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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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giga said:
what exactly is it with these guys screaming about socialism?

i can understsand it from ron paul nuts maybe, but I had no idea it was so common among the gop too.

It's pretty simple, actually. Anything that isn't Republican is automatically socialistic. I have a lot of friends that like to throw around that socialism nonsense and I've reach the point where I just straight up call them idiots to their faces. There really is no debating with people like that.
lawblob said:
What about David Brooks? I think he still does a good job of flying the flag of intellectual conservatism. Unfortunately for him, I don't think Republicans actually read him, because he writes for the NY terrist' Times

I'm curious, do you think brooks and Kristof communicate? I mean one represents smart conservatism, and the other is probably the smartest of "Dumb" conservatism. When Brooks calls Palin the "cancer of the republican party" he's indirectly talking about Kristof.
DenogginizerOS said:

this picture is so awesome, must remember it on election day


electricpirate said:
I'm curious, do you think brooks and Kristof communicate? I mean one represents smart conservatism, and the other is probably the smartest of "Dumb" conservatism. When Brooks calls Palin the "cancer of the republican party" he's indirectly talking about Kristof.

I think Brooks is one of the few intellectual conservatives who refuses to drink the Kool Aid, so I wonder whether he is still connected with the rest of the conservative intelligentsia. I would imagine he is neglected by many other conservatives for not being a team player; but who knows.

During undergrad my favorite professor was a conservative who was an assistant to Reagen during the 80s, but he said that ever since he went into academia and broadened his perspective, a lot of his conservative friends in Washington and elsewhere treated him like a sellout. I would think Brooks could be in a similar situation.
electricpirate said:
I'm curious, do you think brooks and Kristof communicate? I mean one represents smart conservatism, and the other is probably the smartest of "Dumb" conservatism. When Brooks calls Palin the "cancer of the republican party" he's indirectly talking about Kristof.

Neoconservatism is a virus that infected itself into the Republican Party and at this point is incurable. I use to get into so many arguments on this board with certain people that claimed Bush had booted out the neo-conservatives from the White House and was no longer following those policies which at best is wholly misleading and inaccurate. That mindset and many of its assumptions are at the core of Republican ideology now and there are no signs at all that they are weakening.
God you guys, everything is looking so much better for Obama than I ever imagined it could be.

John McCain is in between a rock and a hard place. Does he disavow the crazed anger in his supporters and concede that Obama is an American and a good person? Or does he continue the personal attacks and risk turning off even more swing voters?

Basically: lolololololololol


testicles on a cold fall morning
electricpirate said:
I'm curious, do you think brooks and Kristof communicate? I mean one represents smart conservatism, and the other is probably the smartest of "Dumb" conservatism. When Brooks calls Palin the "cancer of the republican party" he's indirectly talking about Kristof.
What is this about Kristof?
Incognito said:
It's pretty simple, actually. Anything that isn't Republican is automatically socialistic. I have a lot of friends that like to throw around that socialism nonsense and I've reach the point where I just straight up call them idiots to their faces. There really is no debating with people like that.

It seems like to them that govt spending on anything outside of the military is considered socialism.


David Brooks and I disagree on a lot but he is right about the GOP. The Republican party needs to wipe itself clean of its Reagan-era christian "joe six pack" persona it has built the last 20 years. It has gotten far out of the mainstream and like he said is purely anti-intellectual now, not just anti-liberal intellectual. The party needs a purging and will I suspect come back as a more secular more pragmatic style party but it may take a while.

But it is obviously clear the pillars of the GOP that Reagan built are coming to a end sooner rather than later.


Both times, McCain’s campaign has issued statements disavowing the use of the Democrat’s full name. A McCain aide said they tell individuals speaking before every event not to do so. “Sometimes people just do what they want,” explained the aide.

Gotta love the plausible deniability.

And about the socialism thing...it's ironic that the greatest steps towards socialism just happened under a Republican president.


When you think back to where we were just around 4 months back, its pretty amazing how the rift between Obama & Hillary supporters has totall been non-issue. The news cycle was dominated by this, experts claimed that winning over women and blue collar dems, as well as trying to reconcile with Clintonites as a whole would be one of Obama's most important and most difficult battles in the GE. You had crowds of dems booing the mere mention of Obama's name and shout crap like "Yes she can".

Yet when focus shifted to the general elections, and people actually began paying attention to the drivel coming out of McCain's mouth, all of that pretty much disappeared. McCain is so inept that he effectively reunited the democratic party with his idiocy--and now the party is looking stronger than ever. And when you look at some of these swing states & traditionally red states where Obama is now showing strong in the polls, he actually lost many of them in the primaries. If you're the GOP how do you let this happen!? I'm not complaining mind you, but its still all pretty incredible how much things have shifted in a such a short period of time.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This FORUM was its own source of nuttiness. How many dummos here said, "If Hillary wins I am voting for McCain!!!!"


Cheebs said:
David Brooks and I disagree on a lot but he is right about the GOP. The Republican party needs to wipe itself clean of its Reagan-era christian "joe six pack" persona it has built the last 20 years. It has gotten far out of the mainstream and like he said is purely anti-intellectual now, not just anti-liberal intellectual. The party needs a purging and will I suspect come back as a more secular more pragmatic style party but it may take a while.

But it is obviously clear the pillars of the GOP that Reagan built are coming to a end sooner rather than later.

To me this is especially clear when you look at Romney. Mittens should be the nominee of the party right now, he is a Harvard lawyer & MBA, was governor of a large state, has impressive business experience, etc., but the party completely rejected him, and he was forced to run a 100% phony campaign.

There is too much tail wagging the dog in the GOP these days. Its like the rabble has taken over the kingdom, and the leadership doesn't know how to deal with them. Instead of having someone like Romney actually be able to speak from his background and experience, he instead has to position himself as an angry Joe six pack... it is very bizarre. Hopefully after they get killed at the polls in a few weeks, the GOP purging can begin, and all of these angry evangelicals and anti-government wingnuts can get kicked to the curb.
greepoman said:
Gotta love the plausible deniability.

And about the socialism thing...it's ironic that the greatest steps towards socialism just happened under a Republican president.

But there's nothing wrong with it! Everytime John Mccain is announced he is clearly announced as John Sidney McCain III and Sarah Louise Heath Palin!


The implied bigotry by some on the right towards Muslims, Arabs, or even people with Arab sounding names is so disgusting. Equal to anything Pat Buchanan said at the 92 RNC.


The Lamonster said:
God you guys, everything is looking so much better for Obama than I ever imagined it could be.

John McCain is in between a rock and a hard place. Does he disavow the crazed anger in his supporters and concede that Obama is an American and a good person? Or does he continue the personal attacks and risk turning off even more swing voters?

Basically: lolololololololol
I can't laugh at this. McCain and Palin (Palin in particular) are rapidly approaching the line between vanilla negative campaigning and honest-to-God incitement to violence.

It's becoming really worrisome.
Y2Kev said:
This FORUM was its own source of nuttiness. How many dummos here said, "If Hillary wins I am voting for McCain!!!!"

I said as much at the time but I was told how honorable and respectable John Mccain was by everyone.



Y2Kev said:
This FORUM was its own source of nuttiness. How many dummos here said, "If Hillary wins I am voting for McCain!!!!"
you do bring an interesting point though. If Hillary had won do you think Mccain would go so negative?


so mccain said he will single handedly balance our budget and fix our 10 trillion dollar deficit within his first term :lol I don't think even the most hopium'd up obama supporter believes he can single handedly fix the economic crisis we're in


Junior Butler
McCain "Barack Obama will penalize companies that don't provide good health care for their employees"

Reaction-2 or 3 boos

This is great comedy. I should have tuned into more McCain speeches long ago.


ronito said:
you do bring an interesting point though. If Hillary had won do you think Mccain would go so negative?

I don't know, never underestimate the conservatives' hate for Hillary. :lol She's probably at least equivalent to liberal's disdain of Palin in reverse.
lawblob said:
To me this is especially clear when you look at Romney. Mittens should be the nominee of the party right now, he is a Harvard lawyer & MBA, was governor of a large state, has impressive business experience, etc., but the party completely rejected him, and he was forced to run a 100% phony campaign.

There is too much tail wagging the dog in the GOP these days. Its like the rabble has taken over the kingdom, and the leadership doesn't know how to deal with them. Instead of having someone like Romney actually be able to speak from his background and experience, he instead has to position himself as an angry Joe six pack... it is very bizarre. Hopefully after they get killed at the polls in a few weeks, the GOP purging can begin, and all of these angry evangelicals and anti-government wingnuts can get kicked to the curb.

Rudy really disappointed me although you could easily say I was just naive. I thought he had a real chance to pull that party away from some of its insular outlook but he thought it was a smart idea to turn his back on every position he ever had. Ron Paul at least picked up the torch on the foreign policy front but Republicans consider him a kook now.


saelz8 said:
Troopergate Report


I imagine a few more hours before it's unleashed, it's still pretty early in Alaska.
Its not going to matter. The only person who would talk about it is Olbermann. The Ayers isssue stays around because fox news keeps it around.


When you think back to where we were just around 4 months back, its pretty amazing how the rift between Obama & Hillary supporters has totall been non-issue

The Palin pick really rallied the Democrat female base :lol


lawblob said:
To me this is especially clear when you look at Romney. Mittens should be the nominee of the party right now, he is a Harvard lawyer & MBA, was governor of a large state, has impressive business experience, etc., but the party completely rejected him, and he was forced to run a 100% phony campaign.

the mormon thing probably would have never made him electable
its sad that religion is such a deciding factor in the year 2008!! but thats how it is
kinda sad when you look at europe who mostly don't give a fuck about a candidate's personal life


Junior Butler
pxleyes said:
McCain is pushing the planetarium line again. :lol :lol :lol Does this man even have advisors anymore?


"I'm going to put a stop to that my friends!"

To what? Planetarium funding?


God forbid the government contribute to an educational association.
Dax01 said:
Not very many...? I don't remember too many people like that.

You have to consider there are far more hardcore Obama supporters on the board and in this thread now than in the past. Many of the independents or conservatives have been chased off...

There was a ton of posts earlier in the cycle that Mccain was an honorable man you could vote for. And Hillary was pretty much satan incarnate.


David Brooks also has a gig on PBS as a political commentator and is the Brooks of the Shields and Brooks team which is on nightly with Jim Lehrer commenting on politics in general, but the 2008 election specifically.

Worth a watch for the substance of their discussion and banter, and it won't detract from the nightly PoliGAF worship of Chris Matthews and Olbermann.

Sadly, Brooks has felt that the need defend Palin in more than one instance on that show.


Nameless said:
When you think back to where we were just around 4 months back, its pretty amazing how the rift between Obama & Hillary supporters has totall been non-issue. The news cycle was dominated by this, experts claimed that winning over women and blue collar dems, as well as trying to reconcile with Clintonites as a whole would be one of Obama's most important and most difficult battles in the GE. You had crowds of dems booing the mere mention of Obama's name and shout crap like "Yes she can".

Yet when focus shifted to the general elections, and people actually began paying attention to the drivel coming out of McCain's mouth, all of that pretty much disappeared. McCain is so inept that he effectively reunited the democratic party with his idiocy--and now the party is looking stronger than ever. And when you look at some of these swing states & traditionally red states where Obama is now showing strong in the polls, he actually lost many of them in the primaries. If you're the GOP how do you let this happen!? I'm not complaining mind you, but its still all pretty incredible how much things have shifted in a such a short period of time.

Yeah. Not only have their tactics turned off the middle voters, but going to unfathomable new lows has seemingly done the impossible (repair the severe rift that existed with Democrats this summer.) Nice work, McCain. Thank you.
There was a time when I couldn't stomach these McCain rallies and now I watch them with glee. All he wants to talk about is stuff that no one cares about but himself and his hardcore followers. Every time he mentions that planetarium projector I LOL.


MrHicks said:
the mormon thing probably would have never made him electable
its sad that religion is such a deciding factor in the year 2008!! but thats how it is
kinda sad when you look at europe who mostly don't give a fuck about a candidate's personal life

Uhh thats all France cares about with its President.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Saint Gregory said:
There was a time when I couldn't stomach these McCain rallies and now I watch them with glee. All he wants to talk about is stuff that no one cares about but himself and his hardcore followers. Every time he mentions that planetarium projector I LOL.
He's seriously killing it for himself.

What are the size of mcpalin rallies comapred to Obiden's?


we all knew her
Stoney Mason said:
You have to consider there are far more hardcore Obama supporters on the board and in this thread now. Many of the independents or conservatives have been chased off...

There was a ton of posts earlier in the cycle that Mccain was an honorable man you could vote for. And Hillary was pretty much satan incarnate.

Well to be fair, back around January when I first started really paying attention to the political cycle, I thought McCain WAS an honorable guy and I wouldn't have been too terribly upset if he somehow got elected. He has since heavily tarnished my opinion of him.


Junior Butler
"I can win wars"

Speech ends abruptly.


I will definitely be watching every McCain speech from now on. I'm nearly in tears.


Stoney Mason said:
Rudy really disappointed me although you could easily say I was just naive. I thought he had a real chance to pull that party away from some of it's insular outlook but he thought it was a smart idea to turn his back on every position he ever had. Ron Paul at least picked up the torch on the foreign policy front but Republicans consider him a kook now.

Rudy is another good example. I know the man had his unpopular moments as mayor, but he, like Romney, both completely embarrassed themselves with their campaigns. Its as if both of them met with an adviser and asked; 'how do I communicate with these unwashed, vile masses that make up the Republican base?' The end result was two truly shameful campaigns.
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