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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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MrCheez said:
It's frustrating living in McCainizona :(


Moxie says I wouldn't worry about that!


n1n9tean said:
Exactly. As a black person, I get sick of that shit. We don't look up to fucking FARRAKHAN!!! We don't look up to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton!

We don't have any "BLACK LEADERS." White folks of the thread, do you have any "white leaders?" Japanese-Americans, who is it that "leads Japanese people?"

See what I'm getting at? Cut that shit out. As a black man, I look up to good people in general, not self-imposing representatives of my race. I represent myself as an individual person.

Its code for "all black people look alike, act alike"


Michelle Obama comes to my school on Monday.

We just found out.

Now, I need to organize a 120-strong volunteer army, get quarter-sheet flyers printed, coordinate with the national campaign, and still get my homework done.

n1n9tean said:
Exactly. As a black person, I get sick of that shit. We don't look up to fucking FARRAKHAN!!! We don't look up to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton!

We don't have any "BLACK LEADERS." White folks of the thread, do you have any "white leaders?" Japanese-Americans, who is it that "leads Japanese people?"

See what I'm getting at? Cut that shit out. As a black man, I look up to good people in general, not self-imposing representatives of my race. I represent myself as an individual person.

bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.


Paper or plastic?
n1n9tean said:
Exactly. As a black person, I get sick of that shit. We don't look up to fucking FARRAKHAN!!! We don't look up to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton!

We don't have any "BLACK LEADERS." White folks of the thread, do you have any "white leaders?" Japanese-Americans, who is it that "leads Japanese people?"

See what I'm getting at? Cut that shit out. As a black man, I look up to good people in general, not self-imposing representatives of my race. I represent myself as an individual person.

Guess this tag does have it's uses.

Ela Hadrun

Probably plays more games than you
adg1034 said:
Michelle Obama comes to my school on Monday.

We just found out.

Now, I need to organize a 120-strong volunteer army, get quarter-sheet flyers printed, coordinate with the national campaign, and still get my homework done.



You don't "need to get your homework done"!


AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.

OK, find me a poll that supports your assumption. And then tell me who the leader of Hispanics and White people is.


Master of the Google Search
AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.
You're living in some kind of imaginary land


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
artredis1980 said:
the reason McCain doesnt bring up Wright is because his own pastor bad mouthed jews, if the DNC pushes that news, McCain loses Florida
Woops on losing florida!
DEO3 said:
I love how the people at McCain's rally booed him when he tried to 'defend' Obama. It just goes to show how they don't really support him, they just really really hate Obama, thanks to the whole right-wing culture war, they're truly reaping what they've sown in this election.

I think back to when a couple of people would Boo Hillary's name at Obama events back during the primary, and Obama would stop what he was talking about and say 'No no no no no, now listen, that's not cool. Yes, she is a formidable candidate, yes this is a tough contest, but she has accomplished so much and we respect her for it, for the leadership she has shown and for her service to this country', and everyone in the audience would clap and cheer. For Hillary Clinton. At an Obama rally.

It's just another little thing that goes to show which of these two candidates is truly a leader.

As hard as it is to see (In the current political climate), these types of people are on the way out. They're Neanderthals to our Cro-Magnon; they're clinging desperately to a world that they simply don't understand and they're eventually going to fade from existence with a whimper and a silent sigh of relief from the benefactors.

Generation X, Y, and subsequent generations aren't going to tolerate this shit. We're not going to let ourselves be told that it is audacious to wonder why minorities can't be treated with respect without silent resentment and bigotry. We're not going to be trapped in the ideology that labels blind loyalty without consideration to responsibility as patriotism.

If we do any of the above, our country won't recover. We simply can't recover if we allow this type of thinking to manifest itself in our people. There is no logic or reason in thinking that you are a traitor if you question the perfectness of our country; if that kind of thinking should be characterized as anything, it should be characterized as Despotism. People have somehow come to accept that our government is some infallible entity that can't be questioned lest you hand in your citizenship status and leave. Our government is no different than the people that define it and the people of this country improve themselves by observing their mistakes and resolving themselves to avoid making them once again. We have been better, we can be better, and we will be better again.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.

Does that mean that because the media says they are leaders and subsequently black folk repeat this myth when asked who the black leaders are then every time these so called leaders screw up or say something stupid all black people must be doing or acting the same? Sounds like a big fucking set-up to me.

Take me to your leader.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.

I think Denzel Washington would be higher on the list than chaka khan
Question for those who've attended the rallies: what's the deal with bags? I know the site says not to bring one, but it's a pretty long hike for me; it would be nice to bring a book and my DS and some water. Are they strict about enforcing this?


*drowns in jizz*
AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.

I find it amazing how every single one of your posts is full of shit.


Forgotten in his cell
AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.





AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.
I suppose the asian leader is Jackie Chan, or Michelle Malkin right? gtfoh w/ that bullshit.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.

I think AndyIsTheMoney views the world as a giant game of Civilization, with each group represented by a giant caricature.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.
For second there I felt like writing a serious response to your post, but after reading your post a second time I've decided not to.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.

Are you perhaps considered the non-minority in the USA-land?
AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.
I think you'll find that, across the spectrum of media, 'white leader' is not common at all, while the use of the term 'black leader' is common. It's an unnecessary distinction to make unless there's a solid reason for such a disparity in its use.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
here we go, shout racism when someone brings up race, and we wonder why political correctness cripples our faith in our political system.

I don't see how you haven't been banned for your stupidity yet.

You pull the same two-trick bullshit out of your hat every time. You say something stupid and then pull the victim card when the dunce cap is glued to your fucking head.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.

sorry, but youre just a bastion of dumb fuck.
so Farrakhan isn't a powerful and influential black person? is that what political gaf is saying now? really? good god just because he is an influential and powerful black leader doesn't mean all black people are mindless zombies who follows him.

i swear it amazes me what some of you come up with just not to agree with someone who has a different opinion than you.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
so Farrakhan isn't a powerful and influential black person? is that what political gaf is saying now? really? good god just because he is an influential and powerful black leader doesn't mean all black people are mindless zombies who follows him.

i swear it amazes me what some of you come up with just not to agree with someone who has a different opinion than you.

Go away.


Master of the Google Search
CharlieDigital said:
Question for those who've attended the rallies: what's the deal with bags? I know the site says not to bring one, but it's a pretty long hike for me; it would be nice to bring a book and my DS and some water. Are they strict about enforcing this?
Security reasons. They tell you not to bring it because they don't let you bring it in with you. So unless you have somewhere to store it, I wouldn't bring much


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
AndyIsTheMoney said:
so Farrakhan isn't a powerful and influential black person? is that what political gaf is saying now? really? good god just because he is an influential and powerful black leader doesn't mean all black people are mindless zombies who follows him.

i swear it amazes me what some of you come up with just not to agree with someone who has a different opinion than you.
...for fucks sake dude...



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
AndyIsTheMoney said:
so Farrakhan isn't a powerful and influential black person? is that what political gaf is saying now? really? good god just because he is an influential and powerful black leader doesn't mean all black people are mindless zombies who follows him.

i swear it amazes me what some of you come up with just not to agree with someone who has a different opinion than you.
How is he influential and powerful? What power does he wield? Over a tiny percent of an already minority population?
AndyIsTheMoney said:
so Farrakhan isn't a powerful and influential black person? is that what political gaf is saying now? really? good god just because he is an influential and powerful black leader doesn't mean all black people are mindless zombies who follows him.

i swear it amazes me what some of you come up with just not to agree with someone who has a different opinion than you.

TBH, I don't even know when the last time that name even crossed my mind :lol

I thought he was dead :lol

But then again, I'm Asian, so I can't speak for my darker skinned brotha's

BTW, who is the most powerful and influential Asian American? I'm curious :lol I need to know who the fuck I'm supposed to be looking up to for political and moral guidance :lol
AndyIsTheMoney said:
so Farrakhan isn't a powerful and influential black person? is that what political gaf is saying now? really? good god just because he is an influential and powerful black leader doesn't mean all black people are mindless zombies who follows him.

i swear it amazes me what some of you come up with just not to agree with someone who has a different opinion than you.

If you backpedaled any harder the chain would fall off your gears.
Y2Kev said:
How is he influential and powerful? What power does he wield? Over a tiny percent of an already minority population?

He's their God and Obama is their messiah. Didn't you get the memo?

It should have been hand-delivered to you by the secret Arab Black Panther group that Obama has been cultivating since he began "community organizing".
Cloudy said:
LOL, Fox News front page:


I just hope Obama wins and in a blowout..

BTW, is there video of Matthews and Buchanan? MSNC didn't put it on their site for today's Hardball and I'm bout to go out (can't sit through the re-run on tv)

Fox is in full meltdown mode. The closer we get to the election the more frantic they get. If the number stay the same leading up to the election, the last few days before the election should be glorious.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
bullshit. every minority group, except in the case of native Americans, have influential and powerful representatives. I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named. It doesn't mean all black people have to agree with him or respect him, but you have to acknowledge he would be considered an influential and powerful black man. Seriously tell me this isn't true.
I'm sure there are certain white people who would name some real bigots of their race as leaders, too. But, I wouldn't offend the majority by calling said bigot a "white leader."

Any black person who would name Farrakhan as a leader is likely the kind of black person who doesn't really consider other races (see blacks as the only victim in history) and doesn't care about the things he has said about Jewish people.

Made up quote to illustrate my point:
"Farrakhan is a good man. He marched for us. I'oun givva fuck about no Jewish people!"

You know, just like redneck whites.

So, it's like you are applying a person as a blanket over an entire race when you say "[insert race here] leader."

Just have a little consideration. That's all. For somebody to call Farrakhan a black leader is just random as hell to me personally.

Done. I don't even care to talk about this anymore.


Master of the Google Search
AndyIsTheMoney said:
so Farrakhan isn't a powerful and influential black person? is that what political gaf is saying now? really? good god just because he is an influential and powerful black leader doesn't mean all black people are mindless zombies who follows him.

i swear it amazes me what some of you come up with just not to agree with someone who has a different opinion than you.
Farrakhan is an influential and powerful black leader? A poll of african americans would cite Farrakhan as an influential and powerful leader? More than 5% of the public even knows who Farrakhan is?

Imaginary land confirmed


AndyIsTheMoney said:
so Farrakhan isn't a powerful and influential black person? is that what political gaf is saying now? really? good god just because he is an influential and powerful black leader doesn't mean all black people are mindless zombies who follows him.

i swear it amazes me what some of you come up with just not to agree with someone who has a different opinion than you.
You said
I think if you were to poll a number of black Americans to name the most influential black leaders, Farrakhan would be named.

You got called on it. Now suddenly
so Farrakhan isn't a powerful and influential black person?

Pick a place for the goalpost and set it down. We'll kick the ball through, don't worry. But you gotta stop moving the goalposts.
EmCeeGramr said:
Name the "Leaders" for the other minority groups, please.

All of them.

Yah, I want to know who my Asian American leader is; I've been missing out all this time. Well, I guess Tiger Woods is half Asian. Michael Chang retired from tennis, haven't heard much from him. Elaine Chao might be the highest office holder in terms of politics. Maybe Shinseki? But all these people are nowhere to be seen on the political scene.

Where is my Yellow Power leader?


*drowns in jizz*
AndyIsTheMoney said:
so Farrakhan isn't a powerful and influential black person? is that what political gaf is saying now? really? good god just because he is an influential and powerful black leader doesn't mean all black people are mindless zombies who follows him.

i swear it amazes me what some of you come up with just not to agree with someone who has a different opinion than you.

Not to validate your idiocy with a response, but please go ahead and name some 'minority leaders' for minority groups in the US. Please. I'm a Muslim, and I cant think of a single name that Muslims Americans living in this country would recognize on a national scale. I'd assume its the same with pretty much every other minority group out there. Your statement is so silly, immature, and incredibly wrong. Thats why people here oppose it. Same goes with your fucked up (no offense) political views.
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