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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Slurpy said:
Not to validate your idiocy with a response, but please go ahead and name some 'minority leaders' for minority groups in the US. Please. I'm a Muslim, and I cant think of a single name that Muslims Americans living in this country would recognize on a national scale. I'd assume its the same with pretty much every other minority group out there. Your statement is so silly, immature, and incredibly wrong. Thats why people here oppose it. Same goes with your fucked up (no offense) political views.
Barack Obama, but keep it to yourself... its a secret
I need to know who the Grand Leaders are for Yemenis, Czechs, and Filipinos, if you'd please.

I'd ask you who the "Muslim leader" is, but you'd probably say "Barack Obama."


Gruco said:
Why don't white people have leaders? I feel left out :(
I think if you were to poll a number of white Americans to name the most influential black leaders, David Duke would be named.


What in the hell are you guys talking about? McCain essentially conceded tonight, how is that not being discussed to death?


AndyIsTheMoney said:
so Farrakhan isn't a powerful and influential black person? is that what political gaf is saying now? really? good god just because he is an influential and powerful black leader doesn't mean all black people are mindless zombies who follows him.

i swear it amazes me what some of you come up with just not to agree with someone who has a different opinion than you.
Sure he has influence, so the fuck what. Limbaugh has influence, thats not to say he's a representative for white people, he has his niche. Farrakhan isn't some sort of embassador for black America. You're overstating his influence since most black people dont like the guy or are just indifferent to him, Michael Jordan has more clout and he's not a 'black leader', becaue their aren't really any .


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Tobor said:
What in the hell are you guys talking about? McCain essentially conceded tonight, how is that not being discussed to death?

"My friends...Barack Obama's a good guy. Please disregard the last week of my campaign. Thank you."


Tobor said:
What in the hell are you guys talking about? McCain essentially conceded tonight, how is that not being discussed to death?
We would like to but more serious matters have come to our attention.

Barack Obama was complimented by someone we don't like. Seven months ago.

I'll give you a moment to recover from the shock.
xs_mini_neo said:
The problem there is that they are raising their children to carry on that crap. So we will run into gen x, y and future gens of this. It's the voluntary (I don't want to put up with this shit so I move to L.A.) separatism that has allowed this to run free and continue to corrupt new generations with the hate of the past.

I don't think the bigotry is going to be nearly as ingrained in their persona as was true with their parents (As passed on from the parents of the Baby Boomers). Multiculturalism is still a lagging concept in America but it's not going to be able to remain that way due to the sheer amount of exposure that our generation has to the world populace. Kids aren't nearly as isolated as they were 30 years ago; before the internet, parents and friends in the community were the voices that served to shape ones moral character. Each subsequent generation is less reliant upon their parents' ideologies due to the cultural game changer that we know as the internet.

There is no better proof of it than this election. This election would be a landslide in the wrong direction if the younger generation were largely affected by the old.
Tobor said:
McCain essentially conceded tonight, how is that not being discussed to death?

Honestly? Cause I'm still not 100% certain what I saw and heard. Even though I watched it with my family, girlfriend, and a few friends. Troopergate, McCain conceding like that...I still can't believe it, and I still kind of doubt I actually saw it. I keep thinking I was just on some weird emotional high from the Phillies game and happened to OD on Hopium.


Speevy said:
by saying obama isn't to be feared?

YES. That was literally his last stand. Continue race baiting, or try to save what's left of his legacy. He is clearly choosing option B.


Tobor said:
What in the hell are you guys talking about? McCain essentially conceded tonight, how is that not being discussed to death?
We were distracted by idiocy. Forgive us, for we do not have the focus required to be President of the United States. Therefore, we also collectively concede to Obama/Biden.


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GhaleonEB said:
Please tell me this has been photoshopped. He looks like the undead.
As real as the second pic:


get some go again
Tobor said:
YES. That was literally his last stand. Continue race baiting, or try to save what's left of his legacy. He is clearly choosing option B.
maybe, he still has to run for re-election if he loses the presidency.
youre right. top of the Nation of Islam, speaker at the million man march, your right not a influential black person at all guys. god how could i ever think that.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
youre right. top of the Nation of Islam, speaker at the million man march, your right not a influential black person at all guys. god how could i ever think that.




AndyIsTheMoney said:
youre right. top of the Nation of Islam, speaker at the million man march, your right not a influential black person at all guys. god how could i ever think that.

Shouldn't you be putting gauze over the gaping hole where your brain used to be?

Don't be afraid of the gauze; it's white. The red stains are blood, not Communism.


Master of the Google Search
AndyIsTheMoney said:
youre right. top of the Nation of Islam, speaker at the million man march, your right not a influential black person at all guys. god how could i ever think that.
AndyistheMoney has confirmed it guys: If you are influential and black, you must be an influential black leader (that will be cited as such by the African American community.)

Thanks for the tip!
AndyIsTheMoney said:
youre right. top of the Nation of Islam, speaker at the million man march, your right not a influential black person at all guys. god how could i ever think that.


I feel so empty if without your knowledge... :(
Imm0rt4l said:
Sure he has influence, so the fuck what. Limbaugh has influence, thats not to say he's a representative for white people, he has his niche. Farrakhan isn't some sort of embassador for black America. You're overstating his influence since most black people dont like the guy or are just indifferent to him, Michael Jordan has more clout and he's not a 'black leader', becaue their aren't really any .

when did a say hes an ambassador for black America? i just said he was an influential and powerful black person, still waiting for someone to deny that.

You guys like twisting words and making assumptions don't you


AndyIsTheMoney said:
youre right. top of the Nation of Islam, speaker at the million man march, your right not a influential black person at all guys. god how could i ever think that.

Did you just run off to look that up? I bet you did. :lol

Tonight I learned that Farrakhan lead a million black people by being one in a line of black people who spoke to them.
AndyIsTheMoney is at least more effective than the McCain campaign at focusing peoples attention on irrelevant, bullshit issues. Maybe they should hire him?


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AndyIsTheMoney said:
when did a say hes an ambassador for black America? i just said he was an influential and powerful black person, still waiting for someone to deny that.

You guys like twisting words and making assumptions don't you
Define powerful and influential before you say another word. What can he do with all of his "power" and "influence" that you believe he has?


Incognito said:
....which has been the entire premise of the McCain campaign.

Precisely. He's completely screwed, and tonight, he seemed to realize finally what he's created. McCain looked ashamed out there. It was stunning.

grandjedi6 said:
I doubt that's going to "kill" his campaign though.

What's left? He can't run on the economy. He can't run on the war. He can't run on experience. And now, he seems unwilling to run on race. What's left?
so wait, some people are arguing that mccain, by shutting down the comments at his rallys (telling people not to fear obama, correctly the arab questioner, etc) he's conceding that his 'questioning who is obama' line isnt working and he is trying to save his reputation now?


oh, and the rnc is considering bailing out of the mccain campaign and going all in to try and save some senate seats
in case that hasnt been mentioned...


CharlieDigital said:
Who has he endorsed? I need to know so I can cast my vote with my racial minority leader.
No you don't understand how it works. You should be asking "Who has he SPOKEN to?" The answer to that question is the man you should vote for on November 4th. If he hasn't spoken to either Obama or McCain, then just vote for Ralph Nader by default.
Incognito said:
AndyIsTheMoney is at least more effective than the McCain campaign at focusing peoples attention on irrelevant, bullshit issues. Maybe they should hire him?

what the hell im not veering off any issue. is he not influential and powerful? what the fuck? when he says obama is the messiah its no big deal, but you all freak out over a couple of rednecks calling obama a terrorist? i would think Farrakhans word is more influential than their word is.

its crazy most of you jump in halfway into what im saying when you see something you can twist and act like you know what i was meaning to say.


kkaabboomm said:
so wait, some people are arguing that mccain, by shutting down the comments at his rallys (telling people not to fear obama, correctly the arab questioner, etc) he's conceding that his 'questioning who is obama' line isnt working and he is trying to save his reputation now?


oh, and the rnc is considering bailing out of the mccain campaign and going all in to try and save some senate seats
in case that hasnt been mentioned...

That's exactly what I'm saying.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
AndyIsTheMoney said:
what the hell im not veering off any issue. is he not influential and powerful? what the fuck? when he says obama is the messiah its no big deal, but you all freak out over a couple of rednecks calling obama a terrorist? i would think Farrakhans word is more influential than their word is.

its crazy most of you jump in halfway into what im saying when you see something you can twist and act like you know what i was meaning to say.


AndyIsTheMoney said:
when did a say hes an ambassador for black America? i just said he was an influential and powerful black person, still waiting for someone to deny that.

You guys like twisting words and making assumptions don't you
you called him a representative


CharlieDigital said:
Who has he endorsed? I need to know so I can cast my vote with my racial minority leader.

I don't think he's said yet. His father did say that Tiger was the "chosen one". That's how I pick my messiahs. If I had to guess I think Tiger would be pretty comfortable voting for Jeb Bush. :lol


I wonder what Obama is going to say in that half hour tv spot that he paid for. He's in such a wonderful position that it seems strange that he plans to do something that (in my opinion) has a chance of back firing.


Master of the Google Search
AndyIsTheMoney said:
what the hell im not veering off any issue. is he not influential and powerful? what the fuck? when he says obama is the messiah its no big deal, but you all freak out over a couple of rednecks calling obama a terrorist? i would think Farrakhans word is more influential than their word is.

its crazy most of you jump in halfway into what im saying when you see something you can twist and act like you know what i was meaning to say.

I think this is where just stop arguing and start posting gifs
WickedAngel said:
I don't think the bigotry is going to be nearly as ingrained in their persona as was true with their parents (As passed on from the parents of the Baby Boomers). Multiculturalism is still a lagging concept in America but it's not going to be able to remain that way due to the sheer amount of exposure that our generation has to the world populace. Kids aren't nearly as isolated as they were 30 years ago; before the internet, parents and friends in the community were the voices that served to shape ones moral character. Each subsequent generation is less reliant upon their parents' ideologies due to the cultural game changer that we know as the internet.

There is no better proof of it than this election. This election would be a landslide in the wrong direction if the younger generation were largely affected by the old.

I'm not that optimistic. The internet has spread good and bad things. What happens after an Obama win will tell us where things will be going.
AndyIsTheMoney said:
what the hell im not veering off any issue. is he not influential and powerful? what the fuck? when he says obama is the messiah its no big deal, but you all freak out over a couple of rednecks calling obama a terrorist? i would think Farrakhans word is more influential than their word is.

its crazy most of you jump in halfway into what im saying when you see something you can twist and act like you know what i was meaning to say.

Hahahah, so there we are. His words are going to influence black people into thinking that Obama is the Messiah. Don't ever change.
Tobor said:
That's exactly what I'm saying.

it's an interesting argument and a different way to look at things. i personally will need more evidence, though, that this wasnt just an attempt to stop the storyline of the "hate filled rally's" that have been showing up this week. if he continues to do this type of thing, maybe, but it still could be an effort to keep the commenter/questioner out of the news to keep the focus on mccains actual answer - something that really hadn't happened this week until he took the ladies mic away.

but still, interesting idea.
Cloudy said:
Holy crap. looking at this video on the health plans of both guys, McCain is frikken insane! His tax credit is only $2500 for singles. Funny how he never mentions this :lol


Dude, that shit is totally insane.

I've said it before, but when I was fresh out of college, I worked as consultant for a time.

I was 22, perfect health, no pre-existing conditions, no history of illness, healthy body weight, non-smoker, nothing.

It cost me ~$364/mo for COBRA insurance; ~$4370/yr. This didn't even cover my wife or if I had kids. Not to mention it was shitty as hell. It was the primary motivation to actually get married to my long time GF :lol so I could get on her insurance.

The_Joint said:
I don't think he's said yet. His father did say that Tiger was the "chosen one". That's how I pick my messiahs. If I had to guess I think Tiger would be pretty comfortable voting for Jeb Bush. :lol

That's it, I'm writing in Jeb Bush.
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