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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Fox318 said:
msnbc and cnn also do streaming.
Already posted those links in the last page ; )

Reposting for the new page:

C-SPAN (Direct Link)

CNN.com Live
Direct Links:
Stream 1 (Should be just the debate)
Stream 2 (Should be the debate + reaction meter)
Stream 3 (Should be just the pundit scorecards)
Stream 4 (Should be the CNN.com Live Pundit reactions)

MSNBC (this should be the link); the link will also be posted on the MSNBC.com frontpage when the stream goes live.

Hulu (Thanks Mason)
alright guys, some bad news:

i'm going out to eat and then will be watching the debate with my dad, so no blow by blow postings, which i'm sure will be reflected in me possibly dropping off the hotlist for this thread.

best of luck, i'll be back for post debate spin and uber-fun.
Tamanon said:
Yeah, the AIG bit had nothing to do with the Bailout.
I'm a little worried about AIG . . . I think we (taxpayers) ended up buying AIG. But apparently, AIG has lots of obligations under these Credit Default Swaps . . . . so are we (the taxpayers) on the hook for paying out billion (or trillions?) if there are lots of defaults?

If that is true, things are truly fucked. They collected and kept premiums for years and then when the shit hit the fan, they just turn over all their obligations to the US Government? We've been played like a violin.


kkaabboomm said:
alright guys, some bad news:

i'm going out to eat and then will be watching the debate with my dad, so no blow by blow postings, which i'm sure will be reflected in me possibly dropping off the hotlist for each thread.

best of luck, i'll be back for post debate spin and uber-fun.
I'm going to be watching it with my Republican family members, like the last one. Fun fun.
TheFightingFish said:

I remember that. The housing market was just starting to take off in DC and that change was a big deal considering the racial make-up of the city. It was good idea at first, but unfortunately a lot of lenders saw it a great way to exploit new home owners who were under-educated about financial lending practices.

I know a more than a few people who accepted subprime mortgages from banks and are either in danger of losing their homes or owe much more than their house will ever be worth. I'm so glad now that I was smart enough back then to know that those "deals" made no sense.

Anecdotally, the vast majority of the forclosures I've noticed in DC have been all the luxury condos they felt the need to build on every square inch of the city during the last five years which made that SNL bailout skit all the funnier to me :D
It's hilarious how these pundits keep hyping up whether there will be a "'92 Clinton/Bush" moment in this townhall and how they can connect with the audience.

If we had today's rules in '92 that Bll Clinton moment with that would have never happened. With this format, the voter can't ask a follow-up and the camera won't even give the voter a reaction shot, so it's impossible for us to know if they connect with voters.

This is a total farce. My interest wanes the more I hear about the format.


Junior Member
You know what I don't understand is how the MNM keeps talking about Palins big crowds and how she is a "superstar", but never compare it to how big Obamas movement is. I mean the type of following Obama has is the stuff of legend, its amazing to watch.


Holy shit, Chris Matthews was interviewing people at the town hall and some chick said something dumb and Matthews said "wat"


sp0rsk said:
I just hope Obama continues to make McCain look more like a grumpy old man tonight.
Obama doesn't need to do anything to make him look like that.

The man's a powder keg as is!


First tragedy, then farce.
Zachack said:
I'd love to see a Lenny & Carl one for Biden & Obama.

I love Lenny and Karl.

My favorite Simpsons moment:

Homer hits Lenny with a pie and Burns laughs.
Homer hits Karl with a pie and burns "What are you doing? That's Karl"


First tragedy, then farce.
Guys, you want to know a dirty little secret?

Obama has already won the debate. Do you really think the average voter is going to give an honest assessment of the debate to a pollster or are they just going to trumpet their own guy that they are supporting?

If a pollster called you who would you say won? Even if Obama got destroyed? We all know what we would do.

America has already made its choice. Obama has already won the election, all that is left is to go through the motions. Thats why he is way up in national polls, swing state polls and these "who won the debate" polls.

The reason Obama is winning by 20 points in the debate polls? More democrats are watching because democrats are more engaged than republicans.


Unconfirmed Member
Gattsu25 said:
I think McCain will be the "Pandering 'I Pretend to Care' McCain" tonight

He's between a rock and a hard place, that McCain can't change the narrative, slow the sweeping polls and win him the prize, but then neither can Nasty McCain. Great isn't it? :D


force push the doodoo rock
Gattsu25 said:
I think McCain will be the "Pandering 'I Pretend to Care' McCain" tonight

He'll start that way. Then he will slowly start to explode, that's my prediction.


Holy fuck, my car magnet and yard sign finally arrived today. There were those who said this day would never come...


Haven't seen anyone mention it yet, but 538 creator Nate Silver's on the Colbert Report tonight! This guy is really hitting all the stops! Maybe...maybe just maybe his forecasts are accurate?! TV NO LIE!
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