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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Stoney Mason said:
I've never been more angry politics wise than when Bush talked about his "mandate" and the political capital he had gained after the election when dude won by 34 electoral votes and a 2.4% vote differential and was acting like he had just blown him out.

Yeah that drove me crazy too. He had a narrow victory yet because he won the popular vote by a couple of percentage points he claimed to have some kind of Mandate.

Regardless it didn't last too long... :lol Katrina happened 9 months later and his poll numbers were already starting to slide before then..


HylianTom said:
re: Nader: "There's no difference?" Really? I still look forward to defecating on Nader's grave. I really fucking mean it - there's a turd with his name on it spackled to the sides of my large intestine, waiting for its chance. He should've fucking known better.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Chris Matthews, Bob Schrum, and Pat Buchanan are on MSNBC right now! They are yelling at each other. :lol


PantherLotus said:
Did I mention that I'll never forgive the American people for 2004, regardless of the quality of the Democratic candidate? That was all I needed to know about my fucking country. Thanks, fuckers.

2004 was so frustrating, I tried so hard to convince my family to not vote for Bush, but I was only able to convince one person.

Now, four years later, all those people hate Bush, think he is a clown and a terrible President.... but really, how is Bush any different now than he was 4 years ago? It frustrates the hell out of me how little attention most Americans pay to politics. Anyone who paid attention could have told you Bush was a disaster after his first three years, but the majority of people take so long to pick up on these things, you feel like you are talking to a brick wall when you talk politics with most people, because they are so slow to learn about the issues and get the big picture.


lawblob said:
2004 was so frustrating, I tried so hard to convince my family to not vote for Bush, but I was only able to convince one person.

Now, four years later, all those people hate Bush, think he is a clown and a terrible President.... but really, how is Bush any different now than he was 4 years ago? It frustrates the hell out of me how little attention most Americans pay to politics. Anyone who paid attention could have told you Bush was a disaster after his first three years, but the majority of people take so long to pick up on these things, you feel like you are talking to a brick wall when you talk politics with most people, because they are so slow to learn about the issues and get the big picture.

Your story reminds me of me and my family in 2004. I asked, reasoned, mocked.. no luck.

Now, all they do is whine whine whine about Bush and the country's direction. My automatic response:
"Who did you vote for in 2004? Ahh.. that's right. I don't want to hear any complaining from you - you chose this. Next time, don't vote like a ******."


HylianTom said:
Your story reminds me of me and my family in 2004. I asked, reasoned, mocked.. no luck.

Now, all they do is whine whine whine about Bush and the country's direction. My automatic response:
"Who did you vote for in 2004? Ahh.. that's right. I don't want to hear any complaining from you - you chose this. Next time, don't vote like a ******."

The crazy part is, most of those same people who now hate Bush will still vote for McCain, despite the fact that they probably voted for Bush instead of McCain in the 2000 primaries. So for them; Bush > McCain > Bush > Obama. Makes sense...


Research2000/DailyKos' tracking poll has Obama up 13 points this morning.

Obama: 53
McCain: 40

Incredible. So for today thus far, Obama has ticked-up in this poll and the Zogby poll.
saelz8 said:
Here is that fucker with the Obama Curious George before the rally.

it is sad that some americans are proud of this kind of thing

this will be the greatest test for this kind of thinking to change, even if the polls are strong and McCain/Palin are a poor choice I still feel very nervous
saelz8 said:
Here is that fucker with the Obama Curious George before the rally.

Uggg....what is with these people they are so childish..look at me I have a monkey doll...der..dee da dee....just a bunch of D student school yard bullies who can't handle the fact that they are loosing this time.

what is even more disgusting than dip stick with the doll is all the people in that line that think what he is doing is okay. Yeah Racism..yippy!! ...they really do look pathetic.


Freedom = $1.05 said:
I'm for educating them, if possible. No racists left behind!

That sounds like a good plan.

What's scary is that the one Time Magazine contributor said that at one of these rallies she found that nearly every single person thought that way...so that's a lot of dumbasses to educate.
I don't know... regardless of the racial undertones both Bush and Obama have faces that resemble a monkey at certain angles. I think it has to do with their ears and oval-ish heads.

There's tons of caricatures of Bush looking like a monkey, but I doubt we'll ever see one of Obama because whoever does it will be tarred and feathered.


The Chosen One said:
I don't know... regardless of the racial undertones both Bush and Obama have faces that resemble a monkey at certain angles. I think it has to do with their ears and oval-ish heads.

There's tons of caricatures of Bush looking like a monkey, but I doubt we'll ever see one of Obama because whoever does it will be tarred and feathered.

Which is why they'll do one of Bush/Monkey and then put Obama/Monkey right by it to buffer the "RACIST!" attack. It also cleverly links Obama to Bush in a way.

There is a way for everything!
gkrykewy said:
I think the "attendees of palin rallies" vote is already locked-up by McCain.

I don't think that's what he meant. I think he means it's better for Obama supporters to just ignore the whole race issue and avoid any confrontations on the subject. Anytime race becomes the subject, Obama's poll numbers go down.


The Chosen One said:
Anytime race becomes the subject, Obama's poll numbers go down.

This is probably true. One of the writers at Slate made the convincing argument that Obama's calmness is in-part driven by his urge to not appear anything like a stereotypical 'angry black man.' In that regard, Obama is under constant pressure to appear as the anti-Sharpton and the anti-Jesse Jackson.
The Chosen One said:
I don't think that's what he meant. I think he means it's better for Obama supporters to just ignore the whole race issue and avoid any confrontations on the subject. Anytime race becomes the subject, Obama's poll numbers go down.
When has race ever been the subject?


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Cheebs said:
Obama fans chanting racists at the McCain rallies isn't that helpful
Anyone who holds an Obama monkey and brandished it in glee is fair game to be called a racist. The problem isn't going to go away by ignoring it.

By shouting at them, we're essentially casting a voodoo curse on the guy. Palin, in all her genius, is protected from such librul curses. She's smarter than she looks...


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Cheebs said:
It was 52-45 yesterday. It's statistical noise so who cares though. The election is ooooover.
Is that an official Cheebs prediction?! Please say no!


First tragedy, then farce.
Cheebs said:
It was 52-45 yesterday. It's statistical noise so who cares though. The election is ooooover.

cheebs, dude.. you are always wrong. Stop predicting good things for Obama.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Can we just stop having campaign surrogates from both parties be allowed on news stations? If I can tell you what they are going to say before they say it, then are adding ZERO to the conversation.

If I wanted to know the campaigns talking points, I'll listen to the candidates themselves.


First tragedy, then farce.
RubxQub said:
Can we just stop having campaign surrogates from both parties be allowed on news stations? If I can tell you what they are going to say before they say it, then are adding ZERO to the conversation.

If I wanted to know the campaigns talking points, I'll listen to the candidates themselves.

What else would the news networks do then? They might have to report the news and we certainly cannot have that.


My predictions aren't as bad as GAF would like to think. I predicted Bush would win in 2004, predicted Obama would win Iowa, Hillary NH, Hillary Nevada, Obama SC, predicted all the feb sweep states right other than Maine. Predicted Hillary would win Texas & Ohio....etc

But this election is over. I am not nervous in the slightest anymore.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Cheebs said:
My predictions aren't as bad as GAF would like to think. I predicted Bush would win in 2004, predicted Obama would win Iowa, Hillary NH, Hillary Nevada, Obama SC, predicted all the feb sweep states right other than Maine. Predicted Hillary would win Texas & Ohio....etc

But this election is over. I am not nervous in the slightest anymore.

It's awesome to have confidence, but at least make sure you get out and vote.
(Volunteering would not hurt either)

After all it's just one day out of 365


testicles on a cold fall morning
Cheebs said:
It was 52-45 yesterday. It's statistical noise so who cares though. The election is ooooover.
Cheebs typing about statistical noise?

This isn't Cheebs. WHO ARE YOU?!
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