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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Stoney Mason said:
Rudy really disappointed me although you could easily say I was just naive. I thought he had a real chance to pull that party away from some of it's insular outlook but he thought it was a smart idea to turn his back on every position he ever had. Ron Paul at least picked up the torch on the foreign policy front but Republicans consider him a kook now.

You were.


Fox318 said:
Its not going to matter. The only person who would talk about it is Olbermann. The Ayers isssue stays around because fox news keeps it around.

If the story is juicy, CNN and MSNBC will bump its economic coverage to cover it.
lawblob said:
Rudy is another good example. I know the man had his unpopular moments as mayor, but he, like Romney, both completely embarrassed themselves with their campaigns. Its as if both of them met with an adviser and asked; 'how do I communicate with these unwashed, vile masses that make up the Republican base?' The end result was two truly shameful campaigns.

looks like they are starting to be outdone by McCain


Cloudy said:
New Fox News/Opinion Research poll coming at 1pm...
Bush should have announced that Paulson was partially nationalizing some banks this morning. Dow is down -427 already and is on a highway to hell in the afternoon.


Fox318 said:

Fixed to include more Tina Fey comedy gold
Instigator said:
You were.

Like I said fair enough :D

It still wasn't smart strategy to pretend to be something you weren't in a party base full of Christians, pro-life people, and anti-gay rights. At least Ron Paul didn't change his philosophy suddenly to appear to be something he wasn't.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Stoney Mason said:
The implied bigotry by some on the right towards Muslims, Arabs, or even people with Arab sounding names is so disgusting. Equal to anything Pat Buchanan said at the 92 RNC.

It really is. People like to play the "We're just saying his FULL name" card, but your example with McCain and Palin is perfect. I've heard John McCain's middle name said once during the entire primary and general election cycle, and I've never heard Palin's middle name.

It's sad that even if Obama was a Muslim, it would end his Presidential bid. Sometimes the people that wave around their supposed patriotism on their sleeve forget the values of this country.

Even if Obama wasn't the candidate, I'd want any Democrat to win. It's only natural for there to be shifts back and forth between the parties. Yeah, we've had it before, but 12-16 years under the Republicans is a bit much. Especially when you think about how unpopular Bush is.


Stoney Mason said:
But there's nothing wrong with it! Everytime John Mccain is announced he is clearly announced as John Sidney McCain III and Sarah Louise Heath Palin!


The implied bigotry by some on the right towards Muslims, Arabs, or even people with Arab sounding names is so disgusting. Equal to anything Pat Buchanan said at the 92 RNC.
The purpose behind using Obama's name is pretty obvious and odious. But I'd be happy with history knowing him as Barack Hussein Obama. They're three words that go well together, like William Jefferson Clinton or Charles Foster Kane.
Stoney Mason said:
Like I said fair enough :D

It still wasn't smart strategy to pretend to be something you weren't in a party base full of Christians, pro-life people, and anti-gay rights. At least Ron Paul didn't change his philosophy suddenly to appear to be something he wasn't.

Yet he ran as a Republican.
RumpledForeskin said:
A real american would remove any doubt of his patriotism and change his name legal to something patriotic like John.
Or become Christian, because, you know, Obama is a Muslim, and you can't be a true American if you are a Muslim.


lawblob said:
Rudy is another good example. I know the man had his unpopular moments as mayor, but he, like Romney, both completely embarrassed themselves with their campaigns. Its as if both of them met with an adviser and asked; 'how do I communicate with these unwashed, vile masses that make up the Republican base?' The end result was two truly shameful campaigns.

I don't think you can put Romney on the same level as Jules. Romney at least tried to run a traditional campaign, Guliani was completely clueless.
Instigator said:
Yet he ran as a Republican.

Oh don't mistake my liking of his appeal of his foreign policy arguments for an endorsement for the man. When he failed to raise his hand when the questions was asked who thinks gays should be allowed in the military he lost as much moral high ground to me as he had won with his prior position.


Its not going to matter. The only person who would talk about it is Olbermann. The Ayers isssue stays around because fox news keeps it around.

Pretty sure they'll keep it going til election day and even beyond.

Of course, I'm not sure if they're up to the level of Nancy Grace....how many weeks, months can you talk about the Caylee Anthony story???


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numble said:
Will you vote for Piyush Jindal when he runs for president in 2012/2016?
Color me surprised...I had no idea that Bobby Jindal's first name was Piyush...:lol

There is no way that guy can be president running with the Republican party.

Edit: Actually no, scratch that. Repubs would never learn that his first name was Piyush because Fox or the Dem candidates would never bring it up.
Y2Kev said:
This FORUM was its own source of nuttiness. How many dummos here said, "If Hillary wins I am voting for McCain!!!!"
I'll admit I was guilty of considering it. I didn't say for sure but I was putting it out there as an option is Hillary used the infamous "Nuclear Option", and only in that scenario.
Incognito said:
...had a great riff about Kristol the other day.

The sub-prime Kristol meltdown
I would have gone with "Six Degrees of Bill Kristol" instead of the economic angle, but then again, I'm not that smart. I have to quote one of the comments, though.

...Harry Hopkins, promoted from comments:

I remember back in the late '90s when Ira Katznelson, an eminent political scientist at Columbia, came to deliver a guest lecture to an economic philosophy class I was taking. It was a great lecture, made more so by the fact that the class was only about ten or twelve students and we got got ask all kinds of questions and got a lot of great, provocative answers. Anyhow, Prof. Katznelson described a lunch he had with Irving Kristol back either during the first Bush administration. The talk turned to William Kristol, then Dan Quayle's chief of staff, and how he got his start in politics. Irving recalled how he talked to his friend Harvey Mansfield at Harvard, who secured William a place there as both an undergrad and graduate student; how he talked to Pat Moynihan, then Nixon's domestic policy adviser, and got William an internship at The White House; how he talked to friends at the RNC and secured a job for William after he got his Harvard Ph.D.; and how he arranged with still more friends for William to teach at UPenn and the Kennedy School of Government. With that, Prof. Katznelson recalled, he then asked Irving what he thought of affirmative action. "I oppose it", Irving replied. "It subverts meritocracy."


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
GhaleonEB said:
The only recent poll was from ARG, showing Obama up 8. It's an extreme outlier, and given the dearth of polling in WV has shifted estimates for the state, but is probably not accurate. Needs more data.

Dax: Use pollster.com

Battleground tracking poll has Obama +10 today, 48-38. So three of four trackers move up for Obama today, with Rasmussen staying flat. Post-debate polls are reinforcing his lead.


McCain has slipped into the 30s in a national poll?
RubxQub said:
Color me surprised...I had no idea that Bobby Jindal's first name was Piyush...:lol

There is no way that guy can be president running with the Republican party.

Edit: Actually no, scratch that. Repubs would never learn that his first name was Piyush because Fox or the Dem candidates would never bring it up.
How the fuck do you even pronounce that..
Trurl said:
The purpose behind using Obama's name is pretty obvious and odious. But I'd be happy with history knowing him as Barack Hussein Obama. They're three words that go well together, like William Jefferson Clinton or Charles Foster Kane.

Oh there's absolutely nothing wrong with the name. It especially has a fine tradition in the muslim world and it should be a sign of the strength of our diversity in this country. The fact that it's snarled out in the form of a near racial epithet is the real clear sign of where we are at and how far we still have to go.


Jealous Bastard
i heard on the news this morning that, according to some polls (not sure which), if the election were held today obama would win the state of west virginia.

we're through the looking glass here, people.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Just tuned into an argument on nyc talk radio arguing for ANWR drilling and heard David Kreutzer from the Heritage Foundation float this great line -

'It has been shown that a 2 or 3% increase in supply will drop global oil prices 20, 30 or 40%!'

Stoney Mason said:
Oh don't mistake my liking of his appeal of his foreign policy arguments for an endorsement for the man. When he failed to raise his hand when the questions was asked who thinks gays should be allowed in the military he lost as much moral high ground to me as he had won with his prior position.

I can respect the guy for sticking to his beliefs (well, mostly), but he's just in the wrong party.
I want to know why when Obama's pundits and campaign guys gon on Fox, they don't man up and ask why the feel it's necessary to constantly call Obama by his middle name. Try to prove a point here: why the fuck does it matter? It's his fucking name, what's the point?

Fox needs wiped fucking clean and purged.
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