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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Fatalah said:
The Obama campaign will air a half-hour primetime special on Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 8 p.m.

Holy poop. See what I said about the dead space we have after the debates end? The Obama camp knows. THEY KNOW.
Ah, so this is the megaton the McCain camp was alluding to. I wonder how they got wind of it?
ViperVisor said:

XxenobladerxX said:
The DOW makes my stomach hurt.
I literally feel ill. This is unbelievable. I think we'll get a dead-cat bounce tomorrow.

It can't go down again.
It can but it won't. I hope.

Can we NOW declare supply-side economics a failure?


Fatalah said:
The Obama campaign will air a half-hour primetime special on Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 8 p.m.

Holy poop. See what I said about the dead space we have after the debates end? The Obama camp knows. THEY KNOW.

anyone have any idea what this kind of airtime is going to cost ? i cant imagine it will be cheap!



Remember the guy in the town hall debate who was told by McCain that he'd probably never heard of Fannie and Freddie before?

How did I feel about Sen. McCain stating “You probably never heard of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac before this"[?]

Well Senator, I actually did. I like to think of myself as a fairly intelligent person. I have a bachelor degree in Political Science from Tennessee State, so I try to keep myself up to date with current affairs. I have a Master degree in Legal Studies from Southern Illinois University, a few years in law school, and I am currently pursuing a Master in Public Administration from the University of Memphis. In defense of the Senator from Arizona I would say he is an older guy, and may have made an underestimation of my age. Honest mistake.

However, it could be because I am a young African-American male. Whatever the case may be it was somewhat condescending regardless of my age to make an assumption regarding whether I was knowledgeable about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Epic beatdown. :lol


God damn at DOW :(

So outside of Gallup, any other relevant polls I should be made aware of? Also national Obama infomercial = HMMMMMM. I'm really curious to see how that'll play, but I guess it depends on the content too.
I can't stand Beck, he's just so smug. What's worse is that before his TV show I could tolerate him. He was one of the few conservative talk show hosts that I felt was actually considering each issue and not following some agenda from the outset. He was also very humble at times and talked about the problems he used to have in his personal life (alcoholism) and how he overcame them. It was sad to see him transform into who he is today.

Michael Savage is a terrible person. If you've never heard him before do yourself a favor and keep it that way.
GhaleonEB said:

Remember the guy in the town hall debate who was told by McCain that he'd probably never heard of Fannie and Freddie before?

Epic beatdown. :lol

That was the first thing I thought when that line came out of McCain's mouth. That guy didn't look like a clueless observer.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
Who the HELL are these "9% McCain" people in freakin IRAN????:lol

I'm surprised there aren't more to be honest. Anyone against the current regime would be more inclined to support McCain.


all that he wants is another baby
You know, if Obama came out with a DVD in the vein of the "Four Days in Denver" video, I would buy a couple of copies.

Any way we could make this happen? Maybe the proceeds get donated?


Amir0x said:
God damn at DOW :(

So outside of Gallup, any other relevant polls I should be made aware of? Also national Obama infomercial = HMMMMMM. I'm really curious to see how that'll play, but I guess it depends on the content too.

The Obama team is going to have a pretty good idea of who the undecideds and weak Obama supporters are at that point, why they aren't fully on-board with Obama, what issues they're afraid/concerned/confused about, etc etc. And they'll be able to hand-tailor Obama's speech to that exact audience.

They have two weeks to prepare and polish a half-hour teleprompter speech and presentation. This is Obama's best format, too. He could kill with this.


EMBee99 said:
You know, if Obama came out with a DVD in the vein of the "Four Days in Denver" video, I would buy a couple of copies.

Any way we could make this happen? Maybe the proceeds get donated?

Good idea, I'd definitely buy one.


DSWii60 said:
I'm surprised there aren't more to be honest. Anyone against the current regime would be more inclined to support McCain.

Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.

I'm thinking Obama will lay out his "New Deal" for America in that infomercial.
cue JD


EMBee99 said:
You know, if Obama came out with a DVD in the vein of the "Four Days in Denver" video, I would buy a couple of copies.

Any way we could make this happen? Maybe the proceeds get donated?
Suggest it to the Obama campaign.

CNN covering the 360's voter registration feature.
The GOP has been criticized for fear & smear tactics. Fear the terrorist boogeymen! Smear the Dem candidate with swiftboat crap!

But why keep the two separate? In a new innovation they've combined smear with fear . . . smfear? Smear the candidate in a way to actually get you to fear the candidate!

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin attacked Barack Obama Thursday for not being honest about his association with 1960's radical William Ayers.

"Barack Obama hasn't told the American people the total truth about that, about his association with Ayers," Palin said on conservative radio host Laura Ingraham's show. "Doggonit he fails to tell the American people with candor and with truthfulness what his associations are and we have to know."

Palin blamed the media for not providing what she characterized as the same level of scrutiny to Obama that it has applied to her and running mate John McCain.

"I don't see the other ticket being asked to be truthful and give details," Palin said.

"Some in the mainstream media are saying that well we're taking the gloves off unfairly. No. You know there are only, what, 26 days to go. We gotta start getting answers to these questions that are paramount here so that voters have a choice in front of them that is based on truthfulness and candor. They deserve it."

The Alaska governor told Ingraham's listeners that if those questions were being answered, voters would find Obama "out of the mainstream," adding that the Illinois senator would diminish "the prestige of the United States presidency."

So why didn't McCain ask Obama last night?


so man Fox News is taken to running pieces like "IS Obama peaking too early?", featuring Dick Morris.

They are so desperate right now. I will put up my entire month's paychecks to see their reaction when Obama wins.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Incognito said:
Rasmussen has it 56-40, Obama.

McCain is viewed favorably by 47% and unfavorably by 51%. Obama has 61% favorables, 38% unfavorables.

Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin is regarded favorably by 49% and unfavorably by 50%. Obama’s running mate Joseph Biden is seen favorably by 59% and unfavorably by 39%.

So here's what we have here.


Obama +23%
Biden +20%

McCain -4%
Palin -1%

So is this Ayers thing going to work with the stock market crashing again today?
Heh, just looked at the North Carolina state board of election page and Dems have registered almost 18,000 new Democrats in the last five days.

McCain is making a terrible move by not coming to VA or NC. Yeah, coming here admits that you're fighting what should be a safe state, but no one thinks it is safe anymore anyway and now we collectively just think of you as a dick for not even considering us at all.
I somehow find it perversely humorous that these news organizations always have a collection of those investors faces in horror or grevious depression ready to go.
speculawyer said:
I literally feel ill. This is unbelievable. I think we'll get a dead-cat bounce tomorrow.

It can't go down again.
It can but it won't. I hope.

Can we NOW declare supply-side economics a failure?

The S&P is just over 900, and it lost 75 points today. it can keep going at the exact same rate for 12 more days.

The Nasdaq is at around 1650. it lost 100 points today. it can keep going at the exact same rate for 16 more days.

The Dow is just under 8,600. it lost almost 700 points today. it can keep going at the exact same rate for 12 days.

a fun theoretical mind game, but really, these are below the absolute minimums. this week has been quite harsh.

i wonder what the bottom really is, though? earlier this week word was 8,500, 8,000. now it seems the low might be even lower...


So what if Obama gives a new, half hour speech with that giant ad buy? Basically a new convention speech, but this time McCain can't really respond?
Fragamemnon said:
Heh, just looked at the North Carolina state board of election page and Dems have registered almost 18,000 new Democrats in the last five days.

McCain is making a terrible move by not coming to VA or NC. Yeah, coming here admits that you're fighting what should be a safe state, but no one thinks it is safe anymore anyway and now we collectively just think of you as a dick for not even considering us at all.
bu bu bu Obama is on the defensive!!


Sarah Palin wants Obama to answer questions about himself........this is coming from a women who has barely answered any questions from reporters.

Im not even sure if there trying to hide their hypocrisy or if they just swim in their own ignorance. Which one is it?


Fragamemnon said:
Heh, just looked at the North Carolina state board of election page and Dems have registered almost 18,000 new Democrats in the last five days.

McCain is making a terrible move by not coming to VA or NC. Yeah, coming here admits that you're fighting what should be a safe state, but no one thinks it is safe anymore anyway and now we collectively just think of you as a dick for not even considering us at all.

Doesn't register-and-vote same day start in a week or so? I thought it was just early voting, but an email from the campaign seems to intimate that you can register and vote at the same time, like during the primaries.


Fragamemnon said:
Heh, just looked at the North Carolina state board of election page and Dems have registered almost 18,000 new Democrats in the last five days.

McCain is making a terrible move by not coming to VA or NC. Yeah, coming here admits that you're fighting what should be a safe state, but no one thinks it is safe anymore anyway and now we collectively just think of you as a dick for not even considering us at all.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the McCain is panicking, unable to find a proper focus for their falling defenses. They are being besieged on all sides, and they don't have the funds or the message to protect against all of it.

As long as nothing major is unveiled between now and election day...
CharlieDigital said:
You're ruining your character >.<

McCain is still the better choice.

*whistles away*

It's like when you feel like you know a character from a TV show. Sure they pull you in, but at the end of the day you know they're just frontin'.
Well . . . not that many scientists would probably have voted for Mrs.Creationism anyway.

Don't mess with scientists
Thu Oct 9, 2:55 PM ET

If there's one rule in election-year politics, it's this: Don't mess with the science crowd. OK, labor unions and the NRA matter too, but John McCain may want to brush up on his stars and planets after Tuesday night's debate.

In the debate, McCain portrayed Barack Obama as an excessive spender, and he punctuated his attack (twice) with this example:

"[Obama] voted for nearly a billion dollars in pork barrel earmark projects, including, by the way, $3 million for an overhead projector at a planetarium in Chicago, Illinois. My friends, do we need to spend that kind of money?"

Turns out, a lot of people think we do. This is no ordinary overhead projector from your 5th grade classroom. The blog Cosmic Variance sums it up:

"If you've ever had the pleasure of visiting the Adler Planetarium, you'd probably guess that the 'overhead projector' he's talking about is the spectacular 'Sky Theater' -- one of the most engrossing, gorgeous venues for displaying visuals about space."

The science community is notoriously tight-knit, especially when rallying to a cause, and boy are they are rallying to this one. Alan Boyle's Cosmic Log has a great summary of the uproar:

-"For McCain to use this as a political zinger is insulting..." (Bad Astronomy)

-"Planetariums are Bridges to the Future, and America would be a much better place if all the congressional earmarks went to projects like them." (The Perfect Silence)

-"The logo for Senator John McCain's campaign has a star in the middle. I wonder what his guide star is? It can't be the same one that ten million children have seen at the Adler Planetarium. Why should anyone want their star to dim?" (Discovery Space)

The Adler Planetarium even issued a statement, noting that the request, ironically, was not even funded:

"To clarify, the Adler Planetarium requested federal support -- which was not funded -- to replace the projector in its historic Sky Theater, the first planetarium theater in the Western Hemisphere.... To remain competitive and ensure national security, it is vital that we educate and inspire the next generation of explorers to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math."

Linking a planetarium to national security may be a bit of a stretch, but the point is clear: McCain probably shouldn't count on the "science vote" this year.
ronito said:
Gonna get a lot worse than this...IMO. And I love the sinking of favorables for McCain/Palin. I'm saying it again: we're going to see one of the largest win margins in relatively recent history.


Stoney Mason said:
I somehow find it perversely humorous that these news organizations always have a collection of those investors faces in horror or grevious depression ready to go.

Every single article I've read on the various stock crashes in newspapers such as Washington Post and USA Today - every single one of them features at least one trader facepalming.
Malkin with her "very good perspective" on Cavuto.

When Fox Business hires people like this who have no memory of what stuff costs before Polly Pocket you might as well put on the right wing hacks with no economic background.
Amir0x said:
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the McCain is panicking, unable to find a proper focus for their falling defenses. They are being besieged on all sides, and they don't have the funds or the message to protect against all of it.

As long as nothing major is unveiled between now and election day...

Nothing "major" will be unveiled because if there was this "major" surprise waiting in the wings to sink Obama it would have been deployed a few weeks ago in an attempt to stanch Obama's rise.
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