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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Setec Astronomer
Ignatz Mouse said:
Great read.

I grew up in the Midwest (MI), in a non-union family. My earliest political views were solidly conservative, with a few doses of liberal positions. Even as I grew more liberal into adulthood and now into my forties, I resisted identifying myself as liberal, and some of the core aspects of conservatism (personal responsibility, smaller government) appeal to me. But as the GOP has abandoned those ideals, and has increasingly identified itself as described above, I finally registered as a Democrat (having already been voting that way my whole adult life).

What the GOP needs is a core of conservative elites. He may be a tool at times, but the GOP needs more George Wills and fewer George Bushes.
Sadly, the Age of Intellectual Conservatism is dead, with people like William Buckley either gone or irrelevant. All they have left are idiot blowhards like Limbaugh and Hannity who parrot the some of their conclusions without understanding any of it.

West Virginia is weak Dem, NC is lean Republican, and MO tied.
I think Obama can take NC if the black vote turns out for him in heavy numbers; and I think that is exactly what will happen based on what I saw at the rally in Greensboro. Half of the people there were African American; as many as there were White people.
Frank the Great said:
CNN and MSNBC talking about the markets.

FOX news talking about how classical music reduces stress for pregnant moms.

Fear not, for I'm sure the REAL news is coming. At the top of the hour, Did You Know? Did You Know that before his father abandoned him, as a baby, he would force the young Barack to listen to recorded subliminal messages urging him to "destroy America." More on this developing story after the break.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
kevm3 said:
So Obama is an intellectually elite, cocaine sniffing Tony Montana wannabe, muslim terrorist who has a Christian pastor problem?

:lol :lol :lol

Just election is just too funny.


Dax01 said:

West Virginia is weak Dem, NC is lean Republican, and MO tied.
I think Obama can take NC if the black vote turns out for him in heavy numbers; and I think that is exactly what will happen based on what I saw at the rally in Greensboro. Half of the people there were African American; as many as there were White people.
O_O I have my doubts with WV.
Hitokage said:
Sadly, the Age of Intellectual Conservatism is dead, with people like William Buckley either gone or irrelevant. All they have left are idiot blowhards like Limbaugh and Hannity who parrot the some of their conclusions without understanding any of it.

Yep. More than their viewpoints, what I find offensive about Limbaugh and Hannity is their complete disregard for intellectual integrity and critical thought. Unfortunately, the shift in our society seems to have been to follow them.

More than anything, that's why I want Obama to win this election. It's why I get excited about his alternative energy ideas. It's why I like the fact that he was the EIC of Harvard Review.

Bill Clinton was a smart, smart man but he also had that southern drawl and affable manner to counter it. Obama would represent an uncloaked, unapologetic intellectual in office.


giga said:
O_O I have my doubts with WV.
The only recent poll was from ARG, showing Obama up 8. It's an extreme outlier, and given the dearth of polling in WV has shifted estimates for the state, but is probably not accurate. Needs more data.

Dax: Use pollster.com

Battleground tracking poll has Obama +10 today, 48-38. So three of four trackers move up for Obama today, with Rasmussen staying flat. Post-debate polls are reinforcing his lead.

Electoral vote puts way too much stock in the "Most recent polls" ignoring movement and trends.

WV is woefully underpolled, it had been trending slightly dem, but one poll shouldn't put the state blue, or even battleground.


Obama killing it in this speech. "It's easy to rile up a crowd but we need someone to lead us not divide us"

Take that, McShame :lol
Lemonz said:



There are only so many hardcore black Republicans. Could it be... Ripclawe?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I had a pretty scary thought on my way to work this morning.

Suppose you are John McCain, and let's just assume for a minute that he truly believes he is better for the country than Obama (he has to, right?). Don't you think that if you had such strong feelings that the other candidate is wrong for the country...don't you think you wouldn't be opposed in the least to some of the most terrible things being done to his opponent?

If McCain thinks that under an Obama presidency the troops will be mishandled and the economy will get worse and lives will be ruined or lost if Obama is elected...don't you think he'd be willing to go to extremes to ensure he doesn't get the job? If he's truly putting Country First...what wouldn't he do to ensure that this other guy doesn't fuck up everything (according to him)?

I'm possibly being paranoid, but I think there's a lot of truth to what I said.
I'm a PS3 fanboi and I am a liberal elitist.

but I noticed that a lot of the Blu-Ray hardcores at Highdefdigest have McCain/Palin avatars and shit :-/


Hitokage said:
Evilore, Drinky Crow, and Fragamemnon would all disagree. Really though, one shouldn't take it too seriously.
Seems like every time I join a server in CSS, TF2 or any other shooter that has voice there tend to be a ton of McCain supporters and the Ron Paul leftovers.


Fox318 said:
Seems like every time I join a server in CSS, TF2 or any other shooter that has voice there tend to be a ton of McCain supporters and the Ron Paul leftovers.

I encounter the exact opposite.
Man, that restaurant story was fantastic.

So ironic. The POTUS is on TV fumbling around at the exact same time Obama is talking about a restaurant owner's real life business troubles.


Setec Astronomer
Fox318 said:
Seems like every time I join a server in CSS, TF2 or any other shooter that has voice there tend to be a ton of McCain supporters and the Ron Paul leftovers.
Oh, yeah, antisocial teens living in their suburbian basement do trend libertarian, but places like CS or Xbox Live tend to be cesspools of humanity anyway. ;)


BenjaminBirdie said:
Man, that restaurant story was fantastic.

So ironic. The POTUS is on TV fumbling around at the exact same time Obama is talking about a restaurant owner's real life business troubles.
Yeah, that was effective. I kind of liked the line, "Why not give Democrats a shot for four years? We can't do any worse!" Granted that's setting the bar pretty low, but it's basically saying you don't have anything to lose.

Also: of the five daily trackers to report so far today, four when up for Obama, one stayed flat. All listed on Pollster.com front page. Last one up is Gallup.
RubxQub said:
I had a pretty scary thought on my way to work this morning.

Suppose you are John McCain, and let's just assume for a minute that he truly believes he is better for the country than Obama (he has to, right?). Don't you think that if you had such strong feelings that the other candidate is wrong for the country...don't you think you wouldn't be opposed in the least to some of the most terrible things being done to his opponent?

If McCain thinks that under an Obama presidency the troops will be mishandled and the economy will get worse and lives will be ruined or lost if Obama is elected...don't you think he'd be willing to go to extremes to ensure he doesn't get the job? If he's truly putting Country First...what wouldn't he do to ensure that this other guy doesn't fuck up everything (according to him)?

I'm possibly being paranoid, but I think there's a lot of truth to what I said.

Paranoid, probably.

But as far as the first part of your post, it takes a special breed of people to jump in presidential politics and those are not the kind of people to quit when they're in so far and so close to the goal. Most believe they'd be best for the job and would dellude themselves, assuming getting the top job is ultimately for the greater good, no matter the wrongs.

McCain fits the mold perfectly. While we haven't seen Obama at his worst, he seems to be a pracgmatic guy ready to do whatever it takes to win... and he is winning.
Battersea Power Station said:
Moot nitpicking, but how can someone be older in theory?

Because I was too lazy to actually go google and find any data to confirm my opinion that PC gamers are on average older than console gamers ;)


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Instigator said:
...and he is winning.
I'm more worried about the lengths McCain is will to go to see that he doesn't. Like you said, you have to be of the mindset that you are the best possible thing for the country if you are shooting for the presidency.

No sense getting upset about hypotheticals, but I can't shake the idea that McCain isn't done thrashing.


Instigator said:
Paranoid, probably.

But as far as the first part of your post, it takes a special breed of people to jump in presidential politics and those are not the kind of people to quit when they're in so far and so close to the goal. Most believe they'd be best for the job and would dellude themselves, assuming getting the top job is ultimately for the greater good, no matter the wrongs.

McCain fits the mold perfectly. While we haven't seen Obama at his worst, he seems to be a pracgmatic guy ready to do whatever it takes to win... and he is winning.
Andew Sullivan:

There was always going to be a point of revolt and panic for a core group of Americans who believe that Obama simply cannot be president - because he's black or liberal or young or relatively new. This is that point. As the polls suggest a strong victory, the Hannity-Limbaugh-Steyn-O'Reilly base are going into shock and extreme rage. McCain and Palin have decided to stoke this rage, to foment it, to encourage paranoid notions that somehow Obama is a "secret" terrorist or Islamist or foreigner. These are base emotions in both sense of the word.

But they are also very very dangerous. This is a moment of maximal physical danger for the young Democratic nominee. And McCain is playing with fire. If he really wants to put country first, he will attack Obama on his policies - not on these inflammatory, personal, creepy grounds. This is getting close to the atmosphere stoked by the Israeli far right before the assassination of Rabin.

For God's sake, McCain, stop it. For once in this campaign, put your country first.


Random question...

When the Dems do one of those "donate today and we'll match it 2 to 1" things, who the hell is doing the matching? Is it even real?
RubxQub said:
I'm more worried about the lengths McCain is will to go to see that he doesn't. Like you said, you have to be of the mindset that you are the best possible thing for the country if you are shooting for the presidency.

No sense getting upset about hypotheticals, but I can't shake the idea that McCain isn't done thrashing.

Remember Fred Thompson? The guy didn't look like he wanted to win and he lost royally.

As for your fears, I think it is quite natural for partisan supporters to believe the opposite side will be up to no good. These folks already believe in crazy ideas, it's not much a stretch to believe they'd also do kooky things to advance their crazy agenda.
goodcow said:
Random question...

When the Dems do one of those "donate today and we'll match it 2 to 1" things, who the hell is doing the matching? Is it even real?

If it's about spending, then yea!

(what are you talking about exactly?)


Hitokage said:
Sadly, the Age of Intellectual Conservatism is dead, with people like William Buckley either gone or irrelevant. All they have left are idiot blowhards like Limbaugh and Hannity who parrot the some of their conclusions without understanding any of it.

What about David Brooks? I think he still does a good job of flying the flag of intellectual conservatism. Unfortunately for him, I don't think Republicans actually read him, because he writes for the NY terrist' Times


goodcow said:
Random question...

When the Dems do one of those "donate today and we'll match it 2 to 1" things, who the hell is doing the matching? Is it even real?
They solicit people to do the matching. I've matched before. They don't match you with someone up front. They just ask, "Hey give some money and we'll use your donation to convince someone else to donate too!"


McCain's Armenia Problem
McCain’s own stance against genocide recognition and his relative indifference toward bilateral relations with Armenia have been a matter of record since well before George W. Bush emerged on the national stage. Barack Obama, conversely, looked committed to the affirmation of the events of 1915 as a genocide long before he decided on a presidential run.
Basically, the Armenian American community isn't taking kindly to McCain.

Also, I could have sworn you had to pay-subscribe to read many articles on The Atlantic, did they go free?
GhaleonEB said:
The only recent poll was from ARG, showing Obama up 8. It's an extreme outlier, and given the dearth of polling in WV has shifted estimates for the state, but is probably not accurate. Needs more data.

Dax: Use pollster.com

Battleground tracking poll has Obama +10 today, 48-38. So three of four trackers move up for Obama today, with Rasmussen staying flat. Post-debate polls are reinforcing his lead.

I go to both mostly because I have a Firefox add on for Electoral-vote.com. As soon as I check Electoral-vote.com, I check pollster, then head on over to fivethirtyeight.com. If I see two out of the three sites or more showing Obama winning/losing a state, then I take it like that.

Oh, and LOL:

McCain should be ashamed of himself.
lawblob said:
What about David Brooks? I think he still does a good job of flying the flag of intellectual conservatism. Unfortunately for him, I don't think Republicans actually read him, because he writes for the NY terrist' Times

Brooks may cater to the suburban crowd with all his upscale shopping-based metaphors and various cultural references, but I wouldn't really call him an intellectual. His work doesn't compare at all with that of someone like Buckley on depth.
speculawyer said:
Well, there goes those 7 votes.

Joking . . . but it probably isn't a real big community. But every community matters.

I'm pretty sure there is a reasonable sized Armenian population in Hollywood (not stars, but in the actual surrounding geagraphic areas). A few of them are MMA fighters, but I'm sure they represent a much larger community. Not saying it is huge, but I think it is an appreciable community,

Also, that annoys me and I have no connection to Armenia (other than being a bit of a SOAD fan:D ).


"GAF's biggest wanker"
RubxQub said:
I had a pretty scary thought on my way to work this morning.

Suppose you are John McCain, and let's just assume for a minute that he truly believes he is better for the country than Obama (he has to, right?). Don't you think that if you had such strong feelings that the other candidate is wrong for the country...don't you think you wouldn't be opposed in the least to some of the most terrible things being done to his opponent?

If McCain thinks that under an Obama presidency the troops will be mishandled and the economy will get worse and lives will be ruined or lost if Obama is elected...don't you think he'd be willing to go to extremes to ensure he doesn't get the job? If he's truly putting Country First...what wouldn't he do to ensure that this other guy doesn't fuck up everything (according to him)?

I'm possibly being paranoid, but I think there's a lot of truth to what I said.
Going to these extremes isn't any better for the country though. So even if you give McCain the benefit of the doubt that his intentions are "pure", then all you're saying is that he has unwittingly poisoned his own good intentions. Doing what's right at any cost is a complete oxymoron.


what exactly is it with these guys screaming about socialism?

i can understsand it from ron paul nuts maybe, but I had no idea it was so common among the gop too.


chaostrophy said:
Brooks may cater to the suburban crowd with all his upscale shopping-based metaphors and various cultural references, but I wouldn't really call him an intellectual. His work doesn't compare at all with that of someone like Buckley on depth.

I think Brooks actually is an intellectual conservative. He used to work at the National Review under Buckley. But I do agree that he, like other newspaper columnists, does dumb it down a bit in his day-to-day columns. I guess thats a problem with high-brow writing of any genre, you can either dumb it down to reach a wider audience, or keep it technical and reach only a handful of people.
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