn't making a profit, they are not paying taxes.

The government doesn't just walk into a business and say "Hey, pay us some damn taxes . . . don't have the money? Then fire a few people!"

Talk about being completely naive, sheesh!

I have a feeling he's going to get the *** hammer if he keeps up the right wing talking points.
DemDereNads said:
Read the chart that was posted. Nearly 50% identify themselves with democrats.

Don't you find it interesting that leading economists tend to "identify themselves with democrats"?

Why might that be?


we all knew her
DemDereNads said:
Read the chart that was posted. Nearly 50% identify themselves with democrats.

Read the article that goes with the chart.

Still, even if we exclude respondents with a party identification, Mr Obama retains a strong edge—though the McCain campaign should be buoyed by the fact that 530 economists have signed a statement endorsing his plans.

Eighty per cent of respondents and no fewer than 71% of those who do not cleave to either main party say Mr Obama has a better grasp of economics. Even among Republicans Mr Obama has the edge: 46% versus 23% say Mr Obama has the better grasp of the subject.

Republicans and respondents who do not identify with either political party see Mr McCain’s tax policies as more efficient but less equitable. But the former prefer Mr McCain’s plans—43% of Republicans say they are good or very good—and the latter Mr Obama’s.
Price Dalton said:
Don't you find it interesting that leading economists tend to "identify themselves with democrats"?

Why might that be?
This is obviously a result of all these economists being brainwashed by the liberal media, and liberal institutions as well. Everyone knows universities are a haven of liberalism and partly, of communism.


testicles on a cold fall morning
DemDereNads said:
Yes, republicans are typically for less regulation, however in the case of the mortgage meltdown, it was republicans saying the system was broken years ago, while democrats, including the put down any attempt to fix it. Including your buddy Barrack who was the #2 beneficiary from Fannie and Freddy.

In any event, you can't blame one side for the current mortgage meltdown, as predator lenders and idiotic home buyers also played a massive role.
Predatory lending went on in the private sector, not with Fannie and Freddie, who took on a greater number of subprime loans only in response (and late at that) to the flood of private lenders doing the same. The timeline is pretty conclusive in that regard -


The housing bubble that grossly inflated following 2003 coincides with the rise in unregulated ABSs that allowed lenders to divorce themselves from risk and thus escape fears of defaults. Lending standards dropped accordingly. THAT is the problem, not Fannie and Freddie - they only followed the lead.

Thankfully my buddy understands that, and most economists agree.


DemDereNads said:
Yes, republicans are typically for less regulation, however in the case of the mortgage meltdown, it was republicans saying the system was broken years ago, while democrats, including the put down any attempt to fix it. Including your buddy Barrack who was the #2 beneficiary from Fannie and Freddy.

In any event, you can't blame one side for the current mortgage meltdown, as predator lenders and idiotic home buyers also played a massive role.

oh look how cute, someone gets their wrong talking points from Fox News.


DemDereNads said:
If you do have a career, don't you fear what will happen to it once your employer gets hit with higher taxes? Do you believe they are going to be "patriotic" like Biden says and suck it up? Or do you think they are going to lower your wages and/or lay people off to make up for it?

I not only have a career, I've lived through nearly a dozen Presidents, both Republican and Democrat. I've watched Republicans spend the country into ruin, because they spend more than Democrats AND cut taxes. You can't do both without ruining the country, which they've nearly done.

So take your "You're all students" bullshit and stuff it. Also, maybe you should check your facts before you start shouting about bias, since you've completely misunderstood Obama/Biden's tax plan and are instead regurgitating false Republican talking points.


DemDereNads said:
Read the chart that was posted. Nearly 50% identify themselves with democrats.
You're confused.

The Economist is a magazine. A highly esteemed, conservative-leaning magazine.

The graph is a study the magazine did of people with the occupation of economists as to that they think of either candidate.


DemDereNads said:
Yes, republicans are typically for less regulation, however in the case of the mortgage meltdown, it was republicans saying the system was broken years ago, while democrats, including the put down any attempt to fix it. Including your buddy Barrack who was the #2 beneficiary from Fannie and Freddy.

In any event, you can't blame one side for the current mortgage meltdown, as predator lenders and idiotic home buyers also played a massive role.

AAAANNNNNNDD McCains head campaign adviser was on the pay roll of freddie mac til last month and various people in his campaign were given large amounts of money from freddie and Fanny to gain access and influence on McCain. And the notion that the republicans tried to fix this but the democrats blocked it is absolutely ignorant of fact and history. the republicans had full control and a super majority before 2006 and did NOTHING. Yea you can trumpet that bill McCain put his name on a year after the fact, right before election which never got out of committee, but then you will have to face the fact that that bill actually would have deregulated things further and created less oversight, not more.
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