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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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DOH! sold out :(


terrene said:
Can't believe that story about Obama's 30-minute primetime buy. One thing I'll say for Obama: he ain't taking any chances! That kind of action would be seem like a "game-changing hail mary" if McCain did it. For Obama to do this, it's just like "damn, dude, he's an old man! You've proven your point, okay?"

Everyone, I believe terrene has just nailed what the Faux spin on the Bams Pre-Xmas Special will be. Along with a hefty dose of "Why is Obama so insecure?".

I will download it so furiously and masturbate over it for the rest of my life.


terrene said:
Can't believe that story about Obama's 30-minute primetime buy. One thing I'll say for Obama: he ain't taking any chances! That kind of action would be seem like a "game-changing hail mary" if McCain did it. For Obama to do this, it's just like "damn, dude, he's an old man! You've proven your point, okay?"
And First Read confirmed the buy was on "the networks" according to the Obama camp. As in, all of them.


*drowns in jizz*
Pakkidis said:
Sarah Palin wants Obama to answer questions about himself........this is coming from a women who has barely answered any questions from reporters.

Im not even sure if there trying to hide their hypocrisy or if they just swim in their own ignorance. Which one is it?

It doesn't even matter anymore. Scorched earth policy. In desperation, you do what you can to fuck up the other side, regardless of how much it fucks you up also.

BTW loved that behind the scnes Denver vid. That backstage shit is like porn to me. You can truly tell how much of a good guy he actually is from those vids.
Instead of just loaning money to GM and other American auto manufacturers for them to piss away again, we should just nationalize them all (restaff them with a lot of unemployed) and immediately gear them up for nothing but a focus on electric vehicle output at very nice prices to force the growth of the alternative energy vehicle segment thereby expediting the push to create the infrastructure to supply and support the new energy focus. We could probably have well over half of new vehicles sold in the US being non-gasoline vehicles within eight years after their introduction. And give more tax credit incentives to consumers and producers for going all green(er). If we can mobilize for war within a few years by co-opting already existing infrastructure in production and design, there's no reason we can't do the same for rebuilding and strengthening our economy. It's more of a real threat to our national security than any probable military conflict on the horizon and if we let things slide too far, economically, we just create a greater probability that wide scale conflict will occur.
Fox318 said:
Yeah. Ford was the same way. They never innovated their cars once. Instead they used nationalism to try and market their shit cars. I've remember going to the car shows and seeing toyota and honda introducing their new concept cars that were innovative. While Ford and GM talk about the future but ultimately never deliver.

It's the perfect example I use whenever some fucktard tells me to "buy American." Free markets are premised on the assumption that people will buy the best product for the lowest prices...injecting nationalism to promote poor performance is a disastrous idea in the long run, and the US auto industry represents this perfectly.


This analysis of the Bams Pre-Xmas Special is sexifying.


Exclusive: Obama buys half-hour of network primetime

83178871 by James Hibberd and Paul J. Gough

Barack Obama has purchased a half-hour of airtime on CBS and NBC, sources confirm.

The Obama campaign will air a primetime special on Wednesday, Oct. 29, at 8 p.m.

Sources say the Obama camp also talked to Fox, but the network may not be able to accomodate the campaign as the time period might conflict with a potential Game 6 of the World Series.

The direct purchase of such a large block of national airtime right before an election used to be more commonplace before campaigns began to focus their end game strategies exclusively on battleground states. Such a move is not without precedent in modern presidential politics, however -- Ross Perot did a similar purchase in 1992.

The special is a smart move for the Obama campaign, said Larry Sabato, a political analyst and director of the Center of Politics at the University of Virginia.

"Obama's theme is not just change but unity, so he's appealing to the whole nation rather than a handful of toss-up states," Sabato said. "He wants to win the popular vote by a good margin, which will enable him to

And he's got the cash for it, said Sabato.

"This is another indication, if there needs to be any more, that Barack Obama's got more money than television time to buy," said Evan Tracey, COO of the Campaign Media Analysis Group in Arlington, Va.

Whether the McCain campaign will do the same remains to be seen, although there's one big thing moving against it: Money. Unlike Obama, who rejected public financing of the presidential campaign, McCain is accepting it. That means that McCain is limited in the amount of money that it can spend and raise, and in its TV buying has been limited mostly to ads in battleground states like Pennsylvania and Florida.

"There will be no second guessing the Obama campaign on decisions involving resources," Tracey said. "He's not doing this and pulling down [ad] buys in Florida. This is not an either/or decision. They've got 25 days and unlimited amounts of money."

Neither Sabato nor Tracey could say whether the McCain campaign could buy its own time on the networks, even if they wanted to, because of the cost involved. The networks are obligated to offer the similar time and the same price to McCain. After Obama bought about $4 million of ads in the Summer Olympics telecasts including national time, McCain bought about $5 million worth in the Olympics. But now, with money and time being tight, it might be more difficult with making hard choices. The McCain camp has already pulled its ads from Michigan, once considered a key battleground state.

"This is where Obama being off public financing really boxes in McCain," Tracey said. "I don't think this is a move that the McCain campaign would be able to match."

Beyond Perot's 30-minute campaign ads in the last month of the 1992 presidential campaign, you have to reach back even further for similar instances.
Sabato said that national broadcasts were not uncommon in the 1960s and early 1970s, when TV time wasn't as expensive and the current campaign financing limits weren't in place. It's also a common strategy for candidates for statewide office to patch together stations on a statewide telecast.

CBS and NBC spokespersons declined comment. The buy will push CBS comedy "The New Adventures of Old Christine" to 8:30 p.m. and pre-empt "Gary Unmarried." It's not yet clear how NBC will accomdate the buy, since the network typically airs "Knight Rider" in the slot, an hour-long program. The buy is being placed by Washington-based ad firm GMMB.

This year has seen the first time in many years that presidential campaigns have bought national broadcast TV advertisements. In the past 12 years, much of the billions of dollars in political advertising spent has gone to local TV stations in battleground states. While some money has gone to national cable channels, the thinking has always been that it would be more prudent to target battleground states' voters instead of addressing the entire nation, including states that reliably vote for one party or another.

The first instance was in August, when Obama spent $5 million and McCain spent $6 million, to advertise in NBC's coverage of the Summer Olympics from Beijing. The networks' evening newscasts have also seen campaign ads for the first time in years. Before that, the last nationally broadcast campaign ad ran in the 1996 campaign.

The Obama campaign earlier this year opted out of the public financing system, which meant that it was free to raise and spend as much as it could. It has, in states like Michigan, outspent the publicly financed McCain campaign by a margin of at least 3-to-1.

It's not unprecedented for a candidate to buy longform broadcast network time, though it hasn't happened in a while. In October 1992, Perot drew audiences of 16.5 million and 10.5 million for 30-minute lectures/campaign ad aimed at voters. But in Perot's second run in 1996, the candidate was rebuffed by the Big Four networks in an attempt to sell airtime. The FCC backed the networks in denying Perot airtime, saying that they acted legally in refusing.

Earlier this year, the Hillary Clinton campaign bought time on the Hallmark Channel, a nearly fully distributed cable channel, for a town-hall meeting before Super Tuesday.

Obama has run many 30-second spots across the country. One ad was considered particularly effective, a two-minute spot where Obama directly faced the camera and spoke to viewers about their economic hardships.

While broadcast networks in the past have given presidential candidates free time for campaign statements in the final days before the election, those were done during news programs -- outside the expensive primetime hours.

From the start, Obama has been more focused on primetime than any other presidential candidate. Defying conventional wisdom to have political ads clustered around local news, during the primary season the Obama campaign poured 40% of its TV cash in primetime, compared with about 18% for Clinton.

More details to come ...

-- Nellie Andreeva contributed to this report.

The underline is for mckmas the Doubter! >:x


GhaleonEB said:
Yup. And the Alaska Supreme Court just chucked the GOP's attempt at blocking its release. It's coming out tomorrow morning.

So maybe this is why the McCain camp is resorting to all these negative smear tactics. When the Palin news comes out tomorrow, the right wing will just chalk it up as "Well, that's just the Dems being mad at us for telling the truth about him!"
Cloudy said:
Can someone describe the video to me?

Bunch of people standing in line to get in to a rally or something.

People across the park holding Obama signs (change, obama, etc).



Man in cap says "I think they [people holding signs] are stupid"

Interviewer "Why's that sir?"

Cap Guy: "Because........ that guy gets elected, he hangs around with terrorists"

Interviewer "Who's the terrorists?"

Cap Guy: "Obama."


Random guy shouting

"Obama's a terrorist, don't you know that?"


Man: "Obama's a muslim! He's a terrorist himself!"

Interviewer: "Do you really believe that?"

Man: "I believe he supports terrorism".


It goes on and on. Just random people in line for a mccain function heckling obama supporters standing nearby.
Fatalah said:
So maybe this is why the McCain camp is resorting to all these negative smear tactics. When the Palin news comes out tomorrow, the right wing will just chalk it up as "Well, that's just the Dems being mad at us for telling the truth about him!"

And the money part is that the Obama camp doesn't need to say a word about it. I hope they don't, except to say they had nothing to do with it.


BenjaminBirdie said:
And the money part is that the Obama camp doesn't need to say a word about it. I hope they don't, except to say they had nothing to do with it.

That's exactly what needs to happen. This is food for the media, not for the Obama camp.


MightyHedgehog said:
Instead of just loaning money to GM

Manhattan Project for the Electric Car. Make it well enough, with a global audience in mind, and it could rapidly grow the economy. It would be nice to have a manufacturing base with which to dig ourselves out of these holes again.

We should be doing the same with all green technologies. someone's going to get rich off more effective batteries, cheaper and more efficient solar generators, and a hundred other technologies, and it could be us.

All it takes is political will.


maynerd said:
Did he buy the same time slot for both networks? He should have had different times and days for each network.

Dunno if I agree with that. The psychological impact of flipping channels post-debate and seeing Obama on every single one would be awesome.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
CharlieDigital said:
I'm wondering if they're putting this out there purposely to force McCain's hand in terms of finances.

Ford's problem is that they got the American market all wrong. They've been building pretty solid small cars (Mondeo, Focus) in overseas markets which are even considered "upscale" to a degree. The problem is that they -- for whatever reason -- never brought those cars over to the US in their original form. Our Focus is like, what?, 2 generations behind? While Europe gets an awesome Focus, we get a shitty econobox. The US body styles and interiors are so much worse than our EU brethren.

I used to work for Ford but I left as of 2006. Nabs and a few others that know me from other boards know this. Anyways. Their problem, like all of the other domestics, was that they got drunk on SUV profits. When gas prices skyrocketed, they got caught flat-footed and were ill-equipped to do anything about it. Ford was saying that the year of the car was a few years ago and they fucked that up. They just aren't well run companies currently.
besada said:
Manhattan Project for the Electric Car..

Nah, it's not the motors at this point: it's the batteries. We need a Manhattan Project style program to develop battery technology. We're close (MIT nanotube-based ultra-capacitors), but we need to inject some public funding to bring that type of technology down to mass market production prices.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Jesus fucking christ...

How many god damned morons are there in this country? Every McCain sticker I see on someone's car instantly makes me hate them. Anyone who supports McCain that I know I loathe.

These people are oblivious to facts and just parrot talking points. There seriously cannot be one rational person who supports McCain.

My respectable co-workers at least have the honor to just not vote or to write in someone else. They see that this bullshit McCain/Palin is pandering makes no sense, and they woud much rather have someone else on the ticket.

Fuck the people in those videos drive me crazy.

If I was at that rally, my protest sign would say "Obama's not a terrorist, you're a racist"


Junior Butler
ViperVisor said:
Let me summarize FOX News today.

I was gonna go on a rant of wanting to punch the cunts and pricks more than ever but this channeled it into a product.

Not that I needed to watch it to get a better understanding about all that is wrong with Murdoch owned Fox news, but I watched Outfoxed today.

Despite having a fairly good idea about how that GOP fueled "journalism" is ran, there were still many devious surprises.


belvedere said:
Not that I needed to watch it to get a better understanding about all that is wrong with Murdoch owned Fox news, but I watched Outfoxed today.

Despite having a fairly good idea about how that GOP fueled "journalism" is ran, there were still many devious surprises.
My fox watching friends won't even glance at the dvd case :(. I might have to pay them to watch it.
RubxQub said:
Jesus fucking christ...

How many god damned morons are there in this country? Every McCain sticker I see on someone's car instantly makes me hate them. Anyone who supports McCain that I know I loathe.

I actually saw a dude with a McCain hat on the train today and I found myself actually angry.


Junior Butler
Charred Greyface said:
My fox watching friends won't even glance at the dvd case :(. I might have to pay them to watch it.

Some of the statistics were mind blowing.

I think one statistic was the percentage of viewers on Fox vs PBS/NPR on whether or not they believed Iraq harbored terrorists/was responsible for 9/11.

63% of Fox viewers believed it.

5% of PBS/NPR viewers believed it.

Mind fucking blown.
Justin Bailey said:
Seriously people?

Well, I was trying to figure out, I mean it's the first McCain supporter I've seen actively in person in months, if he is now visually supporting him, with the tenor of the campaign and his supporters so visible now, does he also agree with these wackjobs? I wasn't angry at HIM per se, but it got me thinking about those lunatics and thus I became angry...
belvedere said:
Some of the statistics were mind blowing.

I think one statistic was the percentage of viewers on Fox vs PBS/NPR on whether or not they believed Iraq harbored terrorists/was responsible for 9/11.

63% of Fox viewers believed it.

5% of PBS/NPR viewers believed it.

Mind fucking blown.

Which side should you choose in the upcoming civil war?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Justin Bailey said:
Seriously people?
Yep. I wish I could be a bigger man about it but knowing that these people support a candidate that has done all of this shit is terrible.

It's not a Republican thing, I can support Republicans. It's McCain/Palin supporters that drive me up the wall.


Amir0x said:
The Obama coin one is a liiiiittle creepy.

Is it? I have no doubts that eventually Obama will end up on a coin or a bill. If we survive the current financial crisis and don't revert to a barter and trade society that is. :lol

I just want some sweet Obama swag. Every time I go by the campaign center they are out. Good sign I guess, but I want some swag!
GM and Ford have made retarded production decisions, one after the other, even after seeing constant trends.

Fuck, if Toyota and Honda saw what was going on, why didn't they?

No bailout for them, I say, allow Toyota to open more factories over here, replacing the jobs GM and Ford lose.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
RubxQub said:
Yep. I wish I could be a bigger man about it but knowing that these people support a candidate that has done all of this shit is terrible.

It's not a Republican thing, I can support Republicans. It's McCain/Palin supporters that drive me up the wall.
You're turning to the dark side, man.


There seriously cannot be one rational person who supports McCain.

- Very rich people who don't wanna pay more taxes
- Military people who feel he's "earned it"

Ok, I can't think of any more :p


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Justin Bailey said:
You're turning to the dark side, man.
Force lightning and choke are so much better than shields and healing anyways.
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