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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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seat said:
Are we watching the same video?

"Who's the terrorist?"

"Obama's a terrorist, don't you know that?"

"Obama's a Muslim, he's a terrorist himself!"

OK, I shouldn't have said "all." I was more referring to "He's a terrorist" "Do you really believe that?" *beat* "I think he supports terrorism." There are a few like that, and also in the McCain-Palin mob video that made the rounds last night.'

Not that that makes them any more qualified to breed.
Flo_Evans said:
I just want some sweet Obama swag. Every time I go by the campaign center they are out. Good sign I guess, but I want some swag!

For those of you who actually use the iPod earbuds (*shudders*), I spotted these in a blog about three weeks ago:

Hootie said:
Wait, what the hell is this ACORN thing people are blabbering about? I swear, I'm starting to drop behind the PoliGAF pack.
Apparently those people who sign up people on the street get a lot of people multiple times. I'm not sure why people are outraged about this but there you go.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hootie said:
Wait, what the hell is this ACORN thing people are blabbering about? I swear, I'm starting to drop behind the PoliGAF pack.

It's a complex matter that the public can't really understand - therefore - irrelevant.

Now a black baby or an affair - THAT'S politics!


EricM85 said:
Job Creators Prefer John McCain 4-to-1 Over Barack Obama

Chief Executive magazine’s most recent polling of 751 CEOs shows that GOP presidential candidate John McCain is the preferred choice for CEOs. According to the poll, which is featured on the cover of Chief Executive’s most recent issue, by a four-to-one margin, CEOs support Senator John McCain over Senator Barack Obama. Moreover, 74 percent of the executives say they fear that an Obama presidency would be disastrous for the country.

...“We’ve been experiencing consecutive job losses for nine months now. There’s no doubt that reviving the job market will be a top priority for the incoming president. And job creating CEOs repeatedly tell us that McCain’s policies are far more conducive to a more positive employment environment than Obama’s.”


Even though CEOs rated McCain’s policies over Obama’s in the most recent polling, their support came with reservations, as can be witnessed by the B- grade given to McCain’s overall policies. McCain received strong marks for defense and foreign policy but only a C+ on energy, environment and education. Conversely, Barack Obama’s overall plan received a barely passing C- with four out of eight policy areas receiving D grades. Neither candidate received an A.


More at link.
of course CEOs think that--they're fucking greedy. :lol

good thing my boy steve-o jobs is a liberal.


Hootie said:
Wait, what the hell is this ACORN thing people are blabbering about? I swear, I'm starting to drop behind the PoliGAF pack.

The new Republican talking point is that all our get out the vote measures are voter fraud.

As usual, this ignores the historical fact that their voter suppression has always far outstripped any voter fraud.

giga said:
of course CEOs think that--they're fucking greedy. :lol

good thing my boy steve-o jobs is a liberal.

That article title is offensive as hell. More like "job exporters".


ghibli99 said:
Haven't been keeping up, but are Obama and Biden hitting the McCain Resurgence Plan full-force today? It makes my blood boil just thinking about it, and I can't believe I haven't been hearing more about it these past two days. Additionally, are they talking about the economy/financial markets right now, or just the same topics (Iraq, renewable energy, etc.)? I'm starting to get a little frustrated that nothing really substantive has been coming out of either Obama or McCain's mouth (McCain/Palin are far worse; their campaign right now is despicable, desperate and I can't believe what I'm hearing). People are scared shitless about the economy right now, and I hope it's been at the forefront today.
TV ad: http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/1008/Obama_Tested.html?showall

Stump speech: http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/1008/Obama_blasts_Senator_McCains_bailout.html?showall

On the stump in Dayton, Obama continued to drill McCain's mortgage plan.

McCain would have "the government — meaning taxpayers, meaning you — buy up bad mortgages," he said.

"Taxpayers shouldn’t be asked to pick up the tab for the very folks who helped to create this crisis," Obama said. "That's the problem with Sen. McCain's risky idea."

"Banks wouldn’t take a loss, but taxpayers would take a loss. It’s a plan that would guarantee that you, the American taxpayers, would lose," he said.

"It's not just that Sen. McCain's bailout rewards irresponsible lenders. It's that this bailout would make it more likely that those lenders would keep up their bad behavior."

The plan, Obama said, "punishes taxpayers, rewards banks and won’t solve our housing crisis. This is the kind of erratic behavior we’ve been seeing out of Sen. McCain."


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:

Remember the guy in the town hall debate who was told by McCain that he'd probably never heard of Fannie and Freddie before?

Epic beatdown. :lol

You know what? Why the fuck did McCain think the guy Oliver didn't know what Fannie and Freddie were?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
EricM85 said:
Job Creators Prefer John McCain 4-to-1 Over Barack Obama

Chief Executive magazine’s most recent polling of 751 CEOs shows that GOP presidential candidate John McCain is the preferred choice for CEOs. According to the poll, which is featured on the cover of Chief Executive’s most recent issue, by a four-to-one margin, CEOs support Senator John McCain over Senator Barack Obama. Moreover, 74 percent of the executives say they fear that an Obama presidency would be disastrous for the country.

...“We’ve been experiencing consecutive job losses for nine months now. There’s no doubt that reviving the job market will be a top priority for the incoming president. And job creating CEOs repeatedly tell us that McCain’s policies are far more conducive to a more positive employment environment than Obama’s.”


Even though CEOs rated McCain’s policies over Obama’s in the most recent polling, their support came with reservations, as can be witnessed by the B- grade given to McCain’s overall policies. McCain received strong marks for defense and foreign policy but only a C+ on energy, environment and education. Conversely, Barack Obama’s overall plan received a barely passing C- with four out of eight policy areas receiving D grades. Neither candidate received an A.


More at link.
So what is your opinion on this?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Xisiqomelir said:
The new Republican talking point is that all our get out the vote measures are voter fraud.

As usual, this ignores the historical fact that their voter suppression has always far outstripped any voter fraud.

Actually ACORN is a housing pucrhase program for the poor.


giga said:
of course CEOs think that--they're fucking greedy. :lol

good thing my boy steve-o jobs is a liberal.

Its basically a matter of Unions vs Employers. Unions tend to support Dems while most Employers are more inclined to support Rep.
EricM85 said:
Job Creators Prefer John McCain 4-to-1 Over Barack Obama

Chief Executive magazine’s most recent polling of 751 CEOs shows that GOP presidential candidate John McCain is the preferred choice for CEOs. According to the poll, which is featured on the cover of Chief Executive’s most recent issue, by a four-to-one margin, CEOs support Senator John McCain over Senator Barack Obama. Moreover, 74 percent of the executives say they fear that an Obama presidency would be disastrous for the country.

...“We’ve been experiencing consecutive job losses for nine months now. There’s no doubt that reviving the job market will be a top priority for the incoming president. And job creating CEOs repeatedly tell us that McCain’s policies are far more conducive to a more positive employment environment than Obama’s.”


Even though CEOs rated McCain’s policies over Obama’s in the most recent polling, their support came with reservations, as can be witnessed by the B- grade given to McCain’s overall policies. McCain received strong marks for defense and foreign policy but only a C+ on energy, environment and education. Conversely, Barack Obama’s overall plan received a barely passing C- with four out of eight policy areas receiving D grades. Neither candidate received an A.


More at link.

Job creators? That's...one way of saying it.
faceless007 said:
Actually, what I find most interesting and somewhat amusing about them is how so many of them are reluctant to say "Yes, Obama's a terrorist." They'll scream his middle name, Ayers, "secret Muslim," ACORN, Wright, etc., and make every conceivable connection between him and terrorism, but if you ask them "Is he a terrorist?" they just can't say yes. I don't know what that means, but I find it interesting.

It means they hardly believe the bullshit coming out of their own mouths

They're only saying it because of the groupthink or whatever


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
You should vote for Barack Obama. Here is all the evidence one will ever need:

NSFW http://www.wwtdd.com/ul/13271-123.jpg NSFW

It's not a bannable offense if it's not nudity right?! ...I'll remove the image post haste if it is :D


RubxQub said:
So what is your opinion on this?

Well, I don't think raising capital gains and the corporate tax rate in the current economic environment is a good idea.

I think both candidates show economic ignorance as shown by the last debate. Did I honestly hear John McCain call for a mortgage buyout? What the hell kind of "fiscal conservative" would say that.

Truthfully, I think it's pretty safe to say Obama is going to be the next president. I can only hope Obama's economic advisors keep him in line, and he abandons half of what he's calling for. The republicans have no chance, as much as I respect what John McCain has given for this nation, I don't think he's fit to be president. Which is not to say I think Obama is by any means.

I also take issue with how McCain has been running his campaign. He has many economic issues he could attack on (see first sentence), but he doesn't. For whatever reason he picks Ayers to attack on, and it's so ridiculously frustrating.


RubxQub said:
How many god damned morons are there in this country? Every McCain sticker I see on someone's car instantly makes me hate them.
I'm a true blue Obama supporter since way back in the primaries, but I really try to resist this kind of thinking. It's good for you to have conservative friends and to be able to chat with them in a genuine exchange about politics. When there is respect between you and the conservative, it feels unifying and wonderful to talk with them, like a weight is being lifted -- even as you acknowledge the disagreements.


ghibli99 said:
Haven't been keeping up, but are Obama and Biden hitting the McCain Resurgence Plan full-force today? It makes my blood boil just thinking about it, and I can't believe I haven't been hearing more about it these past two days. Additionally, are they talking about the economy/financial markets right now, or just the same topics (Iraq, renewable energy, etc.)? I'm starting to get a little frustrated that nothing really substantive has been coming out of either Obama or McCain's mouth (McCain/Palin are far worse; their campaign right now is despicable, desperate and I can't believe what I'm hearing). People are scared shitless about the economy right now, and I hope it's been at the forefront today.

Let McCain/Palin keep this up till the election. They're destroying whatever chance they had. The middle does not care about the culture wars and they're furious McCain is slinging food and ignoring the catastrophe that is the economy. That's driving these polls. If McCain doesn't knock if off soon, we could have a Reaganesque rout by election day.


EricM85 said:
Well, I don't think raising capital gains and the corporate tax rate in the current economic environment is a good idea.

I think both candidates show economic ignorance as shown by the last debate. Did I honestly hear John McCain call for a mortgage buyout? What the hell kind of "fiscal conservative" would say that.

Truthfully, I think it's pretty safe to say Obama is going to be the next president. I can only hope Obama's economic advisors keep him in line, and he abandons half of what he's calling for. The republicans have no chance, as much as I respect what John McCain has given for this nation, I don't think he's fit to be president. Which is not to say I think Obama is by any means.

I also take issue with how McCain has been running his campaign. He has many economic issues he could attack on (see first sentence), but he doesn't. For whatever reason he picks Ayers to attack on, and it's so ridiculously frustrating.

And you thought CEOs provided the best insight into the two candidates' economic plans?
Job Creators Prefer John McCain 4-to-1 Over Barack Obama
Job Creators? We've had 9 months straight of job losses. CEOs are not job creators, they just happen to be the person running a company at a particular moment. They don't 'create jobs'.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I just love how they are so god damned massive.

It's like her hands can't contain all the breast she's got going on :lol


Damn, those are huge.

Ghaleon, thanks for the links!

terrene said:
I'm a true blue Obama supporter since way back in the primaries, but I really try to resist this kind of thinking. It's good for you to have conservative friends and to be able to chat with them in a genuine exchange about politics. When there is respect between you and the conservative, it feels unifying and wonderful to talk with them, like a weight is being lifted -- even as you acknowledge the disagreements.
I don't like this kind of thinking either, and I agree that when it's a genuine exchange and conversation, it can be highly stimulating.

But a quick sidenote here: my mom sides w/ Palin for no real reason other than she's in all the magazines she reads and she thinks her husband is a "nice guy". It's hard not to be angry that these are the reasons people base their decisions on... she's not budging either, and thinks everything she says is great. My wife and I have uncles and aunts that have no intention of having a conversation about it. They don't want to debate... they just want to tell you that your opinion is wrong and laugh that Obama's going to be assassinated. How can this be a wonderful discussion? :(

Anyway, ultimately I agree that we shouldn't make assumptions based on a bumper sticker.
terrene said:
I'm a true blue Obama supporter since way back in the primaries, but I really try to resist this kind of thinking. It's good for you to have conservative friends and to be able to chat with them in a genuine exchange about politics. When there is respect between you and the conservative, it feels unifying and wonderful to talk with them, like a weight is being lifted -- even as you acknowledge the disagreements.

Totally agree.

Sensible people can support McCain for sensible reasons. The whole concept of "respectfully disagreeing" is totally lost in today's political environment. The extremes of both sides are made to represent the whole.

I'm not saying all voters are intelligent and vote for sensible reasons. There's A LOT of stupid people out there. But no need to vilify all Republicans because of their bottom feeders.


Sucks at poetry
Miroku said:
I'm really curious what Obama will spend 30 minutes of TV time on.

He'll also show us how to perform a third term abortion, live on TV, manually in our own homes - for when McCain wins.

He'll probably bring Bill Ayers on too, show us how to make some bombs.
One of the things that really infuriates me (and I wish Obama would metion this in the last debate) is that if cutting taxes creates jobs and raising them kills job creation then why did we have record job growth under Clinton and record job loss under Bush?

The Chosen One said:
Totally agree.

Sensible people can support McCain for sensible reasons. The whole concept of "respectfully disagreeing" is totally lost in today's political environment. The extremes of both sides are made to represent the whole.

I'm not saying all voters are intelligent and vote for sensible reasons. There's A LOT of stupid people out there. But no need to vilify all Republicans because of their bottom feeders.

I have yet to meet a Republican, and I'm not exaggerating, who's capable of participating in a sensible debate without simply regurgitating what they heard the night before on Fox or that morning on the radio while driving to work :mad:


Politico says the Fox deal may not work out because it's the day of a potential World Series Game 6. It's probably hard to avoid, but not all 7 games are back-to-back, right? Surely they could've picked a non-sports day.

I personally don't care. But it will definitely affect the number of viewers.


The job creators of service economies are small and mid sized businesses, not CEOs of America's largest corporations, who tend to ship jobs overseas anyways. So the 'creator' moniker is dubious even in the best of economic times.

Anyways I want to say that Obama should go after McCain's Maverick position.

Being a Maverick usually means bucking the trend, and by McCain's interpretations, being unpredictable and making some of the most nonsensical policy positions t and campaign tactics ever.

Do you want a Maverick in charge when China is trying to eat your lunch? What will McCain do? be Mavericky by starting World War III?


thekad said:
And you thought CEOs provided the best insight into the two candidates' economic plans?

Please enlighten me. How exactly are we going to create more jobs in this country by raising the corporate tax rate? We're already one of the highest in the world. This is going to do nothing but send more jobs abroad. Especially given the recent histroy of countries lowering their corporate rates.

This doesn't even take into consideration what raising cap. gains will do. Now is a time when we need to try to position America to be more competitive in the Global business environment. Our economy is already hurting, why make a recovery more difficult?


EricM85 said:
Please enlighten me. How exactly are we going to create more jobs in this country by raising the corporate tax rate? We're already one of the highest in the world. This is going to do nothing but send more jobs abroad. Especially given the recent histroy of countries lowering their corporate rates.

Are you aware of the tax penalty that Obama proposes upon overseas outsourcers?
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