How so? Take it apart point by point:siamesedreamer said:Consider yourself part of the uninformed millions of Americans that PolitiGAF likes to rail against on a daily basis.
Over the course of Bush's eight years, McCain has voted with Bush an average of 90% of the time. 95% last year, 100% this year. True facts.George W Bush[/b] and John McCain have been joined at the hip ever since 9/11. John McCain has actually supported Bush's disastrous economic policy, wanted to go to war with Iraq even before Bush did, and in the last year has voted 100% in lockstep with him. This relationship has been going on to this day no matter how much McCain will deny it.
IIRC, the Ayres stuff was when Obama was 8 years old, not 6. But other wise, this is correct.This isn't stuff Bush did when McCain was 6 years old and it's not like Bush was McCain's spiritual mentor who didn't see eye to eye with him on political issues.
I don't see how this is even debatable.McCain has supported Bush's failed policies and actions that are tearing this country apart.
So, um. I guess I'm part of the uninformed millions?