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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Zeliard said:
Every single article I've read on the various stock crashes in newspapers such as Washington Post and USA Today - every single one of them features at least one trader facepalming.

We need a compilation of some sort :lol
Stoney Mason said:
I somehow find it perversely humorous that these news organizations always have a collection of those investors faces in horror or grevious depression ready to go.
They've got a bigger facepalm.gif archive than GAF! :lol


mckmas8808 said:
So is this Ayers thing going to work with the stock market crashing again today?

LOL it's so funny that McCain seems to have the worst timing. His attacks would've worked better if he had waited for the stock market to settle.



I'm not so sure. These big reveals will work best when there's assuredly no extra time for him to come back from it. If it is revealed a week before the election or something, it would be bad.

of course I don't think there is anything either (surely Hillary would have drudged it up), but I certainly won't dismiss the possibility with the way this election season has been


Yeah, you can't wait too long on a scandal if your own favorable ratings are tanking. If you have something, you deploy it after the convention or the first debate at the latest, otherwise, it's pretty useless as opinions harden.
Tamanon said:
Doesn't register-and-vote same day start in a week or so? I thought it was just early voting, but an email from the campaign seems to intimate that you can register and vote at the same time, like during the primaries.

It is register-and-vote, and yeah it starts next week. :)

One of these days the rest of the country will be as enlightened as Minnesota, Oregon, and Wisconson are in terms of voting accessibility, but NC has made huge strides there in just the last four years.
Amir0x said:
I'm not so sure. These big reveals will work best when there's assuredly no extra time for him to come back from it. If it is revealed a week before the election or something, it would be bad.

That's why he bought the half hour prime time slot on the 29th.


suaveric said:
So what if Obama gives a new, half hour speech with that giant ad buy? Basically a new convention speech, but this time McCain can't really respond?

Pretty much. If enough people watch, he'll most likely get a convention-like bounce out of it.
Amir0x said:

I'm not so sure. These big reveals will work best when there's assuredly no extra time for him to come back from it. If it is revealed a week before the election or something, it would be bad.

of course I don't think there is anything either (surely Hillary would have drudged it up), but I certainly won't dismiss the possibility with the way this election season has been

There is nothing. So don't get your hopes up...
Cornballer said:


Dude on the left is still smiling; what's up with that?
Flo_Evans said:
Bill O'reilly is not that bad. He went on Colbert and admitted his whole persona is an act. Which led to the awesome follow up by Colbert "If your and act then what am I?" :lol


Lol. Seriously though, I always liked O'Reilly a lot better than the Sean Hannity's and Glenn Beck's of the world. O'Reilly may be a complete asshole and a dumbass, but he is at least principled and has called out his party (and Bush) on some stupid shit they've done. Hannity is a complete party hack who would defend a Republican for eating a baby.


Zeliard said:
Dow Jones, worst percentage loss in history.
Jesus Christ. And McCain and Hanity want to talk about Ayers. Fuck this shit. Why the fuck do I have to watch the downfall of my nation? Why the fuck are the ignorant controlling our society?
Fragamemnon said:
McCain is making a terrible move by not coming to VA or NC. Yeah, coming here admits that you're fighting what should be a safe state, but no one thinks it is safe anymore anyway and now we collectively just think of you as a dick for not even considering us at all.
I think his strategy is to try to hard to win some blue toss-up states like PA and just assume that he'll win normally red states like VA & NC.

If spends a lot of time campaigning in VA & NC, then basically all he would be doing is trying not lose buy a huge margin.

He's a Maverick, he's shooting for the moon. (Vomit.)


GhaleonEB said:

Remember the guy in the town hall debate who was told by McCain that he'd probably never heard of Fannie and Freddie before?

Epic beatdown. :lol

Awesome. Obama campaign needs to make this into a commercial but then again... the GOP would probably label it as playing the race card.
Amir0x said:
Why would I "hope" for something like that?

Hope was a bad choice of words. I guess what I meant is don't fret about whether the geniuses over at the McCain campaign are sitting on some huge, yet to be discovered piece of news on Obama that will shift the polls ~10% within the last week of the election. Just not going to happen.
Incognito said:
Nothing "major" will be unveiled because if there was this "major" surprise waiting in the wings to sink Obama it would have been deployed a few weeks ago in an attempt to stanch Obama's rise.
That's what really is so reassuring about them pushing Ayers like this. It means they don't have a video of Michelle railing against Whitey, it means they have no video of Obama in church when Wright was ranting, it means the October Surprise we were all so terrified of doesn't exist. Obama really is that good, he's probably the cleanest politician we've ever seen for this office besides Al Gore.
Guts Of Thor said:
Just got home, anyone care to do a summary pretty please?
Dow under 9,000

Palin has said that Obama being in the White House would lower the prestige of the White House or something like that.

McCain's panicking


Dax01 said:
Tell 'em, astronomers!
We need to start investing heavily in NASA and space exploration again; we have been staggering for FAR too long.

The Chinese own space now. We're just tourists.
The falling stocks are the best thing to happen to the US economy, just think about it. the biggest threat is if China started to ask us for thier loan back

1. Oil is now 3.19 average down from 4.20 just 3 months ago
2. US dollar is the strongest its been in 11 years
3. US dollar being stronger means the loan the United States owes to the world is lower than any time since the 90's
4. Inflation is going down, prices WILL fall

We are basically starting off from the point where Bush left us off, basically we are starting from when Clinton left us, when we were doing good AT THAT TIME.

it is our time for redemption


Dax01 said:
Dow under 9,000

Palin has said that Obama being in the White House would lower the prestige of the White House or something like that.

McCain's panicking
PPP has Obama up 8 in Virginia, the third poll in a week to do so.


besada said:
The Chinese own space now. We're just tourists.
Sadly Us interest is only peaked when we are in a space race. Hope fully if things are fixed in the next few years we can fund more science and education efforts.
Stoney Mason said:

Notice the trick in there?

1) Confiscatory tax rates. Not only was the top rate 70 percent, but the brackets were not indexed for inflation.
And look what our next president will have to face:

1) Confiscatory tax rates. The United States has the second-highest corporate tax rate in the world, with 70 percent of the burden falling on workers.

Woah . . . why not compare apples to apples . . . the top rate is now 39%! Don't compare previous income tax rate to current corporate tax rate.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
ViperVisor said:
General Motors had a good run.

No, they chose to make terrible cars for thirty years in the US, while they made perfectly good cars in Europe. They did this to themselves.


artredis1980 said:
The falling stocks are the best thing to happen to the US economy, just think about it. the biggest threat is if China started to ask us for thier loan back

1. Oil is now 3.19 average down from 4.20 just 3 months ago
2. US dollar is the strongest its been in 11 years
3. US dollar being stronger means the loan the United States owes to the world is lower than any time since the 90's
4. Inflation is going down, prices WILL fall

We are basically starting off from the point where Bush left us off, basically we are starting from when Clinton left us, when we were doing good AT THAT TIME.

it is our time for redemption
What about the record spending, the national dept, the two wars, the other military operations?
cnn talking about ACORN/indiana/Lake County/voter registration fraud -- 5,000 dropped off on one day, 2,100 so far fraudulent

hahaha one was for 'jimmy johns' at cnn went to the address and it was a jimmy johns
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