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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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CharlieDigital said:
Are you going to base your argument on facts or just your "hunch" and theory of how business, taxes and job creation work?

Have you ever seen the historical tax rates on the top bracket?



More data here: http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/88xx/doc8885/EffectiveTaxRates.shtml

If he wants to play by his own rules, more businesses failed during the 80s than any other period in this country, and what were taxes like during the 80s? :lol
Cyan said:
Of course people think there's an Obama bias. That's been the McCain narrative from the start. In fact, it's been a Republican strategy for years--play the victim to the "mainstream media." There's this bizarre victim mentality that seems to go along with being a Republican, and McCain has played into that with his anti-media shtick.

Question for you- do you believe that Katie Couric's questioning of Palin was unfair or biased in any way?

The thing is I'm fine having the discussion. I might even surprise some people with my opinion on the whole subject but if you want to come into a thread and start firing bullets make sure there is some ammo in the clip. Even an anecdotal example would have been something at least not to mention there is actual data on the subject. The only thing he mentioned was polling that says the media is biased. Well that's not particular surprising when one party's plank is historically to demonize the media. That mind set starts to seep through.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
If he wants to play by his own rules, more businesses failed during the 80s than any other period in this country, and what were taxes like during the 80s? :lol

I seriously wonder if Dem makes more than $250,000 year or something :lol

I mean, I'm no slouch (last year was the first time my wife and I were disqualified for several deductions due to our income level), but I can see the value in Obama's plan. If it means I eventually end up paying more taxes, as long he tries to upholds his part (he could still get fucked over by Congress), I will uphold mine.


harSon said:
Is Rick Sanchez trying to justify voting against Obama because of his race? :lol

I have no idea what he's doing. Cooter's on TV talking politics, the Dow is diving, CNN mentioned the Bradley Effect on television, Fox is still harping on Ayers as though he has something to do with something.. it's a great day. We're going to look back on this campaign season and laaaaaugh.. :lol

GhaleonEB said:
I don't think they took word of McCain bailing out well.

Nope. 538 has a cute reaction piece to these Michigan numbers.


What's fascinating about this whole campaign is that somehow it's morphed from Obama being all talk and no substance to Obama being substantive and discussing policy, while McCain is trying to play to emotions. It's strange.
HylianTom said:
I tried having a talk with Dow, but he won't listen.
Let's get Obama to talk to him then. ;)

Incognito said:
Rasmussen has it 56-40, Obama.

There's been some discussion about whether John McCain's announcement last week that he was pulling out of Michigan was some kind of stunt. Well, Rasmussen has the first polling out of the state since that announcement, and it gives Barack Obama a 16 point lead. This is a state that, as recently as a month ago, looked like it might be the most important swing state in the nation.

Voters really, really don't like it when you blow off their state. That's why Hillary Clinton romped to such huge margins in West Virginia and Kentucky in the Democratic primaries, where Obama essentially refused to campaign. It's why Obama won by more than expected in Wisconsin and South Carolina, which Clinton pulled out of early. It's why Rudy Giuliani's decision to ignore every state that didn't begin with an 'F', end with an 'a', and have 'lorid' in the middle was a catastrophic failure.

So even if McCain were to want to re-engage Michigan now, he'd be facing a much steeper hill to climb. In Rasmussen's internals, independents have gone from favoring McCain by 12 points on September 21 to favoring Obama by 11 now. Nor is McCain getting any benefit of the doubt from Democrats, who now prefer Obama 95-3. If you act like you don't care about somebody's vote, you aren't going to get it.



Thunder Monkey said:
McCain can't and won't do that.

For all of the talk of his temper, and general anger... the guy seems like a huge coward.

yea even hillary was able to do it. Hillary has more balls than mccain confirmed.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Obama is still spending money here in Michigan. When the McCain presence basically became a dry well, it gave Obama free reign. I guess he wants to assure victory here.


harSon said:
Is Rick Sanchez trying to justify voting against Obama because of his race? :lol

No, Rick was one of the first to cover the racist behavior and has been making it a regular talking point since. You can always be assured that the reason Sanchez is doing anything is because it's getting him ratings.

Rick's a whore, not a racist.


Dax01 said:
Let's get Obama to talk to him then. ;)

What makes this Dow dip really tolerable is that Obama will be taking office somewhere around the bottom. The market will get to recover under his watch, and he'll be able to point to the before-after stock market numbers when re-election time comes around in 4 years.



we all knew her
Indiana anecdote: a friend of mine that went with me to the Obama rally yesterday works in radio. He said that McCain's campaign had a contract with his station to run ads until Nov. 3rd in the amount of ~$2,000.

Obama's contract for the same period: just shy of $60,000.


Justin Bailey

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zesty said:
Indiana anecdote: a friend of mine that went with me to the Obama rally yesterday works in radio. He said that McCain's campaign had a contract with his station to run ads until Nov. 3rd in the amount of ~$2,000.

Obama's contract for the same period: just shy of $60,000.
That's another reason why I hope Obama wins. It will prove to other politicians that running a successful campaign without lobbyist money IS possible.


Matt said:
You're confused.

The Economist is a magazine. A highly esteemed, conservative-leaning magazine.

The graph is a study the magazine did of people with the occupation of economists as to that they think of either candidate.

It's not a conservative magazine. Contrary to popular opinion these days, there is such a thing as a centrist point of view.
zesty said:
Indiana anecdote: a friend of mine that went with me to the Obama rally yesterday works in radio. He said that McCain's campaign had a contract with his station to run ads until Nov. 3rd in the amount of ~$2,000.

Obama's contract for the same period: just shy of $60,000.

Where is that?


gcubed said:
well, dont invest in a down market if you arent in it for the long haul.
I have my accounts set to invest every month, after I get paid. My wife was asking if I was going to switch that off and stockpile cash during the crash, and I decided not to. Investing at regular intervals - going up, going down - is actually a good way to hedge against this kind of stuff.

As an unfortunate Canadian politician said the other day, this crash has created a lot of buying opportunities. :lol

Justin Bailey said:
That's another reason why I hope Obama wins. It will prove to other politicians that running a successful campaign without lobbyist money IS possible.
It's been posted, but I was so happy to see the ethics form that his transition team has to sign on to. Lobbyists are banned from working on the team.
Good God that dow is dropping like a rock!!!
Is it time to invest yet? seriously
What the hell will even be safer once we bottom out?


shooting blanks
Tamanon said:
What's fascinating about this whole campaign is that somehow it's morphed from Obama being all talk and no substance to Obama being substantive and discussing policy, while McCain is trying to play to emotions. It's strange.

Well put sir.


zesty said:
WTF is happening to the market all of a sudden?

Earnings are going to be atrocious and they're factoring it in. If it's as bad as some people think, the Dow should at about 7500-8000, and the S&P 500 at about 800 before we're at the right level. (Compared to earnings.)

The scary thing is that this market is still "expensive" despite the massive decline we've experienced.


zesty said:
I meant that it has been fairly steady for most of the day, but now that it's almost closing time the wheels are coming off.

It's being run by the guys behind the McCain campaign.


besada said:
No, Rick was one of the first to cover the racist behavior and has been making it a regular talking point since. You can always be assured that the reason Sanchez is doing anything is because it's getting him ratings.

Rick's a whore, not a racist.

I rarely watch his show, I just found him playing devil's advocate with the "I'm not comfortable voting for him because he's 'mysterious' " angle disturbing.
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