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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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only Obama could get a backlash from Columns :lol

Every attacking point targeted at Obama seems to be outside of who the man is... Seriously how stupid is it to reach a point where Columns on a stage design makes the deference on who to vote for?

I don't like this stage design myself but I find this backlash a bit reaching for vapor-problems and flaws that does not exist in the man. I enjoy seeing Obama really mess up just so the attacks on him could be based on something grounded and realistic.

If Obama does win I am really going to hate this kind of microscopic lense that is seeking to find issues that are as silly at this.

must be really frustrating when you can't do anything right... when you are just too good it becomes a bad thing. you become elitist... an elitist black man seems so odd that I get a headache just trying to understand the logic behind it

Greek Columns :D jesus christ


Smiles and Cries said:
only Obama could get a backlash from Columns :lol

Every attacking point targeted at Obama seems to be outside of who the man is... Seriously how stupid is it to reach a point where Columns on a stage design makes the deference on who to vote for?

I don't like this stage design myself but I find this backlash a bit reaching for vapor-problems and flaws that does not exist in the man. I enjoy seeing Obama really mess up just so the attacks on him could be based on something grounded and realistic.

If Obama does win I am really going to hate this kind of microscopic lense that is seeking to find issues that are as silly at this.

must be really frustrating when you can't do anything right... when you are just too good it becomes a bad thing. you become elitist... an elitist black man seems so odd that I get a headache just trying to understand the logic behind it

Greek Columns :D jesus christ



testicles on a cold fall morning
NLB2 said:
Also have to look at the spending they want to do in office. McCain says he'll cut spending, Obama says he'll increase spending.

Whether McCain actually will cut spending if he's president is impossible to know, but I'll take the politician who claims he'll cut spending over the politician that claims to increase spending.
you mean like our current President? or Reagan?

it's bullshit talk to cater to the base. McCain offers no firm guide as to how his spending cuts would balance the budget by 2013 and he just waxes abstractly about trimming 'pork' when it will effectively save nothing.


siamesedreamer said:
He has specifically said the deficit is not a priority in his first term. Ending the war will certainly help, but its not as if spending on Iraq-related costs will suddenly drop to zero. And then there's his proposed push into Afghanistan. McCain is proposing the same thing, which IMO is a mistake.
He's being realistic. Would you rather he be like Mccain and come out and say "I'll get rid of the deficit?!" but when asked how just stare blankly? This country has big problems and the deficit cannot be solved in one term alone.


siamesedreamer said:
He has specifically said the deficit is not a priority in his first term. Ending the war will certainly help, but its not as if spending on Iraq-related costs will suddenly drop to zero. And then there's his proposed push into Afghanistan. McCain is proposing the same thing, which IMO is a mistake.

Plus he has sponsored ~$450 billion in additional spending in the Senate (compared to ~$70 billion by McCain).
So having realistic goals is a bad thing now? I'd love to see how you would accomplish all of Obama's goals for our country AND remove the deficit.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
ronito said:
He's being realistic. Would you rather he be like Mccain and come out and say "I'll get rid of the deficit?!" but when asked how just stare blankly? This country has big problems and the deficit cannot be solved in one term alone.

SD like a lot of American's doesn't really want a pragmatic, intelligent leader. He wants a white guy, wearing republican badge, that can proffer up false promises to his hearts content.

That's what you have to understand about SD.


and if we're going to talk about convention designs



teeehee ;)


The dems need to really start hammering mccain with ads. "mcCain will deliver experience... the same experience you are now having under president bush. McCain, the same you can believe in. Start hammering the airwaves with no mccain hillary ads as well. Obama did great against Hillary, but its like he's playing softball with McCain. Time to start hammering him.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The stage isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The setup makes sense in my mind. He just can't be raising up from under the floor.


Why do people think Obama's not attacking McCain? He has been attacking McCain, I've heard the soundbytes, I've seen the ads. The attacks just haven't been effective so far.


WTF is with republicans being bitchy about columns on the stage?



Barack Obama's Plan
Restore Fiscal Discipline to Washington
Reinstate PAYGO Rules: Obama believes that a critical step in restoring fiscal discipline is enforcing pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) budgeting rules which require new spending commitments or tax changes to be paid for by cuts to other programs or new revenue.

Reverse Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthy: Obama will protect tax cuts for poor and middle class families, but he will reverse most of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest taxpayers.

Cut Pork Barrel Spending: Obama introduced and passed bipartisan legislation that would require more disclosure and transparency for special-interest earmarks. Obama believes that spending that cannot withstand public scrutiny cannot be justified. Obama will slash earmarks to no greater than year 2001 levels and ensure all spending decisions are open to the public.

Make Government Spending More Accountable and Efficient: Obama will ensure that federal contracts over $25,000 are competitively bid. Obama will also increase the efficiency of government programs through better use of technology, stronger management that demands accountability and by leveraging the government's high-volume purchasing power to get lower prices.

End Wasteful Government Spending: Obama will stop funding wasteful, obsolete federal government programs that make no financial sense. Obama has called for an end to subsidies for oil and gas companies that are enjoying record profits, as well as the elimination of subsidies to the private student loan industry which has repeatedly used unethical business practices. Obama will also tackle wasteful spending in the Medicare program.

Make the Tax System More Fair and Efficient
End Tax Haven Abuse: Building on his bipartisan work in the Senate, Obama will give the Treasury Department the tools it needs to stop the abuse of tax shelters and offshore tax havens and help close the $350 billion tax gap between taxes owed and taxes paid.
Close Special Interest Corporate Loopholes: Obama will level the playing field for all businesses by eliminating special-interest loopholes and deductions, such as those for the oil and gas industry.

Barack Obama's Record
PAYGO: Obama voted in 2005, 2006, and 2007 to reinstate pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) federal budget rules.

No-Bid Contracts: Obama has introduced and helped pass bipartisan legislation to limit the abuse of no-bid federal contracts.

Against Raising the Federal Debt Limit: In 2006, Obama voted against misguided Republican efforts to raise the statutory debt limit at the same time the Republicans were pushing through massive debt-financed tax cuts for the wealthy.


TDG said:
Why do people think Obama's not attacking McCain? He has been attacking McCain, I've heard the soundbytes, I've seen the ads. The attacks just haven't been effective so far.
he's just begun to show his teeth
TDG said:
Why do people think Obama's not attacking McCain? He has been attacking McCain, I've heard the soundbytes, I've seen the ads. The attacks just haven't been effective so far.
I think you just answered your own question, there. Results carry far more weight than intent.


Smiles and Cries said:
are these both photoshop?
I like this better than columns a very clean design. Why compare it to the Nazi era design? that's a low blow of an attack

because this is poliGAF and godwins law doesnt apply
Smiles and Cries said:
I like this better than columns a very clean design. Why compare it to the Nazi era design? that's a low blow of an attack

because the GOP is all about authoritarian styled nationalism, whose propagandists gleefully comment on how much nicer it would be if we didn't have so many annoying dissenting elements around?


minus_273 said:
dude, JFK fought in WWII. Obama/biden is the ticket with no military experience in about 70 years
And that one had the excuse of having a Polio stricken cripple on the ticket.


kevm3 said:
The dems need to really start hammering mccain with ads. "mcCain will deliver experience... the same experience you are now having under president bush. McCain, the same you can believe in. Start hammering the airwaves with no mccain hillary ads as well. Obama did great against Hillary, but its like he's playing softball with McCain. Time to start hammering him.

I think the McSame argument, while true, is going to be a tough sell with voters. The Republicans are going to hammer the idea that McCain is a maverick at their convention, and look at all the nice things Democrats were saying about him a few years ago. The John McCain of 2008 is not the John McCain of 2003, but the media will give him a free pass on it like they have just about everything else.

The right wing can't win elections on what they actually stand for, so they like their stealth candidates, whether it's "compassionate conservative" Bush or "maverick" McCain, and many voters will fall for it again.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Fragamemnon said:
because the GOP is all about authoritarian styled nationalism, whose propagandists gleefully comment on how much nicer it would be if we didn't have so many annoying dissenting elements around?

Wow. Now I know why I don't come around here very often.


minus_273 said:
dude, JFK fought in WWII. Obama/biden is the ticket with no military experience in about 70 years
what are we? Rome now that military service is required for any leadership position?


Smiles and Cries said:
only Obama could get a backlash from Columns :lol

Every attacking point targeted at Obama seems to be outside of who the man is... Seriously how stupid is it to reach a point where Columns on a stage design makes the deference on who to vote for?

A lot of voters are morons who eat that shit up. The Republicans called the Democrats unpatriotic because of the design of their set at the 1988 convention, for fuck's sake.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Azrael said:
I think the McSame argument, while true, is going to be a tough sell with voters. .

It will be a tough sell because most voters are just now paying attention so they have no clue about McCain tacking to the right during the primary. McCain has a pretty well defined persona as "maverick", and it will be tough to shake even with Obama ads. I think the more effective line of attack is just calling McCain himself clueless about the economy, etc.
Azrael said:
I think the McSame argument, while true, is going to be a tough sell with voters. The Republicans are going to hammer the idea that McCain is a maverick at their convention, and look at all the nice things Democrats were saying about him a few years ago. The John McCain of 2008 is not the John McCain of 2003, but the media will give him a free pass on it like they have just about everything else.
Then I guess they're really going to have their work cut out for them to make it stick. This is one of the things that the Obama campaign has to do. There are two things that one must do when running on a campaign platform of change:

1. Explain what change your selling, and why your opponent is incapable of carrying out that change. Linking McCain to Bush is one of their better plans of attack in doing so, and has some potential. Yes, there are things that McCain can do to mitigate any perceived likeness to the previous, unpopular president, but there's also plenty of ammo to go after him with it. Polls show that the attack lacks efficacy right now? Well, either keep trying, or try the same thing from a different angle.

2. Explain how you can bring about this change. When you're opponent is gaining ground painting you as a flash in the pan orator with no substance, it's your job to reassure voters that these accusations are untrue. There's no one way to accomplish this, but the fact remains that it's going to take more than short soundbites and one or two ads to get people to take a harder look at McCain again when they're too busy taking a hard look at Obama.


Oh my god, who gives a shit what the DNC and RNC stages look like? Christ, can we find another waste of time? Can we go back to proclaiming the election lost and the american public stupid based on yesterday's gallup poll?


Azrael said:
I think the McSame argument, while true, is going to be a tough sell with voters. The Republicans are going to hammer the idea that McCain is a maverick at their convention, and look at all the nice things Democrats were saying about him a few years ago. The John McCain of 2008 is not the John McCain of 2003, but the media will give him a free pass on it like they have just about everything else.

The right wing can't win elections on what they actually stand for, so they like their stealth candidates, whether it's "compassionate conservative" Bush or "maverick" McCain, and many voters will fall for it again.
The dems have the 100 years war quote to work with. Didn't McCain say something like he doesn't know much about the economy? They can use that. The atacks won't work if the Dems aren't consistent with it. It's like they attack McCain a little here, a little there, but never consistently 'paint him.'
schuelma said:
Wow. Now I know why I don't come around here very often.

just calling a spade a spade. The GOP loves its paternalism and authoritarian streak and calling people unamerican, dunno how you can deny that if you've followed politics for the last 20 years.

There was a point where they were going to get SUPER PRINCIPLED in the mid 1990s but (among other things) newt couldn't help but bang more than just the gavel and that whole movement totally fell apart.

Quick, someone photoshop the hammer and sickle everywhere at the DNC site.

Yeah right, if you mentioned "purges" to the average DNC member they wouldn't do more than write dairy on dailykos talking about changes to voter registration rolls. weak!


Fragamemnon said:
Yeah right, if you mentioned "purges" to the average DNC member they wouldn't do more than write dairy on dailykos talking about changes to voter registration rolls. weak!

It's a fair comparison to the degree that yours is.


TDG said:
Oh my god, who gives a shit what the DNC and RNC stages look like? Christ, can we find another waste of time? Can we go back to proclaiming the election lost and the american public stupid based on yesterday's gallup poll?
Yeah, it's pretty telling that the level of discourse in America has reached record lows, when a critical issue is whether or not there will be painted plyboard that look like columns behind Obama. I mean, who cares about healthcare, who cares about the war in Iraq, and who cares about global warming when OBAMER"S a muslim antichrist spieling evil behind Greek columns!


minus_273 said:
Obama/biden is the ticket with no military experience in about 70 years

Cheney got a deferment, and Bush's "military experience" amounted to getting into the National Guard with help from daddy to avoid the draft, then going AWOL


Odrion said:
please don't get serious about republicans being fascists based on a photoshop of their convention

No, I don't think anyone is making that argument. I will subscribe to this though:

just calling a spade a spade. The GOP loves its paternalism and authoritarian streak and calling people unamerican, dunno how you can deny that if you've followed politics for the last 20 years.

*shrug* This doesn't cover all Republicans of course but just most of the ones I see on my TV.


Jon Stewart had a classic line last night.

"Of course they have to prove their patriotism, they're democrats. We all know Republicans love their country, they just hate half the people in it."


quadriplegicjon said:
im thinking of printing a shit ton of these and posting them around town.. anyone else in? i think this list can be very effective.
definitely think so, a lot of goons are going out registering domains like "WILLOBAMARAISEMYTAXES.COM" and "MCCAINTAXCUTS.COM" and putting stuff like this up.
Didn't know Obama supports drilling in the Bakkan Formation:

Massive Oil Deposit Could Increase US reserves by 10x

America is sitting on top of a super massive 200 billion barrel Oil Field that could potentially make America Energy Independent and until now has largely gone unnoticed. Thanks to new technology the Bakken Formation in North Dakota could boost America’s Oil reserves by an incredible 10 times, giving western economies the trump card against OPEC’s short squeeze on oil supply and making Iranian and Venezuelan threats of disrupted supply irrelevant.

What's your guys opinion on the Bakkan Formation?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I am loving MSNBC's coverage. I've never laughed so hard watching political "analysts." After Michelle and Hillary's speech Olberman was so happy and anxious to make the democrats case it was pure comedy.

I think one time he called Hillary's speech as perfect as she could have done followed by a if this doesn't unite the party I don't know what will. Watching Matthews and Olberman you would think they were delegates themselves. NBC must know how obvious it is that their on air personalities desperately want Obama to win and are cool with it. They have now over taking Fox as the #1 cheerleaders for a particular side IMO.


Cooter said:
I am loving MSNBC's coverage. I've never laughed so hard watching political "analysts." After Michelle and Hillary's speech Olberman was so happy and anxious to make the democrats case it was pure comedy.

I think one time he called Hillary's speech as perfect as she could have done followed by a if this doesn't unite the party I don't know what will. Watching Matthews and Olberman you would think they were delegates themselves. NBC must know how obvious it is that their on air personalities desperately want Obama to win and are cool with it. They have now over taking Fox as the #1 cheerleaders for a particular side IMO.

Liberul media!


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quadriplegicjon said:
im thinking of printing a shit ton of these and posting them around town.. anyone else in? i think this list can be very effective.
I'm considering ninja taping this up in the men's room stall at my office.

Give the fool something to think about as they pewp.


Cooter said:
I am loving MSNBC's coverage. I've never laughed so hard watching political "analysts." After Michelle and Hillary's speech Olberman was so happy and anxious to make the democrats case it was pure comedy.

I think one time he called Hillary's speech as perfect as she could have done followed by a if this doesn't unite the party I don't know what will. Watching Matthews and Olberman you would think they were delegates themselves. NBC must know how obvious it is that their on air personalities desperately want Obama to win and are cool with it. They have now over taking Fox as the #1 cheerleaders for a particular side IMO.
I don't mind one bit, at least these cheerleaders aren't fear mongering that colored people will doom our society.

Keith is as overly theatrical as a liberal can get but that's the charm.
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