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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Mario said:

Depending on how the election goes I'm going to have to save this in my favorites. Or would it be favourites?

And I just read the Wiki entry on ACORN and it looks like they do housing and voter registration. Based on what I read it looks like this controversy is almost as baseless and sad as the Ayers controversy.

Whenever you pay employees to do this kind of work this kind of stuff is going to happen. The duplicate applications seems pretty innocent and the fake ones (celebrity names?) seem more like lazy employees at work than fraud.


i, for one, will not be sleeping on election night. and i can almost guarantee a gaf meltdown because of skewed exit polls which won't show early voters.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
My mom asked me today how Obama paid for college/schooling when his mom was on foodstamps and such. She's not some nut, so I figured I'd ask poli-gaf where he got the dough from to go to those colleges. You guys know?
SpeedingUptoStop said:
My mom asked me today how Obama paid for college/schooling when his mom was on foodstamps and such. She's not some nut, so I figured I'd ask poli-gaf where he got the dough from to go to those colleges. You guys know?



SpeedingUptoStop said:
My mom asked me today how Obama paid for college/schooling when his mom was on foodstamps and such. She's not some nut, so I figured I'd ask poli-gaf where he got the dough from to go to those colleges. You guys know?



SpeedingUptoStop said:
My mom asked me today how Obama paid for college/schooling when his mom was on foodstamps and such. She's not some nut, so I figured I'd ask poli-gaf where he got the dough from to go to those colleges. You guys know?

A shitload of student loans and scholarships. Also he worked during college doing odd jobs.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
My mom asked me today how Obama paid for college/schooling when his mom was on foodstamps and such. She's not some nut, so I figured I'd ask poli-gaf where he got the dough from to go to those colleges. You guys know?

giga said:
i, for one, will not be sleeping on election night. and i can almost guarantee a gaf meltdown because of skewed exit polls which won't show early voters.

I'll be online with GAF pulling an all nighter, or at least when it's known if Obama wins. If the final polls look like today's polls and Obama loses, I'll never believe polls again. :lol
Saint Gregory said:
Depending on how the election goes I'm going to have to save this in my favorites. Or would it be favourites?

And I just read the Wiki entry on ACORN and it looks like they do housing and voter registration. Based on what I read it looks like this controversy is almost as baseless and sad as the Ayers controversy.

Whenever you pay employees to do this kind of work this kind of stuff is going to happen. The duplicate applications seems pretty innocent and the fake ones (celebrity names?) seem more like lazy employees at work than fraud.

FACT: The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) requires that ID be shown in ALL states, at the polls, for first time voters who did not register in person.

So how the fuck you gonna vote with your bullshit registration? McLovin ain't gonna work.


States’ Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal


mj1108 said:
Olbermann just mentioned Obama bought time on ABC too.... So that makes NBC, CBS, Fox (if there's no World Series) and ABC.....
He's going to announce that he's the anti Christ. It's in Revelations, people!
SpeedingUptoStop said:
My mom asked me today how Obama paid for college/schooling when his mom was on foodstamps and such. She's not some nut, so I figured I'd ask poli-gaf where he got the dough from to go to those colleges. You guys know?

The commander of his sleeper cell paid for it obviously, sheesh
so_awes said:
what is this ACORN thing on Lou Dobb??

Another sign of the apocalypse. lol A shit ton of fraudulent registrations are popping up all over the place. Don't be surprised if we end up with another 2000 controversy. We know Repubs and Dems are seeing who can out-cheat who. The meltdowns will be far WORSE than in 2000 or 2004. Be prepared for riots and lots of rage.
No matter who wins, lol


*drowns in jizz*
Saint Gregory said:
Depending on how the election goes I'm going to have to save this in my favorites. Or would it be favourites?

And I just read the Wiki entry on ACORN and it looks like they do housing and voter registration. Based on what I read it looks like this controversy is almost as baseless and sad as the Ayers controversy.

Whenever you pay employees to do this kind of work this kind of stuff is going to happen. The duplicate applications seems pretty innocent and the fake ones (celebrity names?) seem more like lazy employees at work than fraud.

The GOP is laying the groundwork for the 'Voter fraud' narrative for when Obama wins, to discredit his Presidency and his victory.
Yeah he talks about the burden of student loans quite a bit, and I think his family's personal experience with them is a good reason why he has relief for families trying to send their kids to college as one of his big domestic platforms.

Being 21 and getting out of school with thousands and thousands of dollars in debt is no way to start a career. It's far better for people to start investing for retirement and saving for their first house in their mid-to-late 20s than spending money paying off student loans.


Kinitari said:
Wow, I am starting to see a lot of desperation stemming from both sides of the camp now, not the actual politicians mind you, the voters. Seems like the people who want Obama REALLY don't want McCain, and those who want McCain REEEEEAAAAAAAAALLY fucking REEAAAAAALLLY don't want Obama to be president.

That makes me wonder, I hear all these young punks saying they're going to move to Europe or Canada if McCain is elected president, what do you think all these McCain supporters are going to do if (and even I am kinda hoping it happens) Obama is elected?
If they didn't think it was a terrorist stronghold, they'd probably all move to Dubai.
Cyan said:
Nominal or effective?
God damn. Rapid response. I don't even have a chance for one of my favorite rebuttals. I love this forum.
Mario said:
I am sure having Obama as president would be way more agreeable than moving to foreign lands for a large proportion of conservatives (not all!) who as far as I can tell (being a foreigner) can be fundamentally suspicious of and have negative attitudes towards any and all other countries.

I sure as hell know they won't be coming to New Zealand. We have a female prime minister, an openly gay minister, a Rastafarian minister, a transexual minister, same sex civil unions, legal abortions, no death penalty, and a no nukes policy.
That'll all change once our conservatives get over there.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
My mom asked me today how Obama paid for college/schooling when his mom was on foodstamps and such. She's not some nut, so I figured I'd ask poli-gaf where he got the dough from to go to those colleges. You guys know?

He definitely had a ton of student loans, but I wouldn't doubt that there were some aspects of "affirmative action" involved. Wouldn't that be funny if the first black president was a product of affirmative action? That would be affirmative action's greatest success story. Also would probably make conservatives' heads explode.


Saint Gregory said:
Depending on how the election goes I'm going to have to save this in my favorites. Or would it be favourites?

And I just read the Wiki entry on ACORN and it looks like they do housing and voter registration. Based on what I read it looks like this controversy is almost as baseless and sad as the Ayers controversy.

Whenever you pay employees to do this kind of work this kind of stuff is going to happen. The duplicate applications seems pretty innocent and the fake ones (celebrity names?) seem more like lazy employees at work than fraud.
why on earth would you want to move to nz....
I'm actually starting to love this Ayers stuff. It is going absolutely no where and it is making McCain look like a crazy old man.

McCain again raises Obama's ties with 1970s radical

By Matt Spetalnick 2 hours, 7 minutes ago

WAUKESHA, Wisconsin (Reuters) - Down in opinion polls, Republican presidential nominee John McCain pressed his effort to raise doubts about Barack Obama's character on Thursday with a fresh attack on his Democratic rival's contacts with a former left-wing radical who became a college professor.

On a day the stock market took another precipitous drop, the two candidates also bickered over how to resurrect the economy, with Obama taking aim at a McCain mortgage bailout plan that he said would reward banks responsible for the U.S. housing crisis.

Obama is riding an advantage in national opinion polls and in several states that hold the key to the election. He has built a 4-point lead over McCain in Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Thursday.

Trying to turn the tide with less than three weeks to go to the November 4 vote, McCain went on the attack at a joint rally with his vice presidential running mate, Sarah Palin, as well as in a new Web video ad.

His goal was to tie Obama to William Ayers, a founding member of the Weather Underground, a radical left anti-Vietnam War group that bombed the U.S. Capitol in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972. Ayers spent 10 years as a fugitive and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, spent time on the FBI's Most Wanted list.

Obama, has called Ayers, now a college education professor, "a guy in my neighborhood" and said he and Ayers are not close. He told ABC News on Wednesday that McCain is trying to score "cheap political points" by bringing up Ayers.

Ayers in the mid-1990s hosted a meeting at his house to introduce Obama to neighbors during Obama's first run for a seat in the Illinois Senate. They also served on a nonprofit anti-poverty board together.

"We don't care about an old washed-up terrorist and his wife..." McCain said. "That's not the point here. The point is Sen. Obama said he was just a guy in the neighborhood. We know that's not true. We need to know the full extent of the relationship because of whether Sen. Obama is telling the truth to the American people or not."

I love that paragraph . . . even McCain knows it is pointless but . . . but what? :lol Do you want to know if they went bowling together? Are you implying that he is training Obama to be a terrorist? Have you gone senile, John? :lol
blame space said:

:lol really?

lol I wonder who came up with that.


speculawyer said:
I'm actually starting to love this Ayers stuff. It is going absolutely no where and it is making McCain look like a crazy old man.


I love that paragraph . . . even McCain knows it is pointless but . . . but what? :lol Do you want to know if they went bowling together? Are you implying that he is training Obama to be a terrorist? Have you gone senile, John? :lol

It really makes no sense, how do you proclaim that you don't care at all about it, but then say we must know everything about it! Moron.
greepoman said:
I thought we already discussed this?

Live action Lord of the Rings role playing in the actual movie locations of course.

Ah, it's like you can see me... did I leave my playstation eye plugged in?

Well that and if McCain wins I'm going to find a nice forrest there and never seek contact with civilization ever, ever again.


LuCkymoON said:
no, these neo-cons can not be reasoned with. They are very stupid and should be called out for the idiocy. Where I work in Coppell, TX it is easy to find the McCain/Palin08 sticker and even the N0Bama stickers. After talking with these people I was able to break the arguments down to these things:

Always voted republican and always will.
Obama is a socialist/communist/fascist
I dont know who Obama really is.
he scares me (thinly veiled racism)

I've noticed that you can not talk policy to these people, once you mention Obama they automatically go into defence mode. They don't want to hear about him or his policy, they just know he is bad for our country and he scares them. Even mentioning how our founding fathers were Scientist, professors, lawyers and elite, could get you killed.
It's these kind of people who are holding our country back from real progress.
I get that. Just believe me, your life will be better, and richer, if you learn how to deal with these people in a respectful and judgement-neutral way.
blame space said:

:lol really?
I'm not sure they thought this one through . . . If I'm so impressed by Obama that I'd vote for the person he endorses . . . but Obama is also in the race . . . wouldn't I rather vote for Obama?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
speculawyer said:
I'm not sure they thought this one through . . . If I'm so impressed by Obama that I'd vote for the person he endorses . . . but Obama is also in the race . . . wouldn't I rather vote for Obama?

"Elvis said I was right! Wait...Elvis is also running!"

Tideas said:
my friend, it was nice knowing you :(

plz explain this to me. Is it against TOU?
Celebs are mean libs segment on BillO

Talking about the hate from them. Ummmm have you saw the folks at the GOP rallies? Cybil Shepard was very calm but Bill says you can see the hate on her face. 'Lohan is jealous of Palin getting attention' - Margaret Hoover

Tamanon said:
It really makes no sense, how do you proclaim that you don't care at all about it, but then say we must know everything about it! Moron.

Welcome to Elisabeth on the View. It's getting very old. Barbara is way too old for this shit and she is glad she wasn't in today to hear it rehashed AGAIN and why hasn't he been forthcoming about Ayers.


Setec Astronomer
nbcjr said:
Don't be naive. Do you honestly think that you could encourage such things on an open forum and the ad companies wouldn't have any problem with it?

Yeah, right, getting our ad revenue pulled REALLY helps us out. :rolleyes
Pakkidis said:
No offense to any americans, but after seeing some of those vids, conservative right wing people stay the hell away from Canada.
Yeah, many of them would never leave the USA because this is where Jesus is going to return.

You might think I'm kidding but I'm not.


Stoney Mason said:
Rasmussen numbers

Indiana seems like it will stay just out of reach.
The RNC has entered the fray to bail out McCain in Indiana. One of the reasons it became a toss up was because the entire state was essentially Obama vs Radio silence. Much tougher fight now.

The 30 minute air time move is stellar. What an awesome campaign. Can't wait. Nate should do an analysis of how Perot's air time moved his numbers. 30 minutes uninterrupted time to talk to your audience, zero filter is huge.


Interesting read why Reverend Wright is off limits to the McCain Campaign.

Does Sarah Palin Have a Pentecostal Problem?


If conservative columnist William Kristol is to be believed, Sarah Palin is surprised that her own campaign hasn't made a bigger deal out of the controversial remarks of Barack Obama's former pastor. The relationship between Obama and Jeremiah Wright is, according to Palin, fair game in the presidential campaign because it speaks to the question of the Democratic candidate's character. "I don't know why that association isn't discussed more," Kristol, writing in the New York Times, quoted Palin as telling him.

John McCain's campaign aides could probably answer that question for Palin. The ink on Kristol's column had barely dried before they were on the phone to political reporters declaring that the GOP nominee had long believed it would be inappropriate to raise the Wright issue. But McCain's current sensitivity is much more related to his running mate's own pastor problems than to any newfound campaign honor code.

typhonsentra said:
He just doesn't strike me as.... intimidating.
It's easy to say that now, but do you really know him? Thankfully, there are heroes out there who are willing to go the distance to make sure we do, like Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity.


terrene said:
I get that. Just believe me, your life will be better, and richer, if you learn how to deal with these people in a respectful and judgement-neutral way.

They don't deserve respect, they deserve contempt.
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