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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Loudninja said:
Yep Obama will win ILL in a landslide, but I am still going to go and vote for him.
And to echo that sentiment, even though Obama is going to win my state (Oregon), I want to vote and be a part of it.


Speevy said:
1) Georgia will get called for Mccain within seconds.
2) Don't call me an idiot. I've done nothing to you.
I hereby declare that all of the nations problems can be blamed on Georgia, particularly Speevy.


GhaleonEB said:
And to echo that sentiment, even though Obama is going to win my state (Oregon), I want to vote and be a part of it.

Speaking of Oregon, why did Obama beat Hillary so bad in Oregon?


Y2Kev said:
Who the fuck is this retard on Bill Maher

I'll never understand how people like that end up writing for publications like The Wall Street Journal.

Edit: ROFL, that lady on the panel just said the exact same thing!


Boogie said:
Shit, this thread moves too fast. I missed a good WWII argument by 25 pages! :(

On the contrary, in that case, it doesn't move fast enough. The sooner that nonsense is gone and buried, the better.


Drudge's inability to post Troopergate news reminds me of Colbert the night after the Dems took back congress.

"TONIGHT! Heavy rains flood New York! That's all that happened last night!"
Yeah, I'm thinking the 8 AM one as well. Fuuuuck, these trains are a logistical nightmare. How early are you guys planning on getting there?

BTW, NJ GAF: the earliest train into 30th street via SEPTA is 7:42 arrival.
MrCheez said:
It's frustrating living in McCainizona :(
Indeed, but at least you can still be part of a winning vote. I'm fantasizing about a miraculous flip based on a crash 'n burn campaign here in AZ and in other red states over the next three weeks.


Macam said:
On the contrary, in that case, it doesn't move fast enough. The sooner that nonsense is gone and buried, the better.
Yes, god forbid there be actual discussion of past politicians' policies in a political thread as opposed to the usual fapping over poll numbers.


TDG said:
Yes, god forbid there be actual discussion of past politicians' policies in a political thread as opposed to the usual fapping over poll numbers.

Survey Approve Approve Disapprove Unsure Approve minus

FOX/Opinion Dynamics RV 10/8-9/08 25 69 5 -44



Byakuya769 said:
Farrakhan, a major black leader??? O really?
Exactly. As a black person, I get sick of that shit. We don't look up to fucking FARRAKHAN!!! We don't look up to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton!

We don't have any "BLACK LEADERS." White folks of the thread, do you have any "white leaders?" Japanese-Americans, who is it that "leads Japanese people?"

See what I'm getting at? Cut that shit out. As a black man, I look up to good people in general, not self-imposing representatives of my race. I represent myself as an individual person.


*drowns in jizz*
For those of you who are in a solid blue/red state- you still need to vote. Popular vote will be important- if Obama wins by a significant margin, it will make the inevitable 'voter fraud' narrative of the GOP less credible, as well as any other bullshit they come up with. And it will give him a stronger mandate. I don't want this shit to be close. He needs to win by a large margin.


CharlieDigital said:
Yeah, I'm thinking the 8 AM one as well. Fuuuuck, these trains are a logistical nightmare. How early are you guys planning on getting there?

BTW, NJ GAF: the earliest train into 30th street via SEPTA is 7:42 arrival.
PATCO starts running at 4 AM. My friend and I will be picking up a train at 5:30 in Lindenwold and arrive at 8th and Market at 5:51. Then a subway ride on the Broad St. line up to Girard station.

I'm choosing the 8 AM since I hope there will be fewer people and I can get closer or even a handshake! :)


Lesath said:
The same one, every time.

Then again, I do the same thing with evolution, so I shouldn't talk.
Kennith Miller tells you to STFU



Lesath said:
The same one, every time.

Then again, I do the same thing with evolution, so I shouldn't talk.


I don't know how to feel about being pigeonholed by a junior member with 167 posts and a join date of this year. :-/ :lol


*drowns in jizz*
Wow- there's a billion headlines on Drudge, and not a single fucking one about the Palin report, easily the biggest news of the day regarding the candidates. Incredible.


I love how the people at McCain's rally booed him when he tried to 'defend' Obama. It just goes to show how they don't really support him, they just really really hate Obama, thanks to the whole right-wing culture war, they're truly reaping what they've sown in this election.

I think back to when a couple of people would Boo Hillary's name at Obama events back during the primary, and Obama would stop what he was talking about and say 'No no no no no, now listen, that's not cool. Yes, she is a formidable candidate, yes this is a tough contest, but she has accomplished so much and we respect her for it, for the leadership she has shown and for her service to this country', and everyone in the audience would clap and cheer. For Hillary Clinton. At an Obama rally.

It's just another little thing that goes to show which of these two candidates is truly a leader.


Boogie said:

I don't know how to feel about being pigeonholed by a junior member with 167 posts and a join date of this year. :-/ :lol

I lurk, and tend to click on WWII threads because of a slight personal interest.

And uh, Fox318, by saying I do the same thing evolution, I meant I argue FOR it. Against creationists I know deep inside that won't change their mind, I know. It just feels good.
RubxQub said:
McCain stirred up this pot of shit, and it's his problem to fix.

No, he didn't. If you payed attention to the enemy, you'd know they've been boiling for months. It was going to come out whether he brought it up or not.

Haunted said:
McCain is clearly back-pedalling (which is good), but it's already too late, it provided too many soundbites and they fuelled the fire for too long, the backfire's already happening.

The backfire was in motion before McCain opened his mouth. It was never in his control. The media was too busy ignoring it until now. Thanks media! *rolls eyes* Now it is way too late to fix it.

beermonkey@tehbias said:
McCain's audience booing him for calling his opponent a decent person is one of the saddest things I have ever seen in politics.

These despicable people want their red meat. They want their enabler. They care nothing for the truth, they want something to rationalize their hate.

This kind of scum threatens our very society.

If McCain wants to show that he means it, he orders a stop to campaign ads that accuse Obama of being friendly to terrorists.

Anything else is just sending a mixed message, and leaves him culpable for this disgusting, anti-American behavior.

This entire election year has been sad. We've seen Repubs help Dems and Dems help Repubs just to screw each other over. We still have the stupidiest gen of media in media history. It's really fucked up. You think they're scum, and they think "you're" scum. You want McCain to apologize, and pumas want Obama to apologize. You blame McCain, and they blame Obama. If anyone in their right mind thinks this drama is all going to be over after election day, they are sadly mistaken. Don't be surprised if we see poor
people riot.

Haunted said:
Maybe if Bin Laden sends another video, thanking his friend Barack or something. Maybe.

I was thinking the same thing recently. The way he conveniently appeared right before the election telling everyone not to vote for Bush. I mean, WTF. That was blatant reverse psychology.

TDG said:
I was mostly playing devil's advocate, but I'm not when I say: being drafted into the military is a form of slavery, and while slaves' lives were worse than soldiers' lives, soldiers were forced into a far more dangerous situation than slaves.

Slavery =/= Draft =/= Holocaust

All unnecessary. Pain is pain. (Btw, those that refuse the draft or those who are innocent of crimes that are sent to jail are also in a form of slavery. They lose their freedom and live like slaves and some get killed or raped, plus if they get released they have to deal with the stigma of being a felon. There are also other forms of slavery that are psychological and hard to detect. Slavery (for all races and genders) is still alive and everywhere.)
CharlieDigital said:
Yeah, I'm thinking the 8 AM one as well. Fuuuuck, these trains are a logistical nightmare. How early are you guys planning on getting there?

BTW, NJ GAF: the earliest train into 30th street via SEPTA is 7:42 arrival.

I think I'm going to try for the 8:00am one on N.broad. I could do either that or the mayfair diner one (things to do in the afternoon, and all that) and I figure less people will be up so I'll have a better view if I get there at 6ish.


*drowns in jizz*
Cloudy said:
LOL, Fox News front page:


I just hope Obama wins and in a blowout..

BTW, is there video of Matthews and Buchanan? MSNC didn't put it on their site for today's Hardball and I'm bout to go out (can't sit through the re-run on tv)

Oh, go fuck yourselves you smear merchants. CAIR isnt an 'extremist group'. Their main function is to rebut smears and discrimination against Muslims in North America. Its inevitable that any Muslim in any type of leadership position here will deal with them in some way or another. Theyre one of the largest Muslim groups (which also employs non-muslims) in North America. These bigoted and xenophobic fucks want to classify any and every Muslim group as 'extremist' because, quite simply, they don't believe any Muslim group should exist.


Cyan said:
Wait until January. ;)
:lol Yes, technically. Correct. :D

But, only because I see Obama as a good leader. If he was a bum, I simply wouldn't accept him. Just like Bush; I know some whites wouldn't accept Bush as their leader, right?


OMG O'Reilly is full of crap. He says Farrakhan "recently" said this. Then they show Feb. 2008 on the clip. WTF is this shit?

After that, he says this will hurt Obama. No shit, that's why you're trying to bring it up again :lol
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