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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Haunted said:
Obamacans are the new Reagan Democrats.

On an unrelated note, I've just watched like 20 TYT videos on Youtube, and man, Cenk Uygur is just awesome.


I subscribed a few days ago and am addicted. I wish I could listen to the program

anyone else seen this?


kkaabboomm said:

anyone else seen this?

I especially like how the center line is 273, right where CO/IA/NM coincide. :D

It would be nice to win without OH and FL, just to shut those states up when they go to talk about how damn important they supposedly are..



Chris Matthews' legs must have been tingling yesterday, as he rode along on Obama's press bus through Philadelphia.

According to Politico's Ken Vogel, the MSNBC host not only schmoozed the crowds but gave a couple bear hugs to Gov. Ed Rendell and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter outside a diner in the northeastern part of the city.

Such glad-handing begs the question: Is Matthews doing work this weekend for MSNBC or laying the groundwork for that much-rumored 2010 Senate run?

:lol :lol


typhonsentra said:

No panicking. Obama is still at 50%, which is pretty damn spiffy. And watch the numbers after this next debate. This week is Third Debate Week, the following week is the Final Wild Card Week, the week of Halloween is Obama Infomercial Week, and then we have Election Week. McCain doesn't have much time to change his losing narrative.


kkaabboomm said:
(election meter image)

anyone else seen this?
That is truly excellent.

I've been thinking...where does the GOP go in event of a landslide. Proving that their electoral strategy is in line with their basic policy stances, they've completely overlooked long term viability to hang on for dear life in the short term. They've lost every major professional group with their anti-intellectual attacks (on everything from scientists to lawyers to academics). Their overt racism is costing them all minorities. And both of those issues, plus their disastrous policies, has cost them an entire generation of voters. Where do they think the demographics in this country are headed? I don't see how they could even attempt to get over what a long term electoral disadvantage they're in now.

The thing is, after 2004 the Democrats had a lot of thinking to do, but were able to turn things around fairly quickly and effectively, without really changing basic stances. But everything suggests that 2004 is going to be nothing compared the where the GOP will be in January.

I know looking too far into the future is near impossible, but the talk several pages back re: fundies or paleos splitting got me thinking about this. A prolonged recession and backlash against democrats, or a blue-dog/liberal split could change anything, but I really don't see how the GOP succeeds long term without changing their policies to stop being so hostile towards minorities and professionals.


"After I whip his you know what in this debate, we're going to be going out 24/7," McCain said of his upcoming debate with Obama, but seeming to consider recent criticism that his words have been too inflammatory, he quickly told supporters to be respectful.

"I wanna emphasize again, I respect Sen. Obama," McCain said. "We will conduct a respectful race and we will make sure that everybody else does too," but he also reiterated that there are "stark differences" between the two candidates.

Talk about your mixed messages.


Gruco said:
That is truly excellent.

I've been thinking...where does the GOP go in event of a landslide. Proving that their electoral strategy is in line with their basic policy stances, they've completely overlooked long term viability to hang on for dear life in the short term. They've lost every major professional group with their anti-intellectual attacks (on everything from scientists to lawyers to academics). Their overt racism is costing them all minorities. And both of those issues, plus their disastrous policies, has cost them an entire generation of voters. Where do they think the demographics in this country are headed? I don't see how they could even attempt to get over what a long term electoral disadvantage they're in now.

The thing is, after 2004 the Democrats had a lot of thinking to do, but were able to turn things around fairly quickly and effectively, without really changing basic stances. But everything suggests that 2004 is going to be nothing compared the where the GOP will be in January.

I know looking too far into the future is near impossible, but the talk several pages back re: fundies or paleos splitting got me thinking about this. A prolonged recession and backlash against democrats, or a blue-dog/liberal split could change anything, but I really don't see how the GOP succeeds long term without changing their policies to stop being so hostile towards minorities and professionals.

I've said this a while back in the last thread. With the changes that are coming, Democrats will soon have a near-lock on the Electoral College. Take the states that Kerry won, add Iowa, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, and eventually Arizona.. that's close to 290 electoral votes.

The GOP will have to change its approach to minority voters and/or moderate its positions on a variety of issues so that they can compete in the long-term, and I don't see how they can do that easily without offending their core base.
typhonsentra said:

hate to be a buzzkill. but if you think that's bad you better get used to it, because i'm telling you that gap will become uncomfortably close in the ensuing weeks.

just remember the chances mccain has of winning 270 electoral votes - currently about 10% according to 538


Batteries the CRISIS!
Karma Kramer said:
I don't know his know what.

Isn't this slightly racist?

No, whipping someone's ass is just an expression for beating them handily. It doesn't necessarily refer to slavery.
CharlieDigital said:
I told my mom that my random guess is that 75% of McCain's remaining supporters are probably racist :(

Everyone's racist to some degree.

I am sure it will play a huge part in the percentages, but you can't just assume that everyone who's voting McCain does it for that reason. I know plenty of people that would never, ever vote Democrat no matter who was running.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Amir0x said:

Like this paragraph:

I like it for three reasons.

1. It proves there are STRONG McCAIN supporters who are willing to change their minds.
2. It proves that there are some conservatives who are seeing Obama as "lesser evil" candidate.
3. It proves intellectual conservatism still exists out there, and that Obama makes a strong fucking case for himself in his books.

Onward and outward!

I wish more republicans thought like this. I bet this guy hates Sarah Palin.


saelz8 said:
New GOP Ad Push on Monday.

Guilt By Participation

Isn't participation even more inflammatory? It suggests Obama actually took part in those things done in the 70's.
Ug. I keep bracing myself for more sleaze, but they keep pushing it even further. And yeah, the "whip" line I do think was deliberate. They're not even hiding it at this point.

Racist sack of shit.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Got an idea for a parody attack ad against McCain. It's a little out there and probably something we shouldn't make fun of, but hey, what the hell:

Associate him with conspiring with the VietCong. He was a guest in their home for 5 1/2 years, was given food and shelter by them, and so forth. "Prisoner of War" or "Volunteer Prisoner?" You decide.

It would basically point out the idiocy in these RNC attack ads.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Has anyone notice that immigration has been completely ignored during this election? I don't recall the topic being brought up during the debates. :lol
You must not watch Lou Dobbs, huh?
Isn't this a great idea for a website...

Someone find a web cam feed of some place in Russia... and then name the site... icanseerussiafrommycomputer.com

Someone make it!
Karma Kramer said:
Isn't this a great idea for a website...

Someone find a web cam feed of some place in Russia... and then name the site... icanseerussiafrommycomputer.com

Someone make it!
The only web cam feeds I know of Russia are from porn sites.

So I can't really help.

Is there a Russian-GAF?


Batteries the CRISIS!
Dax01 said:
He's going to win but not by that much!:lol

Yeah I know, I just like the "RACISM IS OVER!" space on that gif :lol

Thunder Monkey said:
The only web cam feeds I know of Russia are from porn sites.

So I can't really help.

Is there a Russian-GAF?

Yes, it's in the Bizzaro World and its members actually play video games =P
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Has anyone notice that immigration has been completely ignored during this election? I don't recall the topic being brought up during the debates. :lol
It's because whoever wins, the illegals seems like they will become a citizen fairly soon. I still believe McCain backtracking is him simply pandering to his racist base.


Why is everyone freaking out about the Gallups?

It should be no surprise that the race will tighten as the election draws closer. Pay attention to state-by-state polling.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Has anyone notice that immigration has been completely ignored during this election? I don't recall the topic being brought up during the debates. :lol

Mainly because neither candidate really wants to talk about immigration in a horrible economy. It's basically like exploding a flak grenade.


Junior Member
Falin live atm on MSNBC in a Ohio Rally.

Its hard to watch this woman try and talk.. God her voice is annoying.

Oh great POW card.. *sigh*
Danthrax said:
Yes, it's in the Bizzaro World and its members actually play video games =P
Hey! I've just about beat Mass Effect.

Tangent: That game is freaking short. It's side missions are monotonous. I like the dialog and gameplay, but there's not enough meat to it. Way too short. I'm glad I only paid $30 for it. I'd have felt ripped off at $60. I hope the sequel is much longer.


Vestal said:
Falin live atm on MSNBC in a Ohio Rally.

Its hard to watch this woman try and talk.. God her voice is annoying.

Oh great POW card.. *sigh*

I thought that was Fey.

She's talking more about Obama than her own campaign...

"John McCain is always proud to be an American" haha...


Kos does a spot-on call out of the media for fudging their electoral maps. Washington post:

  • Obama +13.8%: Battleground state (PA)
  • Obama +10.4%: Battleground state (NH)
  • Obama +10.0%: Battleground state (NJ)
  • Obama +9.5%: Battleground state (IA)
  • Obama +9.0%: Battleground state (OR)
  • Obama +8.2%: Battleground state (MN)
  • Obama +8.2%: Battleground state (MI)
  • Obama +8.8%: Battleground state (WI)
  • Obama +7.3%: Battleground state (NM)
  • McCain +6.8%: Leaning Republican (GA)
  • Obama +5.1%: Battleground state (VA)
  • Obama +4.0%: Battleground state (CO)
  • McCain +3.8%: Leaning Republican (IN)
  • Obama +3.5%: Battleground state (OH)
  • Obama +3.1%: Battleground state (FL)
  • Obama +3.0%: Battleground state (NV)
  • McCain +2.2%: Leaning Republican (WV)

Get it? Every state in which McCain has a lead, even if it's just 2.2%, is a "leaning Republican". Every state in which Obama has the lead, even if it's over 10 percent, is a "battleground".


I mean, Washington Post really thinks New Jersey is a battleground state? Really?

Election Projection: Obama 364-174
Electoral-Vote.com: Obama 349, McCain 174, 15 tied
Fivethirtyeight: Obama 347.6-190.4 McCain
Pollster.com: Obama 320, McCain 158, Toss-up 60
Real Clear Politics: Obama 277, McCain 158, Toss-up 103

There are many more, but I'll stop there. The key point is that all small media election projection websites, including the Republican Election Projection and Real Clear Politics, have Obama over 270 electoral votes. This is because polls now objectively show that Obama is well over 270 electoral votes. However, none of the big, and so-called liberal, media websites show Obama over 270 right now. Every single one is even more favorable to McCain than Real Clear Politics:

MSNBC: Obama 264-174 McCain
CNN: Obama 264-174 McCain
New York Times: Obama 260--200 McCain
If Chuck Todd doesn't update his map to have Obama over 270 tomorrow, then I'll be pretty diappointed in him; it will be for the sole reason that he doesn't want Obama over 270 rather than the numbers.
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