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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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Gaborn said:
Or... perhaps it's simply rational to seek to be better and someone else being slightly worse off is simply a byproduct? I've never quite understood the desire to make "selfishness" a synonym for "self interest" the two are inherently different. (selfishness implies appropriation of an excess of an evenly divided resource, self interest implies protecting what is yours and hoping that your material situation improves)
I see what you are saying.

painey said:
Not really anything I can do but take the good from the bad, especially as am not able to influence the election even by voting. I do fear for petrol prices under a McCain presidency though, I can only see huge price hikes under him.
But don't make it a reason for you to want McCain to win.
PHOTOS: Joe Biden DNC walkthrough






Biden better rip McCain a new a-hole. So far, the past 2 nights have been a wasted opportunity, except for Michelle who was genuinely moving.


Deus Ex Machina said:
MSNBC: Condoleezza Rice being vetted for McCain VP.. To go head to head against Biden.

My money's on Biden.

Is this like when Powell was being pushed as Veep? Starting vetting on someone 2 days before you pick a VP means it's just a smokescreen.:lol


siamesedreamer said:
Like I said, I fear for my country...

How about you go hide behind your couch now?
"Piece dividend?" "Bushs'?" One of the fundamental rules of posting is that you don't call out someone on their spelling unless you're sure you haven't made any errors yourself.

And you can never be sure. Muphry's Law.


Tamanon said:
Is this like when Powell was being pushed as Veep? Starting vetting on someone 2 days before you pick a VP means it's just a smokescreen.:lol

I 75% agree with you, and I don't think it'll be Rice, BUT I will say the Republicans probably have a lot of vetting info on her already from her time as national security advisor ans well as Sec of State which may reduce the need for some of the background.


BotoxAgent said:
Biden better rip McCain a new a-hole. So far, the past 2 nights have been a wasted opportunity, except for Michelle who was genuinely moving.

I think Hillary did a fine job last night.


BotoxAgent said:
Biden better rip McCain a new a-hole. So far, the past 2 nights have been a wasted opportunity, except for Michelle who was genuinely moving.
I think Bill and Joe ripping McCain a new one is a pretty safe assumption.

And the past 2 nights have not been wasted, IMO. The first night was only wasted in terms of attacking McCain, but several speakers yesterday went after McCain, including Hilldawg in her excellent speech, which will likely do a lot to help unite the party.
Tamanon said:

I didn't realize that there was video of McCain saying that regular Americans can't pick lettuce for $50/hour.
Holy crap is he out of touch. Yeah, that would be a crappy job. But there are zillions of Americans doing jobs just as bad for $15 per hour. He is really out of touch.

Someone needs to edit that one with the $5 million to be rich and don't know how many houses I own for a commercial.
Tamanon said:
Is this like when Powell was being pushed as Veep? Starting vetting on someone 2 days before you pick a VP means it's just a smokescreen.:lol


1. She's pro-choice
2. Choosing your VP from Bush's cabinet makes little sense
3. I doubt she'd do anything to get in the way of Obama winning


Yeah, plus you can't really divorce yourself from the blunders of the past 8 years in foreign policy and then tether yourself to Condi.


Rice? Oh that'd be so awesome, even better than Romney. I'd love to watch white racist america explode. But honestly, no way it's Rice.
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Hopefully it's Rice. Then Biden can rip a new one on her for ignoring the warning sheet that OBL was going to attack the U.S..

McCain: For Vice-President, I pick the person that was National Security Advisor during the worst breach of National Security in our nation's history . . . the secretary of state that watched Israel slog through a war and did little to stop it, the secretary of state who didn't cut short her vacation when Russia invaded Georgia, and a person who's name has graced an Exxon oil-tanker . . . Condi Rice!

Yes, she is a black woman. Yes, she is smart and talented but her area of expertise (Soviet specialist) is relatively useless these days and she's presided over lots of disasters.


On Condi Rice: I think her reputation has improved some since the departure of Rumsfeld and with the improvement in the Iraq war, but i think she's too closely tied to the bush administration. As a black woman, she's a pretty bold choice, but she carries a lot of baggage. It would be a good pick, and it might generate a lot of strong media buzz, but it may bite them in the ass too.

I'm sure the bush administration vetted her to death.. She has every conceivable kind of security clearance, they probably have her whole life mapped out down to the hour.

edit// Romney and Pawlenty are both ridiculous picks. They would be terrible choices that wouldn't help him in any way. Every other choice is much more likley IMO.


Karma Kramer said:
Rice would be a very smart pick in my opinion. I hope McCain doesn't pick her.

But no one likes her. And it's an obvious pander. The only redeeming factor is that it would make life tough for racists.
speculawyer said:
McCain: For Vice-President, I pick the person that was National Security Advisor during the worst breach of National Security in our nation's history . . . the secretary of state that watched Israel slog through a war and did little to stop it, the secretary of state who didn't cut short her vacation when Russia invaded Georgia, and a person who's name has graced an Exxon oil-tanker . . . Condi Rice!

Yes, she is a black woman. Yes, she is smart and talented but her area of expertise (Soviet specialist) is relatively useless these days and she's presided over lots of disasters.

Don't forget that she's clean and articulate!
TDG said:
I think Bill and Joe ripping McCain a new one is a pretty safe assumption.

And the past 2 nights have not been wasted, IMO. The first night was only wasted in terms of attacking McCain, but several speakers yesterday went after McCain, including Hilldawg in her excellent speech, which will likely do a lot to help unite the party.

All the gaffes and dangerous rhetoric and contradictions McCain has been touting around during the campaign haven't been hammered enough. They need to hammer that McCain will not only be the same as Bush, but worse and dangerous for the country. I think Hillary should have been more specific how McCain is really a bad choice for women's rights.

I'm just nervous because who knows what other forms of vile rhetoric that will spew out of the Republican's mouths next week. Dems only have another 2 days to make their case...then McCain will be stealing the news cycle with his VP pick and then followed by their convention.


if McCain picks Rice, then the Obama campaign can kind of have a Hillary ad-like moment. "John McCain chose Condi Rice as his veep... but did you know that on [date] she told [AP or whoever] that the U.S. would be 'fine' if Barack Obama was elected?"
I think she would be smart because she represents Bush's foreign policy (not economics) and she picks up the women vote. She continues the narrative of keeping America safe and she solidifies McCain's experience (8 years on the job).


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Clevinger said:

Next, there is Obama's declaration that "we are the ones we've been waiting for." The point, which he has made many times, is that voters should take responsibility themselves for enacting change, and thus that his supporters should not treat him as a savior. Obama-as-cult-leader screeds insist upon reading the meaning as the exact reverse. Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote, "in the words of his own slogan, 'we are the ones we've been waiting for,' which, translating the royal 'we,' means: 'I am the one we've been waiting for.'" As a pundit, I'm intrigued by this technique of taking a word out of your subject's statement and substituting its opposite. Did you know that McCain's slogan, "Country first," could be translated via the Krauthammer method into "Country last"? Why does John McCain hate America?

Incredible! :lol


Karma Kramer said:
I think she would be smart because she represents Bush's foreign policy (not economics) and she picks up the women vote. She continues the narrative of experience and she solidifies McCain's experience (8 years on the job).

I think anyone that vested within the inner circle of Bush will be a certain death knell.


Also, Condi is REALLY intertwined with the oil industry. Remember, not much is really discussed about that because she's not an elected official


Rice said "If you go back to 2000 when I helped the president in the campaign. I said that I was, in effect, kind of libertarian on this issue. And meaning by that, that I have been concerned about a government role in this issue. I am a strong proponent of parental choice -of parental notification. I am a strong proponent of a ban on late-term abortion. These are all things that I think unite people and I think that that's where we should be. I've called myself at times mildly pro-choice."[170] She would not want the federal government "forcing its views on one side or the other."[171]

One would think that wouldn't fly over well in the GOP.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Any voters that the McCain camp picks-up from fringe female voters would be off-set by the mass exodus of pure-red voters that would not support a pro-choice candidate, and especially not a black female pro-choice candidate that symbolizes one of the biggest foreign policy failures in the US's history.
PhoenixDark said:
A black female who's also pro-choice would be a good VP choice for the republican ticket? No way, no how

But for independents and Hillary supporters that won't switch to Obama...You're right she probably is too much for the VP pick, BUT a formal endorsement might create some smoke.
reilo said:
Any voters that the McCain camp picks-up from fringe female voters would be off-set by the mass exodus of pure-red voters that would not support a pro-choice candidate, and especially not a black female pro-choice candidate that symbolizes one of the biggest foreign policy failures in the US's history.

I am not sure... red states will be red states... typically. The battle is going to be fought by winning over the independents and Rice, I think would help in this area.

She isn't an amazing choice, but the best on the table.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Amir0x said:
Ok, back from work. What happened today?

Siamesedreamer keeps making himself look like, you know, siamesedreamer.

Karma Kramer said:
I am not sure... red states will be red states... typically. The battle is going to be fought by winning over the independents and Rice, I think would help in this area.

She isn't an amazing choice, but the best on the table.

What about the republicans in blue states? A Rice VP would hand Obama Ohio.
ToyMachine228 said:
But for independents and Hillary supporters that won't switch to Obama...You're right she probably is too much for the VP pick, BUT a formal endorsement might create some smoke.

I would be shocked if Rice inserts herself into the race in any way. I just don't see her trying to undercutting Obama's progress in any way
email i received said:
This has been a convention of extraordinary moments. Ted Kennedy passing the torch to a new generation. Michelle Obama moving the crowd to tears. And tonight, Joe Biden will give the biggest speech of his life.

Millions of Americans are watching and counting on us to win this election and deliver real change.

They're not just counting on Barack and Joe -- they are counting on you. Hillary couldn't have said it better: "None of us can afford to sit on the sidelines."

This is our one shot, so let's roll up our sleeves -- or risk another four or eight years of the same disastrous Bush-McCain policies.

Sign up right now for events happening this week in your community.

Tomorrow, Barack will accept the Democratic nomination, and supporters all across the country are getting together to be a part of this historic moment.

Then, this weekend, we'll kick off the biggest voter registration and mobilization drive in the history of politics.

Attend a Convention Watch Party this Thursday evening, and find a Weekend of Action event near you -- or host one yourself:


If this convention has shown us anything, it's how much energy and enthusiasm is out there -- and how much passion for change.

Voters in all 50 states are realizing what's at stake. And they're hearing Barack's message of change in every corner of the country.

Let's seize this incredible opportunity and work together to get out the vote like never before.

Attend a Convention Watch Party and host or sign up for a Weekend of Action event near you.

Supporters like you have brought us this far, but there's still a lot work to be done.

At this crucial time in our campaign, it's never been more important to get involved.



Jon Carson
National Field Director
Obama for America

The voter registration drive HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET? And it seems that Biden will go balls out against McCain tonight.
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