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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Slurpy said:
Pretty good opinion piece (short)

A Conservative for Obama
My party has slipped its moorings. It’s time for a true pragmatist to lead the country.



Like this paragraph:

Barack Obama is not my ideal candidate for president. (In fact, I made the maximum donation to John McCain during the primaries, when there was still hope he might come to his senses.) But I now see that Obama is almost the ideal candidate for this moment in American history. I disagree with him on many issues. But those don’t matter as much as what Obama offers, which is a deeply conservative view of the world. Nobody can read Obama’s books (which, it is worth noting, he wrote himself) or listen to him speak without realizing that this is a thoughtful, pragmatic, and prudent man. It gives me comfort just to think that after eight years of George W. Bush we will have a president who has actually read the Federalist Papers.

I like it for three reasons.

1. It proves there are STRONG McCAIN supporters who are willing to change their minds.
2. It proves that there are some conservatives who are seeing Obama as "lesser evil" candidate.
3. It proves intellectual conservatism still exists out there, and that Obama makes a strong fucking case for himself in his books.

Onward and outward!


Obamacans are the new Reagan Democrats.

On an unrelated note, I've just watched like 20 TYT videos on Youtube, and man, Cenk Uygur is just awesome.
The first likely voter model is based on Gallup's traditional likely voter assumptions, which determine respondents' likelihood to vote based on how they answer questions about their current voting intention and past voting behavior. According to this model, Obama's advantage over McCain is 50% to 46% in Oct. 9-11 tracking data.

The second likely voter estimate is a variation on the traditional model, but is only based on respondents' current voting intention. This model would take into account increased voter registration this year and possibly higher turnout among groups that are traditionally less likely to vote, such as young adults and racial minorities (Gallup will continue to monitor and report on turnout indicators by subgroup between through the election). According to this second likely voter model, Obama has a 51% to 45% lead over McCain. -- Jeff Jones
From teh gallupz


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Remember when Palin said only the State Personnel Board (appointed by the Gov) could give a fair investigation into Troopergate?

Yeah, that's gonna backfire.


Newsweek said:
McCain campaign spokeswoman Meg Stapleton dismissed the report as the product of "a partisan-led inquiry run by Obama supporters." But there could be more land mines ahead. Some weeks ago, the McCain team devised a plan to have Palin file an ethics complaint against herself with the State Personnel Board, arguing that it alone was capable of conducting a fair, nonpartisan inquiry into whether she fired Monegan because he refused to fire Wooten, who had been involved in a messy custody battle with her sister. Some Democrats ridiculed the move, noting that the personnel board answered to Palin. But the board ended up hiring an aggressive Anchorage trial lawyer, Timothy Petumenos, as an independent counsel. McCain aides were chagrined to discover that Petumenos was a Democrat who had contributed to Palin's 2006 opponent for governor, Tony Knowles. Palin is now scheduled to be questioned next week, and the counsel's report could be released soon after. "We took a gamble when we went to the personnel board," said a McCain aide who asked not to be identified discussing strategy. While the McCain camp still insists Palin "has nothing to hide," it acknowledges a critical finding by Petumenos would be even harder to dismiss.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
In other news...


Fox News Sunday said:
"Look, Chris, I think we have to take this very seriously," Davis told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace. "And the kind of comments made by Congressman Lewis, a big Obama supporter, are reprehensible. The idea that you're going to compare John McCain to the kinds of hate spread in the '60s by somebody like George Wallace is outrageous. Where was John McCain when George Wallace was spreading his hate and segregationist policies at that time? He was in a Vietnam prison camp serving his country with his civil rights also denied."



You know, with all the "Obama is an A-RAB" and "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" crap going around, I haven't heard much sections of the media asking the question: Would it be so bad if a man of arab descent became President of the United States? Even if Obama was a muslim, would that disqualify him as a candidate?

You hear opponents of Obama screaming "He's an arab", you hear defenders of Obama saying "No, he isn't", I would really love for someone important to come out and say "Who gives a shit?". It may have happened, but I haven't seen it.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It seems every day brings another republican at least questioning where the party is going.
They may not be in love with everything Obama stands for, but at the same time they acknowledge what has happened to the party they have long been a part of.

The discussion we had yesterday regarding the turmoil in the republican party, seems to be trumpeted by these articles that seems to keep getting posted.


Calcaneus said:
You know, with all the "Obama is an A-RAB" and "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" crap going around, I haven't heard much sections of the media asking the question: Would it be so bad if a man of arab descent became President of the United States? Even if Obama was a muslim, would that disqualify him as a candidate?

You hear opponents of Obama screaming "He's an arab", you hear defenders of Obama saying "No, he isn't", I would really love for someone important to come out and say "Who gives a shit?". It may have happened, but I haven't seen it.

This stuff has been going on since the campaign started, when it first started of course the whole "Arabs aren't evil, neither are muslims" bit was weaved into most coverage of things. But it's been consistent throughout that now it's just a smear and refuted as one, you don't explain why it's not a bad thing, you just explain that it's wrong.

Plus, to the people that believe he's a muslim/arab, it is a bad thing to be one.


Calcaneus said:
You know, with all the "Obama is an A-RAB" and "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" crap going around, I haven't heard much sections of the media asking the question: Would it be so bad if a man of arab descent became President of the United States? Even if Obama was a muslim, would that disqualify him as a candidate?

You hear opponents of Obama screaming "He's an arab", you hear defenders of Obama saying "No, he isn't", I would really love for someone important to come out and say "Who gives a shit?". It may have happened, but I haven't seen it.

Do you really see people accepting a muslim president when they expect the president to say "God bless America". The US is less secular than people think.


Suikoguy said:
It seems every day brings another republican at least questioning where the party is going.
They may not be in love with everything Obama stands for, but at the same time they acknowledge what has happened to the party they have long been a part of.

The discussion we had yesterday regarding the turmoil in the republican party, seems to be trumpeted by these articles that seems to keep getting posted.
Some more!

New York Post - Wrong for the right: Conservatives Opposed McCain. The Party Should Have Listened.
Just watched a segment on CNN about the feds cutting the interest rate.

How in god's name can Dickless Cheney say that deficits do not matter? Does he not realize that it's harder for businesses to borrow and grow when their interest rates are so high?


RapeApe said:
Weird cause I share local stations with VA. McCain must have given up on Northern VA, aka communist country.

I live in VA too and there really are no McCain ads. A few weeks ago it was nonstop on TV and radio. This last week I think I've seen maybe 2 on TV and none on the radio. maybe they're focusing on south and southwest VA...
giga said:
There won't ever be a non christian in the white house--at least not in this century.

At least not an open non-christian.

I'm sure that plenty of our presidents, even in the 20th century, weren't really christian. Lots of people are basically "christian for society".


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Calcaneus said:
You hear opponents of Obama screaming "He's an arab", you hear defenders of Obama saying "No, he isn't", I would really love for someone important to come out and say "Who gives a shit?". It may have happened, but I haven't seen it.

This question can be answered by two other questions.

1.) How easy is it to make a racist change his/her views?
2.) How easy is it to refute the fact that Obama is an Arab Muslim?


Xirj said:
Do you really see people accepting a muslim president when they expect the president to say "God bless America". The US is less secular than people think.

Yep ,well enough to put a brainwashed president and a dangerous dominionist as a VP ,in power.
Sad times for the planet if the US becomes an end of times theocracy with that strong agenda to bring armaggedon.
Please ,don't let that happen !
Amir0x said:
I like it for three reasons.

1. It proves there are STRONG McCAIN supporters who are willing to change their minds.
2. It proves that there are some conservatives who are seeing Obama as "lesser evil" candidate.
3. It proves intellectual conservatism still exists out there, and that Obama makes a strong fucking case for himself in his books.

You're giving way too much respect to the majority of McCain supports and Americans -- in general -- in terms of intellectual capacity. For every conservative that can actually form a coherent thought, there are probably 20 that have a below average IQ or are just plain racist.

I told my mom that my random guess is that 75% of McCain's remaining supporters are probably racist :(


Judderman said:
Because a "Muslim" would allow abortions and same-sex marriages...do they even think?
:lol Honestly, I wish the fundies understood how much they have in common with Islamic extremism.
Aside from the whole suicide bomb thing
speculawyer said:
Ignoring the way racist image . . .

More abortions? How so? Nothing has changed and it is not like he could make abortions more legal than legal.

More Taxes? Not for 95% of the people. taxcompare.jpg

Gay marriages? Obama is against gay marriage (though he is also against a constitutional amendment barring them and it is not like anyone would get that passed).

Gun Regulations? I don't think this is any issue of any priority at all. But unlike the other 3, I guess this one (of the 4) might be an actual issue.
One thing I think it really interesting is how stuck in the past these guys are. It's not 1995. People care about HEALTH CARE and ENERGY and GWOT and BANKING REGULATIONS and GLOBAL WARMING. But I guess an issue doesn't have to be in the present to rile up the base.

Tim-E said:
He has to get rid of all that extra money somehow before the election. :lol
Seriously, I'm continuously amazed with this campaign. It's incredibly rewarding as a donor to see how brutally efficient and well organized they are. The are hitting this right from every angle, from the field offices, to wide battleground net, to the video game ads, to the big push now, to the 30 minute buy. Remember: when you do everything, you win.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I'm quite curious to see what McCain's economic plan will be like when it's revealed this coming week. I have a feeling when you hear the word "tax cuts" 100 times, voters might start to like the idea of voting for McCain. =\
I have no idea what this will be, but I am 100% confident that it will be completely insane. My best guess is that we'll see something along the lines of his silly proposals in the first two debates, where he immediately pulled out of his ass both a radical, stupid right wing policy (complete spending freeze) and a radical, stupid populist policy (renegociated mortgages for all!)


Calcaneus said:
You know, with all the "Obama is an A-RAB" and "Barack HUSSEIN Obama" crap going around, I haven't heard much sections of the media asking the question: Would it be so bad if a man of arab descent became President of the United States? Even if Obama was a muslim, would that disqualify him as a candidate?

You hear opponents of Obama screaming "He's an arab", you hear defenders of Obama saying "No, he isn't", I would really love for someone important to come out and say "Who gives a shit?". It may have happened, but I haven't seen it.

I don't recall anyone bringing up the fact that Ralph Nader was Arab. Obviously he doesn't much look the part and has an American sounding name, and he wasn't a serious enough candidate for anyone to go digging up dirt on him and resorting to that low of an attack, but I still think if significantly Americanized in appearance and name, which a lot of American Arabs are, no one would really care that someone was of Arab descent. Of course, that's all predicated on them being a Christian Arab. A Muslim, on the other hand, won't end up in the White House for a long, long time.
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