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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Zeliard said:
Don't forget that he's the most liberal Senator in U.S. history and wants to bomb Pakistan.
I'm curious what the people who say that would do if they ever found out there's a real honest-to-god socialist in the Senate.


Don't forget he's also a celebrity who doesn't support the troops and wants to teach kindergarteners to have sex, probably gay sex at that.


Tamanon said:
Don't forget he's also a celebrity who doesn't support the troops and wants to teach kindergarteners to have sex, probably gay sex at that.

But even though he's a celebrity, we still don't know who he really is. He's like an actor who never plays anything except very mysterious characters.


AniHawk said:
Gore? Really? Gore had a lead at this time in October? Because he didn't.
Yeah. That's what made it so hilarious. But remember, Rush can always correct himself later in some backhanded compliment, as long as he spews lies initially.
TheGrayGhost said:
Did any of you see the clip in which a McCain supporter at a rally expresses his disbelief at the meteoric rise of Obama? He couldn't possibly grasp, nor could anyone else at the rally, why his candidate was losing. These are angry, angry people. All the questions at the rally centered on the hateful, negative attacks the campaign has leveled at Obama. McCain, as if he finally realized the monsters he has created, gave a sigh and tried desperately to switch topics to the economy. To his dismay, I think, he was confronted with another expression of frustration on Obama and his popularity. I think McCain is beginning to understand, if he hasn't already, that with every hateful attack he and his running mate spew, the more he inflames his base and loses a grasp on the issues which are the keys to the presidency. I mean, these McCain/Palin supporters don't want to talk about the issues. They're too inattentive and stupid for such a discussion.
This is sad but true.

The McCain of 2000 would hate the McCain of 2008 . . . he sold out to the dark side.


Cloudy said:
LMAO @ the one black dude conveniently in McCain's front row asking him to bash Obama. Obviously a plant :lol

How about when McCain went over to hug him. What the hell. That whole scene was disturbing.


NYTimes cracking open TrooperGate:

ANCHORAGE — The 2007 state fair was days away when Alaska’s public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, took another call about one of his troopers, Michael Wooten. This time, the director of Gov. Sarah Palin’s Anchorage office was on the line.

As Mr. Monegan recalls it, the aide said the governor had heard that TrooperWooten was assigned to work the kickoff to the fair in late August. If so, Mr. Monegan should do something about it, because Ms. Palin was also planning to attend and did not want him nearby.

Somewhat bewildered, Mr. Monegan soon determined that Trooper Wooten had indeed volunteered for duty at the fairgrounds — in full costume as “Safety Bear,” the troopers’ child-friendly mascot.

Two years earlier, the trooper and the governor’s sister had been embroiled in a nasty divorce and child-custody battle that had hardened the Palin family against him. To Mr. Monegan and several top aides, the state fair episode was yet another example of a fixation that the governor and her husband, Todd, had with Trooper Wooten and the most granular details of his life.

“I thought to myself, ‘Man, do they have a heavy-duty network and focus on this guy,’ ” Mr. Monegan said. “You’d call that an obsession.”

On July 11, Ms. Palin fired Mr. Monegan, setting off a politically charged scandal that has become vastly more so since Ms. Palin became the Republican vice-presidential nominee.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Hitokage said:
America wasn't even a nation of devout church-going christians until the great revivals of the early 19th Century, much less ever a "christian nation." Anticlericism was huge in the late 18th Century.

I always find it funny when fundamentalists say that we were founded as a Christian nation.

And yet none of them know about the Jefferson Bible.


Evlar said:
From that article, it sounds like there is a lot of circumstantial evidence, but no hard evidence. My guess is democrats point to there being a lot of circumstantial evidence and republicans point out there is no hard evidence; thus, this news will not move the needle on opinion polls in one direction or the other.

Ford Prefect

speculawyer said:
This is sad but true.

The McCain of 2000 would hate the McCain of 2008 . . . he sold out to the dark side.
Wouldn't it be awesome if McCain really was aware of all the horrible things he has come to represent, and just publicly announced his resignation to the man he knows the country deserves?

The Gollum analogy of the corruption of power on TDS the other day is so appropriate it's unbelievable.
Some guy on CNN said it best last night.

McCain/Palin have walked right up to the line, then they let their supporters cross over it. That's why we're seeing this viscious anger at the rallies.

This is really irresponsible of McCain. Whipping up the base into a frenzy is not only a losing strategy but it just divides the country further. David Gergan last night said he thought there was even a possibility that violence could break out if it keeps up like this.

Really shameful.


nbcjr said:
Putin just said in a press conference that the USA are not the world leaders of free economy anymore.

Wasn't there something about Putin threatening action against the US if they didn't remove forces from one country or another today?


Am I the only one who thinks having Palin drop the puck at the Flyers game is a really bad idea for that campaign? I mean, sure, everything could go great. But they run the risk of her declining popularity/rising unpopularity, smear campaign, and troopergate findings culminating in a perfect storm of a clip that gets played on the news for 3-4 days of boo's reverberating throughout the arena.

That isn't to say everyone will be against her, but it's amazing how the acoustics in places like that can make a small to medium number of people sound amazingly loud.


Fragamemnon said:
11 points isn't enough to cover for the bradley effect, even with obvious democrat voter fraud.

edit: late and being a bit of a troll, waiting for bankrupt american style capitalism to have its own little appomattox courthouse tomorrow morning, if all goes as I think it will.

Fox News spin was: "Is Obama Peaking too Early?", with cutting analysis from the ever-objective Dick Morris.

"You see what happened during the Democratic primaries, Hillary came back around April to cream Obama in the remaining major states!"

ho ho ho


Schlep said:
Am I the only one who thinks having Palin drop the puck at the Flyers game is a really bad idea for that campaign? I mean, sure, everything could go great. But they run the risk of her declining popularity/rising unpopularity, smear campaign, and troopergate findings culminating in a perfect storm of a clip that gets played on the news for 3-4 days of boo's reverberating throughout the arena.

That isn't to say everyone will be against her, but it's amazing how the acoustics in places like that can make a small to medium number of people sound amazingly loud.

i'm a huge flyers fan and it pisses me off to no end. The fanbase can save face for me though, and she can get booed loudly. It is Philadelphia... and i'll be there...


Cloudy said:
LMAO @ the one black dude conveniently in McCain's front row asking him to bash Obama. Obviously a plant :lol

Tamanon said:
Hm....was his name Ruckus?
Might as well be...

Black man who was the Plant said:
I'm not comparing Obama to Nazis. I'm saying that followers of "the One" (like you) are sycophant worshipers in his cult of personality.

Besides, Hitler was a Liberal Fascist. Obama is just an elitist, radical, liberal empty suit. Both are bad but there is a big difference...

Hitler had more talent (he as a failed artist) while the Chocolate Jesus was a community organizer (whatever that is).





gcubed said:
i'm a huge flyers fan and it pisses me off to no end. The fanbase can save face for me though, and she can get booed loudly. It is Philadelphia... and i'll be there...
Yell loud. :lol
firex said:
I'm kind of worried Obama will wind up being like Tommy Carcetti on The Wire.

He almost certainly will: to what extent remains to be seen.

wait that black dude REALLY was a fake?

Is there any doubt? Prominent position in the front row, asked an in-depth question completely berating Obama....let's connect the dots here.
firex said:
I'm kind of worried Obama will wind up being like Tommy Carcetti on The Wire.

Well, the reason why Carcetti ended up the way he did was because he wanted to become governor. I think McCain is more like Carcetti, becoming corrupt and immoral to gain more power. McCain is screwing over the middle like Carcetti screwed over the schools.
Fragamemnon said:
Do you have a reference on that? They feel like an astroturf-style group to me.

You want to know who will be best for sportsman? Vote for the guy (Obama) that is going to ensure that state and local governments have funds even in a downturn, fish and wildlife agencies depend on that money to both maintain existing gamelands and purchase/swap land (with parters) to open up to hunters and fishermen. Talk to the guy that wants to spend money developing the tech for cellulosic ethanol (Obama), which can be managed such that it becomes prime game and nongame grassland bird habitat.

Hunting and fishing in America is slowly dwindling because the places for people to hunt and fish easily are dwindling.

LTTP on this, but if you read their site and the wiki page, you'll see that this is their purpose. This quote best sums up their view:

"Because the gun issue has recently become a factor in the Democratic primary in Pennsylvania, I want to share the remarks I made today... [Millions of gun owners] not only wanted an organization that would protect their gun rights but an organization that was also committed to the protection of their communities as well as the protection of our lands."​
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