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PoliGAF General Election Thread of Conventions (Sarah Palin McCain VP Pick)

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VistraNorrez said:
Here's a link to some great quotes from last night: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/8/27/111553/611/833/571732

I like this one...

You know, it was once said of the first George Bush that he was born on third base and thought he'd hit a triple. Well, with the 22 million new jobs and the budget surplus Bill Clinton left behind, George W. Bush came into office on third base -- and then he stole second. And John McCain cheered him every step of the way.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:
I would be shocked if Rice inserts herself into the race in any way. I just don't see her trying to undercutting Obama's progress in any way

Plus, it's McCain saying: "Instead of having the first black president, how about we set you back a few dozen years and give you the first black VICE-president?! It's progress!"
PhoenixDark said:
I would be shocked if Rice inserts herself into the race in any way.

I agree. From what she's said in the past, she's not interested in moving up at all. Didn't she say her dream job was as NFL Commissioner?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
siamesedreamer said:
Clinton would've erased the deficits.

The McCain/Bush plan can't spell.

True/False: If each year you make a big profit, eventually you will pay off your start-up costs.


reilo said:
True/False: If each year you make a big profit, eventually you will pay off your start-up costs.

Only if you can stay in business long enough, however a majority of businesses fail. Of course, if you make more than 8.5% profit you're going to be subject to a windfall profits tax....


This idea that pro life repubs would bail at a pro choice VP pick might be overblown.

It wasn't that long ago that Rudy Giuliani was polling ahead of everybody in the Republican primary's. Romney, despite his former pro choice stance was able to run a close race. A lot of pro lifers aren't single issue voters, and even with the ones that are, McCain himself is reliably pro life.

I think that the Limbaugh contingent are overstating things. Picking a former democrat like Lieberman might cause a huge mess, but picking a pro choice republican wouldn't be nearly as disruptive.


ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors

Asa Eslocker Was Investigating the Role of Lobbyists and Top Donors at the Convention.

DENVER--Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel.

Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown's Palace Hotel.

Police on the scene refused to tell ABC lawyers the charges against the producer, Asa Eslocker, who works with the ABC News investigative unit.


testicles on a cold fall morning
siamesedreamer said:
The McCain/Bush plan can't spell.

my opinion on Rice - she's been an effective Secretary of State that was able to lead Bush away from Cheney and his staff (moreso than Powell ever could). don't agree with her 100% (see her latest foreign affairs piece), but she's brought back a bit of pragmatism to our foreign policy.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
laserbeam said:

Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown's Palace Hotel.

Police on the scene refused to tell ABC lawyers the charges against the producer, Asa Eslocker, who works with the ABC News investigative unit.

That is straight up fucked up.

I love how the police thing that you are doing something wrong when you're taking pictures in public. I used to be a reporter, I faced this all the time - bullshit cops that don't know the law and interpret everything you're doing through a negative filter.

I never got arrested, but I sure as hell came close on a few occasions.

Sidewalks are public!
Krowley said:
This idea that pro life repubs would bail at a pro choice VP pick might be overblown.

It wasn't that long ago that Rudy Giuliani was polling ahead of everybody in the Republican primary's. Romney, despite his former pro choice stance was able to run a close race. A lot of pro lifers aren't single issue voters, and even with the ones that are, McCain himself is reliably pro life.

I think that the Limbaugh contingent are overstating things. Picking a former democrat like Lieberman might cause a huge mess, but picking a pro choice republican wouldn't be nearly as disruptive.

Yeah I agree somewhat... though there are sound bites of McCain not too long again saying he is supportive of abortion... so one ad focusing on his flip-flops... will bring the evangelical vote to its knees imo.
Deus Ex Machina said:
PHOTOS: Joe Biden DNC walkthrough







Quit posting your stoopit little pics...
reilo said:
I'm calling BS on that NM poll.

Definitely. The Nevada one looks suspect as well. I could see Obama winning the state by that margin, but if that happens it'll be due to the huge registration drive that's occurring right now - thus not being included in current polls


Master of the Google Search
kkaabboomm said:
i think the colorado and new mexico polls are a bit off, maybe make them both 50-45?
You can't do that. It's a poll.

PhoenixDark said:
Definitely. The Nevada one looks suspect as well. I could see Obama winning the state by that margin, but if that happens it'll be due to the huge registration drive that's occurring right now - thus not being included in current polls
A poll can't be wrong just because it disagrees with your preconcieved notations. (Of course a single poll doesn't prove anything either)


laserbeam said:
ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors

Asa Eslocker Was Investigating the Role of Lobbyists and Top Donors at the Convention.

DENVER--Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel.

Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown's Palace Hotel.

Police on the scene refused to tell ABC lawyers the charges against the producer, Asa Eslocker, who works with the ABC News investigative unit.

Strange this sounds like something a republican would do. Boo on the Democrats if true.


kkaabboomm said:
i think the colorado and new mexico polls are a bit off, maybe make them both 50-45?

Colorado in recent polls has been trending in this fashion. on the 24th one poll in Colorado had McCain +1 and another Obama +3. New Mexico on the other hand had McCain +4. Nevada was +7 for McCain too so numbers seem very questionable


When the field of candidates was expanded beyond the major parties, it's clear that Ralph Nader could again have a significant impact on the Presidential race—though in highly unpredictable ways. In Nevada, Nader was the choice of 6% of respondents, and his presence flattened Obama's lead into a 41%-41% tie. Yet in New Mexico, where Nader polled at 8%, he drew votes almost equally from both major candidates, while in Pennsylvania he siphoned off significant support from McCain; a three-way race there would give Obama 47%, McCain 38% and Nader 7%.
6-8% is amazingly high at this stage


Clevinger said:

If anything, Republicans have created a messianic narrative around McCain as "He was tortured for five years by the Communists. All He had to do was denounce America to make it stop. But He never did," blah, blah, blah. Which ascribes to McCain superhuman qualities, because anyone talks if they're tortured enough. And McCain did.


Of course, if you point out the truth that the Republican narrative is a lie, you will be denounced by them and the corporate media as attacking McCain's service to our country and being unpatriotic. Which isn't the case - no one condemns McCain for doing what he did in captivity, just the act of building a mythology around it and using it as a reason to elect him president.
reilo said:
Next, there is Obama's declaration that "we are the ones we've been waiting for." The point, which he has made many times, is that voters should take responsibility themselves for enacting change, and thus that his supporters should not treat him as a savior. Obama-as-cult-leader screeds insist upon reading the meaning as the exact reverse. Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote, "in the words of his own slogan, 'we are the ones we've been waiting for,' which, translating the royal 'we,' means: 'I am the one we've been waiting for.'" As a pundit, I'm intrigued by this technique of taking a word out of your subject's statement and substituting its opposite. Did you know that McCain's slogan, "Country first," could be translated via the Krauthammer method into "Country last"? Why does John McCain hate America?
Incredible! :lol
Apparently no one understands the origin of this statement. It's a Hopi proverb, Hopi being a tribe of Native Americans.
Drudge (more numbers coming later today)


NBC 5,970,000
CNN 4,802,000
ABC 4,760,000
CBS 3,820,000
FOXNEWS 3,499,000
MSNBC 2,574,000
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