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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
AniHawk said:
I think we'll see something similar this year.

It needs to be a big, crushing early majority to last.
The exit polls in 04 were pretty damn crushing. Kerry was projected to win by a comfortable 75-100 EV margin, and he had commanding leads in Flrorida and Ohio.

The actual results of the election were outside of the MOE of the exit polls in something like 32 states, and in 26 of them, the discrepency favored Bush, IIRC.


Professional Schmuck
Did I mention that I'll never forgive the American people for 2004, regardless of the quality of the Democratic candidate? That was all I needed to know about my fucking country. Thanks, fuckers.


*drowns in jizz*
Here you go..

If you think Sarah Palin is a frightening phenomenon, you should listen to talk radio, as I often do while driving. It was taken over years ago by a very well-funded ultra-right. And it reaches tens of millions of frightened people, who are true believers, judging by the phone calls.

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh today ranting with extreme confidence about how the financial crisis was created by Bill Ayers and Acorn (Obama's secret connection) and the rich liberal Democrats who run Wall Street (and of course the media, the government, industry,...), and are trying to destroy the lives of us ordinary folk. They're cheering the meltdown they orchestrated because they want people to suffer and they want to destroy capitalism and introduce Cuban-style Communism. Democrats are happy to raise income taxes because they are so rich they live on unearned income.

The way Ayers, Acorn, Obama, and the rest engineered the crisis was by intimidating banks so that they gave subprime mortgages to illegal immigrants, shiftless blacks and hispanics, etc., and it's left for us hard-working god-fearing white working folk to pick up the burden. And on and on.

I'm old enough to barely remember Nazi speeches. Very similar. The US, and the world, is lucky that no charismatic figure has arisen here. McCarthy was too much of a thug. Reagan a clown. W. Bush couldn't walk across the street without falling into a manhole. Someday one will appear, and we all could be in bad trouble.

EDIT: And you guys are fucking scaring me.


GhaleonEB said:
And for a more inclusive collection -


A 6-8 point lead (and growing) feels like about where Obama is right now.

Holy Schnapplecakes...
Thats a whopping margin



Master of the Google Search
Slurpy said:
Here you go..

EDIT: And you guys are fucking scaring me.
Good old Noam Chomsky. I'd like to put him into the same room as Limbaugh and let them go at it but Limbaugh really doesn't deserve that kind of grace.
grandjedi6 said:
Good old Noam Chomsky. I'd like to put him into the same room as Limbaugh and let them go at it but Limbaugh really doesn't deserve that kind of grace.

Oh god no. That's no sort of intellectual matchup in the least. Limbaugh is a comedian who's topics happen to be related to politics and I'm only partially kidding with that.

At least give him a worthy opponent.


So I asked Chomsky whether the debate had any relevance to today, and for an anecdote about the debate.

Chomsky wrote back:

"What we were talking about then can be transferred to today very easily. By coincidence, just today an op-ed of mine was distributed by the NY Times syndicate with some comparisons about debate over Vietnam and over Iraq. Many of the other questions, about the general nature of U.S. foreign policy, are persistent.

"My main recollection was surprise at how little he seemed to know about particular issues, and how quickly he wanted to drop them when we began to go beyond general slogans.

"Although this was not on the tape, it's hard to forget the final moments as he walked off stage, in a fury, shouting that he'd have me back on again soon and teach me a thing or too. When I answered politely that I'd be glad to arrange it, he got even more furious. Of course I never heard from him again, or expected to."


Professional Schmuck
Limbaugh, Savage, O'Reilly, Hannity, all your local schmucks on the A.M. radio...they wouldn't be on the air if they didn't have an audience. That's all you have to know. This is an extremely racist country, and everybody that isn't is afraid to say so.

Look around, people. Half this country is so fucking racist they wouldn't piss on a black man if he was on fire, much less vote for one. The South lives on, my friends.


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
PantherLotus said:
Limbaugh, Savage, O'Reilly, Hannity, all your local schmucks on the A.M. radio...they wouldn't be on the air if they didn't have an audience. That's all you have to know. This is an extremely racist country, and everybody that isn't is afraid to say so.

Look around, people. Half this country is so fucking racist they wouldn't piss on a black man if he was on fire, much less vote for one. The South lives on, my friends.
and which country are you from?


PantherLotus said:
Limbaugh, Savage, O'Reilly, Hannity, all your local schmucks on the A.M. radio...they wouldn't be on the air if they didn't have an audience. That's all you have to know. This is an extremely racist country, and everybody that isn't is afraid to say so.

Look around, people. Half this country is so fucking racist they wouldn't piss on a black man if he was on fire, much less vote for one. The South lives on, my friends.

you're drunk, but i dont disagree


Master of the Google Search
Stoney Mason said:
Oh god no. That's no sort of intellectual matchup in the least. Limbaugh is a comedian who's topics happen to be related to politics and I'm only partially kidding with that.

At least give him a worthy opponent.

Hey, I just want to see Limbaugh torn a new one by Chomsky

Haha, I was about to counter with Buckley when you said worthy opponent but you beat me to it.


Subconscious Brolonging
I listen to Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, and Hannity on the way to work sometimes. They break down like this:

Savage: Raging hatemonger.
Beck: Mentally retarded.
Hannity: Complete GOP tool.

AM radio is always good for a laugh.


Spire said:
I listen to Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, and Hannity on the way to work sometimes. They break down like this:

Savage: Raging hatemonger.
Beck: Mentally retarded.
Hannity: Complete GOP tool.

AM radio is always good for a laugh.

Those clowns make O'Reilly seem rational
Sharp said:
GAF is a fan of Noam Chomsky now? When did that happen?

Most truly "hardcore" liberals are at least sympathetic with many of his views if not in agreement with many of them. The problem is simply we have to fight within the system to gain power in a country that is center right where pure Chomsky like positions are considered "unpatriotic".
Who wrote this? And is it really that bad? I should listen to some hate-radio. It's hard . . . too many commercials and I just can't stand it.

If you think Sarah Palin is a frightening phenomenon, you should listen to talk radio, as I often do while driving. It was taken over years ago by a very well-funded ultra-right. And it reaches tens of millions of frightened people, who are true believers, judging by the phone calls.

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh today ranting with extreme confidence about how the financial crisis was created by Bill Ayers and Acorn (Obama's secret connection) and the rich liberal Democrats who run Wall Street (and of course the media, the government, industry,...), and are trying to destroy the lives of us ordinary folk. They're cheering the meltdown they orchestrated because they want people to suffer and they want to destroy capitalism and introduce Cuban-style Communism. Democrats are happy to raise income taxes because they are so rich they live on unearned income.

The way Ayers, Acorn, Obama, and the rest engineered the crisis was by intimidating banks so that they gave subprime mortgages to illegal immigrants, shiftless blacks and hispanics, etc., and it's left for us hard-working god-fearing white working folk to pick up the burden. And on and on.

I'm old enough to barely remember Nazi speeches. Very similar. The US, and the world, is lucky that no charismatic figure has arisen here. McCarthy was too much of a thug. Reagan a clown. W. Bush couldn't walk across the street without falling into a manhole. Someday one will appear, and we all could be in bad trouble.


speculawyer said:
Who wrote this? And is it really that bad? I should listen to some hate-radio. It's hard . . . too many commercials and I just can't stand it.
Don't bother, it's really not worth hearing the vile shit they spew. It serves no purpose besides angering both the people who believe what people like Hannity and Rush are saying, and those who don't.


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
2004 was a close race but I remember despite the polls calling it close, many of us skeptics did not expect Kerry to unseat an incumbent president when a war was going on. It took another 2 years (2006) when the war finally became a liability (and people felt comfortable to rock the boat) and took its toll on republicans.

It is also true (or has been historically) that in most cases a democratic nominee has to be ahead in polls substantially in order to win. And that's because republicans vote and democrats don't.

Which brings me to now. This year we have many young motivated people that would go and vote. The democratic base is energized. So I am much more hopeful this time around they can hold on and win it.

And as I said before, the national poll doesn't matter as much as EV count does. And it is becoming harder and harder for republican party to gain ground there.

IMO if it is close at election night, it will all comes down to Ohio. If democrats lose Florida it will be known before the election.


Subconscious Brolonging
Oh, and the best AM radio show is Coast to Coast AM, which plays pretty late at night. It's a smooth mix of right wing nuttery, UFO talk, and wild conspiracy theory nonsense. It's not frightening like the other right-wing AM shows, it's just straight up hilarious.


Gadfly said:
2004 was a close race but I remember despite the polls calling it close, many of us skeptics did not expect Kerry to unseat an incumbent president when a war was going on. It took another 2 years (2006) when the war finally became a liability (and people felt comfortable to rock the boat) and took its toll on republicans.

It is also true (or has been historically) that in most cases a democratic nominee has to be ahead in polls substantially in order to win. And that's because republicans vote and democrats don't.

Which brings me to now. This year we have many young motivated people that would go and vote. The democratic base is energized. So I am much more hopeful this time around they can hold on and win it.

And as I said before, the national poll doesn't matter as much as EV count does. And it is becoming harder and harder for republican party to gain ground there.

IMO if it is close at election night, it will all comes down to Ohio. If democrats lose Florida it will be known before the election.

I think Obama's chances are higher in VA, CO, or NV at this point than Ohio.


I'm not a fan of Chomsky but I think his commentary in that link is interesting. Especially the stuff about right-wing radio..


speculawyer said:
Who wrote this? And is it really that bad? I should listen to some hate-radio. It's hard . . . too many commercials and I just can't stand it.

Noam Chomsky wrote that and he's right. I listen to right-wing radio often and these guys are insane. Like I said, if you listen long enough, O'Reilly starts to sound like a voice of reason :lol


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
AniHawk said:
I think Obama's chances are higher in VA, CO, or NV at this point than Ohio.

You really think republicans will lose VA before they lose Ohio?
Gadfly said:
IMO if it is close at election night, it will all comes down to Ohio. If democrats lose Florida it will be known before the election.

For the race to be "close" on election day it means Ohio and Florida are already red, NC and VA are toss ups, and McCain is contending in Colorado or PA. If this year has done anything right, it's take Ohio out of the spotlight.


Spire said:
I listen to Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, and Hannity on the way to work sometimes. They break down like this:

Savage: Raging hatemonger.
Beck: Mentally retarded.
Hannity: Complete GOP tool.

AM radio is always good for a laugh.
Man, that sucks. I listen to America Left on XM (Rachel Maddow, Thom Hartmann, Randi Rhodes, Lionel, etc) while driving and walking my dog. Also usually CNN, XMPR, and POTUS '08. Then at work I use AOL Radio on the iPhone to get Seattle's Air America affiliate. <3 technology.

As far as Coast to Coast AM, I work with a guy who could practically run that show. :lol


*drowns in jizz*
Deku said:
Chomsky is an anarchist. He hates everything right of Karl Marx.

No, he definitely is not. But thats an easy and cowardly way to dismiss him and his arguments. But I digress, since this isnt the time nor place.

EDIT: And William Buckley's speaking style is very much like that of Christopher Hitchens- pretentious fucks who like the sound of their own voice. Hell, if you remove the video, I wouldnt be able to tell the difference between the two.
Dale is waiting to play Texas Hold'em, in the coastal town of South Bend, on Willapa Bay. He's got something to say the minute I announce I'm with The Seattle Times.

Only he's sure "Seattle isn't going to want to hear it."

He says it anyway.

"What about Obama?" he mocks, repeating my question. "Let me tell you — I was driving and saw that bumper sticker 'Veterans for Obama.' I couldn't believe it. When was that [blank] ever in the service?"

"[Blank]" is a word so offensive we won't use it in this newspaper. It is the n-word. It sails out of Dale's mouth as comfortably as talk about the weather. He's a 61-year-old former logger and Vietnam vet who wouldn't give his last name.

He goes on in a harangue of racist trash talk. About how Obama might as well join the Taliban. How Obama's "not American" and "should move back to Africa."

"I had a lot of trouble with black people when I was in the service," he explains.

Dale's right about one thing: Seattle probably didn't want to hear it.

But it is out there, being said. It's not just Dale. After traveling through 18 counties of Washington state these past 10 days, talking with dozens of voters, I'm sorry to report I ran into surprising amounts of racism and xenophobia. It ranged from the subtle to the rank, from rural to urban. All when the subject was the odds-on favorite to be the next president of the United States.

Full column here.

And, yes, this is Washington state -- solid Obama territory. Whoever said Eastern Washington really oughta be called Western Idaho a couple of days ago was right.


Setec Astronomer
plaidtopia said:
And, yes, this is Washington state -- solid Obama territory. Whoever said Eastern Washington really oughta be called Western Idaho a couple of days ago was right.
A couple days ago? I've been saying it for ages. ;)


Setec Astronomer
RumpledForeskin said:
I've been away from a computer for a day or two, quick recap? (non fake out amirox style)
- We lost the Iraq War because black people stabbed us in the back.
- I only wish I was joking and nobody actually thinks that.


Master of the Google Search
RumpledForeskin said:
I've been away from a computer for a day or two, quick recap? (non fake out amirox style)
The media has discovered that there is still racists and stupid people in the country. Much shock and coverage commences


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hitokage said:
A couple days ago? I've been saying it for ages. ;)
Can we just split East Washington and East Oregon from their West Counterparts, and combine it into one big cluster fuck of a state? A Berlin Wall wouldn't seem like a bad idea in that instance...


Setec Astronomer
reilo said:
Can we just split East Washington and East Oregon from their West Counterparts, and combine it into one big cluster fuck of a state? A Berlin Wall wouldn't seem like a bad idea in that instance...
Nature has already provided us with a mountain range for that purpose. Oh, and as luck would have it, it keeps all the rain on the western side. :D


For a Finer World
Deus Ex Machina said:
Burnout: Paradise.



Obama campaign funding videogaming that turns our children into violent zombies!

Seriously, Obama/Biden has been great in using new forms of media to advertise.


reilo said:
Can we just split East Washington and East Oregon from their West Counterparts, and combine it into one big cluster fuck of a state? A Berlin Wall wouldn't seem like a bad idea in that instance...

Best to keep them in states where their votes don't matter and their values are mostly ignored.


Spire said:
Oh, and the best AM radio show is Coast to Coast AM, which plays pretty late at night. It's a smooth mix of right wing nuttery, UFO talk, and wild conspiracy theory nonsense. It's not frightening like the other right-wing AM shows, it's just straight up hilarious.

I've been working overnight in the ER, so I haven't had time to chime-in until now. (Lots of drunks "celebrating" Texas' victory tonight. Idiots.)

re: PPP Colorado poll: Yay! At the bare minimum, should polls tighten, the Kerry/IA/NM/CO route to 270 looks SOLID.

re: Nader: "There's no difference?" Really? I still look forward to defecating on Nader's grave. I really fucking mean it - there's a turd with his name on it spackled to the sides of my large intestine, waiting for its chance. He should've fucking known better.

re: AM Radio: LOVE Coast-to-Coast, but haven't been listening consistently since Art Bell left. Every year I go camping, and every year I bring a radio so that I can listen to it in the darkness of the woods.
Makes for a very fun/creepy/hysterical night sometimes.
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