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PoliGAF 2nd Pres. Debate 2008 Thread (DOW dropping, Biden is off to Home Depot)

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Guybrush Threepwood said:
I don't see the big deal with calling Obama "that one."

I don't support McCain at all, but he clearly meant "that senator."

The fact that anyone noticed at all (and Toobin already brought it up, from the impartial table on CNN) is disastrous for McCain.


With this debate keeping Obama ahead, any claim that McCain's actions are "desperate" or "unhinged" becomes an increment more believable, his electoral path to 270 even steeper.
Guybrush Threepwood said:
I don't see the big deal with calling Obama "that one."

I don't support McCain at all, but he clearly meant "that senator."

It's a backhanded way of addressing someone in an important position.


TDG said:
I don't think "that one" is as big a deal as you guys are making it out to be, but it likely will be one of the many things that adds up to being a negative about the way McCain conducts himself.

It's not some huge, campaign-crippling issue, but it is significant enough for CNN to have brought it up. It's condescending. It's dismissive. It's more dumb shit by McCain, shooting himself in the foot as he likes to do.




listen to the mad man
dasein said:
Wow, you rock! Thanks!

Keep in mind they are not exact quotes, but I preserved all of the question order and answer meanings, so it'll be good enough to try to highlight moments you liked or did not like.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Obama saying "Americans have a right to healthcare" is actually factually correct. The law requires doctors in an ER room to provide adequate medical service to anyone that seeks it.


Pai Pai Master said:
Do you know what Obama was referring to when he said that?
Yes, I understood fully what Obama meant. In fact I was actually livid when an issue was made of lipstick comment. I probably won't be livid if an issue is made of this since I don't support McCain, but it will be no less stupid.

McCain was distinguishing himself for the audience. As if there are two suits, this one and that one.

MightyHealthy said:
DAMN! :lol
BobTheFork said:
Every single opinion I see says this could not have been more of a even draw.

Obama won big???

I don't think he "won big," I think both of them put on a fair show. Though surprisingly, I think McCain fell flat on foreign policy, whereas Obama was very strong on the economy and pretty moderate with foreign policy.

Though I'm still shocked McCain actually had the balls to try to argue against diplomacy.


Red Scarlet said:

Yes, thank you!
Oh snap! Keith Olbermann just brought up the "that one" comment in his opening statement.

Edit: Beaten by seconds by Liquid.
<snake> DAMN YOU LIQUID! </snake>


BakedPigeon said:
McCain showed his experience and looked much better then Obama.

McCain has sealed my vote, good job John.

Let me get this straight.

Before tonight you weren't certain you wanted to vote for John McCain? And watching THIS debate in particular made you want to vote for him? It sounds to me like you made up your mind a long time ago my friend.
Incognito said:
And I really hate these "undecided voters." They're not undecided. They're stupid.
I would argue that they're either apathetic, or they just refuse to commit, even though they're leaning one way or another. If you have been following the election, you have SOME opinion, even if it's just a cynical "I think Candidate A stands to screw up the country less than Candidate B, so I'm leaning for A."


reilo said:
Obama saying "Americans have a right to healthcare" is actually factually correct. The law requires doctors in an ER room to provide adequate medical service to anyone that seeks it.
Treating emergency room healthcare like that is sort of disingenuous.
DevelopmentArrested said:
Who fared better in Tuesday's presidential debate?
Sen. John McCain 13% 5454
Sen. Barack Obama 84% 34740
No clear winner 3% 1146
Total Votes: 41340

Stop citing online polls people!


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Guybrush Threepwood said:
I don't see the big deal with calling Obama "that one."

I don't support McCain at all, but he clearly meant "that senator."

Actually no. "That one" is old people talk for "that person there, who has displeased me."

Picture an irate woman yelling at the DMV after failing her fourth attempt at the vision test.

"That one! That one over there said I can't renew until I get a new prescription. THAT ONE!"

It's not racist, but it's old and rude and dumb as fuck.


Zeliard said:
It's not some huge, campaign-crippling issue, but it is significant enough for CNN to have brought it up. It's condescending. It's dismissive. It's more dumb shit by McCain, shooting himself in the foot as he likes to do.
Oh no, I definitely agree. I was just disagreeing with people who were saying things like "this is the final straw." This is just going to be yet another thing that gets on voters' nerves and diminishes McCain's image.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Trurl said:
Yes, I understood fully what Obama meant. In fact I was actually livid when an issue was made of lipstick comment. I probably won't be livid if an issue is made of this since I don't support McCain, but it will be no less stupid.

McCain was distinguishing himself for the audience. As if there are two suits, this one and that one.

DAMN! :lol

I think if Obama is asked about this, he should be the big man McCain wasn't and give McCain the benefit of the doubt.
cashman said:
mccain obviously won. just ask these guys
Love those rapture-ready folks

carolina_guy carolina_guy
Yeah, IF we are still here 2012, I see a landslide by Palin/Jindal.

Actually, even they seem to think McCain stunk:

Indeed. I think we are headed back to the "voting against Obama" rather than "voting for McCain." I am anyway....

Exactly.... when McCain refused a handshake from Obama after the debate, he lost all of my respect. Absolute joke.
Pai Pai Master said:
I don't think he "won big," I think both of them put on a fair show. Though surprisingly, I think McCain fell flat on foreign policy, whereas Obama was very strong on the economy and pretty moderate with foreign policy.

Though I'm still shocked McCain actually had the balls to try to argue against diplomacy.
well, one of the only answers I heard from McCain was how Obama would negotiate with hostile nations (actually its met with but whatever) and it didn;'t sound good. I was really making a point that GAF seems to be the one people I see saying EITHER side won, let alone Obama. From all account it could not have been more uneventful


Trurl said:
Maybe I'm way off base but I don't think "that one" is much worse than something like Obama's pig on a lipstick comment. It's just something stupid.

He sounds kind of crazy and desperate, but the words aren't especially bad.

FWIW "That one" hasn't been used by Obama to describe his oppenents.. And Obama's Campaign manager didn't write a book called "That one" and "That one" isn't a well established proverb.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Who fared better in Tuesday's presidential debate?
Sen. John McCain 13% 5454
Sen. Barack Obama 84% 34740
No clear winner 3% 1146
Total Votes: 41340


Who did the better job connecting with the crowd?
Sen. John McCain 12.3% 4260
Sen. Barack Obama 84.7% 29260
Tie 1.8% 622
Not Sure 1.1% 391
Total Votes: 34533

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