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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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RedState Co-Founder Can't Bring Himself To Vote McCain
In the end, I couldn't do it. My California ballot arrived in the mail today, and I opened it fully intending to vote for John McCain. I filled out the state propositions first -- yes on 8, no on everything proposing a new bond or new spending -- then the local offices, straight Republican excepting Kevin Johnson for (nonpartisan) Sacramento mayor. Finally, the vote for President of the United States: an academic exercise in California, where Barack Obama will surely win by a crushing margin. But good citizenship demands voting as if it matters. Do I believe in John McCain? Not as much as I used to. Do I believe in Sarah Palin? Despite my early enthusiasm for her, now not at all. Do I believe in the national Republican Party? Not in the slightest -- even though I see no meaningful alternative to it. So, my choice for President in 2008, scrawled in my ballot as an act of futile protest, is Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. If nothing else, I am confident this is the first of several votes I will cast for him in years to come.



Virginia GOP Chairman claims “connection between Obama and bin Laden”

Today, Time’s Karen Tumulty reports on what she heard after being invited by the McCain campaign to observe its “ground game” in Southern Virginia. Tumulty reports on a speech she heard delivered to gathered McCain volunteers by the Chairman of the Virginia Republican Party, Jeffrey M. Frederick — no “low-level party activist” he:

With so much at stake, and time running short, Frederick did not feel he had the luxury of subtlety. He climbed atop a folding chair to give 30 campaign volunteers who were about to go canvassing door to door their talking points — for instance, the connection between Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden: “Both have friends that bombed the Pentagon,” he said. “That is scary.”

After noting that this is “not exactly true,” Tumulty described how that accusation was nonetheless “enough to get the volunteers stoked”:

“And he won’t salute the flag,” one woman added, repeating another myth about Obama. She was quickly topped by a man who called out, “We don’t even know where Senator Obama was really born.” Actually, we do; it’s Hawaii.

This is why it is so disgraceful for reporters and pundits to minimize and dismiss what the McCain/Palin campaign, and Republicans generally, have been doing as they become increasingly desperate. Here is the top Republican official for the State of Virginia comparing Obama to Osama bin Laden and provoking claims that he hates the flag and isn’t really even American. The raw tribalism and resentments that are being stoked here, and the pure hatred against Obama based on his Terroristic Foreignness, is unprecedentedly ugly and dangerous, and reporters who dismiss and minimize it all through false equivalencies and other justifications are doing nothing less than aiding and abetting it.



GhaleonEB said:
Only 23 days to go!
Time is running out for Senator McCain. We're about three weeks away from the election and the general consensus is that Obama is ahead by 8+ points and, were the election held today, would win in an electoral landslide. Unless the debate on the economy magically goes disastrously for Obama, does he even have anything left?
mckmas8808 said:
They are connecting Obama to Bin Laden now? :lol

And Cambell Brown's fake outrage at both candidates for not talking about real issues seem even more funny.

She's full of it too. During the primaries they had a Rev. Wright loop on her show that ran every ten minutes for about a month. I didn't see her faux outrage then. She took Tucker Bounds to task and got hailed as "tough" and has been riding that wave ever since...but before then she was pretty blah. Even Anderson "No Bias No Bull" Cooper railed against the "spin room" that cable networks love post-debates. They finally didn't do the spin room thing for once and they hail it as a great achievement, not realizing that they've been doing that nonsense for years and years.

Trying to tie Obama to Bin Laden is pretty low, even for republican standards.


First tragedy, then farce.
kkaabboomm said:
PPP -- Colorado -- 10/8-10
McCain - 42%
Obama - 52%

this is over.

Remember, all Obama needs are Kerry states + IA + NM + CO

all this other shit is just gravy.


Interesting. Gallup's going to introduce 2 new likely voter models:
The first likely voter model is based on Gallup's traditional likely voter assumptions, which determine respondents' likelihood to vote based on how they answer questions about their current voting intention and past voting behavior. According to this model, Obama's advantage over McCain is 50% to 46% in Oct. 9-11 tracking data.

The second likely voter estimate is a variation on the traditional model, but is only based on respondents' current voting intention. This model would take into account increased voter registration this year and possibly higher turnout among groups that are traditionally less likely to vote, such as young adults and racial minorities (Gallup will continue to monitor and report on turnout indicators by subgroup between through the election). According to this second likely voter model, Obama has a 51% to 45% lead over McCain. -- Jeff Jones
Apparently in MO...



Stoney Mason said:
Cheebs jinxed us.
I really don't like the narrative of this being "over" that is starting to build. I could see it hurting Obama on election day.

Pic above: Why did they put Hussein in quotation marks? :lol
Trurl said:
I really don't like the narrative of this being "over" that is starting to build. I could see it hurting Obama on election day.

This is America. I hate to keep repeating it but if the history of our country tells us only one thing it is never to over predict the wisdom of the voting public.


I've read on fivethirtyeight that McCain actually needs to pull a couple points ahead of Obama in the national polls to offset Obama doing so well in the important battleground states at the moment.

Makes sense, but really drives home in what a comfortable position Obama is right now, holding his lead in the national polls like that.


gkrykewy said:
It depresses turnout on both sides.
I imagine so, but my gut tells me that McCain supporters are more likely to vote because it's their duty, while Obama supporters might be more likely to only vote if it feels worthwhile. Enough so that the voter depression will skew towards Obama.
Judderman said:
Because a "Muslim" would allow abortions and same-sex marriages...do they even think?
In the modern Republican mind, the "Others" are all some nebulous anti-American alliance who want the same things.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Trurl said:
I imagine so, but my gut tells me that McCain supporters are more likely to vote because it's their duty, while Obama supporters might be more likely to only vote if it feels worthwhile. Enough so that the voter depression will skew towards Obama.
Outside of the fanatics/wackos, I see McCain getting the depression. He has absolutely nowhere near the enthusiasm (again, outside the crazies) that Obama has. I think anyone voting Obama understands how important it is for him to win.


Haunted said:
I've read on fivethirtyeight that McCain actually needs to pull a couple points ahead of Obama in the national polls to offset Obama doing so well in the important battleground states at the moment.

Makes sense, but really drives home in what a comfortable position Obama is right now, holding his lead in the national polls like that.

Yeah. It's the opposite situation Bush was originally in by losing the majority of votes but winning the electorate. McCain's supporters are generally HEAVILY clustered in certain states, (Read: racist southern states) way behind the 'safe' point of that state, so it skews the polls in terms of electoral vote distribution vs. national polling average.


Setec Astronomer
M3wThr33 said:
Yeah. It's the opposite situation Bush was originally in by losing the majority of votes but winning the electorate. McCain's supporters are generally HEAVILY clustered in certain states, (Read: racist southern states) way behind the 'safe' point of that state, so it skews the polls in terms of electoral vote distribution vs. national polling average.
You forgot Utah.(tm)


Bill & Hillary are going to be with Biden in PA today at a rally. First time B & H rally together for Obama. Wonder what time that's going to be...


I think I'm done following this election thing everyday.

I'm getting pissed off at the hatred and ignorance from the Republicans and the fact that nobody is fucking calling them out on this crap (MSM)..


Fatalah said:
Bill & Hillary are going to be with Biden in PA today at a rally. First time B & H rally together for Obama. Wonder what time that's going to be...

3:15 EST.

Dax01 said:
Why is that?

Obama supporters are out having fun on the weekend while McCain supporters just sit at home and watch Walker, Texas Ranger reruns on Hallmark Channel.


First tragedy, then farce.
Obama has so much money, he is showing national ads on Sunday football just like he did for college football yesterday.

Either that or they think Texas is in play :lol


StoOgE said:
Obama has so much money, he is showing national ads on Sunday football just like he did for college football yesterday.

Either that or they think Texas is in play :lol

He has to get rid of all that extra money somehow before the election. :lol


StoOgE said:
Obama has so much money, he is showing national ads on Sunday football just like he did for college football yesterday.

Either that or they think Texas is in play :lol
When a presidential candidate is advertising in Burnout Paradise I think it's clear that he has a shitload of cash at hand. He's probably got people looking full-time for ways to spend this much money over the next three weeks.


Tim-E said:
He has to get rid of all that extra money somehow before the election. :lol
Seriously, at this rate he's just going to start buying half-hour chunks on national network.....

Smokey said:
I think I'm done following this election thing everyday.

I'm getting pissed off at the hatred and ignorance from the Republicans and the fact that nobody is fucking calling them out on this crap (MSM)..
I've pared my politcal news down to polls and a small handful of sites, mostly blogs. If I get caught up in the back and forth in the MSM, I get yanked around far too much. The poll numbers are a soothing lotion to the chafing of the big media channels.
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