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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
chubigans said:
Obama opposes a ban on partial birth abortions?

If that's true...ugh, how stupid and lame. I get the feeling I'll just sit out on this election day. :\

chubigans said:
Obama opposes a ban on partial birth abortions?

If that's true...ugh, how stupid and lame. I get the feeling I'll just sit out on this election day. :\

Why would anyone assume that anything that comes out of that woman's mouth is true?


First tragedy, then farce.

Gallup is better than it sounds, McCain had a very strong day of polling on Thursday and Obama just had his best day fall off (tuesday). That means Friday was nearly as good as Obamas best day of polling. i.e. mccans good thursday numbers were a fluke.


y'all should be ashamed
Well it's not quite like Palin said...

On an issue like partial birth abortion, I strongly believe that the state can properly restrict late-term abortions. I have said so repeatedly. All I've said is we should have a provision to protect the health of the mother, and many of the bills that came before me didn't have that.


Doesn't really sound like he'd overturn the partial-abortion ban. Whew.
Stoney Mason said:
There are a lot of women McCain could have picked if he wanted to go for experience and potential quality that could draw moderates and independents. Christine Todd Whitman wouldn't have fired up the base but she would have been a draw for the moderate crowd in the middle and potentially Hillary supporters.

She would have made New Jersey a battleground too, probably.
JayDubya said:
Yeah, we must just argue it for the lulz.

You love them straw men, don't you? I never said anything about the motivations behind why you people argue against abortion, I said it's hilarious how the political leaders frame the argument.

You'd think Democrats love to kill babies and bathe in their blood if you just listened to Republican talking points.
Frank the Great said:
You love them straw men, don't you? I never said anything about the motivations behind why you people argue against abortion, I said it's hilarious how the political leaders frame the argument.

You'd think Democrats love to kill babies and bathe in their blood if you just listened to Republican talking points.

Annnd you just fed the abortion troll.


reilo said:
Jesus christ.

Enough with this fear mongering shit already. That's why I hope Obama trounces them to the fucking ground on November 4th.

I hope so too, I hope he beats them so bad that........I can't even think of something, thats how bad I want him to beat Palin and McCain.


OuterWorldVoice said:

It's killing the country.
I discovered that I work with two of them this week. Obama's superior positions on, well, just about everything "don't matter" because he supports "killing babies".

Pakkidis said:
I hope so too, I hope he beats them so bad that........I can't even think of something, thats how bad I want him to beat Palin and McCain.

I just hope he beats them bad enough that any cries of voter fraud are drowned out by the ridiculous margin of victory.


JayDubya said:
Yeah, we must just argue it for the lulz.

I really dont know how you manage to find every single poster on this board who mentions abortion, its really an amazing gift! You lurk in shadows, sometimes for days on end and then bam! Someone somewhere on this board says abortion and moments later Jaydub is there! Its like GAFs own personal bat signal.



ny's going obama anyway


y'all should be ashamed
Dax01 said:
What's surprising to me is that you actually believed something Palin said, which is more cause for alarm.
It was a slight lapse in judgment. How on earth did people vote before the internet, I haven't a clue.
reilo said:
Jesus christ.

Enough with this fear mongering shit already. That's why I hope Obama trounces them to the fucking ground on November 4th.

Wait wait, are you trying to dispute that Obama wants to kill retarded babies? What are you, an Ayrab?
Frank the Great said:
I'm Christian. Don't hate.
So is my family. I had to go to mass yesterday. I'm not hating on them, just hating on their bullshit obsession with the abortion issue.

Every major problem our species faces is the result of over-population.


GhaleonEB said:
I discovered that I work with two of them this week. Obama's superior positions on, well, just about everything "don't matter" because he supports "killing babies".


Me too. I work with a girl who all this time was for Obama. Now she's recently found out she's pregnant and for some reason now feels she can't vote for him because he's "Pro-Abortion"...ugh..
Joe said:

ny's going obama anyway

The NY Rags generally slant on the conservative side though, the post moreso. A conservative paper hitting Palin on her ethical issues, well that's just delicious.

Actually, the Daily news has one really good political reporter.


The Lamonster said:
Every major problem our species faces is the result of over-population.

Abortion is probably the only politcal issue/practice in existence that can disgust you if you're an atheist, or "rationalist", because it has nothing to do with whether God exists.
chimpychi said:
Me too. I work with a girl who all this time was for Obama. Now she's recently found out she's pregnant and for some reason now feels she can't vote for him because he's "Pro-Abortion"...ugh..

People like this were never going to vote for Obama. They would have always found some excuse not to do so.
chimpychi said:
Me too. I work with a girl who all this time was for Obama. Now she's recently found out she's pregnant and for some reason now feels she can't vote for him because he's "Pro-Abortion"...ugh..

"Pro-Abortion"? Does that mean that she fears he may kick in her door sometime during the next few months and forcefully abort her fetus? WTF?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The Lamonster said:
Every major problem our species faces is the result of over-population.

Not a popular pro-abortion philosophy, but it's mine, and the logic is impeccable. Even JayDub can't argue that without introducing morality. Which is not a logical concept anyway.
chimpychi said:
Me too. I work with a girl who all this time was for Obama. Now she's recently found out she's pregnant and for some reason now feels she can't vote for him because he's "Pro-Abortion"...ugh..

Push her down a flight of stairs, so that she votes for Obama again.


Speevy said:
Abortion is probably the only politcal issue/practice in existence that can disgust you if you're an atheist, or "rationalist", because it has nothing to do with whether God exists.

Ending a non-sentient clump of cells is not really disgusting, rationally speaking.
Speevy said:
Abortion is probably the only politcal issue/practice in existence that can disgust you if you're an atheist, or "rationalist", because it has nothing to do with whether God exists.

I'm not sure where you are going with this. I'd bet dollars to donuts if you polled atheists in this country they are majority pro-choice. Not saying of course there aren't atheists who are pro-life.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Nestled deep in the debate of the abortion issue... is the core point. One that so many fail to consider and ask themselves when considering their position on this issue.

And it's simply; What makes us human?
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